Purple Sensation tends to be a long-lived bulb, but its leaves tend to get yellow or brown quite early, which can detract from the fabulous flowers. If I could grow only one allium it would have to be ‘Purple Sensation’. Wait until the soil is 60 degrees Fahrenheit or colder. A Very Dark Purple Allium. Attractive to The Allium Purple Sensation were a great addition to my gardens this year. Allium hollandicum 'Purple Sensation' Exposure: Full … Wait until it’s cold outside, with a soil temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. To help the bulbs settle and grow roots quickly, it’s important to water them well after planting, but after that you won’t have to water them again. It depends on the species, climate and growing conditions. around. Now the bulb will be going dormant, and won’t need any watering until next spring. Cats, Toxic to Butterflies/Moths, Attractive to Other common names Dutch garlic 'Purple Sensation' . Plant allium bulbs once the trees start losing their leaves. Unfortunately, Allium nigrum and atropurpureum do not come back. These gigantic globes on tall stems are all about bringing big drama to your garden. Livestock, No reported toxicity to A favorite of many gardeners, multiple award-winner Allium 'Purple Sensation' is a striking ornamental onion with its inflorescence consisting of dozens of small, star-shaped, rich violet-lilac flowers, forming perfectly round flowerheads, 3 in. How to Grow Alliums From Seed. Outdoor Planting Plant bulbs in the fall. You might know the allium family from the chives in your herb garden: little fluffy purple balls much beloved by bees and butterflies. Alliums will need to be planted deep enough that they won’t be affected by temperature variations above ground, either too warm or too cold. Get a pot or box with at least some drainage holes at the bottom. Allium atropurpureum is perhaps the darkest purple allium. … Pick a spot in your garden that has well-draining soil and gets full sun. wide (8 cm). Schubert allium (Allium schubertii) is dramatic and just plain fun. An even greater effect can be achieved by growing a row of 10 taller alliums such as Purple Sensation behind a row of 10 slightly smaller ones like Azureum. or read more about me. How to grow alliums. They added a new dimension, height, and color to my spring garden. Good options include Purple Sensation, Allium atropurpureum, Mount Everest, Allium sphaerocephalon and Allium … Try and hide the leave behind other spring emerging plants, like daylilies. For a start it is easy to cultivate, demanding only a sunny spot in reasonably well-drained soil. Botanical Name: Allium aflatunense 'Purple Sensation', syn. After a few weeks the foliage will automatically yellow and die back, and then you can remove it. bear in mind that growing alliums from seed is a long process, as it will be years before you achieve a flowering plant. People, Subscribe to BBC Gardeners' World Magazine and receive 12 issues for 39.99 - saving 39%. Ive planted all my allium bulbs and have another batch still to be delivered. Planting alliums in a cutting garden will ensure you always have a plentiful supply of flowers for bouquets. Grow your alliums in very neat rows of about 10 bulbs planted quite closely together (you might want to add some fertilizer to the soil to make sure they still get all the nutrients they need). For best results, grow Allium hollandicum ‘Purple Sensation’ in fertile, well-drained soil in full sun. Allium 'Purple Sensation' Best allium varieties. Allium aflatunense ‘Purple Sensation’ Alliums come in all shapes and sizes, ranging from tiny 1-inch round heads to flowers nearly 1 foot across and varying heights up to 6 feet tall. Since alliums grow less well when they have to fight for nutrients with their fellow bulbs, it’s best to plant them 6-8” apart. Now all you have to do is wait patiently for winter to do its magic underground, and spring to surprise you with the rewards of your work. Genus Allium are bulbous herbaceous perennials with a strong onion or garlic scent, linear, strap-shaped or cylindrical basal leaves and star-shaped or bell-shaped flowers in an umbel on a leafless stem From the team at Gardeners' World Magazine. After the alliums have bloomed don’t cut off the foliage. Other pollinators, Toxic to Flower bulbs are tough cookies that are easy to grow, but one thing they hate is getting their feet wet: a bulb that is ‘bathing’ in water will rot in no time. Ornamental alliums generally range in height from 3” to 4-6’ tall. Allium aflatunense Growing and Care Guide. If you like things neat and tidy or want to maximize the wow-factor alliums can bring to your garden or container, you can opt for the super regimented approach. Leave it until it’s completely withered and yellow, then remove. Flowers of the allium plant have round heads too, which range from a few to several inches (7.5 to 15 cm.) Who Should Plant Allium. Sometimes the big-headed alliums like christophii and Gladiator will bloom for a second year, but not always. I thought of the following but would be grateful for other suggestions. In the North this will be in September or October, in the South in October or November. During blooming season, you generally don’t have to water your alliums, but you can water them when there hasn’t been any rain for 3-5 days. How to Grow Companion Plants of Alliums. Bees, Does not attract Choosing several different types will give you flowers throughout the season. Early summer blooming. Then, for sheer size, look at Allium giganteum, for the most exquisite flowers on tall stems try Allium Purple Rain otherwise Allium Purple Sensation is the most popular large allium for good reason. Grow your alliums in very neat rows of about 10 bulbs planted quite closely together (you might want to add some fertilizer to the soil to make sure they still get all the nutrients they need). It’s perfect for growing in drifts or large clumps in a sunny border, or large container, and makes an impressive cut flower. Send me your questions! Full sun in well-drained soil (add griton heavy soils). It’s not fully hardy and in colder regions should be mulched, or planted in pots and moved to a frost free area in autumn. Origin: Asia (particularly Turkey and Iran) and Europe (especially in the Mediterranean area) In my garden, Allium ‘Purple Sensation’, drumstick alliums and Allium bulgaricum do come back every year. Plant bulbs up to three times their diameter, in autumn. Like all flower bulbs, alliums need a cold period to develop their roots and get ready for spring. Allium is remarkably resilient in a dormant state and can wait to be planted, but needs to be in the ground a few weeks before the ground freezes in order to put down roots. So avoid soggy soil at all cost – this means places where you can still see puddles 5-6 hours after a rainstorm. DutchGrown LLC, 827 Lincoln Ave. Unit 8, West Chester, PA 19380, Signup to receive our latest news and hottest promotions. Horses, No reported toxicity to Colors include shades of blue, pink, purple, white, and yellow. Plant bulbs up to three times their diameter, in autumn. Nectaroscordum will take some shade and self sows so take care where you plant it. Allium hollandicum ‘Purple Sensation’ bears large, rounded heads of deep violet, star-shaped flowers, on tall sturdy stems. Not as erect and orderly as Purple Sensation, but in the right place (where casual is OK), the two-toned, burgundy-green heads are fantastic. Contains: 5 large allium bulbs. Plant dormant allium bulbs in the fall according to your growing zone. Plant the allium bulbs about 4-8” deep and 6-8” apart, placing them in the soil with their pointy ends up. In Focus: Allium aflatunense Purple Sensation Allium aflatunense Purple Sensation is one of the best deals on the planet. Highly attractive to pollinators, but unappealing to deer. 'Purple Sensation' Allium, sometimes called Persian Onion, is a big favorite, with 4" purple, globe-shaped flowers that appear just before spring gives way to summer. Genus name comes from the classical Latin name for garlic. Plant the bulbs to a depth of 10 cm and a distance of 10 cm apart, adding a slow release fertiliser high in potash in poor soils. Find a well-draining container and fill it with loose soil, making sure water won’t gather and stay at the bottom. People who want late spring to early summer blooms in their garden should consider planting allium bulbs. Allium Aflatunense Purple Sensation. They are borne atop sturdy stalks, which arise from a group of 6 to 8 handsome, blue-green, straplike leaves. One of the nice features of allium bulbs is the range of hardiness zones where they will grow. Allium 'Purple Sensation' bulbs become available for purchase as pre-packed bulbs from the autumn onwards. Weave them through sunny borders or combine them with feathery grasses for best effect. An even greater effect can be achieved by growing a row of 10 taller alliums such as, behind a row of 10 slightly smaller ones like. So once you feel fall’s first chill in the air, it’s time to get planting. 'Purple Sensation' produces a 4-5 inch ball of vivid violet-purple flowers on 24-30 inch stalks. If you grow bulbs with children, be sure to include some alliums, as children love the fact that once in bloom these flowers will often tower over them. Onions, garlic and leeks are members of the allium family (Allium spp. Flower Bulbs from our family farm in Holland. Newer Post, © Copyright 2020 DutchGrown. Birds, Attractive to It’s not fully hardy and in colder regions should be mulched, or planted in pots and moved to a frost free area in autumn. To grow allium from seed leave the flowerheads on the plant and collect the ripe seed and sow it straight away. Plant too close and you will achieve smaller blooms as the bulbs complete for the available nutrients. When your DutchGrown alliums arrive and you can’t plant them immediately, it’s important to store them correctly: unpack them right away and put them in a dry place with plenty of air circulation, where the temperature is between 40 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Its flowers … Plant Height (Inches): 24 to 36 Plant Spread (Inches): 3 to 6 Time of Bloom: Late spring to Early summer Flower Details: Purple Leaf Foliage: Green Fruit: The standard method for calculating the ideal depth is to dig a hole three times as deep as the bulb is high, and place the bulb at the bottom with its pointy end up. Great with ornamental grasses. All rights reserved. Grow your alliums in very neat rows of about 10 bulbs planted quite closely together (you might want to add some fertilizer to the soil to make sure they still get all the nutrients they need). The taller alliums like Purple Sensation tend to look best at the back of your border, but some of the smaller varieties like allium amplectens ‘graceful beauty’ grow to a less imposing maximum of around 12 inches, making it perfect for massing at the front of borders or for planting in pots. Allium aflatunense Purple Sensation will cause a sensation in your garden when the large 4" violet-purple flowers begin to appear. It nectar-pollen-rich-flowers. Older Post Allium bulbs grow in hardiness zones 3-9. Beneficial insects, Does not attract When it comes to planting bulbs in containers, the mantra is exactly the same: drainage-drainage-drainage. A vivid bloomer, 'Purple Sensation' prefers full sun but will also share its amazing color in partly-shaded areas. Scientific Name: Allium aflatunense Common Name: Persian onion, purple sensation Growing Zone: USA: 4 to 8 Life Cycle / Plant Type: Herbaceous, Perennial Plant Details. If you like unique and whimsical plants you should consider planting allium bulbs. Be sure to plant Purple Sensation Allium among other perennials that have good structure like Phlomis russeliana or 'Moonshine' Yarrow for Allium Purple Sensation to look its best. Water well once and wait for spring, or, when you live in hardiness zone 3-7, water well and bring the containers indoors, letting them spend the winter in a cool spot like an unheated garage or basement. An even greater effect can be achieved by growing a row of 10 taller alliums such as Purple Sensation behind a row of 10 slightly smaller ones like Azureum. It flowers by mid-May and the flowers fade beautifully, quite quickly but give weeks of interest. If you like things neat and tidy or want to maximize the wow-factor alliums can bring to your garden or container, you can opt for the super regimented approach. Synonyms Allium aflatunense 'Purple Sensation' Allium 'Purple Sensation' . They should be planted in fall between September and November, before the soil freezes. Alliums need plenty of light to grow, so any place with less than full sun is out. In the North this will be in September or October, in the South in October or November. These ornamental onions are bold and architectural, with large rounded heads of usually purple flowers, followed by attractive seedheads. In its dreams, the stodgy onion tosses its lavender head and dances in the garden. For best results, grow Allium hollandicum ‘Purple Sensation’ in fertile, well-drained soil in full sun. Another thing you can do is to upgrade potentially soggy soil by adding organic material such as peat, bark or manure. The three above will be fine at the back of a wide border where you have taller subjects. Planting Alliums with Roses. Pick a spot in your garden that gets full sun. Planting Allium Bulbs: When To Plant Them Alliums are amongst the most undemanding flower bulbs to plant, tolerating most types of soil and hardy down to zone 4. Plant them at a depth of 2-3 times their diameter (4-6”) in a well-drained sunny or partly-shaded site. Unfortunately containers can’t protect bulbs as well as mother earth can, so when you live in hardiness zones 3-7 it might be better to let your containers spend the winter indoors, in a cool, dark, well-aired spot that won’t get warmer than 60 degrees Fahrenheit, like an unheated basement or garage. But ornamental alliums are anything but little. First: It is deer- and rodent-resistant.Second: It is a really good perennial, even a good naturalizer.Third: Its showy flowers bloom in the garden's in-between time~after the Narcissi and Tulips, and before summer annuals and perennials burst into bloom. After alliums have finished blooming, don’t cut the foliage straight away: through photosynthesis the leaves will create nutrients that the bulb will be needing for its next growing season. 20-30" tall. Since containers often have limited space, you can also experiment with placing the bulbs closer together, but make sure they never touch. Plant the allium bulbs about 4-8” deep and 6-8” apart, placing them in the ground with their pointy ends up. Family Alliaceae . A Charming Border Idea with Allium, Nepeta & Grasses Create stunning, easy care and long-lasting border combinations like this one. Dogs, Toxic to $6.95. Flowers of the allium plant rise above the foliage, and you can grow alliums in the colors of white, pink, purple, yellow, and blue. Birds, No reported toxicity to I know that they look better when they are underplanted but Im not sure what to plant. Allium 'Purple Sensation' is known for attracting bees, butterflies/moths and other pollinators. Alliums in a Herbaceous Border. Plants typically produce showy flower umbels on naked scapes rising above a clump of linear grass-like leaves. I used them in different areas to bookmark the garden beds and walkways and they almost acted as a gateway into new areas of the garden. Allium hollandicum ‘Purple Sensation’ AGM The deep-purple spheres appear just after the late-tulips so this is a good addition to a border where late tulips have already flowered. Drumstick allium (Allium sphaerocephalon): Blooms in early July, a couple weeks after Purple Sensation.