Leave a gap of about 1/16 of an inch between the walls and the luan panel. A lot of staples will have slivers of luan caught underneath you should either pull out or use needle nose pliers to remove the sliver then hammer then down flush. Ensure that the staples are flush with the underlayment. Installing Luan Under a Vinyl Floor Luan as Underlayment. Work not mentioned on this page and/or work using master craftsman, premium materials and project supervision will result in HIGHER COSTS! One common underlayment for vinyl floors is 1/2-inch particle board. Particle Board. 2. Includes planning, equipment and material acquisition, area preparation and protection, setup and cleanup. 2. Luan started getting used back when lauan was of excellent quality. Particle Board. the thickness of a nickel, between each panel. Start in one corner of the room and begin to lay a full panel of luan perpendicular to the form of the subfloor panels. Luan plywood or its equivalent is a good choice of underlayment for either of these flooring materials. Layout, fabricate and secure underlayment. Just like regular hardwood floors and subfloors, you need to account for what moisture will do to the luan. The cost is approximately $30 a day. CDX Plywood. I am going to be installing 1/4" Luan in preparation for linoleum and am wondering if a 1/4" narrow crown finish stapler will suffice? It's a good idea to refasten the subfloor onto the joist with screws or screw shank underlayment nails. Since vinyl flooring shows every bump and depression, it’s imperative that the staples are flush with, or slightly below, the surface of the luan. When applying the wood putty to fill unsightly scratches or gouges or voids in the plywood edges. Use full sheets when possible. A subfloor is part of the frame of the structure. Install the luan wood with staples to the subfloor and underlayment. When Staining Luan Plywood your frist step should include taking a look at the surface of the plywood for any scratches or defects. We are renovating an apartment and trying to install a 3/4'' solid hardwood floor in the living room. 4. An underlayment is a material that is sometimes installed over the subfloor and under the finished flooring. They said nailing with ringshanks no deeper than what you are nailing to or a mallet driven stapler. A measuring tape and a chalk line are indispensable for making accurate cuts in the panels. All 1/4" underlayment I staple about 4" each direction throught out the sheet and 2" on the seams. Lets Know Installing Plywood Underlayment Step 1 – Start by Choosing the Right Plywood Underlayment. The installation process starts with storing the underlayment panels in the room where they will be installed for at least 72 hours. As you unroll each roll, the clear plastic end lies on top of the end with adhesive strip and two white pieces of foam will be butted up against each other. The seams between vinyl tiles allow water from spills or mopping to soak into the luan, which can result in swollen plywood and lumps that are visible on the surface of the vinyl floor. Luan installs on top of a subfloor since the sheets are not structurally sound and cannot take the place of a subfloor. When choosing an underlayment… Installing luan requires a few basic carpenter tools, including a staple gun and a circular saw. Just cut it into strips as long as there is no vinyl backing left. Use a large piece of luan board if possible, then cut the board as required to fill the space. Installing 18mm Luan Plywood Underlayment for your vinyl or laminate flooring project. Installation can be done by a professional, or it can be a DIY project. Obviously, if you tear out 3/8", you go back in with the same thickness. ive noticed some flooring installation companies still use 1/4 plywood for underlayment under tile and hardwood , is that acceptable or something from the past Z-Carpet, Aug 15, 2017 #1. 5. I do not use luan for underlayment. Before installing the vinyl, sweep and vacuum all dust and small particles from the luan underlayment. My wonderfully written description of "how to" properly install luan was assuming you were putting in another vinyl floor - so I've deleted it! I have not installed much Durastone. In earlier days, the lauan plywood that was also known as luan, used to be a popular standard for resilient vinyl flooring. Leave a gap of about 1/16 of an inch between the walls and the luan panel. I do not use luan for underlayment. These are 1.25 inches long and can be used for underlayment that ranges up to 1/2 thick. Here is a how to video on using Luan Wood for household projects. The luan (or any underlayment), will only exacerbate existing humps and make them more apparent. If luan plywood is warping, try using nails/screws and concrete adhesive to maintain the positioning of the luan underyment and prevent buckling of your finished floor. If you're using luan to "level" a floor, you're making a mistake. Leave a quarter inch gap around the edges of the luan, to allow for expansion/shrinkage. Cover the Floor. When shopping for luan plywood at your local lumberyard, you may notice that there are several different appearances. You should see how flat it is too... may have to belt sand some seams. Leave a quarter inch gap around the edges of the luan, to allow for expansion/shrinkage. Let putty material set and then follow application using to manufacturer's directions. Installation Guide for Luan Wood . While luan provides a smooth surface on which to install vinyl, it's not suitable for all types of vinyl flooring. According to the underlayment install tips: 1) Staples are "not recommended". Score before cutting to minimize splintering. Installing underlayment in the vinyl areas supplies the elevation, smoothness and levelness necessary for the proper installation of vinyl floors. Leave a 1/16 inch gap between the walls and the luan panel. No manufacturing specifications support its use or gauge its performance as an underlayment. Only then underlayment can truly show its full potential benefits. Not because I plan to change my floor again, but if something ever happened that we had to, we could do it without any damage or removal of our kitchen base cabinets. Wonderful bloggers like yourself who would positively reply encouraged me to be more open and engaging in commenting. 1. carpetman. Installation can be done by a professional, or it can be a DIY project. Size of Nails Ring Shank Nail - Note the Ridges? The process of installing underlayment for a new floor project begins with one crucial action: you must clean the subfloor, or existing flooring, thoroughly. Position RevolutionPly ® panels 1/8" to 1/4" from the walls to allow for expansion. Tap extending staples lightly with a hammer to drive them flush with the luan surface. This is very important, 3. CUTTING AND FITTING. How to Cut and Install A Vinyl Floor Over Luan Plywood (Video) How to Bend Plywood. Removing Luan Plywood - Instructions. Step 2 Apply the Thin-Set Mortar. Installing Luan as an Underlayment. Start in one corner of the room and lay a full sheet of luan perpendicular to the direction of the subfloor panels. 3. Once installed, however, vinyl flooring forms tightly to the surface beneath it, showing uneven patches, bumps and depressions. So know it's helpful..Housekeeping Services in Mumbai, 1. Start in one corner of the room and lay a full sheet of luan perpendicular to the direction of the subfloor panels. Leave a quarter inch gap around the edges of the luan, to allow for expansion/shrinkage. So, that's one inch total of wood. Install Luan plywood with staples to the subfloor plywood using 18mm or longer staples. Use pressure cuts to cut through the panel, with one direct cut. Alternatives include 3/8-inch, laminated AC-grade plywood and hardboard-type panels of a similar thickness. We also got a recommendation sheet on how much to nail … Leave a quarter inch gap around the edges of the luan, to allow for expansion/shrinkage. Member Since: 01/26/03 542 lifetime posts. Under that we found 15/32'' plywood subfloor (not tongue-and-groove) over joists and we are trying to determine the best way to proceed from here. The second method is to install the IronPly ® plywood underlayment with an expansion joint and using a seam filler. The luan (or any underlayment), will only exacerbate existing humps and make them more apparent. Install the underlayment as late as possible in the building process to avoid having the smooth panel nicked and dinged by your crews. Install additional luan panels the same way, and leave a 1/16-inch expansion gap between panels. We recommend you use this method for installation under vinyl, vinyl composite tile, luxury vinyl tile, ceramic tile, carpet, engineered flooring, and wood floors. Underlayment Installation Labor, Basic Basic labor to install underlayment with favorable site conditions. Luan installs on top of a subfloor since the sheets are not strong enough or engineered for that exact purchase. Although luan offers a very smooth surface, it does not withstand moisture well and tends to swell and deteriorate when wet. Leave a 1/16 inch gap between the walls and the luan panel. Any DIYer with moderate skills can install a wood molding transition between tile and hardwood floors, giving a stylish finish between the two materials. One common underlayment for vinyl floors is 1/2-inch particle board. Problems have been few. The first method, and our preference for all SurePly ® plywood underlayment installations, is to install the panels without an expansion joint and without a seam filler. I have seen it stapled many times during demo but never learned about what kind of staples were used. Made from mahogany, luan is manufactured by layering thin strips of mahogany at right angles and bonding them together under pressure to form large panels. Luan should be installed directly on top of the subfloor (This is due to the face that, luan itself is not strong enough to to be the concrete subfloor) 2. The smooth side faces upward when installing luan as an underlayment. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. What to Use for Filler Before Laying Vinyl Flooring, How to Lay Vinyl Tile Over Particle Board, How to Lay Vinyl Floor Tiles in the Bathroom, University of Massachusetts, Amherst: Wood Underlayments for Resilient Flooring, Inside Woodworking: Choose Luan Plywood for Your Woodworking Projects, Cheapest & Cleanest Way to Replace Floors, Types of Loose Lay Vinyl Flooring for Bathrooms. Rent one or better yet hire a pro to install your underlayment. Installing Luan as an Underlayment 1. Glenda Taylor is a contractor and a full-time writer specializing in construction writing. You should staple every 18mm around the edges and every 20mm inches at the centre of the plywood boarding. All houses need subfloors. Ring shank nails are perfectly designed for floor installation. Make several medium-pressure cuts in the same groove rather than trying to cut through the panel with one forceful cut. The first method, and our preference for all IronPly ® plywood underlayment installations, is to install the panels without an expansion joint and without a seam filler. How to Stain Luan Plywood When Staining Luan Plywood your frist step should include taking a look at the surface of the plywood for any scratches or defects. Some manufacturers will not warranty their vinyl product if you install it over luan, especially if you’re installing vinyl tiles. When nailing underlayment, you need to think about three things: nail type, nail size and nail spacing. How To Install Underlayment Sub flooring. Offset underlayment end seams by 18″. 1. Use a power saw on the underside for a clean cut on the face. (bubbling. Cost to Install Underlayment - Notes and General Information. Lay your panels perpendicular to the floor joists starting with the … Stock up on 1/4-inch crown staples that are 1 inch ilong. Simply get underneath the underlayment with the shovel and lift. New User : Joined: Thu Oct 21, 2004 10:39 am Posts: 2 i want to install a nailed down 3/4in hardwood floor . Luan can be removed fairly easily. You may want to rent a take-up or roofing shovel to assist with removing the luan. ...See More. Although luan is often very smooth on the surface, it doesn't repel water very well, and it tends to warp when it gets wet. Lauan Wood : What is It and Where to Get It? Underlayments are not always necessary. Vinyl flooring is affordable, durable, spill-resistant and available in a rainbow of colors and patterns, making it a top choice in kitchens, bathrooms and laundry rooms. Learn how to demolish a bathroom floor and lay new underlayment with these easy-to-follow step-by-step directions. Patriot Timber Products, Inc. 117 S Westgate Drive Greensboro, NC 27407 Fax: 336-299-4050 I use 7/8" staples. When choosing an underlayment… Your question was about stapling underlayment. Install the sheets of luan in such a way as to ensure they are arranged in perpendicular fashion to the subfloor seams. Let putty material set and then follow application using to manufacturer's directions. The next sheet should butt right up against … Luan is lightweight and thin enough that you can cut small areas from the front side with a utility knife. (I should know to read entire posts, by now!) An easy way to check is by pulling the edge of a large metal taping knife over the surface of the luan. Sure, it may be tempting to grab just any old nail in your shop and start pounding away, but in the case the wages of sin are high: nails popping up through carpeting and even laminate floor; floor squeaking; and general homeowner misery. All houses need subfloors. stullis, Apr 9, 2009 #3. kwfloors Fuzz on the brain Charter Member Senior Member. Each luan panel has a rough side and a smooth side. I'm getting ready to install luan as underlayment for a vinyl tile floor and was thinking about purchasing a pneumatic stapler to help with this and other projects. Using Luan Subfloor For Laminate . This ensures the board is clean around the edges, and there are no gaps in your work. Luan plywood underlayment is typically ¼-inch thick, but there are some instances where it is only ⅛-inch thick instead. The panels should be cut so that the factory edges go together at the seams in the field of the floor. It’s inexpensive, flat, smooth and bonds well to the vinyl adhesives. Lets Know Installing Plywood Underlayment Step 1 – Start by Choosing the Right Plywood Underlayment. also undercut door trim. Use as thick a subflooring material as you can, or you can find. That way, you can take up the underlayment you put down to install the tile without ever having to worry about removing cabinets. No, its still a viable option. It’s inexpensive, flat, smooth and bonds well to the vinyl adhesives. If any staples are sticking up – you’ll hear the clicking sound of metal hitting metal. 02:37PM | 11/02/03. Luan should be installed directly on top of the subfloor (This is due to the face that, luan itself is not strong enough to to be the concrete subfloor) 2. Using Ceramic or Carpet Over Luan Wood. Allow for 1/4" space between the underlayment and walls or door spaces. Butt factory edge to factory edge. These estimates are for BASIC work performed in serviceable conditions by qualified trade professionals using MID GRADE materials. How to Install Luan Wood on Curved Surfaces, Luan Plywood for Subfloor Review (Pros and Cons). Installing underlayment in the vinyl areas supplies the elevation, smoothness and levelness necessary for the proper installation of vinyl floors. Start in one corner of the room and begin to lay a full panel of luan perpendicular to the form of the subfloor panels. Luan comes in both red and white colors, depending on the manufacturer and where the tropical trees were harvested. I get the seams snug (not tight) and leave expansion around the edges of room. Tear out the old vinyl and skim-coat the luan (if it can be salvaged). I have always screwed it down but then I have to fill all the screw holes. Or, better yet, tear out everything - down to the sub-floor. On the downside, particle board underlayment has very little structural strength. Luan installs on top of a subfloor since the sheets are not strong enough or engineered for that exact purchase. She also enjoys writing business and finance, food and drink and pet-related articles. Patriot Timber is committed to helping protect the environment. Post subject: laun underlayment over particle board with hardwood floors. Vinyl flooring manufacturers list the types of underlayment that are compatible with their product. Luan should be installed directly on top of the subfloor (This is due to the face that, luan itself is not strong... 2. Use a chalk line as a guide on the backside of the panel. If you so happen to have thicker underlayment (3/4 inch or more), then use 4d ring shank nails. Use a staple gun to insert 1/4-inch crown staples every 6 inches across the plane of the luan panel and every 2 … Pick up packs of 3d ring shank nails. 3) Fasteners must recess 1/16" below the surface, penetrate 75-90% of the sub-floor assembly, and not protrude through the bottom. If you choose to install the IronPly ® plywood underlayment with a seam filler, leave a 5/64" gap, approx. The words "subfloor" and "underlayment" are often used interchangeably, but they are two separate components. How to Replace Plywood Underlayment Step 1: Remove the Flooring It is possible for plywood underlayment to become damaged, especially from water. I have not installed much Durastone. 1. Made from mahogany, luan is manufactured by... Tools and Materials. When you remove the luan don't want anything sticking up. I think we might do it that way once we install our new cabinets. This is a how to install the SurePly underlayment product by Patriot Timber. Luan is 1/4 inch thick and it comes in 4-by-8 sheets. Today, there are better alternatives available rather than Lauan … Score or drill from the face. Install the panel with the RevolutionPly ® plywood label facing down towards the subfloor. Luan, a thin plywood underlayment material, is lightweight and easy to install. Luan should be installed directly on top of the subfloor (This is due to the face that, luan itself is not strong enough to to be the concrete subfloor), 2. Learn about our alternative to Lauan, or Luan, Plywood products. I am installing 1/4 plywood underlayment over a 3/4" subfloor. Her education includes marketing and a bachelor's degree in journalism from the University of Kansas. 2) "Do not use drywall screws". This is to avoid any bumps or unevenness showing up in the finished work. How to Install a Tile Floor Transition. In earlier days, the lauan plywood that was also known as luan, used to be a popular standard for resilient vinyl flooring. How to Install Luan Plywood over Curved Surfaces. It should run perpendicular to the plywood subfloor panel beneath it. covering the floor with underlayment. Luan is 1/4 inch thick and it comes in 4-by-8 sheets. Position the Underlayment Panels. You can use adhesive with 1/8 inch to cover the area for the piece of luan underlayment. How To Install Underlayment Over A Concrete Floor - YouTube If it's ran underneath the cabinets use a sharp razor knife and score it several times and it should break off pretty clean. Using Luan Plywood as Flooring. A subfloor is part of the frame of the structure. Remove debris from floor. An underlayment is a material that is sometimes installed over the subfloor and under the finished flooring. When using luan as an underlayment for vinyl its better to use a sheet of vinyl flooring as opposed to vinyl tile. Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 10:12 pm . Once the subfloor is thoroughly cleaned, the underlayment panels are installed one at a time directly over the subfloor. Getting all the staples removed or beat down is by far the hardest part. Use a jigsaw or circular saw for best results. Years ago Armstrong had a ulay guideline sheet on how to fasten the plywood to the floor. Then clear any splintered wood that remains. Ensure that Staples are flush with the Luan Material. Cut luan with a circular saw from the backside to prevent splintering the face of the sheet. 1/2 in. (336) 299-7755. I get the seams snug (not tight) and leave expansion around the edges of room. They are easy to use. How to Demolish Flooring and Install Underlayment. How to Replace Plywood Underlayment Installing luan requires a few basic carpenter tools, including a staple gun and a circular saw. APA's installation guidelines for 1/4-inch plywood should be followed when installing lauan plywood, but installers BEWARE: Lauan is made under a wall-panel specification of the International Hardwood Products Association (IHPA). When using luan as an underlayment for vinyl, it’s better to use sheet vinyl flooring as opposed to vinyl tile. x 4 ft. x 8 ft. Particleboard Panel - The Home Depot Steve Olson Hardwood/Laminate Guru Charter Member I Support TFP Senior Member. Because Luan Layers (or panels) are glued together, this will actually reduce the warping of the material when it is installed as underlayment for your Vinyl or Laminate Do-It-Yourself Home Projects. Make sure every bit of dust, dirt, and other debris are removed and that the surface has been washed and is completely dry. This is very important 3. A utility knife comes in handy for cutting the luan to fit around corners. We pulled out the existing carpet along with a 5/8''particle board underlayment. Your question was about stapling underlayment. Problems have been few. Once the underlayment is up, you'll need to treat the floor to get rid of the stickiness of the adhesive. This is very important . Once luan plywood is installed, insure to clean the floor surface before applying the flooring vinyl flooring. We recommend you use this method for installation under vinyl, vinyl composite tile, luxury vinyl tile, carpet, engineered flooring, wood floors, and ceramic tile. Use a staple gun to insert 1/4-inch crown staples every 6 inches across the plane of the luan panel and every 2 inches along the edges. What type of a nail or staple gun works best to install luan over an old wood floor? Luan plywood or its equivalent is a good choice of underlayment for either of these flooring materials. Install the underlayment as late as possible in the building process to avoid having the smooth panel nicked and dinged by your crews. When applying the wood putty to fill unsightly scratches or gouges or voids in the plywood edges. Installing Luan Panels. I use 7/8" staples. All 1/4" underlayment I staple about 4" each direction throught out the sheet and 2" on the seams. Great how -to video, on laying down luan wood for your wall, siding and flooring projects. Luan installation does not usually require an adhesive between the subfloor and the luan, but if an adhesive is called for, choose a subfloor adhesive. Luan is a perfectly fine underlayment for residential and most commercial applications… yes you can dent it.. but you would have to hit it really hard… .. it’s easy to install… Start in the far corner of your room and lay one full sheet of luan down on the ground. Basic Instructions on Using Luan as an Underlayment for Laminate or Vinyl Flooring. Basic Instructions on Using Luan as an Underlayment for Laminate or Vinyl Flooring. It has qualities that benefit the installation of the finished flooring, such as a smooth surface. The underlayment has a plastic strip on one end that goes along the wall and up the wall that will be covered by the baseboard, and the other end has a strip of adhesive tape. This acclimates the panels to minimize expansion/contraction issues after installation. '' each direction throught out the existing carpet along with a hammer to drive flush... Nails are perfectly designed for floor installation existing carpet along with a knife. Swell and deteriorate when wet through the panel, with one forceful.. Surface before applying the flooring vinyl flooring fill all the screw holes can be DIY... Not withstand moisture well and tends to swell and deteriorate when wet, premium materials and project supervision result... Specifications support its use or gauge its performance as an underlayment is ¼-inch. 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