The second was Jivan Shi, a psychiatrist infected by Summer Day. Discussions begin. Usually at least 1 hyena ends up dead, lion is fine. This is what they're bred to do ! If one of these exotic animals can do this ... so can a tiger lol which is more skilled . If the wolves are in-character against a cornered tiger, the feline can win this on pure intimidation alone, wolves aren't stupid so they'll probs self-bfr. Forum Posts. - No, 3. Comic Vine; Forums; Off-Topic; African Leopard vs Gray Wolf Mad_Jim. 7 wolves win. Greetings to readers. That's true but it works both ways, Leopards, even large ones can be rather timid among hyenas as they know that even a small injury might prevent them from hunting solitarily in the future, while Hyenas can to an extent rely on the strength of the Clan. Tigers are far from invincible, Dhole packs have been observed hunting and killing Tigers occasionally. 4. - No. Even a tiger or a crocodile couldn't' just ripe the spine out of a wolf. Tiger has a much stronger bite force than the lion. @thevoidofdeath: That is some major dog wank right there. If the hyena attacks head first, those claws will decimate it's face. They go after bears to an range anywhere from 150- 300 pounds or more . They tiger could still possibly win this though, but it would be a tough fight. Guys let me repeat myself One Caucasian Ovcharka can kill four wolves at a time ! Spotted hyenas can weigh up to 155lb, possibly up to almost 200lb for very large females - since they are much closer to the wolf in size and strength, they have a better chance. I can link if you like to her page, and she can fill you in on what they do . A Wolf wouldn't be much of a problem for Leo. The hyena snarled and flung the wolf off him. No, you are the one who doesn't know what he is talking about. The wolverine has one thing the hyena does not have and that is razor sharp claws that can literally taking out a nose or an eye with one swipe. But from 2005 through 2009, Wolf was manufactured at the Tula Cartridge Plant in Tula, Russia, the same plant where TulAmmo is made. I suggest you actually do research on them , and thoroughly look at the history of this breed. Tigers don't mess with that in Russia. Who would win? © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. If its a Persian or Sri Lankan Leopard, who have no larger predators like Lions or Tigers to worry about, its status as an apex predator makes it more likely to stand and fight, and in that case it should win more often than not due to larger weight, strength and grappling ability (The Only thing the Wolf would have over it would be Bite Strength). Ya a Caucasian Shepard can kill a wolf, but they aren't super animals that can take 4 at a time ripping their spine out... Might as well tigers are really as big and strong as the one in the video above. Dire wolf had a higher weight on average but only by a couple of kilos. Although physical the tiger should be able to win, mentally it might start the fight at a loss. 308, 9mm etc. They could break them, but ripping a spine out of a large animal would take supernatural levels of force. Hyenas often run for their lives, if they did not they would all end up dead - and it happens. Long time ago I did not write an article about animal confrontation, I decided to revive this tradition. The lone male cave hyena and the lone male wolf circled each other. Spotted Hyena. So no. Both are fully healthy, bloodlusted, willing to fight back & trying to kill their opponent. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1:05. The Caucasian mountain dog is known to do so, and the Russians have video feed of this . The only big cat a Grey wolf could beat in single combat is a Cheetah. Bite strength is lower too. 1 wolf is just fodder to tiger. Grey Wolf - Canis lupus Body length: 105-160 cm (41-63 in) Weight: 25-79 kg (55-175 lb) Shoulder height: 80-85 cm (32-34 in) General information: The grey wolf is the largest extant wild member of the Canidae family, and occurs primarily in wilderness and remote areas, especially in Canada, Alaska and northern USA, Europe, Asia and north Africa. Hairless 1000 pound dire-lions with glowing eyes and bat buzzards circling the ceilings of vast black cathedrals. Most of them would probably die tho... Tiger, but he's not walking out of this without injuries. BUT, in a wild encounter you don't have anything special in favor of the Bear vs a Wolf, as we have in the Lion vs a Hyena… 8/10 Tiger kills all of the wolves and after fight dies of infection/injury. What's a cave hyena? @thevoidofdeath: That is some major dog wank right there. VS Female spotted hyena vs Alpha Male wolf at his prime Round 1: Alone, bloodlusted normal weight Round 2: Groups. One advantage of the wolf is a more flexible spine, and their fighting pattern, whereby they will use their forelimbs, hind limbs and body to change the outcome of the fight. It's a cat. They look bigger than they really are though due to their fur. I'd add that leopards are more used to fighting and hunting solo, whereas typically wolves use methods based on coordinated teamwork with other members of the pack. A tiger's claws can potentially mortally would a wolf and tiger's can break necks with their bites. Can a wolf kill a tiger instantly? Tigers like all cats are far superior athletically than canines. Post Sep 24, 2009 #13 2009-09-24T01:45. Leopard kills Wolf easily .. Hyena Vs Wolf Abe's Animals: 2 animal face offs I saw only in pictures ... . Some people here haven’t watched the 2016 Jungle Book, Shere Khan already blitzed and one-shotted the alpha and no wolf did shit. @abelhsu: One shot from it's paw can render the physically weaker wolves heavily wounded, the only reason why the tiger would lose is due to sustained injuries and bleeding out. It really does depend on the animal. The tiger is strong enough to carry the combined weight of all 7 wolves; a dogpile attempt isn't going to give the team a win. Hyena Vs Wolf Wolf vs hyena, MEGA FIGHT - Off-Topic - Comic Vine . The wolf leapt onto the hyena and bit onto the animal's back. In the real world pack wolfs and the tiger would choose not to face each other, I'm assuming the wolves are willing to die here to give the pack victory and they don't mind getting mortally wounded, So the wolves have a chance to seriously injure the tiger the cat could die due to the injuries now this is an unreal situation, Still it would give Tiger a greater chance of victory giving good chances of it surviving, tiger is much stronger and more lethal than canines. Animals Fighting For Foods Hyenas, Wild dog - Attack of Animals © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. If I had to bet my money, I would pick the Tiger. Is. 7 wolves are not enough to challenge a beast like this tiger. Imagine the labyrinthine caves of pitch black safari violence they must dwell in! Gray Wolf vs. Here, I accidentally sent a spotted hyena and gray wolf to the same empty enclosure. And for those who wouldn't know, dholes belong to the wolf-like canids, and they're much lighter and weaker than wolves. Faster, stronger, bigger, more weapons, agile and not reliant on a pack. 7 wolves could get killed very fast. Grey Wolf wins 7/10 The Grey Wolf has an advantage with agility, speed and possibly stamina. Wolves voters are idiots and need more common sense. These dogs do not go for the throat... they go fod the spine! These dogs do not go for the throat... they go fod the spine! Why that matters, well wild animals don't usually fight back well if they're outnumbered, they lose a lot of confidence. Playing next. . Spotted Hyena 7 Gray Wolf 6 The poll was created at 06:55 on October 20, 2011, and so far 13 people voted. Animal match up are variable, and even in expected mismatches the smaller/weaker animal may end up scaring the other away. Individually, each wolf can hold its own against a hyena, 1 on 1. Second Gray Wolf Pack Spotted In Northern California. I'd give the edge to the Leopard but I think a Wolf could knock out a few wins. Unless you breed those dogs to fight and have seen it for yourself it doesn't matter if you own one or not. California's Only Known Wild Gray Wolf Pack Spotted With 3 New Pups. Wolves for sure, unless they don’t dogpile it for some reason. Deadliest? That's just common sense. The Grey Wolf also has the size and weight advantage.With a large and immobile neck and head the Wolf can easily get around and avoid the Striped Hyena's bite which is it's only real weapon. Wolves easily. Their weight and size are slightly less than half of wolve's. Tiger, same way 1 male lion is more then enough vs 7 hyenas. Win by kill, no escape, fight in plains with few trees, fight starts face to face. Julietta Zeller. Guest. Wolves are almost as quick as tigers and smarter. It's more like a 50/50, with greater odds to the wolf. Guest. Agility seems to be pointing towards dire wolf as well. I'd put money on a timber wolf to defeat a striped or brown hyena - maximum weight for these species is about 88lb and 105lb respectively, compared to 175lb for the wolf. Of course this is not exclusive, and they are Large Male Leopards who make a habit of killing hyenas. (1978) Add a photo to this gallery What makes you think a 600lbs tiger would be unable to break there surrounding defense (Life & Death)? Ya a Caucasian Shepard can kill a wolf, but they aren't super animals that can take 4 at a time ripping their spine out... Might as well say tigers are really as big and strong as the one in the video above. They do not have the strengths. Even if it stood there to be dog piled how many wolves would it take to hold him? Often times 1 Male lion can dominate a kill and keep a larger clan of hyenas at bay. Bottom line, tiger will kill a couple of wolves, and get away. However, for a dog that is utterly amazing odds, since dogs are such domesticated mutant versions of wolves. Defensive capabilities seem to be pointing towards the hyena but that's only speculation since the dire wolf is extinct. Tiger has a much stronger bite force than the lion. Firstly, You speak of what you don't know. And even in such packs, not all would be adults in full strength. Show me proof if you want me to believe it. Also how do you think the extinct Tasmanian tiger would fair against these two animals in a individual fight? We take pride in this breed , and as a half Russian i grew up around these dogs. Do you think it won’t get away? Browse more videos. Gray Wolves are pack hunters who are determined to fight as well as Spotted Hyenas, but Hyenas, being larger with a more robust build, powerful jaws by science (as tested on National Geographic of a Young Juvenile having 603 psi), and 3 times the testosterone in the female giving her pure aggression. In his human form, Wolf wears a yellow coyote armor with wolf-like fur, red belt and gauntlets, gray beard and ponytailed hair, jeans and boots. Tiger is massively stronger and faster than the wolves and the claws are fatal. - Use common sense. Wolves can weigh 140 to 150 lbs, not sure if that makes a difference. Assuming they both stand and fight and not just avoid one another (which would be the most realistic outcome) then the Leopard should win handily. I would say 1 vs. 1 would go to the dire wolf 7/10. Now, if there was a pair of tigers? Follow 2668. How many 100lbs wolves will it take to hold down a defensive/offensive 600+ tiger? We take pride in this breed , and as a half Russian i grew up around these dogs. Geo Beats. Leopards are alot more powerful and infinitely more flexible. The Caucasian mountain dog is known to do so, and the Russians have video feed of this . It depends of that ''willingness''/ reason , OR how small is the compound in a case of a staged fight. LoL,SERIOUSLY BIG LOL, Tiger can kill 3-4 wolves,but 7 ? Fight: A hyena guarding his cubs on a hill, spots a wolf and barks a warning and then runs down to attack. Gray Wolf vs. A tiger is not a bear. A perfect example is the hyena pack vs the lion. retractable (feline) claws>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> canine claws, 1 solid hit from the tiger guarantees a mortal wound, potentially fatal, This is silly wolves are no match for a tiger even in a PAC Grizzles fend off a PAC and only retreat if it's not worth the effort. Big battle of Lion vs Hyena Real Fight! 90 kg African Leopard vs nearly 80 kg Gray Wolf ! leopard easily, wolves are excellent pack hunters but they're not that strong solo, unlike the leopard... Leopards can hold their own against Hyenas. Can someone show us feats from some tiger proving he's brave enough to stand its ground and fight off 7 wolves ( or other equivalent animals )? Ask any Russian or Armenian. There is no way in hell a tiger would be killed. Maybe if it was pack of a bit larger 15 wolves they would get him. This could go either way. Their packs are usually between 5 to 12 members and can reach up to 40 in extreme cases. Spotted Hyena. A tiger will kill a wolf instantly. The hyena leapt at the wolf but the wolf jumped out of the way. They sound like badasses. Tiger will take it.Way to fast and one punch can Crack bones. Even can kill 2 Wolf .. Mismatch .. @laflux: Never seen a Cheetah chase off a Lion... @laflux: I was thinking more from the aspect of fighting style than personality, but you are right. I haven't done my usual research but from what I understand the leopard should take this handily. Wolves could pull it off, they're smarter and have team work. I own two of these dogs, and am friends witg the only breeder left for these dogs in the state. Period end of discussion. The tiger could still possibly win this though, but it would be a tough fight. Which species of hyena? Will a tiger let a pack of wolves dog pile? 0. The Hyena is an identity used by multiple super-villains who have been enemies to Firestorm. If its a African or Indian Leopard I can see it being more risk averse and fleeing, so I guess the Wolf could win via intimidation that way. To be clear i am against animal fighting i am just curious because i have been watching these animals on TV. KMC Forums > Comic Book Forums > Comic Book 'Versus' Forum > The African Spotted Hyena vs The North American Wolve Malo The gray wolf (Canis lupus) also called the timber wolf, is the largest of about 41 wild species within the dog family, Canidae, of the order Carnivora. I suggest you actually do research on them , and thoroughly look at the history of this breed. I never said they don't go for the spine, I said they couldn't rip the spine of a wolf out of its body. Report. Hyena packs have a much stronger bite force than the wolf. It could go either way. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Cheetahs are weaker than Leopards, Lions and Leopards but have been (rarely) been able to chase them away after short scraps. They think the tough conditions have driven the animals to pair up to improve their chances. SO no one's getting in through a blindspot. Gray wolf: North americas fierce pack hunters vs Spotted hyena: Africa's most misunderstood hunter. Fictional movie, I know. So 7 adult healthy wolves cooperating and unable to flee would have a good chance at killing the tiger. I know they are some of the strongest dogs on the planet, and I do think they are stronger than an average wolf, but again saying they can kill 4 wolves at once is crazy. Firstly, You speak of what you don't know. Researchers have spotted hyenas and grey wolves hunting together in the Negev desert, southern Israel. 0:53. 2. I'm actually not sure. Follow. A Male Lion can assassinate a matriarch Hyena in a matter of seconds. Stop spouting shit about the wolves being able to dogpile the tiger because they can do the same to a bear. Also, Caucasian Shepard don't always win their fights with wolves either. Who is deadliest Who. Male grey wolf vs Male hyena? But even if he win, the Tiger is likely to die later from wounds. Nipples and bites here and there will not kill a tiger. Even with a pack of 15 wolves do you think the tiger will stand there surrounded to let them dog pile? But some packs with much less than that have been observed among those hunting tigers. In his mutated form, Wolf eventually becomes like a lycanthrope-like werewolf, yellow coyote armor, human shaped head with gray fur a white beard and long white hair. Wolves cannot dog pile a fighting tiger. Just thought it'd be humorous to add. The Hyena was created by Gerry Conway and Pat Broderick, first appearing in Firestorm #4. 7 are a lot not gonna lie, but a Tiger is unstoppable. Ask any Russian or Armenian. Earlier, you and I have already established a winner in the battle between a lynx and a wolf (link HERE), the time has come to oppose the opponent’s wolf more seriously - the spotted hyena.. The spotted hyena shall win one on one. The hyena tried to act tough but decided the risks of taking on a honey badger far outweighed the costs. This is what they're bred to do ! They pull the spine out , and they go on killing rampages in Russia . Wolves bite force are comparable and their bites could crush the tigers bones. 5 years ago | 748 views. I can link if you like to her page, and she can fill you in on what they do . Tiger is too durable and strong. Ok? Even a Large Grey Wolf(Rougly the same size as a Large Spotted Hyena)..Would be no match for a Jaguar or Lion...And Agaist a Leopard theyd give em a decent fight but ultimately they would get overpowered and lose. In the real world, predators are not willing to seriously injure themselves, predators has a sense of preservation. But first, let's remember what these animals are: Wolves don't win. The tiger would likely win if it's forced to fight. It eventually loses ,but there will be 1-2 wolves survived tbh. Bite strength i think also goes to dire wolf. I own two of these dogs, and am friends witg the only breeder left for these dogs in the state. Hyena packs have a much stronger bite force than the wolf. The original was Summer Day, a Peace Corps member who became a were-hyena and slowly lost her mind. Female Spotted Hyena vs Male Grey Wolf. 'Re outnumbered, they lose a lot not gon na lie, but would! Than the wolf off him fighting i am against animal fighting i am curious... Talking about is not exclusive, and she can fill you in what... Like all cats are far superior athletically than canines be clear i am just curious because i have n't my. But i think also goes to dire wolf as well challenge a beast like this tiger each other possibly! 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