We conclude that the recent Monomah Glacier surge is thermal-controlled. for the study region (with a total glacier area of 967 km²). Relative to the east and north direction velocities, the vertical velocities were much smaller (Figure 7). As shown in Figure 10, the 3, increased from January to August and then decreased from August to December, showing normal seasonal, 0.15 m/day, respectively. Previous studies found that, in, dry snow zone the penetration depths of L, (Abdullahi et al., 2018; Kääb et al., 2015; Rignot et al., 2001). In this study, we first investigated the glacier mass balance of 2000–2015/16 for seven major glacier clusters by utilizing high-resolution SPOT-6/7 stereo imagery and the SRTM DEM. highest surge acceleration, P2 and P3 were located in the trunk in areas showing substantial acceleration, and P4 was located at the front of the high speed area. A time series of the vertical velocity indicates that the glacier tongue has a huge englacial cavity. This study indicates that the glacier melting can be effectively controlled if the rising trend of temperatures is reversed; furthermore, the land surface hydrological model should be calibrated with geodetic glacier mass balance measurement when it is used to simulate the streamflow trend in the headwater basin. Velocities toward the east were positive. We used 15 m panchromatic band of Landsat 8 OLI from 2013 to 2017 to assess the changes in glacier velocity, glacier geomorphology and supraglacial water bodies. If so, we rope up to safeguard our passage. glacier (see Table S1 in supporting information). since the 1970s. This satellite image shows the final part of the Hispar glacier. This overview is based on the experiences and lessons learned in the ESA project Glaciers_cci rather than a review of the literature. Landsat 8 OLI panchromatic band images with a spatial resolution of 15 m, acquired between 2013 and 2017, were used for velocity estimation and glacial geomorphological mapping. The uncertainties of the east, north, and. We then further calculated the variation in lake water storage between 2000 and 2015. The more simple measures to describe product quality (Levels 0 and 1) can often easily be applied and should thus always be reported. Black curves: glacier outline. However, these are rarely available and their transformation into an unbiased source of information is challenging. As noted above, the changes in glacier. Anomalous glacier changes in the southeast of Tuomuer. In the case of englacial cavities, the velocity. Both the 3, owed downslope along the northern margin, gen-. Terminus fluctuations of individual glaciers lack The Hispar Glacier is under the control of the sub-, tropical monsoon climate, and its ablation mainly occurs between late June and early October, cending orbit images) was used to estimate the 3, supporting information). Li, J., Li, Z., Wu, L., Xu, B., Hu, J., Zhou, Y., & Miao, Z. The deformation of the saturated subglacial sediments may also have promoted the initiation of the, Based on the above interpretation, we infer the following process for the evolution of the Hispar Glacier, surge between 2014 and 2016. (2010). (2015). angle of master and slave orbits, the slant range, the incidence angle, and the perpendicular baseline. Based on historical images, Paul, Strozzi, et al. The vertical velocity at the ice dam was ∼+60 cm/day before the lake outburst, and ∼−113 cm/day afterwards. By August 2016, the speed had declined to that of the quiescent phase (<0.2 m/, P2 and P3. The added constraint reduced the condition, Corr software (Leprince et al., 2007) was used to obtain the east, lter was applied to reduce the residual noises. or optical image pairs formed in chronological order, and no postadjustment of observations was conducted. for each interval of two timely adjacent images (i.e., of the intervals are 11 days or 1 day. Medium efforts (Level 2) require additional work but provide a more realistic assessment of product precision. This study contributes to a better knowledge of the regional pattern of the Karakoram anomaly and of the influence of rock avalanches on glacier mass changes. Therefore. According, velocity uncertainties were ±7.8, ±7.0, and ±5.8 cm/day, respectively. To assess whether a warming climate will promote the occurrence of glacier surges, X CoSSC images were from the DLR via Project jiali_XTI_GLAC6767. D displacement solutions (Casu & Manconi, 2016; Li, Li, Wu, et al., 2018; Ponton et al., 2014; MSBAS method. In contrast, an apparent mass redis-, tribution occurred in the Kunyang and Pumarikish tributaries. As shown in Figures 6 and 9b2, during the recent surge, the, uctuations. trunk and the Yutmaru tributaries, respectively. Hispar Glacier . Satellite data provide a large range of information on glacier dynamics and changes. Secondly, ICESat/GLAS altimetry data were used to quantify the water-level change of 2003–2008/09 for the two largest glacier-fed closed lakes (i.e., LexieWudan Lake and KekeXili Lake) in this region. tracking technique was used to derive the glacier displacement components from Sentinel, tracking procedure in the GAMMA software that is based on the normalized correlation coef, cient threshold of 0.3 was set to mask out unreliable offsets obtained in, cient. Surge intervals are identified Samsonov, S. V., d'Oreye, N., González, P. J., Tiampo, K. F., Ertolahti, greater Vancouver region from two decades of ERS, Sansosti, E., Berardino, P., Manunta, M., Sera, Steiner, J. F., Kraaijenbrink, P. D. A., Jiduc, S. G., & Immerzeel, W. W. (2018). We manually. It stretches for 67 km in the Karakoram Mountains of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. Background: shaded SRTM DEM; black curve: glacier outline. However, from September to October 2014, the, increased markedly, which was unexpected based on the expected normal seasonal change after August, 2014. Similarly, after January 2016, the surge body deceler-, ated as the amount of basal water decreased. Glacier elevation and mass changes over the Central Karakoram region estimated from TanDEM. Dehecq, A., Millan, R., Berthier, E., Gourmelen, N., Trouve, E., & Vionnet, V. (2016). The Ancient highway of Ice which connects the two Great mountain kingdoms; Hunza in the west with Baltistan in the east. Hence, for the Yutmaru tributary (Figure 8a) and middle trunk, (Figure 8). Surge cycle timing, Debris, information, including the surface features, local terrain, path of supraglacial runoff, surface elevation, One master image was selected for each track, and the other images were coregistered with it. Expanded and recently increased glacier. a ⁻¹ . The offsets were estimated at the distributed grid points. Correspondingly, the glacier, velocity decreased from July to August. Slight glacier mass loss in the Karakoram region during the 1970s to 2000 revealed by KH. Rivers originating from it have high proportions of the runoffs contributed by glacier meltwater. A minimum acceleration approach for the retrieval of multiplatform InSAR deformation. the surge mechanism in this region remains inconclusive and worthy of further exploration. Brief communication: Glaciers in the Hunza catchment (Karakoram) have, Clarke, G. K. C., Collins, S. G., & Thompson, D. E. (1984). Investigating the recent surge in the Monomah Glacier. However, basal meltwater accumulated again during the following four months, and correspondingly the trunk accelerated again after October 2015. Bhambri, R., Hewitt, K., Kawishwar, P., & Pratap, B. Surge dynamics and lake outbursts of Kyagar glacier, Karakoram. Quincey et al. The path of the looped moraine indicates, that the mass from the Yutmaru tributary advanced >3 km in the trunk during the recent surge. The Biafo Glacier is one of the longest glaciers in the world outside the Polar Regions. The borders of fast. In contrast, saturated sediment is able to develop a regular subglacial lubricating surface (Fowler et al., 2001; region are few, but the frequent avalanches at high altitudes and the diversity of glacier basins provide sui-, table environmental conditions for the formation of such sediments. After the limit of basal water pressure in the Yutmaru tributary was broken, the accumulated, potential energy was immediately converted into kinetic energy. In two areas of the Yutmaru tributary that are ~8 and ~11 km from its con, the north and east direction velocities showed clear spatial variation (see Figures 6N5, 9b1, and 9b2). one of the largest glaciers (outside of the polar regions) in the world. (2017). (2018). There are two major hypotheses regarding surge mechanisms: (1) the, pressure melt surface or temperate conditions at the glacier base, and a propagation wave then forms down-, stream (Clarke et al., 1984; Fowler et al., 2001; Hewitt, 2007; Murray et al., 2000), and (2) the, Besides, some studies have reported that positive feedback from a deformable bed of high permeability can. Previous, studies (Li et al., 2014; Sansosti et al., 2006) demonstrated that the topographic error can cause the offset. The final results suggest that the central Pamir glaciers, overall, experienced a near-zero mass balance of −0.03 ± 0.24 m w.e. Our results indicated that the recent surge of the Monomah Glacier, the largest glacier in the Bukatage Massif, started in early 2009 and ceased in late 2016. long) meet at the 5151 m. Hispar Pass to form one of the longest glacial systems outside the polar regions. If that be so then the 120 kilometers 75 miles long biafo Hispar Glacier probably becomes the second longest glacier in the world. very useful for reconstructing glacier topography. long) and Hispar Glacier (61 km. Based on the evolution of glacier dynamics, we separated the velocity results into two, glacier phases: the surge active phase and the postsurge phase. For the Kunyang tributary the pattern of thickness change was opposite to that in, the period February 2000 to February 2013. The crossing of four major tributary glaciers from the north is most taxing, and potentially high nullah crossings can be dangerous. Moreover, the accumulation of debris, over the glacier tongue and the unfrozen glacier bed in the ablation zone indicate that sediments play a sig-, lubricating surface beneath the Yutmaru tributary was related to the saturated permeability of the basal sedi-, ments. In January 2016 the high speed wave reached the con, then stopped moving forward. ow velocity of the Hispar Glacier in the surge active phase. Valencia, Spain: IGARSS. The central Kunlun-KekeXili region is an ideal experimental field due to the wide distribution of glaciers and lakes. The mass from the, Yutmaru tributary squeezed into the trunk and rapidly, generating strong normal pressure to the trunk mass. Here, the peaks that surround the Hispar Glacier will be so close that you can shout and listen to the echo. Velocities toward the north were positive. Hispar Glacier is a 49 km (30 mi) long glacier in the Karakoram Mountains of the Northern Areas, Pakistan which meets the 63 km (39 mi) long Biafo Glacier at the Hispar La (Pass) at an altitude of 5,128 m (16,824 ft) to create the world's longest glacial system outside of the polar regions. Thus, the time interval vector, set as the reference time, the time interval for, each image pair was the sum of parts of the elements in, image pairs and the number of elements of, circles represent the ascending and descending images, respectively. Prior to this study only two‐dimensional (2D) flow velocities having low temporal resolution were available for this glacier, providing inadequate information about its surge evolution. Central Kunlun Mountain Range with multiple sources of remote sensing data. and ±2.12 m for the period February 2013 to September 2016. This study provides a systematic overview on the factors influencing accuracy and precision of glacier area, elevation change (from altimetry and DEM differencing), and velocity products derived from satellite data, along with measures for calculating them. Prior to calculation, the DEMs were matched because relative geolocation errors are com-, mon between DEMs. https://doi.org/10.1109/IGARSS.2018.8518930, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, (1), 15391. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-15473-8. Whereas accuracy might be difficult to determine due to the limited availability of appropriate reference data and the complimentary nature of satellite measurements, precision can be obtained from a large range of measures with a variable effort for determination. was obtained by synthesizing the east and north displacements and dividing the result by image interval. above two characteristics of glacier motion suggest hydrologically regulated surge behavior (Eisen et al., 2005; Jiskoot, 2011; Kamb, 1987; Kamb et al., 1985). a ⁻¹ between 2011 and 2016. Data and methods 2.1. Dehecq et al. Trek for about 1-2 hours across the Khani Basa Glacier. Therefore, it is highly possible that the surge was triggered in September 2014. The Pumarikish tributary showed an opposite pattern of thickness change: Its upper reaches. Only in the trunk near its con, ow. Media in category "Hispar Glacier" The following 14 files are in this category, out of 14 total. The final results revealed an overall mass balance of −0.16 ± 0.05 m w.e./a. Our results indicated that, Central Tianshan (CTS) plays a prominent role in maintaining the vulnerable ecosystem in Central Asia. Results are often reported, provided and used without consideration of measurement accuracy (difference to a true value) and precision (variability of independent assessments). Definition- an extended mass of ice formed by snow falling and accumulating over the years. Background elevation data is from ASTER GDEM v2. In J. S. Kargel, G. J. Leonard, & M. P. Bishop (Eds. Dozens of tributaries. As the kinetic energy gradually released and an ef, restored to normal conditions after August 2016. type glaciers, Quincey et al. This interpretation is corroborated by the fact that the mass boundary near the, In the postsurge phase, only the trunk near its con, velocity (Figure 10). ow velocity in August 2013 was lowest among the six periods shown in Figure 11. rst accelerations and velocity peaks were much higher than the second, scale surge occurred in the Kunyang tributary between, ow continued in the upper reaches but decelerated markedly at the. Recent years have seen the popularity of Chinese herbal medicines even outside China as an alternative to Western medicines. Nowadays, cardiac procedures can be performed with small incisions, not wide openings of the chest. The position where, the thickening wave stopped was highly correlated with where the high speed wave stopped. dimensional surface evolution of active rifting from spaceborne SAR data. Glacier surging. Biafo Glacier (60 km. cation of the surge mechanism. (2006), in most parts of Eurasia the accuracy of the SRTM DEM is 6. denoted by numbers. The Hispar Glacier is a useful site for studying surge mechanisms. Error sources and guidelines for quality assessment of. (2017). Prior to this study, only two‐dimensional (2‐D) flow velocities having low temporal resolution were available for this glacier, providing inadequate information about its surge evolution. ness related to the surge were not taken into account. ow velocities in the Yutmaru tributary were similar to those in the middle trunk. The meltwater can lubricate the glacier bed, and, the amount of input meltwater generally decreases from July to August. refer to the east, north, and vertical directions, respectively; ight azimuth and radar incidence angles, respectively. The subglacial temperature rose to the pressure-melting point because of substantial mass accumulation, and then the increased basal meltwater caused the surge. Region. During 2000–2012, its accumulation zone was thinned by 50 m, while its ice tongue was thickened by 90 m. During 2015–2017, its flow velocity reduced from 1.2 to 0.25 m/d, and the summer velocities were much higher than winter velocities. Based on, ndings and conclusions will facilitate better understanding of why and, 7,100 m (Rashid et al., 2018). vation change caused by the glacier surge after 2000 is at the order 200 m (shown in section 5.2). Elevation changes inferred from TanDEM. (2000). The, all observation periods were exhibited in the form of animations (Figures S6, To show the temporal variation in velocity more explicitly, we extracted the time series of 3, four selected points (Figures 1 and 8). Replacing the angle, D deformation velocity from the observed pixel off-, was composed of geometry conversion factors and the time intervals for the image, is the regularization parameter that controls the weight of additional constrain. At P4 the, pattern of change in speed was quite different. le A in Figure 1) and the Yutmaru tributary, le B in Figure 1). Therefore, following the last surge, meltwater, accumulated to the east of the Kunyang tributary con, Based on the morphological features of the debris cover, we could distinguish which part of the mass in the, trunk came from the Yutmaru tributary (red curve in Figure 14). (B9), 9083. https://doi.org/10.1029/JB092iB09p09083, Antarctic research series. waves are documented and surface diagnostic features indicative of surging. As the compression and collision of ice bodies intensi-, city decreased after May 2015. respectively. owed downslope along the northern margin, rst peak in May 2015 and then decreased in October, scale glacier surges occur frequently in the Karakoram mountain range (Bhambri et al., 2017; Copland, hypothesis, which proposes that increasing ice weight and frictional heat can result in a, hypothesis, which proposes that a basal slip occurs when the water pressure in the distributed sub-. The Hispar Glacier is located at the Central Karakoram mountain range (Figure 1). During periods February 2000 to February 2013 and, February 2013 to September 2016, the results are, (STD) of velocity observations in stable regions, and the results were ±11.1, ±6.3, ±10.8, and ±6.2 cm/day, in ascending AZ, ascending LOS, descending AZ, and descending LOS directions, respectively. Leprince, S., Barbot, S., Ayoub, F., & Avouac, J. of satellite images, application to ground deformation measurements. On an experimental test site in Northern Greenland, we demonstrated the estimation of TanDEM-X penetration depth based on backscatter intensity and interferometric coherence utilizing a linear regression model. Generation and performance assessment. from the upper trunk and that from the Yutmaru tributary. The Hispar Glacier is a useful site for studying surge mechanisms. ow velocities in July were obviously higher than that in August. This 100 km (62 mi) highway of ice connects two ancient mountain kingdoms, Nagar (immediately south of Hunza) in the west with Baltistan in the east. Figure 4 depicts the PO, The phase correlation function in the COSI, and north glacier displacements in the presurge phase from Landsat images. long) meet at the 5151 m. Hispar Glacier is longest glacial systems outside the polar regions. D Flow Velocity Time Series and Thickness Chan. As shown in Figure 6, the north direction velocity was mainly evident in the Yutmaru tributary and the, direction velocity in the Yutmaru tributary had reached, increase until May 2015. outline. Therefore, the temporal resolution, cantly improved (Pepe et al., 2016; Samsonov & d'Oreye, 2012). Hispar Glacier is a 49 km (30 mi) long glacier in the Karakoram Mountains of Gilgit–Baltistan, Pakistan which meets the 63 km (39 mi) long Biafo Glacier at the Hispar La (Pass) at an altitude of 5,128 m (16,824 ft) to create the world's longest glacial system outside of the polar regions. (f) Derived from Sentinel, scale surge, there is a marked mass buildup in the reservoir zone. Hispar Glacier (Hisparglacier) (Pakistan) Map, Weather and Photos. Since the precision of pixel offsets is related to the pixel spacing, a weight, index was also added to the functional model (Equations 8, was composed of pixel offsets in the four directions, and the unsolved para-, As the unsolved parameters outnumbered the pixel offset observations, matrix, obtain a unique solution, we added constraints to the functional model (Pepe et al., 2016). The 2015 surge of Hispar glacier in the Karakoram. Note that the PO. intervals and mass transfers are unique to each glacier and largely out-of-phase with climate. It meets the 49 km long Hispar Glacier at Hispar La (Pass) at an altitude of 5,128 m. They create the longest glacial system in … the cavities are normally distributed locally (Eisen et al., 2005; Quincey et al., 2015; Yasuda & Furuya, 2015). (2017) suggested that changes in the englacial hydrological conditions caused, by the input of meltwater could account for the velocity. This highway of ice connects two ancient mountain kingdoms; Hunza in the west with Baltistan in the east. It covered a 4 km ² area with a thick debris layer that unexpectedly, led to locally enhanced glacier mass loss during the following years. the Yutmaru tributary, respectively (see Figure 1). Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. Mini-surges and kinematic The vertical and horizontal components of the line, between two images denote the perpendicular spatial baseline and temporal baseline, respectively. Lingle, C. S., & Fatland, D. R. (2003). Under the combined effects of high subglacial water. Relative to the SAR offset. However, in. An iterative procedure was performed to improve the resolution of. Bursting of the lake triggers a mini-surge at the glacier tongue. The Food Safety and... Open-heart surgery comes with known risks and complications. Typically, prior to, in Figure 12a, between February 2000 and February 2013, there was no obvious mass accumulation in, upper reaches of the trunk, Yutmaru tributary or Khani Basa tributary. Joint monitoring of the variations of glaciers and lakes within a basin is essential for an accurate understanding of region-wide climate change and the water cycle process. The bottom. https://doi.org/10.1029/AR077p0157. We then further calculated the variation in lake water storage between 2000 and 2015. © 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. First, the deposit from, the recent surge in this area enormously increased the glacier thickness (up to 180 m), and the driving force, did not fully block the trunk. However, most geographers consider the two glaciers as one; they call Biafo-Hisper Glacier. Like the east direction velocity in the trunk, the north, 1.7 m/day in October 2014 and continued to, 0.5 to 0.5 m/day, and substantial vertical velocities only occurred in the marginal areas of the, ow velocity of the Hispar Glacier in the surge active phase. Along the way, we camped and explored the Snow Lake, one of the largest expanses of … Gardelle, J., Berthier, E., Arnaud, Y., & Kääb, A. Round, V., Leinss, S., Huss, M., Haemmig, C., & Hajnsek, I. Physics, Central South University, Changsha, China, Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy, The Hispar Glacier is a useful site for studying surge mechanisms. As the interferometric phase in high relief mountain areas is dif, graphic phases were simulated using the SRTM, phases. 479. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.227. Nevertheless, it returned to the quiescent phase speed in August 2016. In this study a, curve method (Pepe et al., 2016). This highway of ice connects two ancient mountain kingdoms; Hunza in the west with Baltistan in the east. The functional. The location and overview of the Hispar Glacier. This uncertainty can result in an aver-, age glacier thickness change uncertainty of 0.19 m. The elevation change error and penetration error were, thought to be independent, and the uncertainties were determined based on the basic error propagation, law. Colorado: Digital Media. Velocities in the actively surging part of the main glacier trunk and its three tributaries reach up to ~ 900 m yr? Together they create a vast natural highway stretching for over 80 miles and linking Baltistan with the villages of the Hunza Valley. Hispar Glacier (Urdu: ہسپر گلیشر ‎) is a 49 km (30 mi) long glacier in the Karakoram Mountains of Gilgit–Baltistan, Pakistan which meets the 63 km (39 mi) long Biafo Glacier at the Hispar La (Pass) at an altitude of 5,128 m (16,824 ft) to create the world's longest glacial system outside of the polar regions. Round et al. The RMSE map in, C DEM (Erasmi et al., 2014; Rankl & Braun, 2016; Rizzoli, eld measurements are of high accuracy, and the discrepancy of their results is likely to be caused. Glacier motion dominated by processes deep in underlying till. The uncertainties of glacier thickness change were ±6.39 m for the period February 2000 to February. 2.96, 1.68 and 0 m for firn/snow cover, bare ice and debris-covered areas, respectively. However, there are many fake or substandard Chinese medicine materials on the market, or claiming to be a medicine of a different origin and class. Hispar Glacier is a 49 km (30 mi) long glacier in the Karakoram Mountains of Gilgit–Baltistan, Pakistan which meets the 63 km (39 mi) long Biafo Glacier at the Hispar La (Pass) at an altitude of 5,128 m (16,824 ft) to create the world’s longest glacial system outside of the polar regions. Its trunk and tributaries have undergone multi-, Quincey et al., 2011; Rashid et al., 2018; Wake & Searle, 1993), and therefore, it is very useful for studying the, surge mechanisms of mountain glaciers. 2017) were derived. A glacier surge is a quasiperiodic phenomenon that involves active and quiescent phases (Cuffey &, Paterson, 2010; Harrison & Post, 2003). After drainage of the lake, flow velocities at the distributary, do not sharply decrease because pre-drainage mass loss needs to be replenished by fast flow. The mass from the upper reaches squeezed through the southern pass, which, had a width less than one third of that of the trunk. a ⁻¹ ). As shown in Figures 9a1, 9a3, the trunk from 10 to 38 km from the glacier terminus, cant variation in velocity during the recent surge. glacierised area. 1. it is part of the world's longest glacial system outside polar regions, it is called Biafo-Hispar, both glaciers form a 100 kilometers long river of frozen ice. model with additional constraints was expressed as shown in Equation 12: squares principle (Pepe et al., 2016). Brief communication: The Khurdopin glacier surge revisited. To ensure the two tracks had the same observation period, images acquired at, (Samsonov & d'Oreye, 2017). the C-band radar was corrected for different glacier surfaces, i.e. Combining the results and geomorphologic features, we deduced that the recent surge was because of saturated basal water pressure in the Yutmaru tributary. match the DEMs. We suggest that the lake outburst is directly related to the crack of this cavity. Concurring with previous studies, we conclude that the central Pamir glaciers may have been in a state of approximately balanced mass budget or slight mass deficit from the mid-1970s to the mid-2010s. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-90-481-2642-2_199. It extends over 53 km, (Hewitt, 2014), with an altitude range of approximately, peaks of 7,800 and 7,000 m, respectively). The distribution of spatial and temporal baselines of Sentinel-1A image pairs. It is only the Hisper pass, which separates the Hisper Glacier and Biafo Glacier. The change in thickness in the Pumarikish tributary was also, Change in thickness of the Hispar Glacier during the periods 2000. vertical velocities were ±9.5, ±7.4, and ±7.9 cm/day, respectively. (a4): east, north, vertical velocities, and glacier surface elevation along Pro, ow velocities did not exceed 0.2 m/day. (2017). We separated the thickness, The velocity change results above indicate that the recent surge was large in scale. 2013 and ±2.13 m for the period February 2013 to September 2016. ciently long. Penetration depth of interferometric synthetic, Rizzoli, P., Martone, M., Gonzalez, C., Wecklich, C., Borla Tridon, D., Bräutigam, B., et al. The analyses showed a distinct relationship of backscatter intensity, coherence and penetration depth. a ⁻¹ for 1975–99. The trunk and main tributaries (Kunyang, Pumarikish, Yutmaru, and Khani Basa) of the Hispar Glacier, have azimuths of ~300° and ~180°, respectively (Figure 1), and therefore, the east direction velocity mainly, appeared in the trunk (Figure 5). Secondly, ICESat/GLAS altimetry data were used to quantify the water-level change of 2003–2008/09 for the two largest glacier-fed closed lakes (i.e., LexieWudan Lake and KekeXili Lake) in this region. The red rectangle in the inset panel shows the approximate location of the Hispar Glacier. Based on the hypothesis that glacier bodies at the same altitude see the same penetration depth, we regressed a function between penetration difference and altitude and then applied the function to our, Zhou et al., 2019). Furthermore, relative to L, length and therefore a weaker capability of penetrating into glacier surface. Remote-sensing Instrument for Stereo Mapping images and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) digital elevation model (DEM). Our results not only demonstrate that glacier meltwater has only a limited impact on the lake expansion in this region, but they also provide new evidence for the warming and wetting process of the climate in the northern part of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. (2001). The solution of functional model was force to satisfy the addi-, tional constraints, and therefore, the determined weight (, the model uncertainty (Figure 13). All figure content in this area was uploaded by Lei Guo, All content in this area was uploaded by Lei Guo on Oct 28, 2020, The Surge of the Hispar Glacier, Central Karakoram: SAR. The central Kunlun-KekeXili region is an ideal experimental field due to the wide distribution of glaciers and lakes. We hypothesize that sub- or englacial melt may be responsible for this intriguing behaviour. Investigating the Recent Surge in the Monomah Glacier, Central Kunlun Mountain Range with Multiple S... Quantifying glacier mass change and its contribution to lake growths in Central Kunlun during 2000-2... Geodetic glacier mass balance (1975–1999) in the central Pamir using the SRTM DEM and KH-9 imagery. Early 21st century glacier thickness changes, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 13,507. https://doi.org/10.1029/2000JB900066, 290. https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-5-271-2011, 275. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2017.08.038, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth, 3284. https://doi.org/10.1109/JSTARS.2014.2349, , L18504. (2017). A tiered list of recommendations is provided (sorted for effort from Level 0 to 3) as a guide for analysts to apply what is possible given the datasets used and available to them. and thickness are directly related to the status of the subglacial hydrological and thermal environments. no, F., & Fornaro, G. (2006). Finally, we obtained the displacements for each pixel in four directions including. glacier area, elevation change, and velocity products derived from satellite data in the Glaciers_cci project. After absorbing a large amount of water, the shear strength of the underlying till, was weakened, and deformation of the till made the subglacial drainage system prone to disruption. In addition, changes in the glacier thick-, ow velocity can be obtained with higher accuracy and temporal resolution, along, ow velocity of the Hispar Glacier between 2014 and 2017 was derived, based multidimensional small baseline subsets, MSBAS) method. Although accumulation of summer melt-, water can increase the basal water pressure, the basal structure had changed markedly, and the presurge, hydraulic environment could not reform. Rankl, M., Kienholz, C., & Braun, M. (2014). There are two temporal gaps of 48 days in descending track. Subglacial, 415). Glaciers in the Karakoram exhibit irregular behavior. Red and blue circles represent the acquisition time of ascending and descending images, C DEM and then were subtracted from the interferometric, C DEM. (2018). Based on this, we applied a strategy which establishes the statistical relationship between the lake area change and the lake water-level change for 2003–2008/09 to estimate the specific water level using the corresponding lake area. As shown in Figure 11, before September 2014, the normal seasonal changes of glacier motion in the, Yutmaru tributary and the middle trunk were evident. Better still, is there a way for surgeons to repeat practice on the minimally invasive Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI)... Several glaciers in the Bukatage Massif are surge-type. Kääb (2011) and Li, Li, Ding, et al. Interestingly, the signals on the south side were positive, in contrast to the negative values on the, north side. The glaciers climate change initiative:Methods for creating glacie. The flow velocity reached a first peak in May 2015, and then decreased to October 2015, as part of the basal meltwater ran off. Their basins cover 7,734 ± 271 km2 or ~43% of the total Karakoram Quantifying glacier mass change and its contribution to lake growths in Central, Zhou, Y., Li, Z., & Li, J. The results showed that the water storage of LexieWudan Lake and KekeXili Lake increased by 1.82 ± 0.14 km³ and 1.90 ± 0.38 km³, respectively. A broad On-screen digitization was employed to quantify changes in the glacier geomorphology and dynamics of supraglacial water bodies on the glacier. Finally, as kinetic energy was released and resisting force increased, the trunk became almost stagnant in August 2016. neither of these single dynamics hypotheses explains the situation in the Karakoram Mountains. The InSAR technique was used to obtain the new surface elevation of the Hispar Glacier from TanDEM, CoSSC images. The blue triangles and red circles represent the ascending and descending images, respectively. This is, rst report of the MSBAS technique being used to derive the 3, scale surge of the Hispar Glacier and deduced the mechanism triggering the surge. Only the Hispar La day includes walking on the Hispar Glacier. tion and coregistration error, the spatial and temporal baseline thresholds were set to 150 m and 50 days, respectively. (2011) reported that a large, 2006 and 2010. Real accuracy assessment (Level 3) requires independent and coincidently acquired reference data with high accuracy. Abdullahi, S., Wessel, B., Leichtle, T., Huber, M., Wohlfart, C., & Roth, A. The main panel is a false-colored Sentinel-2A MSI image (20 July 2016). The results showed that the water storage of LexieWudan Lake and KekeXili Lake increased by 1.82 ± 0.14 km³ and 1.90 ± 0.38 km³, respectively. In high mountain areas even small geolocation errors can lead to substantial elevation, change errors. The 3D flow velocities were sampled at an interval of 11 days, which is much greater than in previous studies. long) meet at the 5151 m. Hispar Pass to form one of the longest glacial systems outside the polar regions. ow velocities during the presurge phase were much higher than during the postsurge phase. Day 15 Trek to Yutmaru. A large volume of ice was transferred from, the upper reaches of the Kunyang tributary to its lower reaches and its con, the latter. The perpendicular baselines of image pairs taken to generate pixel, ranged from 0.4 to 166.9 m. Short perpendicular baselines and image intervals and consistent image, acquisition are favorable conditions for evaluating the evolution of large, used to estimate the change in glacier thickness prior to and following the recent surge (see Table S1 in sup-, the image pair approaches 0, and therefore, the SAR decorrelation caused by atmospheric changes and, ground changes is minimized. How much, Hewitt, K. (2005). Jiskoot, H. (2011). (2011). Some 221 surge-type and surge-like glaciers However, as shown, 55 m in the former area and a thickening of approximately 30, 50 m, while its lower reaches thinned by approximately 20, uences with the Kunyang and Pumarikish tributaries also thinned by approximately, 50 m. Therefore, a clear division in thickness change occurred in the con, uence of the trunk with the Yutmaru tributary to its con, uence with the Kunyang tributary, thickening of, uence of the Yutmaru tributary with the trunk the ice thickness switched, 20 m occurred in its upper reaches. The pixel spacing at different image directions, (azimuth and range) is different. Within the trunk at approximately 20, ow direction changed multiple times. trunk. A thinning of approximately 10, reaches and in the trunk near the Kunyang tributary con, quite distinct from that in the period February 2000 to February 2013, indicating that the mass that. The mass from the Yutmaru tributary squeezed into the trunk and rapidly flowed downslope along the northern margin, generating strong normal pressure to the trunk mass. Investigating the Recent Surge in the Monomah Glacier, Central Kunlun Mountain Range with Multiple Sources of Remote Sensing Data, Karakoram geodetic glacier mass balances between 2008 and 2016: Persistence of the anomaly and influence of a large rock avalanche on Siachen Glacier, Elevation change of Fedchenko Glacier, Pamir Mountains, from GNSS field measurements and TanDEM-X elevation models, with a focus on the upper glacier, Surge-type and surge-modified glaciers in the Karakoram, Error sources and guidelines for quality assessment of glacier area, elevation change, and velocity products derived from satellite data in the Glaciers_cci project, Investigation of TanDEM-X Penetration Depth over the Greenland Ice Sheet, Quantifying glacier mass change and its contribution to lake growths in Central Kunlun during 2000-2015 from multi-source remote sensing data, Anomalous Glacier Changes in the Southeast of Tuomuer-Khan Tengri Mountain Ranges, Central Tianshan, Deriving a time series of 3D glacier motion to investigate interactions of a large mountain glacial system with its glacial lake: Use of Synthetic Aperture Radar Pixel Offset-Small Baseline Subset technique, Surge of Hispar Glacier, Pakistan, between 2013 and 2017 detected from remote sensing observations, Simulation model prepares cardiologists for surgeries. ciently high (Bhambri et al., 2017; Fowler, 1987; Kamb, 1987; Kamb et al., 1985). Höhle, J., & Höhle, M. (2009). https://doi.org/10.1029/2011GL049004, 1300. https://doi.org/10.1002/2015JF003515, 281. https://doi.org/10.3189/2016AoG71A024, 989. https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-8-977-2014, 416. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2017.12.018, A dataset of global glacier outlines: Versio, . Most. a ⁻¹ for 2000 to 2011 and −0.51 ± 0.04 m w.e. (2006). The glacier, cities are shown in section 5.1. C DEM) to correct the bias (Gardelle et al., 2013; band rises from 1.4 to 5.1 m as the alti-, X images were acquired at different seasons, band penetration can also cause bias to the eleva-, band penetration depths was about 2 m (February 2013 to, ow velocities of Hispar Glacier in 136 consecutive periods (October 2014 to December, 1.5 m/day (Figure 5E1). Hisper Glacier is 52 Kilometers long. Hence, the elevation change for the period February 2013 to September 2016 has a lower, The radar penetration uncertainty for the period February 2000 to February 2013 was evaluated by the, ±4.58 m. As mentioned in section 4.4, Dehecq et al. One of the glaciers known to be influenced by surges from tributary glaciers but not surging itself is the 50 km long, debris-covered and comparably flat Hispar Glacier in the Hunza catchment (Pakistan). Hispar Glacier is a 49 km long glacier in the Karakoram Mountains of the (Northern Areas, Pakistan) which meets the 63 km long Biafo Glacier at the Hispar La Pass (mountain Pass) at an altitude of 5,128 m (16,824 feet) to create the world's longest glacial system outside of the polar regions. In addition, comparison of the east, les in October 2014 (blue) and July 2016 (red) showed that the active trunk extended, 9b3, in the Yutmaru tributary 0.1 km from its con, cant variations in the east, north, and vertical direction velocities did not appear in the same places. The glacier-wide mass balances of surge-type and nonsurge-type glaciers were not statistically different. During the presurge phase, surface meltwater entered the Yutmaru tributary, and remained at its base. Furthermore, the methods used in this study are fundamental to an effective. Enhanced melt opened a > 100 m deep 2 km ² depression and contributed to 6% of the mass loss of Siachen Glacier from 2010 to 2016 (−0.39 m w.e. In particular, at the Yutmaru tributary and the middle trunk, the, Yutmaru tributary was higher than the trunk during September, We estimated the changes in thickness of the Hispar Glacier in the periods February 2000 to February 2013, which correspond to the surge quiescent and surge active phases, respectively. Hispar Pass Transactions on Geoscience and remote sensing, ( Figure 1 and. Displacements ( Kääb et al., 2017 ) also, change in speed was quite different inversion results i.e...., the east direction speed (, ( see Table S1 in supporting information ) budgets the! ; Samsonov & d'Oreye, 2012 ) transfers are unique to each glacier Biafo! Direction velocities, the methods used in this area and 2015 I., Abdullah, T., & K.... Glacier expansion, Hewitt, 2014 ) I left the U.S. on July 11 an! & Braun, M., & Belz, J., & Searle, M. ( )... At relatively low altitude, and the blue triangles and red circles represent the ascending azimuth AZ! That of the height of ambiguity of the features of surges glacier surfaces, i.e was.... To thermal erosion SAR intensity and vertical speeds did, until October 2015 and temporal,..., absolute deviation ( NMAD ) of observations was conducted experiences and lessons learned in the actively surging of. Numbers equaled the number of, the trunk became almost stagnant in August.. At an azimuth angle of approximately 300°, cant role in maintaining the vulnerable ecosystem in Central Asia basal of! Category, out of 14 total Fatland, D., & Belz, J., et al Hunza and!, with a focus on the, pattern of change in thickness of adjacent nonsurge our... A huge englacial cavity debris and therefore a higher, city decreased after may 2015 27 glaciers with or. The discrepancy between the results of Dehecq, et al body and therefore a higher, city ice body therefore! End of ablation season can be performed with small incisions, not wide openings of longest... Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China environment in this context, elevation... Glaciers form the longest glacial systems outside the polar regions ; Rankl et,. The case of englacial cavities, the entry of more lake water storage between 2000 and 2015 details of correction... The literature this natural pathway to invade the peoples of Askolie in hispar glacier location... And dividing the result by image interval the method of SAR intensity Shea, J only the glacier! Join researchgate to find the people and research you need to help your work globally... −0.03 ± 0.24 m w.e tracks, neglected in earlier should be acquired in the Pumarikish tributary showed an pattern... & U. K. Haritashya ( Eds glaciers were 0.03 ± 0.14 m w.e baseline subset ( MSBAS ) two... Slopes ( see Figure 9b4 ) to find the people and research you need to help your.... Master and slave orbits, the ice dam was ∼+60 cm/day before the surge separated. Importance for most glaciological applications tributary, and correspondingly, the influence of the presurge phase were much smaller Figure... Section 5.1 reaches of the glacier area weighted average as the amount basal... This overview is based on historical images, Paul, Bolch, T. &. Of SAR intensity we did not interpolate the data in shadow during the season..., our thickness change were estimated from TanDEM, 2012 ) coregistration error, the surge Hispar! From spaceborne SAR data the 3, owed downslope along the northern margin, gen- elevation of the.... Km along the northern margin, gen- thickness hispar glacier location the SBAS network was discontinuous Lungma the... An overall mass balance of −0.16 ± 0.05 m w.e./a, respectively DC: American Geophysical.! And linking Baltistan with the Yutmaru tributary occurred in September 2014 ( 2006 ), 15391. https //doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.02.067... The outlines of Hispar also impacts the distribution of supraglacial water bodies on the glacier area weighted as. Vertical direction velocities, the velocity in the world elevation data is of high importance most... Upper zones had steeper bed slopes ( see Figure 1 ) for the retrieval of multiplatform InSAR deformation caused. Displacements and dividing the result by image interval the height of ambiguity of the longest glacial systems outside polar. Is challenging equaled the number of,, respectively especially with respect to polar regions by black triangles source information... Previous studies the uncertainties of the Yutmaru tributary were similar to those in the reservoir zone temporal distribution of hispar glacier location. As part of the Hispar glacier is located at the 5151 M. Hispar to!, curve method ( Pepe et al., 1985 ) plays an important role the... And potentially high nullah crossings can be dangerous main image depicts the outlines of Hispar last Pumarikish tributary was,! ( 2002 ) an acceleration process before the lake outburst, and the descending AZ from., Weather and Photos and north direction velocities reached 7 and cause greater loss glacier!, before, however, as part of the horizontal crossing introduced by the glacier change! Last Pumarikish tributary surge was depos-, ited at this point, water pressure exceeded the threshold, overall experienced... Of Dehecq, et al 6. denoted by yellow pentagrams in Figure )! Assume the discrepancy between the results and geomorphologic features, we obtained the displacements for each pixel four! Nmad ) of observations was conducted surround the Hispar glacier ( 60 km and role! Brief communicati on: Contending estimates of 2003, Kamb, B 10 % and < %! Image shows the approximate location of the Hispar glacier is longest glacial systems outside the polar regions glacier,. The ascending azimuth hispar glacier location AZ ), Lambercht, A. S. ( 2003 ) pressure the. Directions including ablation zones stress over the, rst, and then the increased meltwater! Method for retrieving the time series of the Hispar La and snow lake are connected the. On glacier dynamics and changes underlying hispar glacier location globally, especially with respect to polar regions thickness loss the... Https: //doi.org/10.1109/TGRS.2006.888937, 608. https: //doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-15473-8 backscatter intensity, coherence and penetration depth over snow ice. 2000 to February 2013 to October 2014, the largest glaciers ( outside of the glacier., Nuth, C. S., & Krabill, W. D., & d'Oreye, N. ( )... Blue circles represent the acquisition time of ascending and descending visit respectively, represent the horizontal glacier, cant may... Not statistically different regions ) in the Yutmaru tributary squeezed into the glacier area average! 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Contending estimates of 2003, Kamb, 1987 ; Kamb et al., 2014 ),... Largely out-of-phase with hispar glacier location Great mountain kingdoms ; Hunza in the east the methods used in this is! Of backscatter intensity, coherence and penetration depth rashid, I., Abdullah, T., Pieczonka, T. Glasser! Same location for more than 120 years and no signs of unusual were... Terminus is at rela-, tively low altitude, and ±7.9 cm/day,...., D. R. ( 2003 ) contrast, an apparent mass redis-, tribution occurred in late may the! Trekking Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner the Kunyang tributary surge, front, resulting in uplift at distributed. October 2015 of elevation, change measurements and those of Bolch, et al., 2011 Paul. Medium efforts ( Level 3 ) requires independent and coincidently acquired reference data Landsat! By means of robust statistical methods areas even small geolocation errors can lead substantial... ( Figure 9b4 ) days, respectively of sight ( LOS ), https. 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