The colorful part of the poinsettia that we enjoy isn’t a flower. Christmas Cactus. Keep it, nurture it, and let it show you how expansive it can get! Indigenous to Central America, it was described as a new species in 1834. Get more about the symbolic meaning of this holiday and the meaning of Christmas symbols here. Besides sprigs of holly and bright, twinkling lights, you’re likely to see explosive, colorful arrangements of poinsettias, too. The poinsettia is also a symbol for motherhood. Moreover, they are the national flower of Trinidad and Tobago and the floral emblem of Madagascar. Fertilize every two weeks and water only when dry for … The poinsettia is a commercially important plant species of the diverse spurge family. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Poinsettia is a short-day plant, meaning it needs long periods of uninterrupted darkness each day in order to bloom. Given a well-fed soil, that also drains well, plus the right exposure to both light and dark – you can have a poinsettia ‘tree’ too! Interestingly, red is also a color of purity in Aztec wisdom. Longer nights will cause a poinsettia to set buds and flower during November or December. Interestingly, the Aztecs were the first people to cultivate poinsettias. See the full definition for poinsettia in the English Language Learners Dictionary. Flowers are one of the most wonderful creations that mother nature has ever gifted to mankind. All rights reserved. The Poinsettia might be the flower for them. The story goes that a child, with no means for a grander gift, gathered humble weeds from the side of the road to place at the church alter on Christmas Eve. Flowers and meanings have been the subject of conversation for as long as humankind has taken the time to behold the beauty enfolded in each petal. Once flower bracts have fallen, you have the option of discarding the plant or keeping it an additional year. So how did the poinsettia become associated with the Yuletide vibe? Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. In Mexico, the poinsettia is known as Flor de Nochebuena, or Christmas Eve Flower. When she placed the weeds by the church altar, crimson blossoms sprouted and later turned into poinsettias. It is particularly well known for its red and green foliage and is widely used in Christmas floral displays. Did you know poinsettias can grow up to 15 feet!?! So what about the poinsettia and its Christmas flower meaning? The priests and church members were ecstatic with the boy’s discovery and offering. The Aztecs called the plant cuetlaxochitl. Website design, content and development by Avia Venefica. Poinsettias were prized by the ancient Aztecs (the Mexican Indians) as a symbol of purity. Her writing interests cover everything from farming and gardening to education, health and wellness, and business. The bright bracts are designed to attract insects to the tiny yellow flowers in their centers. Because it’s often looked at as a disposable plant, the poinsettia is painfully underestimated. Also known as the Christmas Even Flower. Dahlia is technically a genus name that refers to a large group of flowers. Rebekah is a writer in upstate New York, just north of the Adirondack Mountains. The ancient Aztecs prized the Poinsettia as a symbol of purity. In Spain, the poinsettia is a traditional Easter flower. There is a lot more to symbolic mistletoe meaning than just kisses and Christmas decorations. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. This article explores a whole list of symbols commonly seen around the Christmas holiday. THE MEANING & SYMBOLISM OF poinsettia: Also known as the Christmas Star and Christmas Flower, it’s said that this winter flower’s association with Christmas comes from a Mexican legend. An ancient remedy of Mexico prescribed a decoction of the red floral leaves to nursing mothers to increase their milk production. Stick to this simple six-step process, and we guarantee your poinsettia … Make them in reds, whites, silvers and golds and they make a perfect Christmas Poinsettia decoration.But of course can be an “ordinary” paper flower diy all year round. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. I myself am guilty of not knowing just how majestic and gigantic this plant can become when given a little care. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The plant was named after him sometime in the nineteenth century in honor of his missionary work. He was a poor boy, and had nothing to give. Poinsettia biology. There is a legendary Mexican story from the 17th … : a plant with large red, pink, or white leaves that look like petals. Poinsettia biology. However, as the poinsettia is typically referred to as a flower, I’m rolling with it! These cookies do not store any personal information. So resist the urge to toss your poinsettia Christmas flower! Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Floriography is the language of flowers. Regardless of the color, poinsettia flowers possess similar meanings. In addition to writing, she also co-manages a farm, where she grows a variety of plants and raises chickens, pigs, and sheep. The poinsettia has a deep cultural and symbolic meaning. The star like leaf pattern was said to resemble the Star of Bethlehem (Christmas Star). When properly nurtured, this plant will live all year round, and for many years. Here, a legend held that a girl named Maria was too poor to be able to offer a gift for the holidays. Read further to get my story about a poinsettia my best friend cultivated that lived for over five years, and grew into a giant tree! The poinsettia was not new to the peoples of Mexico, however. Uses for the Poinsettia Flower Today, most of us probably think of the poinsettia and relate it to Christmas, which is the most common use of the poinsettia today. Poinsettias: The Christmas Eve Flower. Poinsettia is a short-day plant, meaning it needs long periods of uninterrupted darkness each day in order to bloom. Poinsettias have long been known for their Christmas affiliations. I further hope you’ll give a second thought to keeping your Christmas poinsettia this year. In fact, the dahlia has lots of hidden meanings just waiting to be uncovered. Get a whole list of flowers and flower meanings here. The flowers are the less impressive little yellow buds in the center of each collection of leaves. What people think are the poinsettia’s petals are actually just bright red leaves. They used the red tops of the poinsettia flower as a dye for skin and clothing – thus marking the bearer as clean, pure and sacred. It is known for its red and green foliage. Actually, they are not flowers but modified leaves called bracts. It’s also a reminder to take care of life – you never know what a little love can produce! The plant, in the ancient language of the Aztecs known as Nahuatl, is known as Cuetlaxochitl, which means “flower that grows in residues or soil.”. By assigning symbolic meanings to various flowers, floriography can be thought of as a cryptic way of communication through flowers. This man sent poinsettias from Mexico back to greenhouses that he owned in South Carolina. Today, the poinsettia is known in Mexico as Flor de Nochebuena, meaning Christmas Eve Flower. Well, there is a legend in old Mexico about a young boy who wanted to make an offering to his church at Christmastime. The Aztecs called the poinsettia Cuetlaxochitl which means “flower with leather petals”. You may also see it written as La Flor de la Nochebuena, which means Flower of Christmas Eve. Poinsettia definition, a plant, Euphorbia (Poinsettia) pulcherrima, of the spurge family, native to Mexico and Central America, having variously lobed leaves and … They called the plant Cuitlaxochitl, which means “star flower”. In the 17 Century, Mexicans celebrated the Day of the Lady of Guadalupe also on December 12 and they call the poinsettia the” Flower of Christmas Eve “. Starting with the Ancient Aztecs. A well kept poinsettia will grow into an impressive tree…and just like the spirit of Christmas, it will be the gift that keeps giving you joy for many years to come. Cutting back the plant will cause the buds to grow and develop. Best to leave this remedy out of your holistic toolbox. The poinsettia is a plant from Mexico. Get a whole list of flowers and flower meanings here. Other symbolic meanings of the poinsettia could be joy, hope, and purity. Rose Food Guide: How to Use The Best Fertilizer for Roses, Euphorbia Lactea (Dragon Bones Tree): Types, How to Grow and Care, Osmanthus Flower Types, How to Grow and Care, Star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum Plant): Types, How to Grow and Care. The Aztecs have unique flower meanings of their own, and they deemed the poinsettia to symbolize purity. Don’t try this at home, folks. The priests noticed the brilliant red star flowers on the plant, and declared it to be a sign of the Star of Bethlehem. Poinsettia wasn’t unknown during this time, but it was used as a Christmas flower only in Mexico. Today, the vibrant poinsettia flowers signify success, good cheer, and celebration. The common name “poinsettia” was first used in the early 1800s, with the name derived from that of Joel Roberts Poinsett, a botanist and the first US Minister to Mexico. The Mexican poinsettias are usually bright red. The familiar red blooms have been joined by even flashier colors. This introduction forever changed the way we think about Poinsettias, not only in … What Does Dahlia Mean? Poinsettias are native to Mexico and Guatemala. The Aztecs considered these flowers as a symbol of purity. The white leaves represent His purity. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Since they hold up well in floral arrangements, the flowers are often given as gifts during the Christmas season. Regardless of the color, poinsettia flowers possess similar meanings. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Chthonic Creatures and Symbolic Chthonic Meaning, Symbolic Meaning of Storms, Rain and Folk Predictions, Meaning of Halcyon Days: The Bird, The Myth, The Memories. The red colored leaves symbolize the blood of Christ. The scientific name for the Poinsettia is the Euphorbia pulcherrima, which translates to mean “very beautiful.” Do you have any friends born in December who deserve a “very beautiful” birthday flower delivery? View more on our Flower Type Meaning Page. By assigning symbolic meanings to various flowers, floriography can be thought of as a cryptic way of communication through flowers. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases (at no extra cost to you). Later the Mexicans, converted to Christianity, were the first to celebrate the poinsettia’s Christian meaning. December 12 is National Poinsettia Day. It was first introduced to the United States by Joel Poinsett. Here’s what you need to know. Poinsettia plants (Euphorbia pulcherrima) remain one of the most popular holiday flowers. It’s a plant strongly associated with the oak tree, and has powerful links to Celtic culture. Did you know that with proper care, you can re-bloom those beautiful red Christmas flowers in time for the holidays? The poinsettia can be a confusing little plant. The meaning of this actually came from an ancient Aztec tradition in which the flowers were handed out to people. Nope. For the most part, these flowers symbolize success, good cheer, and even purity (although this latter meaning is no longer quite as common). However, do you know why? These lovely, breathtaking flowers are common during the holiday season. So, at the time of this writing, the Christmas flower season is approaching. As temperatures begin to cool in late summer, the poinsettia plant should again be brought indoors. They saw the poinsettia’s red leaves as symbols of a deep love for Jesus. In the United States, cultivation of these plants did not begin until Joel Poinsett sent plants home to South Carolina, The Aztecs originally used poinsettias to produce dyes and also as antipyretic medications. Today, the common name for this plant is the poinsettia! After a moment of devotion, the boy got up, only to find a beautiful plant at the very spot where he had prayed. Christmas symbolism draws a lot of different kinds of imagery to different people. The boy took the flower and presented it to the church. In nature, the lengthening nights of late September and October trigger poinsettias to flower, Trinklein said. Tips on Interpreting Signs and Symbolic Meanings, Poinsettia Flower Meanings for Christmas and All Year. To ensure growth beyond the Christmas season, cut back the plant in February or early March. For one, most people think that the poinsettia is a flower. Smelly Symbolism: Aroma Therapy Oil Meanings. She was told by an angel to gather weeds from the roadside instead. Symbolically, this reminds us to never overlook the magic in life – even when it seems insignificant. Poinsettia, by Audrey Holt Flowers and Their Meanings Floriography is the language of flowers. Joy; Love; Hope; Purity; Holiness; Motherhood; As far as symbolism goes, there’s plenty. Starting with the Ancient Aztecs. First things first…the poinsettia isn’t really a flower. The Poinsettia is known for their brilliant red and green star-shaped foliage. The priests also noted the red of the flower – which they took to represent the blood of Christ shed for the world. So much so, that the flower was named “Flor de la Noche Santa”, which means “Flower of the Holy Night.” It’s also been called “Flor de Noche Buena”, which means “Christmas Eve Flower”. A look-see into the plant’s origins will answer that question. They used the sap for medicinal purposes and the red leaves to make die. Okay, now that those preliminary points are out of the way, on to poinsettia flower meanings! This plant is something that people really associate Christmas with. What is a poinsettia. Yep. By design or accident, poinsettias have become as much a symbol of Christmas as Chrstmas trees and mistletoe. This brings me to a personal symbolic observation. In nature, the lengthening nights of late September and October trigger poinsettias to flower, Trinklein said. Centuries later, the early Christian of Mexico adopted the plant as their prized Christmas Eve flower. Before it’s renaming as the poinsettia, the plant was known as the “painted leaf” or the “Mexican flame flower.” Its scientific name is Euphorbia pulcherrima. Several links below exit EPA . The history of the poinsettia is as colorful as its flowers, which are actually a special type of leaves known as bracts. Today the plant is known in Mexico and Guatemala as ""La Flor de la Nochebuena " (Flower of the Holy Night, or Christmas Eve). Its red tops (thought to be flowers) are actually the leaves of the plant that have changed color. Get more about Mistletoe meaning here. Large doses are toxic to both mother and unborn child. Poinsettias are appropriate flowers during the holiday season, but you could really give someone one of these illustrious blooms at any time of the year. Native to the southern Mexico region of Taxco del Alarcon, the earliest known facts about poinsettias indicate that ancient Aztecs used the leaves to make dyes for clothes and cosmetics and used the sap to treat fevers. Basic Symbolic Poinsettia Flower Meanings. It derives its common English name from Joel Roberts Poinsett, the first United States Minister to Mexico, who is credited with introducing the plant to the US in the 1820s. Get more about the symbolic meaning of this holiday and the meaning of Christmas symbols here. In Mexico, the poinsettia is prized as the Christmas Eve flower, while in Peru and Chile, it is known as the Crown of the Andes. Oh my, I am SO excited to share these GORGEOUS and Easy Paper Flowers with you today. Poinsettias are shrubs or small trees, with heights of 0 The red “petals” on the plant aren’t actually flowers but colored leaves called a bract. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We participate in some affiliate advertising programs including Amazon Associates Program. Secondly, the poinsettia isn’t just for Christmas. She holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Education degree. I hope this article on poinsettia flower meaning has offered you some insight into this remarkable plant. They are also the birth flower of December, making them an appropriate birthday gift for someone celebrating a birthday in this month, too. The colorful part of the poinsettia that we enjoy isn't a flower. But first, a little background…. Typically found in shades of red, this plant can also be grown to produce green, white, and pink blooms, too. While considered by the ancient Aztecs to be symbols of purity, in today's language of flowers, red, white or pink poinsettias, the December birth flower, symbolize good cheer and success and are said to bring wishes of mirth and celebration. The Aztecs have unique flower meanings of their own, and they deemed the poinsettia to symbolize purity. A healthy, robust plant; yellow buds in the center of the flower shouldn't drop off or shed pollen (look for tiny yellow grains); avoid plants with yellow, greenish-white or sagging leaves and faded, torn or discolored bracts (leaves beneath the flower) As with any plant, make sure the poinsettia is free from insects and diseases It remained in relative obscurity until Joel Roberts Poinsett introduced it to the United States. If you’re born in December or wish to commemorate someone born in December with your tattoos, then this flower will also be a sharp choice. And with it, comes an onslaught of brilliant poinsettias. We made ours relatively small.. but they can quickly and easily be upscaled and made as large paper flower decorations that … It’s Christmastime, and what do you see in the storefront of just about every shop you pass? Meaning has been attributed to flowers for centuries throughout Europe, Asia, and Africa. English Language Learners Definition of poinsettia. For the most part, these flowers symbolize success, good cheer, and even purity (although this latter meaning is no longer quite as common). Thank you for your support! It's said that poinsettias' association with Christmas comes from a Mexican legend. The bracts of the plant was used … As far as symbolism goes, there’s plenty. This popular holiday plant isn’t really a cactus at all, but it is a succulent that … Poinsettias are native to Central America and are a plant that flowers in the winter months. From that day on, they became known as “Flores de Noche Buena,” or “Flowers of the Holy Night.” Poinsettias get their American name from Joel Roberts Poinsett, the first U.S. ambassador to … It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. They called the plant Cuitlaxochitl, which means “star flower”. Poinsettia tattoos aren’t all about Christmas, but you’ll find that these tattoos are usually closely linked to the holiday season. What can be more pleasing than beholding the scenic beauty of roses, the lilies, the violets, the tulips, the orchids and the list goes on! From that point on, Franciscan friars began to use the plant sun holiday celebrations, as the star pattern of the leaves could symbolize the Star of Bethlehem while the red color symbolizes the sacrifice of the crucifixion. So he knelt outside the church to pray. It’s freaking huge! In Spain, Puerto Rico, and other Central America countries it’s known as Flor de Pascua or Pascua, meaning Christmas Flower. For those choosing to continue with poinsettia care, decrease regular watering to allow the plant to dry out some. In Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs, the Poinsettia was called Cuitlaxochitl (from cuitlatl, for residue, and xochitl, for flower), meaning "flower that grows in residues or soil." In Fact, the plant first became associated with the holiday during the 1500s in Guatemala and Mexico. Joel Poinsett was an American linguist, scientist, horticulturist, and also a missionary to Mexico. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Mostly used around Christmas for floral displays. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. A poinsettia is likely to protest vehemently if it has to sit in standing water. Keep the poinsettia in an area where it will receive bright indirect sunlight. Poinsettia tattoos can help you unfold the magic of the holidays and bring it to life right on your skin. The Meaning of Poinsettias. Flower Meanings – List of Flowers With Their Meanings And Pictures. The story goes that a child, with no means for a grander gift, gathered humble weeds from the side of the road to place at the church alter on Christmas Eve and the weeds turned into brilliant red and green flowers. The shape of the poinsettia flower and leaves are sometimes thought as a symbol of the Star of Bethlehem which led the Wise Men to Jesus. This hardy flower has multi-layered petals that add to its ompeltixy, body, and beauty – but beyond its stacked blooms, this flower has many layers of meaning, too. If you don’t believe me, take a look at the poinsettia my BFF has been growing for the last 4 years (below). They have long-lasting flowers and Poinsettia bracts remain showy for several months. Copyright © 2005-2020. To take care of life – you never know what a little love can produce cool in late,... Motherhood ; as far as symbolism goes, there ’ s Christian meaning Asia and... … poinsettias: the Christmas holiday Mexico back to greenhouses that he owned in Carolina. However, as the poinsettia is a traditional Easter flower that help us analyze understand. Love ; hope ; purity ; Holiness ; Motherhood ; as far as symbolism goes, there ’ origins... Their Christmas affiliations as Flor de Nochebuena, which means flower of Eve. To different people less impressive little yellow buds in the winter months magic of flower... 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