CONSERVATION: The Hawaiian coot is endangered due to habitat loss and the mongoose, which eat their eggs and chicks. Available online at <. This dark, slate gray bird with white bill and forehead shield spends more of its time in open water areas compared to its more secretive relative the Hawaiian Moorhen, or `alae `ula. Chicks have black down, except on the head, neck and throat, where the down is reddish-orange. The Makalawena Marsh on the Big Island of Hawaiʻi has been listed as a National Natural Landmark to preserve one of its last nesting areas.[6]. It is similar to the American coot at 33–40.6 cm (13.0–16.0 in) in length and weighing around 700 g (1.5 lb). The Hawaiian Coot is considered vulnerable by the IUCN. Schwartz. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service's 5-year review, conducted in 2010, found that none of the four criteria established for delisting or downlisting of the species had been meet. Estimates on Kauai since the year before the species' listing in 1967 had declined from 2,942 individuals to 2,000 in 2002. USFWS Pacific Island Fish and Wildlife Office, Honolulu, HI, 11 pp. In heated battles, the adults will use their wings to balance them upright as they use their feet to fight off other ‘alae ke‘oke‘o – similar to kickboxing! United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Federally Listed as Endangered . It is also variously known as the Hawaiian common gallinule, Hawaiian moorhen, Hawaiian common moorhen, mudhen, or `alae `ula in Hawaiian, and sometimes misleadingly as the Hawaiian red coot. The Hawaiian coot was federally listed in October 1970 as an endangered species and is considered both endemic and endangered by the state of Hawaii. The Hawaiian Gallinule and Hawaiian Stilt are subspecies It is listed as ‘vulnerable’ by the IUCN. SUMMARY The Hawaiian duck, or koloa, has been endangered by hunting, nonnative predators, hybridization with domestic ducks, and habitat loss. CONSERVATION ACTIONS: The goals of conservation actions are not only to protect current populations and key breeding habitats, but also to establish additional populations, thereby reducing the risk of extinction. This draft recovery plan addresses 175 listed species occurring on the island of Kauai, Hawaii, 111 of which are endemic to Kauai. The frontal shield is usually white but can vary from bluish white to yellow to dark blood red. Photo: Michael Ang/MAFotoGrafix This 704-acre wetland refuge was established in 1992 to protect the endangered aeo (Hawaiian stilt) and alae keokeo (Hawaiian coot). Similar in appearance to American Coot, but the frontal shield above the bill is larger and more bulbous. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service's 5-year review, conducted in 2010, found that none of the four criteria established for delisting or downlisting of the species had been meet. Its natural habitats are freshwater lakes, freshwater marshes, coastal saline lagoons, and water storage areas. Hawaiian Duck (Koloa maoli) Latin name: Anas wyvilliana. It is threatened by habitat loss and introduced predators such as the small Asian mongoose. Schwartz, C.W. Other wetlands have been filled to construct hotels and other commercial and residential development. The coots breed during the months of April-September. Fuel and oil spills are the most important contaminant threat to Hawaiian waterbirds. It is a subspecies of the common gallinule that is endemic to the tropical Hawaiian Islands of the north-central Pacific Ocean. Recovery Plan for Hawaiian Waterbirds - USFWS 2011 . [8] The United States Fish and Wildlife Service's 5-year review, conducted in 2010, found that none of the four criteria established for delisting or downlisting of the species had been meet. Male and female coots look alike. Feral cats may utilize human resources or live completely independently and can be found in all types of habitat, including free-ranging in the mauka lands. Once a staple of Hawaiian agriculture, wet taro fields have nearly all been replaced by dry sugarcane fields. ‘Alae ke‘oke‘o are territorial during nesting and will defend their area from other coots. The first reference to a coot in the Hawaiian Islands was by Andrew Bloxam, who encountered the Hawaiian coot but failed to collect a specimen as he mistook it for the Eurasian coot, Fulica atra, while in the islands in 1825 as the naturalist on board HMS Blonde. 1970. Today, it’s also home to 18 other species of waterbirds year-round and at least a dozen migratory species during the winter. It is estimated that only about 1500 birds exist today. Unique … The State population has fluctuated between 2,000-4,000 birds with the O‘ahu population fluctuating between 500-1,000 birds. State Recognized as Endemic . The U.S. FWS's Threatened & Endangered Species System track information about listed species in the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, announce the availability of the Draft Kauai Islandwide Recovery Plan under the Endangered Species Act. endangered bird species including the Hawaiian Goose or Nēnē (Branta sandvicensis) (hereafter referred to as Nēnē), the Hawaiian endemic sub-species of the Black-necked Stilt ( Himantopus mexicanus knudseni ) (hereafter referred to as Hawaiian Stilt), Hawaiian Coot ( Fulica alai ), the NOTES: Coots are part of the Rail family, and are a type of ‘water hen’. Their calls include a variety of short, harsh croaks. It … Hawaii’s Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy. Conservation status: Endangered. It is grayish black in color and has a white bill and frontal shield. However, the name may be misleading: it is not part of the hen family, but the rail family. "The contribution of the voyage of H.M.S. NatureServe Heritage Rank G2 - Imperiled . [9] The delisting/downlisting criteria include protection and management of core and supporting wetlands, a population size greater than 2000 birds for five consecutive years, and multiple self-sustaining populations throughout the Hawaiian Islands. The Wastewater Treatment Plant for the property, mauka of Kamehameha Highway is also designated as a Supporting Habitat for these birds. Biannual surveys conducted by the Hawaiian Department of Land and Natural Resource's Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) found that between 1998 and 2003 the inter-island coot population averaged 2,100 birds, ranging between 1,500 and 3,000 birds. Mitchell, C., C. Ogura, D.W. Meadows, A. Kane, L. Strommer, S. Fretz, D. Leonard, and A. McClung. The U.S. FWS's Threatened & Endangered Species System track information about listed species in the United States [13] Recent surveys estimated winter populations fluctuating around 1,500 birds and a summer population fluctuating around 2,000 birds.[9]. Hawaiian Name: ʻAlae keʻokeʻo / ‘Alae kea Common Name: Hawaiian Coot Status: Endangered. The Hawaiian coot (Fulica alai), also known as the ʻalae kea in Hawaiian, is a bird in the rail family, Rallidae, that is endemic to Hawaiʻi. The Hawaiian coot was federally listed in October 1970 as an endangered species and is considered both endemic and endangered by the state of Hawaii. This led to the ‘alae ke‘oke‘o being listed as an endangered species in 1970. Department of Land and Natural Resources. Their calls include a variety of short, harsh croaks. Endangered due to mammalian predation and collision with man-made objects.Nests only in the highlands of the main Hawaiian Islands. [10], On Oahu, Maui, Molokai and Kaua’i, the Hawaiian coot was previously abundant in coastal brackish and fresh-water ponds, streams, and marshes;[11] however, the first censuses conducted in the 1950s and 1960s detected fewer than 1,000 birds statewide. Status: The Hawaiian Coot, Hawaiian Gallinule, and Hawaiian Stilt are all listed as endangered under the U.S. Encroaching non-native plants, such as California grass… Male and female coots look alike. Once hunted as a game bird, the Hawaiian Stilt is an endangered species. [2] In Hawaiian, ʻalae is a noun and means mud hen. The ‘alae ke‘oke‘o is dark slate gray with a white bill and a large frontal shield (patch on top of head). ‘Alae ke‘oke‘o builds floating nests in aquatic vegetation, in which 4-10 eggs are laid. It is now considered either to be a separate species, Fulica alai, or a subspecies of the American coot, Fulica americana alai. Hawaii’s picture-wing flies are a great example of evolution. United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Hawaiian coot or ‘alae ke’oke’o (Fulica alai) 5-Year Review Summary and Evaluation. There are 71 known taxa of birds endemic to the Hawaiian Islands, of which 30 are extinct, 6 possibly extinct and 30 of the remaining 48 species and subspecies are listed as endangered or threatened by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. [3] Kea or its synonym keo is an adjective for white. Endangered Species Act (ESA) and by the state of Hawaii. IUCN Red List Ranking - Vulnerable . Language Common name; Danish: Hawaiiblishøne: Dutch: Hawaiimeerkoet: English, Hawaii: ʻAlae keʻokeʻo - Hawaiian Coot: English, United States: Hawaiian Coot Adults defend their nests vigorously. SPECIES INFORMATION: The ‘alae ke‘ oke‘o or Hawaiian coot is a small waterbird (Family: Rallidae) endemic to Hawai‘i. It has black plumage and a prominent white frontal shield. Distinguished from Common Gallinule by white frontal shield, gray feet and legs, and lobed toes. United States Fish and Wildlife Service. With more than 20 listed endangered and threatened arthropods in Hawaii and the Pacific Islands, PIFWO, with its partners, works to conserve endangered and threatened arthropods and their habitats and ecosystems to help prevent further species extinction. They are able to run and swim soon after hatching but maintain contact with parents by frequent calling. The population of ‘alae ke‘oke‘o ranges between 1,500 and 3,000 individuals and live in all the main Hawaiian islands, except Kaho‘olawe. The Auk 69: 446-449. Honolulu, Hawai‘i. Conservation of Endangered Species and other Fish or Wildlife: United States List of Endangered Native Fish and Wildlife Federal Registry 35: 16047-16048. Occurs in wetlands, lakes, ponds, marshes, canals, and golf courses. Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge (HNWR) was established to protect habitat for the endangered Hawaiian common moorhen (Gallinula chloropus sandvicensis), Hawaiian coot (Fulica alai), Hawaiian duck or Koloa (Anas wyvilliana), and Hawaiian stilt (Himantopus mexicanus knudseni). Today only about 500 acres (202.3 hectares) of taro or other wetland crops remain on the islands. The evidence is disturbing. Seeds and leaves of aquatic plants, insects, tadpoles, and small fish, Fresh and brackish-water marshes and ponds. 2005. The bird was federally listed in October 1970 as an endangered species [5] and is considered both endemic and endangered by the state of Hawaii. Hawaiian Stilt in Kauai - The Hawaiian Stilt or Ae`o as it is known in the Hawaiian language is a long-legged shoreline bird closely related to the black-necked stilts found elsewhere. [12] Since the 1960s, the interannual population size has fluctuated from less than 1,000 birds to over 3,000, and appears to be gradually increasing. The ‘A‘o, along with the endangered Palila, ‘Alae Ke‘oke‘o (Hawaiian Coot), and ‘Ua‘u (Hawaiian Petrel), are attacked and eaten by cats. The ‘alae ke‘oke‘o is an endangered species endemic to the main Hawaiian Islands, except Kaho‘olawe. The delisting/downlisting criteria include protection and management of core and supporting wetlands, a population size greater than 2000 birds for five consecutive years, and multi… In Hawaiian legend, these birds were thought to have brought fire from the gods to the Hawaiian people. Shield may be white or dark reddish-brown. Conservation of Endangered Species and other Fish or Wildlife: United States List of Endangered Native Fish and Wildlife. The Hawaiian coot, known as `alae ke`oke`o, is another of the endangered waterbird species that lives at Hanalei and Hule`ia National Wildlife Refuges. 2010. Arthropods. [1] With a name that translates to white (kea) mudhen (‘alae), it is easy to imagine what these coots look like. The Hawaiian Coot (Fulica Americana alai) or the 'Alae ke'oke'o is an endangered species and is endemic to Hawaii. Inter-island dispersal is most likely influenced by seasonal rainfall patterns, wetland condition and food abundance. 2005. 1970. Has a distinctive call during breeding season that sounds like “oo-ah-oo.” Also known as the “Hawaiian Petrel.” Is listed as Endangered under the Endangered Species Act and can travel up to 6,000 to forage. Habitat loss and avian disease are thought to have had the greatest effect on endemic bird species in Hawaii The only coot in the Hawaiian Islands. Biannual surveys (summer and winter) were initiated in 1970 following the listing of four species of our endemic waterbirds as federally endangered […] Day 5 Kauai Forest Endemics and more. This endemic bird of Hawai‘i is smaller than its mainland relatives, measuring 15 inches in length. The Hawaiian Coot. The ‘alae ke‘oke‘o is an endangered species endemic to the main Hawaiian Islands, except Kaho‘olawe. Federal Registry 35: 16047-16048. Research in the late 1950s and to the late 1960s indicated a population of only about 1,000. We will then explore Hanalei valley’s lush important bird area for more of Hawaii’s endangered water birds: Hawaiian Duck, Hawaiian Coot, Black-necked Stilt (endemic subspecies), and Hawaiian Gallinule (endemic subspecies). State Listed as Endangered . United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Feral cats are identical to the common pet cat and are actually the same species separated only by lifestyle and behavior. They have white undertail feathers that are seen when swimming or during their courtship displays. Loss of both natural and cultivated wetland sites, such as taro fields, has been the primary cause for the decline of the coot and other Hawaiian waterbirds. The Hawaiian coot was federally listed in October 1970 as an endangered species [7] and is considered both endemic and endangered by the state of Hawaii. The evidence is disturbing. 1952. This aggressive behavior is evident as ‘alae ke‘oke‘o raise their tail feathers and lower their head as they head off the intruders. The coot is a subspecies of the American coot. Draft Revised Recovery Plan for Hawaiian Waterbirds, Second Draft of Second Revision, Portland, Oregon, 155 pp. 100 acres of marsh surrounding our Arnold Palmer golf course is a designated Supporting Habitat for the four species of endangered Waterbirds: Hawaiian Stilt, Hawaiian Coot, Hawaiian Moorhen and Hawaiian Duck.,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Hawaiian coot with yellowish frontal shield, This page was last edited on 30 June 2020, at 10:59. We, the U.S. The Hawaiian gallinule is an endangered chicken-sized water bird in the rail family. This endemic bird of Hawai‘i is smaller than its mainland relatives, measuring 15 inches in length. and E.R. State of Hawaii Biannual Waterbird Surveys Waterbird surveys have been conducted since as far back as the 1940s when Christmas Bird Counts were initiated on Oʻahu and subsequently expanded to other islands. [4] And has a white bill and frontal shield is usually white but can vary from bluish white to yellow dark... Endemic to Kauai keʻokeʻo / ‘ alae ke ‘ oke ‘ o builds floating nests in aquatic vegetation in... By white frontal shield above the bill is larger and more bulbous Islands of the north-central Ocean... Common Name: ʻAlae keʻokeʻo / ‘ alae ke ‘ oke ‘ o are territorial during nesting and will their... Aquatic vegetation, in which 4-10 eggs are laid, 11 pp, gray feet and legs and... 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