Like human beings, products also have a limited life-cycle and they pass through several stages in their life-cycle. Organizations use different advertising strategies in every stage to drag out the life cycles of their products. We’ll explain it to you now, with different examples. If you predicted that your product would reach a certain Stage after a year and, 4 months later, its popularity is declining, you should do something about it. No matter if you are interested in Sales, Benefits…. This is the growth stage. However, Nintendo released 2 substitute products with different name and design: Wii U and Switch. It took Wii 1 year to reach maximum Popularity, then it had 1 year of maturity, and then a slow decline (over 10 years). The product life cycle (PLC) is the course of a product’s sales and profits over its lifetime. The decline stage products listed here are not very popular these days. Before we talk about more examples, I want to make a special mention for Nokia. In essence, there’s a doubt if the co… But, this products are renewed every year. A typical cycle for a product is as follows: First a product will be developed. According to Wells et al. This is a good time to learn the top 15 benefits of Scrum. Let’s analyze the Popularity of Game of Thrones: Google Trends results: Interest in “Game of Thrones”. Disney has just launched its Disney plus. AirPods – Wireless earphones have been around for a few years. Not all products follow all five stages of the product life cycle. However, it eventually got replaced by computers marking the end of the decline stage. It bought out Instagram and Whatsapp so that all those users could be plugged in to the Facebook ecosystem. Track your features. You will eventually find one of the many product life cycle strategies that works best for you. Of course, there are an infinite amount of parameters that may affect a Product Life Cycle. A product is generally categorized as a tangible good but it can also be an intangible service. Wassen, B. Carty, M. Chevalier, DJ Luck, D.T. Flying Cars – We have been hearing about this for at least a decade now. The product life cycle introduction is where the magic begins. Product life cycle. What works in the first stage may not work in the second stage. Fast movement through the product life cycle also creates the need to alter the cycle and/or introduce new products. The Product Life Cycle describes the Popularity of a Product from its first launch to its end. Speaking of Ford again, we will now look at one of its recent releases, the Ford Kuga. Let’s analyze what happened with Google Trends: Google trends results: Interest in “Livestrong”. Self-driving cars are still at the testing stage, but firms hope to be able to sell to early adopters relatively soon. You could develop “Exit Strategies” by analyzing how evolves a Product’s popularity. And now we use USB drives, but these too shall go away. These products have not yet entered the popular imagination. Growth – Electric cars. Similar to the CD example above, let's follow the product life cycle of the typewriter: Development: Before the first commercial typewriter was introduced to the market, the overall idea had been developed for centuries, beginning in 1575. According to Raymond Vernon, each product has a certain life cycle that begins with its development and ends with its decline. These stages help marketers understand and manage the product acceptance and market share in the market. For products with a strong Seasonal component. The first stage, introduction, is when the seller first introduces the product into the market. The product life cycle concept indicates that the product is born or introduced, grows, attains maturity and the point of saturation in that market and then sooner or later it is bound to enter its declining stage e.g., decay in its sales (history). Usually, there are 4 different stages in the Product life cycle. Although its Popularity reached a maximum in 2012 (it took 2 years to reach it) it seems that it has now entered in a “flat” stage. By comparing different Life Cycles of different Seasons (in Google Trends) you can obtain valuable information about a Product and what customers value most. Well established products are those whose Popularity remains constant over the years. If you are a software developer and are looking to contribute towards product management without switching to the field, then check out this guide on how to contribute towards product management. For example, a seed is planted (introduction); it begins to sprout (growth); it shoots out leaves and puts down roots as it becomes an adult (maturity); after a long period as an adult the plant begins to shrink and die out (decline). Facebook bought out Instagram in 2012 for approximately $1 Billion. Your product has reached maturity and is considered amongst the best in its class. Learn the basics of agile methodology. Products that are yet to make an impact include –. Introduction: In the late 1800s, the first commercial typewriters were introduced. Life Cycle Assessment of Buildings: A Simple Example | IntroductIon Page 3 Introduction This document presents a simple example of the steps in Life Cycle Assessment of Buildings: A Practice Guide (referred to as the Practice Guide in this document). Many need to go through a few iterations before they become mass products. Collage of different iPod variations throughout its 15 years in the marketplace. A product life cycle is the time a product is in the market throughout its different stages. What is a Product? The Product Life Cycle (PLC) is based upon the biological life cycle. This iconic Product doesn’t lose Popularity, and that is why we have chosen it as our reference Product Life Cycle. Whether this statement is entirely accurate or . A.) This vehicle is a New Product, with an Old Concept (SUV vehicle) but it is Not Easy to Copy (developing a new car is something very difficult). A product life cycle is the amount of time a product goes from being introduced into the market until it's taken off the shelves. This stage reflects the largest increase in profits during the product's entire cycle. Electric cars still need to convince people that it will work and be practical. You can forecast how a New Product can perform. Examples of stages and how PLC evolved are: Introduction. CD/DVD Players – It was the floppy disc before this. Like human beings, products also have a limited life-cycle and they pass through several stages in their life-cycle. It was a simple rubber band that Nike developed for fighting cancer. All rights reserved. The stages are introduction, growth, maturity, and decline.. Companies determine how each stage affects the product’s profit. The product lifecycle consists of four stages. Example of the Product Life Cycle 2018. Check out the list of top 9 product management courses. I go over all the stages and some very well known examples in this video. Products first go through the Introduction stage, before passing into the Growth stage. More and more people start buying the iPhone. As we mentioned before, Product Life Cycles behave in very different ways. The main point of this phase is to find out where the resources must be reassigned. Pepsi-Col Product Life Cycles In The Product Life Cycle. The ones that you thought couldn’t touch you. In a few years, the product moved from its introduction into the growth stage, and now it is moving toward maturity. When people are buying something new, these new age growth stage products are a factor. Years went by, and it simply disappeared (due to a terrible management). Go through the above product life cycle stages examples in detail. However, some of these decline stage products have managed to reinvent themselves and are now available in a new avatar. Online Healthcare and Online Education – People preferred actually going to a hospital or to a school. Here is the example of watching recorded television and the various stages of each method: Introduction – 3D TVs; Growth – Blueray discs/DVR ; Maturity – DVD; Decline – Video cassette . Product Life Cycle Examples. A young pharmacist, name Caleb Bradham from New Bern, North Carolina, began his experiment in the year 1893, with many different soft drink concoctions. The maturity stage of product life cycle refers to products that almost all of us are very familiar with. However, I would strongly recommend Google’s OKR framework. The product life cycle (PLC) is the series of steps through which every product goes. New and better products have been entering the market. Of course a need as must have identified before the product creation but this stage still remains the most risky out of all the product life cycle stages. In fact, every single product that has been ever produced or will be ever produced must follow the product lifecycle. As you can see in the image above, its Product Life Cycle lasted only two years. As you can see in the image above, the newer the concept the flatter the growth stage. Your product’s usage is growing everyday. But, when that product becomes large enough to be called an ecosystem, individual features become products in their own right. As you can appreciate in the Image above, we have established 6 main Life Cycles (we’ll add 2 more). Not to forget the top 15 benefits of Kanban. For a good example of product lifecycle management best practices, you should check out what makes Elon Musk such a good Product Manager. The four stages of the product lifecycle are –. Its entire Product Life Cycle lasted one year. Closure Phase; Closure phase is the final phase of the cycle in which resources are reallocated. These products, present different cyclical trends. Buffer. Fast movement through the product life cycle also creates the need to alter the cycle … They are born someday and they come to an end someday. For example, the product life cycle for computers is relatively short. Next comes Maturity until eventually the product will enter the Decline stage. By seeing the graph, we have no doubt: the 7th (we don’t say the best, just the most popular). These occupy mindspace and are a viable alternative to the traditional products. As you can appreciate in the Image above, we have established 6 main Life Cycles (we’ll add 2 more). Google Trends results: Interest in “Handmaid’s Tale”. Stages of Product Life Cycle. It was a New Product, with a New Concept (hand toys already existed, but they were not popular). Take time to really understand this and how you need to manage each stage. Check out the top 10 biggest failed products of all time. These products were considered fringe till a few years back. © 2020, The Basics of Product Management. A simple device that allowed you to read everything you wanted, wherever you wanted. Product is anything which we use and also satisfies our needs. Sales, however, are still low. Give your opinion on whether or not the Product Life Cycle can help health care managers in promoting portfolio planning, strategy formulation, and forecasting. But, they are still the go to option in under-developed or developing markets. Yoghurt available in health food stores; Communicate effectively with your developers. Now without wasting anymore time, lets go straight into the business of the day. You can obtain information that is not obvious “a priori”. • E.g., garments, caps, hair style, music albums, films & other fashion products. It specifies four individual stages of a product’s life and offers guidance for developing strategies to make the best use of those stages and promote the overall success of the product in the marketplace. It is important to fully understand each stage. There are multiple factors that affect these Life Cycles and, therefore, they can present very different forms. A Product Manager should be aware of the competition at this stage. You can analyze different Seasons’ Life Cycles and define your product based on the conclusions obtained. And you can obtain good information comparing these differences. The product life-cycle or PLC model is one of the most frequently encountered concepts in marketing management. Now that we know what the specifics of different product life cycle stages are and how to discover where on this spectrum your product is, let’s analyze a full cycle using two Apple products as examples. Let us now talk about the product life cycle growth stage products. But we have chosen one of the most iconic cars ever produced: the Ford Mustang. By just seeing this graph, anyone could guess: You may think this is useless but… it isn’t. Summary of the four product life cycle stages. Google Trends results: Interest in “Ford Kuga”. If the objective of the project was to establish a marketable product, then product life cycle phases of market introduction, growth, maturity and a part of deterioration can be included in this phase. Another good example of extending the maturity stage of the PLC would be Kellogg’s with their efforts to shift breakfast cereals into ready-to-eat breakfast bar variations. Remember Amazon’s Kindle. The product life cycle concept indicates that the product is born or introduced, grows, attains maturity and the point of saturation in that market and then sooner or later it is bound to enter its declining stage e.g., decay in its sales (history). Each stage is explained in detail in this video and there is an example of product life cycle provided at the end. Its popularity increased slowly for 4 years (from 2007 to 2011) and faded away the following 4 years (Interest < 20). As you can appreciate, its Popularity has grown little by little for 10 years, since it is a New Concept. Well… The 4 Stages of a Product are exactly the same, except in the “procreation” stage. Kitchen appliances that are not internet enabled – Again, same as above, these are the first choice for newly middle income families in under-developed and developing markets. Understanding Product Life Cycle of Apple iPhone [E-Book] In this article, with the example of the Apple iPhone, I will explain its product life cycle. In a nut shell, product life cycle or PLC is an odyssey from new and innovative to old and outdated! But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap. Especially of the newer ones. Yoghurt available in health food stores; Functional and plain packaging ; Promoted as a health food; Growth. Every single product that you hear about today can neatly fit into the product lifecycle described here. See how LCA is successfully implemented in to a company’s culture and how they benefit. Examples of the Products in each of the 5 stages of The Product Life Cycle. When people say 5 stages, they are basically referring to a sub-part of the decline stage. The traditional product life cycle curve is broken up into four key stages. People use it frequently and it is an established brand name. Learn the skills of effective product management, how to contribute towards product management, what makes Elon Musk such a good Product Manager, Get monthly essays delivered directly to your inbox, Product Life Cycle with Examples – Aayush Jain. The different stages in the product life cycle are the introduction stage, growth stage, maturity stage, and the final one that is the decline or withdrawal stage. It is an important tool for analysis and planning of the marketing mix activity. Now, we have to talk about Seasonal products. It is in the initial phase, and you are trying to get customers. Sometimes, people talka about “product life cycle 5 stages”. Facebook hit around 90 million users in 2007. Except in specific cases like financial companies, researchers, gaming communities, etc., these are on their way out. Business executives try to maximize the product’s value through each stage. That way, you could forecast how a product will perform, in advance. Along with that, I will also share some marketing strategies that you can use in every stage through my e-book. For example, the Tesla Model S is in its growth phase. You can think of your microwave, fridge and even your light bulb. Expect them to decline within the next decade and give way to products that are considered new or experimental. Its Product Life Cycle was almost the same as that observed in the iPad. iPhone x lunch in November 2017 at that time the iPhone x is in the introduction phase. Perhaps, it has already become a “reference product” such as the Ford Mustang. Choose from Life Cycle Assessment Examples: case studies, reports, articles, presentations, white papers, videos and more… Sign up for our sustainability news and receive Life Cycle Assessment examples right in your inbox. Let us go over some product life cycle stages examples. Depending on the 3 parameters explained earlier: Product, Concept, How easy is to copy it. Using our example, The Bot, it is during the growth stage that an organization begins to see their hard work pay off through increased sales of the product. Check out the list of top 10 PM tools. It was a New Product, with an Old Concept, and Easy to Copy. This is the traditional Life Cycle we have all studied in the books. Considering individual features as products gives us a better sense of where each product is in the PLC. The product life cycle is an indispensable tool for product planners and marketers in general. This example shows how the yoghurt product category has moved through the product life cycle by remixing elements of the marketing mix. Provide one (1) example to support your rationale. The Product Life Cycle (PLC) Lesson; Exercise; Answer; The Product Life Cycle (PLC) is based upon the biological life cycle. I have covered the basic concepts of the PLC in the below video. But it all comes down to your market launch. Product life cycle is the set of stages a product goes through during its lifetime. For example, if a product is in the growth stage, the action marketing plan would include adding more product features, entering new market segments. This graph shows a very successful product launch. The important thing to note here is that Facebook was able to use a few feature to extend its reach into its target audience. After all, nobody is more responsible for a successful lifecycle than a Product Manager. Includes: what is a product Product life cycle in the industry Different examples Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Product Life Cycle Examples. Learn Jira or any other tool. Products That Do Not Obey the Product Life Cycle. Nokia is considered a favorite example whenever the concept of product life cycle is discussed. Organic foods have really entrenched themselves into the minds of the millenials in some high income countries. Facebook bought out Whatsapp in 2014 for approximately $19.3 Billion. Similarly, 90% of the products we will be using five years from now do not currently exist. These are used in very niche segments like gaming and research. Life Cycle Product life cycle is a business analysis tool that enables businesses to determine the stages that a product goes through in the market, the stages are divided in to four phases and a good example of a product that has undergone the phases is the home PC. Definition of Product Life Cycle (PLC) Before discussing the product life cycle stages, it is wise to explain what the product life cycle actually is. The Product Life Cycle Stages or International Product Life Cycle, which was developed by the economist Raymond Vernon in 1966, is still a widely used model in economics and marketing. Exactly. Your job is to identify your product niche and deep dive into it. A good product is the very basic requirement of an effective marketing mix. Then, we have established different Types of Life Cycles, depending on these parameters. This stage is usually the most expensive one for the seller. The managers & executives should have clear understanding of these phases in order to better control total corporate resources in the accomplishment of desired objectives. Few years ago, e-books were the big new trend. We wanted to highlight 3 important pillars that can help you when analyzing Product Life Cycles: Let’s summarize some of our main Conclusions: This analysis can be very useful for different things. Let’s see a product that perfectly exemplifies these 4 stages: In case you don’t know, MySpace was one of the first social networking Sites. But what is the difference between Product and Concept? The product life cycle is based on the life process of all living things, beginning with birth and ending with death. I’m sure you are already thinking of a few products here. Your product is starting to get noticed. Don’t forget the KISS principle. When a new product is produced, it advances through a sequence of stages during its lifetime. The Growth stage lasted 9 months, and was followed by a sharp decline. A small gingerbread house is used instead of a real-life building for the sake of simplicity, and also to focus Again: some people could argue that, PDAs already existed, as well as smartphones, but there were not exactly the same. Product life cycle with example 1. We have tried to identify those that don’t depend on unpredictable external factors. And you certainly will abandon products in the future. Knowledge of the product’s life cycle can provide valuable insights into ways the product can be managed to enhance sales and profitability. The Newer a Concept is, the flatter its Growth stage will be. Simple, but everybody went crazy about it. will have a new life cycle when it is introduced into a foreign market, say, in India. will have a new life cycle when it is introduced into a foreign market, say, in India. It is a generally accepted statement that 90% of the products we use today did not exist in their current form five years ago. A classic example of the scope of the product life cycle is the typewriter. It’s important to focus on raising product awareness and increase its market share. There are four stages to every product’s life cycle, excluding the advancement and improvement stage. However, with the current pandemic, the online options are bound to take off. You need to refresh it. Smart Glasses – These were a craze when they were launched by Google and Snap, but people didn’t really take to these. The increase in sales can also be attributed to a reduction in costs d… Each stage has its own little nuances that you need to understand. iPhone x as an example of Product life cycle. These decisions paid rich dividends to the product life cycle of Facebook. Pun intended. Also, even the few that succeed have certain life ranges called product life cycles. But, the more acceptable practice is to consider that refreshed product as a new product with a new lifecycle. PRESENTED BY: ANNI PRIYANKA Topic: Product, product life cycle with stages with an example Production & Operations Management 2. A detailed product life cycle management PDF can be found here. And it appeared that the Facebook growth curve had flattened and would probably head into the maturity and decline phase. Since it was a much Newer Concept and Product, in every possible way (it was first introduced 3 years before the iPad) we would expect a much flatter curve in the growth stage: Google Trends results: Interest in “iPhone”. The second stage of the product life cycle is the growth stage. Product Life Cycle 3-parameters Matrix proposed by Consuunt. This chapter will be focused on the sales, cost, customer type, profits and competitors in each of the product life cycle stages. See what works and what does not. What this product allowed you to do was to read your favorite books wherever you wanted in a new different way. Moreover, since it was an Old Concept, its popularity grew strongly in the early stages. Electric Cars – Electric cars are at a stage where if a person can afford them and the required infrastructure is available, then people strongly consider electric cars. However, they have started to enter the popular imagination now. The various stages have certain characteristics and I shall be sharing them here. Robenson and … The Product Life Cycle (PLC) is a generic description of the way a product behaves in the market place, from the point at which it is launched through to peak, decline and withdrawal. Observed in the iPad an odyssey from new and innovative to Old and outdated to alter cycle... Production & Operations management 2 Education – people preferred actually going to sub-part... At that time the iPhone x lunch in November 2017 at that time the iPhone as... Concepts of the marketing mix activity care about product life cycle examples, according to Raymond Vernon, each is. Short quiz to see if you can use in every stage to out! It simply disappeared ( due to the product life cycle by remixing elements of products! Correct answers yet to “ take off ” its different stages in their life-cycle them to evolve one or! 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