1, pp. Edited by Barbara J. book review, information literacy pedagogy, IL collaborations ... Forbes, C. (2017). Cite . Presentation at the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Sciences Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America 2016 Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. Health communication, health education, and health literacy are rooted in a common understanding of human communication and share the goals of enhancing human health, improving health outcomes, and reducing health disparities. Changes in the information landscape in the last few decades have prompted both librarians and faculty to reexamine the concept of information literacy (IL). Subjects. Book Review: Information Literacy: Research and Collaboration Across the Disciplines . The article explores the application of the model through interviews with academics and concludes by Authors. Book review of Susan H. McLeod & Rich Rice (Series Eds. The goal of this collection of essays and case studies is to provide a thorough examination of IL as a concept. ), Perspectives on Writing. Contributors respond directly or indirectly to the work of the ACRL, providing a bridge between past/current knowledge and the future and advancing the notion that faculty, librarians, administrators, and external stakeholders share responsibility and accountability for the teaching, learning, and research of Information Literacy. 12, No. Year: 2017. Research practices and information seeking in the agricultural sciences: A collaborative approach for developing research support services. Book Review: Information Literacy: Research and Collaboration Across the Disciplines. Information Literacy: Research and Collaboration across Disciplines. We have an opportunity to mobilize the wisdom, research, and practice of these disciplines to collaborate and foster new research and … D'Angelo, Sandra Jamieson, Barry Maid, & Janice R. Walker. information literacy resources within disciplines, that is based on Biggs and Tang's (2007) concept of constructive alignment, and that is suitable for implementation on an institutional scale. Discover our research outputs and cite our work. Journal of Agricultural & Food Information: Vol. (2011). Editor:: Jamieson, Sandra: Editor:: Maid, Barry M. Editor: By Carrie Forbes. Title:: Information Literacy: Research and Collaboration Across Disciplines: Editor:: D'Angelo, Barbara J. Carrie Forbes Follow. Information Literacy: Research and Collaboration across Disciplines by Barry Maid, Arizona State University Publication Date: 2016 Steps to Success: Crossing the Bridge Between Literacy Research and Practice by Kristen A. Munger, School of Education at SUNY Oswego Information Literacy Across the Disciplines: Using the Science Information Literacy Wiki as a Collaborative Tool in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Science Librarianship. Information Literacy: Research and Collaboration across Disciplines is a recommended read for new instruction and reference librarians, as well as for faculty who are interested in Book Review: Information Literacy: Research and Collaboration Across the Disciplines. BibTex; Full citation; Publisher: Portland State University Library. Whether it is across labs in your program, across areas in your department, or across disciplines, there is much to be gained by bridging the divide between isolated research silos. 58-64.