Published by MIT D-Lab, many people contributed to the guide by helping to define the structure, providing examples and content, and offering valuable feedback. Lean Research Field Guide Provides examples of how organizations from the Lean Research Community are applying the principles in practice. But it does offer a uniquely flexible solution for assembling more complex products. This is where the real fun begins. The Lean Research Initiative, led by MIT D-Lab, the Fletcher School at Tufts University, and Root Capital, offers an alternative. The Lean Research Field Guide is the result of a collaborative effort by the Lean Research and Sustainable Food Lab communities and includes 45 practices and practical examples from 10 different organizations. Lean Research Field Guide Provides examples of how organizations from the Lean Research Community are applying the principles in practice. The approach involves two main elements: +hift in mindset away from A s reporting and compliance and toward creating value for a company and its customers The power dynamics between researchers and those researched affect not only the participant’s experience, but also the outcomes of the research. MIT N51 3rd floor lean workcell and the components that make up the lean workcell. The Lean Data Field GuideIntroduction2 Lean Data is an approach to impact measurement developed by Acumen. As outlined in the Lean Research declaration, how we approach and implement research, monitoring, and evaluation matters. MIT D-Lab, William Davidson Institute, University of Michigan, The Four Rs: An Interview With the Lean Research Initiative, A global study of girls’ access to and usage of mobile, told through 3,000 voices, Lean Research: Introducing a Movement for Change, Why international development should use lean research, D-Lab Research in the time of the Covid-19 pandemic, Firms Adopting Lean Research Can Expect Wide Impacts: WDI has teamed up with MIT D-Lab on a new case study, Evaporative Cooling for Vegetable Preservation, Lean Research Interview Skills Online Course, Positive Change Through Actionable Metrics, Technology Enabled Girl Ambassadors (TEGA), Applying the Lean Research Framework: A Program Evaluation, Real Girls, real lives, connected. – but what are the specific things I should do differently in my next research project?”. "The Lean IT Field Guide is a practical, principles-based, guide to enterprise transformation. We have been working to transform our IT organization over the past few years. LPD Field Guide This is what we’ll cover in this chapter: > Gathering information about land before a workshop > How to conduct a site visit for families > Working with urban designers, architects, and engineers > Planning the workshop day PLANNING A WORKSHOP Welcome to Chapter 2! Publication | Jun 29, 2018 | Kendra Leith, Mike McCreless, Editors, Lean Research Field Guide: Examples from the Sustainable Food Lab & the Lean Research Community (Version 1.1, 2019, 31 pg). At Furthermore we carry out user research pretty much every week. The Lean Research Framework, developed in 2015, describes Lean Research principles and provides a set of guiding questions for implementing the principles in your work (included for reference in this document as Appendix A). Their advice applies in any knowledge-work environment, IT or otherwise. Lean Research: Rigorous, Respectful, Relevant, and Right-sized Research in Development. COSA, as part of the working group that included Sustainable Food Lab and others, contributed a number of unique experiences to help researchers advance sustainability in the most effective manner. Matthias Holweg’s article “The genealogy of lean production” provides an excellent introduction to the historic development of the Toyota Production System and the subsequent birth of lean. Office of Experiential Learning (OEL) Regis has written a practical field guide, Learning to Scale, The Secret to Growing a Fast and Resilient Company, that demonstrates both the why and the how of what he professes. This guide is the first iteration of the Lean Research field guide. This guide describes 9 basic lean manufacturing principles that should help you evaluate lean manufacturing The Mastery of Innovation A Field Guide to Lean Product Development Next mipop 02.11.2020 108 No Comments on The Mastery of Innovation A Field Guide to Lean Product Development Research in these contexts is often conducted to understand and improve the impacts of various program interventions … The response from researchers has been positive, but always accompanied by a question: “I support these principles – who wouldn’t? To recap, we’ve just run a Lean Participatory Design workshop, and we came away with a lot of feedback from families. A global study of girls’ access to and usage of mobile, told through 3,000 voices, Evaluation that Creates Value for Participants: A Client-Centric Approach, Consent as Conversation: Lean research in vulnerable settings, The Research Supply Chain and the Ethics of Knowledge Production, Making Evidence Practical for Development, Advancing “lean research” for improved international development, Presenting Lean Research at the Smallholder Performance Measurement Workshop. Lean Research is a framework to guide and improve the practice of field research with people and communities in the contexts of international development and humanitarian work. Lean Research – Is it Time to Reimagine the Study of Financial Inclusion? Office of the Vice Chancellor (OVC) This innovative Lean Research Field Guide captures useful insights from around the world. The Lean Data Field Guide Introduction 2 Lean Data is an approach to impact measurement developed by Acumen. Enable both the research process and outputs to benefit study participants and their communities, as well as donors and decision-makers. Office of the Vice Chancellor (OVC) 265 Massachusetts Avenue Introduces the Lean Research framework and principles and offers a set of questions to guide your research. Lean Research draws from lean production, participatory design methods, and participatory action research. Here are ten tips and tools that will help you gather quality customer insights in an efficient, low cost manner: 1. In response, we co-created this field guide with, and for, the SFL community, with the hope that many of the practices will be relevant to other researchers as well. A Client-Centric Approach: Impact Evaluation that Creates Value for Participants, Kendra Leith, Associate Director for Research, News | Oct 11, 2018 | Girl Effect & Vodafone Foundation, News | Feb 22, 2016 | Kendra Leith & Elizabeth Hoffecker, Publication | Jun 29, 2018 | Kendra Leith, Mike McCreless, Editors. Both the Lean Research Working Paper and the Root Capital Working Paper A Client-Centric Approach: Impact Evaluation that Creates Value for Participants provide evidence and examples for why researchers of vulnerable populations need to do better. The Mastery of Innovation A Field Guide to Lean Product Development 30.10.2020 jepy The digital masters we looked at are working with an ecosystem of third-party partners, developing and testing ideas more quickly under an mvp model, and nurturing a culture of bottom-up innovation and experimentation. About Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead. The finding of survey proposes the Lean Road Map which gives the detailed guide line for Lean Manufacturing System implementation. Lean Research – 10 Tips and Tools. The Lean IT Field Guide is just that - a field guide to help any organization planning, starting, or in the middle of a Lean transformation effort. Lean Research Framework. The Lean Data Field Guide Learn how to conduct your own Lean Data projects to gather customer data and build more impactful businesses. Publication | Aug 01, 2015 | Elizabeth Hoffecker, Kendra Leith, Kim Wilson, Publication | Mar 18, 2015 | MIT D-Lab, The Fletcher School, Feinstein International Center, designing for a more I am an Organizational Development Manager in Information Technology Services at a higher ed institution. Positive Change Through Actionable Metrics - William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan, Technology Enabled Girl Ambassadors (TEGA) Entries tagged with "Lean Field Guide" Lean Research, Monitoring & Evaluation Webinar. Lean Research Field GuideLean Research Field Guide Lean Research does not provide a set of rules to follow, but rather en - courages innovation and continual improvement in research practice. (1296 citations in Google Scholar, 460 citations in Scopus.) Lean market research is predicated on marketers having easy access to prospects and customers. Increase the quality of information gathered through research. We believe in using lean methods to get the most insight for our time. The term "lean" was coined to describe Toyota's business during the late 1980s by a research team headed by Jim Womack, Ph.D., at MIT's International Motor Vehicle Program. August 2015. MIT N51 3rd floor MIT D-Lab, Evaporative Cooling for Vegetable Preservation, A Case Study of Sugarcane Charcoal Technology in Petite Anse, Haiti, A Review of Practice and Implementation of the Internet of Things (IoT) for Smallholder Agriculture, A Tailored Approach to BoP Business Training Programs (2018, 25 pages), A heat and mass transport model of clay pot evaporative coolers for vegetable storage, ARTI Charcoal Solar Briquette Dryer Improvement Project Report, AScHES 2018 Naivasha, Kenya Convening Report, Adoption of Agricultural Waste Charcoal Briquettes in Uganda: User Evaluation (4 pages), Aguajira: the practice of co-design for technology transfer, Assessment of Potential Opportunities for Use of Digital Payments for Smallholder Farmers in Guatemala’s Western Highlands, Assessment of Potential Opportunities for Use of Digital Payments for Smallholder Farmers in Northern and Central Senegal, Assessment of the Gender Gap in Access to Digital Financial Services in Burkina Faso, Assessment of the Use and Barriers of Evaporative Cooling Technologies by Small Holder Farmers in Kenya, Balancing the Link: Link4 and the Community of Santa Catarina Palopó, Guatemala, Best Practices for BoP Door-to-Door Distribution, Challenges to Building an Inclusive Business Community: 5 Lessons from the MIT Practical Impact Alliance, Characterization of aggregate behaviors of torrefied biomass as a function of reaction severity, Communal Innovation: collective creation towards wellbeing, D-Brief: Improving Livelihoods in Morocco: Needs Assessment of Small-Scale Cattle Farmers (4 pages), D-Brief: Improving Livelihoods in Morocco: Solar Lantern Field Evaluation (4 pages), D-Lab and MIT IDEAS Global Challenge: Lessons in Mentoring, Transdisciplinarity and Real World Engineering for Sustainable Development, Design and evolution of creative capacity building program for refugee youth empowerment, Design thinking in development engineering education: A case study on creating prosthetic and assistive technologies for the developing world Author links open overlay panel, ECOSISTEMAS DE EMPRENDIMIENTO BASADOS EN INNOVACIÓN EN IBEROAMÉRICA RESUMEN EJECUTIVO Ciudad de Montevideo, Ecosistemas de Emprendimiento Basados en Innovación en Iberoamérica: Resumen ejecutivo Buenos Aires (CABA), Ecosistemas de Emprendimiento Basados en Innovación en Iberoamérica: Resumen ejecutivo Ciudad Sau Paulo, Ecosistemas de Emprendimiento Basados en Innovación en Iberoamérica: Resumen ejecutivo Ciudad de Montevideo, Ecosistemas de Emprendimiento Basados en Innovación en Iberoamérica: Resumen ejecutivo Madrid, Ecosistemas de Emprendimiento Basados en Innovación en Iberoamérica: Resumen ejecutivo Santiago de Chile, El Zapotalito: Taller desarollo de capacidades creativas, Evaluation of Low-Cost Evaporative Cooling Technologies for Improved Vegetable Storage in Mali (GHTC conference paper), Evaporative Cooling for Improved Vegetable and Fruit Storage in Rwanda and Burkina Faso, Exploring Fairness in Machine Learning for International Development, Field Evaluation of Alternative and Traditional Cooking Fuels in Haiti, First Steps: How Early Adopters Climb the Solar Energy Ladder, Handbook for Biomass Cookstove Research, Design and Development, Inclusive Recycling: Five Building Blocks for Implementing Sustainable Systems in Low & Middle Income Countries, Innovation in Resource-Constrained Settings: Coffee Farmers in Rural Colombia, Local Innovation: What it is and why it matters for developing economies | NDIR Working Paper 01, MIT D-Lab's Transition to Virtual Learning, Measuring Usage and Adoption of Improved Cookstoves in Ugandan Households using Quantitative and Qualitative Methods, Mobile Phones & Behavior Change: Good Practices for mHealth Interventions, Needs Assessment of Smallholder Farmers in Eastern Zambia (4 pages), Needs Assessment of Smallholder Goat Farmers in Odisha, India (4 pages), Performance testing and techno-economic analysis to improve an affordable charcoal cookstove, Reflections on the Evolution of the Horizon Center for Unaccompanied Refugee Minors, Report from Uganda: Scaling Improved Cookstove Companies (2017, 22 pages), Seeds of Silicon: Internet of Things for Smallholder Agriculture, The Demand Engine: Growth Hacking Strategies for Scaling Demand at the BoP, The Makaa Project : co-design, performance testing, and techno-economics to improve a Ugandan charcoal cookstove, The Metrics Café: A Guide to Bring Funders and Grantees to the Table, Towards a complexity-aware theory of change for participatory research programs working within agricultural innovation systems, Understanding Innovation Ecosystems: A Framework for Joint Analysis and Action, Understanding Water Transport & Storage Needs in Kenya: Needs Assessment and User Feedback (4 pages), Lean Research Field Guide: Examples from the Sustainable Food Lab & the Lean Research Community. Performance Measurement in Smallholders, Tools & Frameworks By Jill Rubin June 7, 2018 Leave a comment. In the future, the team plans to develop an expanded version that will include practices from a variety of partners and sectors from the Lean Research Community of Practice. Cambridge, MA 02139 USAACCESSIBILITY, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) You’ve said goodbye to all the families and the workshop room is Learn more - Girl Effect, Applying the Lean Research Framework: A Program Evaluation The practices are not a comprehensive list of lean practices, but rather, a set of lean practices that researchers and monitoring and evaluation specialists have used in their recent data collection activities. As described in the Lean Research Framework, Lean Research incor - porates four principles, of rigor, respect, relevance, and right-sizing. In Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg shares her personal stories, uses research to shine a light on gender differences, and offers practical advice to help women achieve their goals. Disrespectful and inefficient data collection practices can produce research results that are neither relevant nor actionable, so it is important to establish alternatives that are rigorous, respectful, right-sized, and produce results that are meaningful to researchers, research participants, and other stakeholders as well. As described in the Lean Research Declaration and the Lean Research Framework, Lean Research seeks to: Neither these observations about the problem, nor the proposed solutions, are new. Kendra Leith, MIT D-Lab Associate Director for Research, designing for a more Lean Research Working Paper. Illuminating a clear path to lean IT, the authors integrate more than two decades of combined experience to provide you with a proven method for creating and sustaining a true lean IT workplace. Granted, the lean approach is not the solution for all manufacturing problems. equitable world Now, our job is to take all of those critical learnings and bring them to life in what we’re building. Improve the usefulness of research findings for research participants and stakeholders. equitable world Customer access. This enables us … Drawing from human-centered approaches to design, Lean Research places the experience of the human “research subject” at the center of research design and implementation. Office of Experiential Learning (OEL) How we conduct research, monitoring, and evaluation matters. It is also a growing community of practice, which is made up of practitioners, scholars, and donors from academic institutions, non-governmental organizations, multi-lateral and bi-lateral entities, and social enterprises, all of whom contribute ideas, cases, and more. Based on extensive expert interviews and reviews of the literature, Holweg distills a helpful historic timeline of the development of lean. Following discussion of the Lean Research Framework at the Sustainable Food Lab (SFL) Performance Measurement Workshop in 2015, members of the SFL Community of Practice on Smallholder Performance Management expressed interest in assembling a field guide of methods for working with smallholder farmers in a leaner way as a companion piece to their co-developed Towards a Shared Approach for Smallholder Performance Measurement. Addressing this urgent need for the IT community, The Lean IT Field Guide explains how to initiate, execute, and sustain a Lean IT transformation. It is also a growing community of practice, which is made up of practitioners, scholars, and donors from academic institutions, non-governmental organizations, multi-lateral and bi-lateral entities, and social enterprises, all of whom contribute ideas, cases, and more. Lean Research Case Studies Positive Change Through Actionable Metrics - William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan Lean Research is a new and evolving framework for research in the contexts of international development and humanitarian work. It prioritizes the experience of research participants and other stakeholders and it emphasizes continuous improvement and reduction of waste in the implementation of research, and highlights the importance of creating actionable results. The approach involves two main elements: + A shift in mindset away from reporting and compliance and toward creating value for a company and its customers + The use of methods and technologies for data collection that emphasize eficiency 265 Massachusetts Avenue Lean Research is an approach and an initiative to improve the practice of data collection involving people and communities in development and humanitarian contexts. Describes the research experiences that motivated the initiative, provides more detail on the principles and references related writings from others. Cambridge, MA 02139 USAACCESSIBILITY, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Minimize the burden on the research participants and other stakeholders. The start of a movement for Lean Research. Data collection is an intervention that can negatively or positively affect research participants and their communities. LPD Field Guide CHAPTER4 Welcome back! Researchers have been talking about this for decades, yet the current state of practice falls short of aspiration. Lean Research is a new and evolving framework for research in the contexts of international development and humanitarian work. - Cambodian Scholarship Foundation. Orzen and Paider have great experience in IT-and it shows in great examples that are genuine and really helpful. Through this field guide, we have highlighted examples from the Sustainable Food Lab community and the Lean Research Community. Lean is a customer-centric methodology used to continuously improve any process through the elimination of waste in everything you do; it is based on the ideas of “Continuous Incremental Improvement” and “Respect for People.” In my opinion, Lean IT is an umbrella concept that encompasses all applications of lean thinking to IT including development, operations, infrastructure, … Or positively affect Research participants and stakeholders that make up the lean Research,,! Smallholders, tools & Frameworks by Jill Rubin June 7, 2018 Leave a comment them life. Holweg distills a helpful historic timeline of the lean Research Field guide Provides examples of how organizations from lean! Experience, but also the outcomes of the development of lean ed institution the study of Financial?! 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