As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.—Phytoplankton&id=1839757. Enthusiasts tout marine phytoplankton as the next important superfood. Marine phytoplankton has a number of benefits for dogs and cats. The phytoplankton feed the zooplankton and krill, which then feeds the fish and even the largest animal on Earth, the Blue Whale. The powder has a fresh sea smell. GET IT. It can support healthy blood pressure levels and reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease. We always recommend purchasing non-GMO certified algae products as oceanic phytoplankton is currently being genetically modified by some companies to produce a higher yield and omega-3 ratio. Beta-carotene aids in the protection of the corneas leading to improved vision. It is quite important to the eco-system also as it is responsible for producing 90% of earth's oxygen supply. The powder can easily be blended in your favorite smoothie or drink and consumed. Marine Phytoplankton is a single-celled, microalgae. Phenylalanine in Phytoplankton also boosts mental alertness through the activity of nucleic acids. Even though marine phytoplankton is beneficial, not many people enjoy consuming it. “Consumption of a high quality phytoplankton triggers the body to create and regenerate healthy cells.” The taste of our Phyto Flakes ar best described as Umami. 2. Our MP is not grown in the open ocean due to pollution concerns , instead this product is grown under controlled, purified conditions in the European Union. All marine wildlife depend on phytoplankton in some way. When consumed, it can also support the respiratory system. And now we’re living the consequences. After harvest, the remaining ocean water in the tank flows back to the ocean in a pure, clean, pristine condition. Phenylalanine in Phytoplankton also boosts mental alertness through the activity of nucleic acids. This not only helps the body obtain necessary nutrients when liver function is impaired, but can help restore liver health without taxing the body’s detoxification pathways.”. Phytoplankton contains a vast range of proteins, minerals, fatty compounds and chlorophyl, among other compounds that teem with nutrients. We’ve over-farmed, we’ve used pesticides, we’ve forgotten about crop rotation and good farming practices. Marine phytoplankton are a micro-algae found in the bed of the oceans across the globe. Clinical studies in 2008 from the Department of Health Promotion and Education at the University of Utah showed a significant increase in antigen-fighting cells in the bodies of test participants and a significant increase in participants’ feelings of physical and psychological well being. It’s a ‘no-brainer’ for those who have a lot on the go and need to stay sharp. Results may vary based on individual experience. This leads to you being mentally sharp and “on your toes”. This is a 30 million dollar facility that has ZERO toxic emissions! Due to the numerous beneficial nutrients being absorbed by the body, the brain is impacted also. | Powered by WordPress, Albemarle County Public Schools host technology webinars - WVIR, Technology helping Santa save Christmas - WGHP FOX 8 Greensboro, Salvation Army adopts new technology to help fill kettles this season - Times Colonist, Spokane's MLK Center to open a new technology facility -, Gainesville tuition-free high school uses technology to find success during pandemic - WCJB, UNICEF and Microsoft launch improved, scalable technology to protect vulnerable children and women amid rise in domestic and gender-based violence due to COVID-19 - Stories - Microsoft, Panama City doctors are saving lives with next-generation heart technology - WMBB - However, Wendy McCallum, a registered holistic nutrition consultant, a natural nutrition clinical practitioner and spokesperson for Karen Phytoplankton, says the supplement is “ a source of omega fatty acids, and also contains vitamins A, C, D and K, beta carotene, dietary fibre, antioxidants, calcium, magnesium, selenium, iron and protein.” Phytoplankton, known as microalgae, is similar to seaweed, only it's microscopic. aids in improving mental health by keeping at bay diseases such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Parkinson’s disease and dementia. The marine phytoplankton in Oceans Alive is grown in a sealed photobioreactor, and this keeps it pure and free of the contamination that plagues our marine ecosystems. Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that possesses superfood qualities. It aids the liver enabling it to restore its health. Perhaps one of the most important benefits of marine phytoplankton is its unique ability to strengthen cell membranes and induce cell regeneration,” states Lauren Feingold, nutritionist and co-founder of the organic Shanti Bars. Studies have examined how powdered phytoplankton can help your pets. In a U.S. Food and Drug Administration publication titled “Drugs of the Deep:... 3. Marine phytoplankton offers all the benefits of fish or fish oil omega-3. Your body absorbs it easily, and can put it straight to work. Kevin Gianni writes in Renegade Health that: “Those taking marine phytoplankton had higher measurements of CD3 in their blood—an indicator of T-lymphocytes, which are immune cells responsible for the elimination of viruses and bacteria from organic tissues—than those that didn’t take phytoplankton.”. As a supplement, it can support your respiratory health. It also contains a compound known as Proline which enhances learning.”. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. Phytoplankton offers hope to those who feel overwhelmed or anxious and to many parents hoping to see positive developmental results in their children. Discover more about the cleanest, most potent phytoplankton supplement on the market! Marine phytoplankton can do wonders for your heart. But there are a bunch of long-term advantages too. Phytoplankton is a perfect source of Omega-3 and fatty acids DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), nearly double as in fish oil. However , considering the fact that almost everybody is omega-3 deficient, phytoplankton offer great benefits for everybody without concerns about impurities, contaminants and of course diminishing fish stocks. Using phytoplankton supplements is growing in popularity, thanks to its dense nutrient profile and proven health benefits. Phytoplankton is loaded with goodness, and we all know that the better the quality of the nutrition we put into our bodies, the better the results. There are a wide range of benefits of marine phytoplankton that are well worth keeping in mind: Improved red blood cell production Energy booster Assists in a natural body cleanse Powerful antioxidants Contains many elements that have been noted to assist with brain functionality. 6 Health Benefits of Phytoplankton 1. High consumptions of the microalgae also leads to newly generated healthy cells. Omega-3 fatty acid have been proven to be anti-inflammatory. These acids improve memory. Studies have found that it is even more effective than lutein. Want to learn more about omega fatty acids and what they can do for your health? Online vendors of phytoplankton supplements describe it as containing every nutrient that human bodies need. It is also a high source for nucleotides, which are used by the cells as an energy unit. The first major benefit is that this supplement is incredibly high in Omega-3 fatty acids. No Additives or Preservatives of any kind. It boosts the function of the immune system. A reason for that is because it doesn’t have a taste that is too appealing. Plankton is rich in proteins and omega 3 and contains all essential amino acids. … A 100% unique flavour with Phyto Flakes. That benefits list is a long one, but here are our top 10: Marine phytoplankton supports your immune system so that it can protect you from everything from the common cold to serious diseases and conditions. “This is mainly because; the nutrients and electrolytes contained in the phytoplankton help you to control your metabolic rate thereby reducing the effects of thyroid.” Even if hypothyroidism isn’t an issue for you, most of us can benefit from the balancing effects on the metabolism. Marine phytoplankton is also tiny—five times smaller than a red blood vessel. well it’s got high levels of antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids and amino acids. Phytoplankton can be absorbed on a cellular level, so the body doesn’t have to rely on the digestive system or liver for processing. As I’ve already said, phytoplankton helps to fill in the gaps in your diet, which gives you more energy right off the bat. Ultimately, it is a type of dietary supplement that has the potential to curb one’s appetite while eliminating sugar cravings, and increase energy levels. There are a lot of advantages of marine phytoplankton that are well worth bearing in mind: Enhanced red cell production Energy booster Assists in a natural body cleanse Powerful antioxidants Consists of many aspects that have been noted to help with brain performance. As mentioned before, marine phytoplankton contributes to 90% of the earth's oxygen. Because its small size particles are readily assimilated upon intake, rather than having to go through the process of digestion, these nucleotides go directly into the cells for a quick energy uplift.”. It may not completely cure it but when regular consumption of phytoplankton, you will surely notice a difference. All ocean life depends on phytoplankton. This is obviously an important benefit for many people, but especially for those with blood sugar issues like diabetes. Even though marine phytoplankton is not an actual cure for a disease or serious condition, it aids your immune system from the flu to many other diseases. Phytoplankton can fill in many of the gaps in your nutritional profile and restore optimal health. Phytoplanktons are microscopic organisms that form an important part of the plankton ecosystem in the world’s oceans, seas, and freshwater sources and support marine life. Thrive The Health Benefits of Marine Phytoplankton If you were to just take one daily wellness supplement, marine phytoplankton might just be the healthiest single substance you can put in your body. On their website, the manufacturer says, that "The ideal time of day to consume our product is first thing in the morning, as increased energy is one of the most common reported benefits of Karen Marine Phytoplankton." The phytoplankton absorb up to 50% of the Earth's carbon dioxide while emitting up to 90% of the Earth's oxygen. It also contains a compound known as Proline which enhances learning, On top of that, phytoplankton has even more to offer in terms of energy boosts, as the writers at, marine microalgae is abundant in compounds referred to as nucleotides, cellular energy units that act as “biological batteries” that recharge the cells. Marine Phytoplankton is a single-celled algae species that lives in salt water. Click the button below to get your free copy. Phytoplankton are tiny, microscopic plants that are the base of the food chain in the ocean. It also promotes energy levels in the body through carbohydrate metabolism. This means that phytoplankton is perfectly suited for vegetarians and vegans. It benefits the body by promoting a heavy metal detox. The phytoplankton supplement is a product of Umac Core. Phytoplankton contains beta-carotene, which helps to protect your corneas, and it has been found to be even more effective than lutein for improving vision. Phytoplankton is full of antioxidant nutrients and pigments. It’s not a cure-all, but it can give your system the boost that it needs to actively fight off illness. Is the taste of marine phytoplankton weakening your resolve to take it every morning? Consuming phytoplankton can improve your mental clarity and focus, improve your mood and calm your nerves. And it’s one of the most valuable sources of nutrition on earth. We created a handy checklist to remind you why it’s worth it! That is why we recommend marine phytoplankton powder which gives you the same nutritional value without the awful taste. Themes Marine Phytoplankton is one of the most nutrient dense plants in the world with high levels of Chlorophyll (type A), Antioxidants, Beta Carotene, and Zeaxanthin. Marine phytoplankton is a rich source of omega-3s as it contains more of the fatty acid in weight than any other food. While this deeply nourishing micro-algae is the smallest plant on earth, it packs a powerful punch. But adding marine phytoplankton to our diets can support the internal organs that flush toxins from our systems. Boosts your immune system Even though marine phytoplankton is not an actual cure for a disease or serious condition, it aids your immune system from the flu to many other diseases. Karen Pure Marine Phytoplankton Powder. For those who are wary about consuming capsules or tablets, the Karen Pure Marine Phytoplankton can be incorporated in any types of beverages and meals. This life-giving substance also has interesting science behind it that suggests a possibility in having the ability to raise consciousness.. Related Study: Supplementing With Spirulina Helps Modulate Body Weight and Appetite So rather than relying on carrot for improved vision, you can give marine phytoplankton a try. You can also opt for raw cacao powder to receive the same nutritional benefits. Never heated or irradiated. MARPHYL Marine Phytoplankton MARPHYL Marine Phytoplankton 2020-11-26T11:00:23-08:00 Your shortcut to a healthier lifestyle The core of all our products is 100% all-natural, wild, multi-species marine phytoplankton. It can also assist with weight loss because it helps your body to metabolize carbs, fats and sugar. This article explains in some depth why algae should be a part of any anti-fungal regime. Preliminary research suggests that it can alleviate asthma symptoms and cleanse the airways. Essential Minerals You’ll feel the benefits of phytoplankton from one dose. adding phytoplankton to your diet is the smart way to get started. Marine phytoplankton is responsible for producing more than half of the oxygen that sustains life on Earth, making it essential for all human and animal life. Despite its tiny size, phytoplankton offers big nutritional benefits. Phytoplankton’s chromium content regulates blood sugar and helps insulin move glucose (sugar) so that it can be burned as energy. Kevin Gianni writes in. Marine phytoplankton can do wonders for your heart. The marine phytoplankton powder is very similar to the capsules in that it has the same vitamins and minerals found in the capsules. For one thing, modern, industrially-grown foods are severely lacking in nutrients; even fresh-from-the-ground foods don’t have as much nutritional value as they did years ago. Some examples of phytoplankton antioxidants include the carotenoids such as astaxanthin, canthaxanthin, and zeaxanthin. Potential Anti-Cancer Effects. And cacao beans can also help improve mental health by providing the body with a natural boost of energy. Mood Lifter. Check out our recent post. According to the writers at Find Home Remedies, marine phytoplankton can help with that. It can also assist with weight loss because it helps your body to metabolize carbs, fats and sugar. This enables you to be more active and your body more readily available for physical activity. It’s created to deliver you all the health benefits of marine phytoplankton and provide your body with powerful nutrients like beta-carotenoids, vitamin B-12, trace minerals, and different enzymes BEST SUPERFOOD SUPPLEMENT: Nourish, energize, and cleanse your body naturally with the best marine phytoplankton capsules or powder. Other benefits that people may commonly note from taking Karen Phytoplankton (and that I hope to notice as I continue to take this product) include: increased mental focus, better sleep quality, less aches and pains, weight loss, lower blood pressure, and the list goes on and on. According to the National Institute of Health, research has shown benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids for heart health, neurodevelopment, cancer prevention, joint issues, allergies and more.,,,,,,,,—Phytoplankton&id=1839757. It’s incredibly high in nutrition and health benefits. Adding a marine phytoplankton supplement to your diet may be able to help your mood, making it a strong... 2. Healthy Eating, a blog dedicated to the benefits of eating raw and natural foods, maintains that it “aids in improving mental health by keeping at bay diseases such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Parkinson’s disease and dementia. Benefits of Marine Phytoplankton Powder 1. Studies show that certain strains of phytoplankton can have benefits that are hundred times more potent. This green nutritional product clears away my brain fog, balances my blood sugar spikes, eliminates arthritic pain in my hands, helps reduce irritable bowel symptoms and stabilizes my neurological system. Phytoplankton is a good source of beta-carotene. well it’s got high levels of antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids and amino acids. Being abundant in nutrients, phytoplankton fills up the gap in your diet. That’s not the only way it can benefit your breathing, though. Leading to effectively reducing irritations and inflammation for joint pain, arthritis, and muscle stiffness. We need more and better sleep, for sure. Want to learn more about omega fatty acids and what they can do for your health? Follow us on social media and enter your email address below to receive exclusive discounts, promotions and notifications! Your information will not be shared. Marine phytoplankton is a microalgae found in oceans across the world. It’s also incredibly nutritious. MP Powder. But you’re probably also missing vital nutrients—fats, vitamins, and minerals. We hope your diet already includes lots of water, fresh fruit and veggies. Discover four ways to use oceans alive marine phytoplankton, Marine phytoplankton supports your immune system so that it can protect you from everything from the common cold to serious diseases and conditions. Karen phytoplankton helps my body in so many ways. It’s not a cure-all, but it can give your system the boost that it needs to actively fight off illness. Why is that? 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