Small. This "porcelain" variety produces extremely hardy garlic seed. Broad leaves and tightly curling double looped scapes. New York State Varieties of Garlic • New York White, a soft‐neck variety also known as Polish White or Artichoke. These are all the same garlic but grown in different places under different names. Great for roasting. This porcelain strain has been grown in Iowa for some time but appears to be the same variety as the German White (aka German Stiffneck or German Extra Hardy) that is a popular standard with Northeast growers. It is cold hardy and is subject to few pests. They don't form scapes and generally contain several small cloves per bulb. White outer skin, red-brown inner skins. Excellent keeper and easy to peel. It is widely grown and known for its hardiness in very cold winter climates. If you are used to having even a reasonable success with onions then you should have no problems at all with growing garlic as their cultivation needs are almost identical. The spores can live in the soil for many years. The bulbs sport an outer white skin, with garlic seed cloves that have a reddish tint on the inside wrappers. Rocambole garlic . Stores up • German Extra Hardy, a hard‐neck variety similar to German White. Porcelain Hardneck . be sure to see and order our high mountain garlic at our new website heritage gourmet garlic click here . Much like the shallots, I’ve chosen a spot that has not been used to plant onions or leeks before and hasn’t been manured for at least two years. Big bulbs typically yield four huge cloves, range is 3 – 5. Stores well. growing only the best most natural food (406) 291-1262. welcome! They need very little after care. German White – Also known as German Extra-Hardy, Northern White and German Stiffneck, depending on location, is a large robust Porcelain garlic. Space the bulbs 5 inches apart and plant each one 4 inches deep. Garlic has white wrappers with a slight pinkish-red tinge over flattened bulbs that are 2" and larger in diameter. Excellent storage. Expect an average of 30 cloves per lb. German White Garlic (also known as German Extra-Hardy.) I have read that this along with German White, German Stiffneck and Northern White are the actually same Variety. In colder climates the clove wrapper color will be a deeper red. German Extra Hardy, is also known as German White, Northern White and German Stiffneck is a large, beautiful and well-formed porcelain garlic. The Growing Process Photo Gallery Garlic Fun Facts and Links Store Contact Us Welcome to the Sweden Center Garlic Farm Home of the Largest and Best Looking German White Garlic East of the Mississippi! Feed February to April with standard plant food. Whether you buy garlic in the shops or grow it yourself, garlic seems to last forever. In cold areas, you may need to cover plants with cloches over winter. Here are the varieties and descriptions of the seed garlic we grow and sell. A gourmet garlic. The basics: Plant your garlic in an area which will receive maximum sunlight hours. Space them about 18cm apart and plant at twice their own depth. A 2013 trial in Rhode Island evaluated a different list of garlic varieties, of which ‘Chesnock Red’ was the top hardneck, with ‘Oregon Blue’ heading the list of softnecks. The German White is a certified, great hardneck storage garlic! The easy-to-peel cloves have a vigorous flavor and the large clove size makes it a choice variety for baking. It is definitely a crop worth growing yourself because the absolutely best garlic you can get is that lifted fresh from the ground – known as wet garlic. A strong bright white late porcelain with a bit of heat but not to hot with a strong robust flavor. Mid May – mid August depending on variety and location. Each clove is loosely covered by an easy-to-peel whitish-tan skin with purple striping. Place the cloves 3 – 4cm below the surface, root down (pointy end up) 6 inches apart. German White Extra Hardy Garlic is called, “the chef’s garlic” by garlic connoisseurs. German White Garlic Seed Originally from Italy and transferred to Germany. I harvest my German White Hardneck Garlic. Water your garlic during dry periods, stopping watering completely during the last few weeks. German White Garlic (also known as German Extra-Hardy.) It is a great variety for dishes that call for strong garlic flavor. German Red garlic has a strong full-bodied flavor. By Amy Grant. For information about how to grow German White garlic, click this article. Very vigorous growing seed producing large bulbs with pure white bulb-wrappers. ‘German White’ is easy to grow and great for beginners. It's similar to Silver White, or Silverskin. sativum) are the best ones to grow if you live in a milder climate. Most bulbs have more cloves than our standard German White Stiffneck. Bulbs often contain 7 large fat cloves. Perfect for production pesto making or avid garlic fans. TOPPING STIFFNECK GARLIC: Stiffneck garlic will form flower stalks, called garlic scapes. This porcelain strain has been grown in Iowa for some time but appears to be the same variety as the German White (aka German Stiffneck or German Extra Hardy) that is a popular standard with Northeast growers. See for yourself! May be the same as German Stiffneck and/or German Extra Hardy. Some examples of softneck garlic that grow well in New Jersey are Artichoke cultivars Inchellium Red and Lorz Italian and Silverskin cultivars French Red and Rose Du Var. Softneck varieties tend to store better than hardneck, so if you are looking for long-term storage, this type is the one to choose. Harvesting Garlic. It produces tight dense bulbs covered in beautiful white papery skin. German White garlic produces large bulbs, about 9 centimeters in diameter, with 4 to 6 large cloves wrapped around a hard, central stalk. ‘Music’ and ‘Polish Softneck’ also have done well in trials in chillier Michigan, along with ‘German White’, which tastes spicier than ‘Music’ and produces large bulbs. Garlic needs a long growing season to do well, so autumn through to midwinter is the perfect time to plant. White garlic is beautiful to look at, simple and strong in taste. home; contact us; about us; map; online store; price list; testimonials; danger of gmo's. German White A popular type, German White, with its large white bulbs, used to be the most commonly seen variety at garlic festivals and farm stands. Top the plants by cutting the scape from the plant when the scape begins to curl; topping encourages the plant to focus energy on growing the bulb rather than the scape. This garlic does well in any climate! Garlic is simple to grow and you’ll get plenty of fat, juicy garlic bulbs, if you grow in a sunny site. It is a good producer and stores up to 10 months at cool room temperature. The wrappers have a touch of purple to them while the bulbs are a nice cream color, with each bulb having about 4-7 large cloves that peel easily. The cloves peel easily, and store well into February and longer. Plant German Red garlic bulbs late in the fall, right when the first frosts are about to arrive. These varieties have relatively mild flavor but keep well in storage. It is a good producer and stores up to 10 months at cool room temperature. German White/German Extra Hardy (Hardneck, Porcelain) Popular, easy to grow, large, all purpose, strong flavored garlic Since all cloves are large, your harvest should result in … Its flavor is very strong and robust and sticks around for a long time. Porcelain Hardneck . We ship bulbs that measure a minimum of 2" in diameter. Don’t be tempted to plant garlic cloves from the supermarket though, buy from a garden centre or mail order supplier. German White Porcelain Variety (Hardneck) SOLD OUT! (FREE SHIPPING) Solent garlic is known for retaining its flavour particularly well when cooked and is very sought after in the restaurant industry. Consistently the largest Porcelain Garlic that I grow. Uniform in appearance and flavor. Garlic : German Porcelain (Northern White) Easy-to-peel cloves have a vigorous flavor and are choice for baking. Large white bulbs with just a hint of purple containing 4-6 large and easy to peel cloves. In mild parts of the country, garlic cloves planted at this time will develop roots and shoots before the heavy frosts. The white skin on the German White has delicate purple stripes. Take care not to damage the cloves when separating them. Purple-streaked, loose skinned, a big-flavoured garlic that doesn't keep long. Hardy and productive plants that average 4 to 6 very large cloves. ‘German White’ is a hardneck Porcelain garlic that is extremely pungent when eaten raw but mellows when cooked. Growing: We've been growing German Red since 2009 and find it very dependable as a Rocambole. The fungus affects the base of the leaves and roots. It is a Porcelain variety of garlic that grows fairly painlessly here in zone 6A. The largest rocambole we offer; the bulbs can reach half the size of Elephant Garlic. Cloves are fat and hard. We LOVE garlic! Storing: Gather the garlic in bunches of 6 bulbs, and hang to dry in a conservatory or glass house. Harvest when the lower leaves start to yellow and fold. Total Weight This popular Porcelain Hardneck Garlic has a robust flavor. Just nip off the flower bud if one appears and keep the area weed-free until the foliage turns yellow in mid summer. These were only fertilized lightly, and the soil wasn't conditioned well beforehand, but the positive is that it will be easy to squeeze in 2, or maybe even 3 seasons for the garlic growth. Some examples of hardneck garlic that grow well in our area are Rocambole cultivars Killarney Red and Spanish Roja, Purple Stripe cultivars Chesnock Red and Metechi, and Porcelain cultivars Music and German White. Avoid "wet-feet" and choose a sunny spot to plant; consider a raised bed if you have heavy clay soil. They mature more quickly than hardneck varieties. That depends upon your palate, the length of time you want to be able to store it, and what you want to use it for. German White garlic is a large, porcelain type garlic bulb that contains 4-5 large easy-to-peel cloves. Garlic is a must have for the garden. Most bulbs have more cloves than our standard German White Stiffneck. Despite its reputation as hardy and somewhat disease resistant, I’ve struggled to keep it going year after year, with many of the planted cloves failing to survive the winter or rotting. It is cold hardy and is subject to few pests. They grow fairly large and have an excellent strong flavor that becomes sweet and mild when cooked. Bulbs often contain 7 large fat cloves. The bulbs produce long, white easy to plait stems for a beautiful display in the kitchen. Very vigorous growing seed producing large bulbs with pure white bulb-wrappers. Garlic is frequently used in Mediterranean and Asian cooking, so it’s hardly surprising it's become popular to grow at home. Not much can be done to control or prevent that problem except rotating your crops and cleaning up the area after harvesting. To plant garlic, split the bulbs into individual cloves and plant them with the pointed end upwards. What Is Polish Red Garlic – Polish Red Garlic Plant Growing Guide. OG German White is a certified organic very sturdy porcelain type of hardneck garlic that generally produces 6-8 cloves situated around the central stem. 6 Bulbs - 8 oz. This variety is one of the best garlics in taste without all the spiciness. The bulb is covered in bright, ivory white papery skins. The question is which type of garlic to grow? 8 Bulbs - 8 oz. The scapes are hard, long, curled stalks that appear 1 - 2 months after the first leaves. German Red Garlic A popular rocambole that was one of the first hardnecked varieties to become widely popular. Wait for the scape to do a tightly curled double loop before removing, or you may want to just leave it on. All I know is that it grows slightly different than my German Porcelain in that it will send up Scapes and harvest about a week later. Softneck garlic varieties (Allium sativum var. White Rot is a fungus that may attack garlic in cool weather. Romanian Red - Porcelain variety. This extra protection will encourage root growth, so plants are ready to grow next spring. Or, dry in store trays. Total Weight This popular Porcelain Hardneck Garlic has a robust flavor.