Trump" or pin cushions with Trumps head. MizDi describes the group’s makeup and the way in which it conducted itself: The Bunker wasn’t originally “The Bunker” … it was originally a group started on started by good friend and Bunker Babe EllieJane, who’d been “textually harassed” in a supposedly conservative group by moderators who were supposedly conservatives but preferred to side with liberal trolls over active *truly* conservative members … they are the ones that chased me out of the group, too. (You can get the full details of the scarf story at the MizDi post. Several users reported issues with the new design such as experiencing seizures, migraines, vertigo, headaches, eye strain and more. Since 2016, Americans have discovered that Leftists, especially through their SJW and Antifa branches, are are poor losers. To prepare for 2020, it’s resurrecting the playbook, as are other social media sites. Also, for those who do crafts and have marketable skills, whether it’s teaching or designing projects, the internet is a godsend for bringing together seller and buyer. Mistletoe Muse. “RR”) who supposedly try not to antagonize people in other groups by actually participating in said groups … instead, they direct their friends and co-horts to whatever groups has come to their attention through various means … and then they make fun of the people involved in their own group’s discussion pages. We reached out to Ravelry to alert them to the reports and asked them to take seriously the concerns of people with epilepsy. “Boycott Ravelry,” said another. Jan 23, 2020 - I made this pattern this spring when I decided to boycott the chickens of easter and instead go for a hen. Conservatives grumbled, but went away without making too much of a fuss. The point of these groups was that people could replicate an actual physical space in which they could get together with like-minded friends and, while crafting, also talk about politics in a way that allowed for respectful (and even snarky) debate but avoided ugly personal attacks. Netflix is facing a backlash in India over a now-infamous kissing scene in one of its shows. Hi everyone! just didn’t suit a group geared to discussing politics … after all, in polite conversation don’t you avoid religion and politics? Instead of dragging down a book, within seconds at my computer I can summon up videos or information pages (or patterns, free or otherwise) that far exceed the contents of those now out-dated books. I am not calling for people to boycott the site. I subscribed to Ravelry earlier this evening. bthom37. We did allow our members to speculate and lament on the fact that BHO has spent in the realm of $1M in covering up whether he’s a natural-born citizen … it would’ve cost less than $20 for a duplicate of the “vault copy” of his birth certificate … you can figure that one out on your own, I’m sure. To prepare for 2020, it’s resurrecting the playbook, as are other social media sites. “Boycott Ravelry,” said another. Deleted my account and already started contacting yarn companies of my intention to boycott. Elle a signalé le problème, sauf que pour ce faire elle a utilisé le système de gestion des patrons qui informe les éditeurs bénévoles ET la designer du patron. But I don’t support this. It began when the SJWs flagged the group’s name — “The Bunker,” which means a safe place to hunker down — as a pro-Nazi name. Grâce aux vélos Gravel et Cyclocross SCOTT, vous aurez accès à des routes moins fréquentées, ou vous pourrez même complètement quitter la route. 284 views. “Kill yourselves,” one protester said. We did, however, allow our members to equate BHO with a socialist, as his own words and actions had confirmed this to us. I was then blocked by Teague and O’Sullivan. Michele Blood is a freelance writer and contributor to LifeZette, the Daily Caller, and The Federalist. Un tricot en suivant un modèle tricot ravelry n’est pas très difficile dès que vous possédez les principes du tricot en poche. Amigurumi Advent 2020 - Mystery Crochet Along (patterns will be redeemed on Ravelry) amigurumiadventures. This was back in the early 1990s. Although I have a beautiful collection of knitting books, they sit quietly on the shelf when I try to figure out how to do a new technique or remember a long forgotten one. Likewise, our moderators simply deleted troll posts. First everyone boycott 21.11.2020 - Explore Marja Hirvonen's board "Neulo ja virkkaa" on Pinterest. …the new design is much more usable for many of these Ravelers, including a large number of people with disabilities and folks with vision issues. What The Bunker’s members discovered in 2009 was that they were also poor winners. Do better. Use Ravelry if you wish. Image Ravelry: Merida Princess Amigurumi Pattern By Chiara Cremon. 3 talking about this. “Resistance is futile,” they seem to think. Ravelry Store Language Available languages English French Notes. Hell yes. Reply. It just needed a face lift and a few tweaks not a major overhaul! Right. Trump" or pin cushions with Trumps head. De la boutique amigurumiadventures . Colleges and universities were major targets. It did so by openly and boldly announcing that all references on the site that in any way support Trump will henceforth be banned because (and I quote): “Support of the Trump administration is undeniably support for white supremacy.”. MyDailyFiber quickly made a name for herself in our group and endeared herself to all members not only with her wit, common sense and unique perspective, but also her ability to churn our pro-McCain “Ravatars”. Que vous rouliez en montagne, sur route ou en ville, il y a un vélo SCOTT qui vous attend. online community for knitters, crocheters and fiberartists image. Ravelry made a political stance based off untrue statements, it's disturbing that yet another platform takes a side and causes more division.' Boycott Amazon on Black Friday, urges economist Yanis Varoufakis. All rights reserved. These issues can easily be fixed. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. image. 5 étoiles sur 5 (36) 36 avis. 6/25/2019 08:30:41 am. That was ugly, but it got worse at the end of February. Moreover, as Moi pointed out, these were tiny groups with perhaps 20 members active at any given time while, as a Ravelry administrator had acknowledged in earlier correspondence, other political content groups numbered in the thousands. This means that, just as those old ListServs saw us conversing about things other than knitting, people on the current sites also want to talk about things other than knitting. 156. Many of us had left the Conservative Knitters group under more and more stringent dictates of “you can’t say that”, and we didn’t want the same thing happening in the McCain group. Legislation is too slow — and potentially too dangerous, given the power it hands to government\ — to affect this problem in time to [Read More], A mash-up of an old documentary and modern footage proves that there’s no difference between SJW insanity and actual mental illness. Oh darn. Parenting took away my time to socialize on the internet and, eventually, any spare energy I might have had for knitting. In Leftist world, if conservatives don’t just suck it up, they’re either equally culpable or entirely responsible for ensuing verbal battles. It’s only in the last few months that my life has settled into a rhythm that sees me knitting again. Indeed, the better the student, the more they’ve absorbed the indoctrination. The trolling got so bad that. Our new group (which later became The Bunker) was devoted to supporters of John McCain in his (failed) bid for the presidency. Before my children came along and changed my focus, I was active in some of the earliest internet knitting ListServ groups. “Boycott Ravelry,” said another. Press J to jump to the feed. Village Manor in St. Jacobs among the latest locations seeing outbreaks. Prove Ravelry wrong. We as a collective have been called bigots, racists (even by the admin who stated that since a scarf reference about B.O. Here’s the funnel: Beginning in the 1930s, the Left deliberately started a long march through institutions. Trolls don’t like this. 3 November 2020 by . What do I think of the Democrats’ COVID-19 management. Some people are uncomfortable with that, and I let ’em be. Image Ravelry. The first yarn product of SkyKnit, by the Ravelry user citikas (Ravelry / citikas) The idea of using neural networks to do computer things has been around for decades. These trolls (for a lack of a better term) went straight to the admin with their complaints (mind you about a group they didn’t belong to or agree with) rather than take up their issue with the groups moderators. 3 talking about this. On Twitter on 19 February, I had pointed out that Teague and users on, the biggest knitting community on-line, were participating in the hounding of Kate Davies, which had just erupted. online community for knitters, crocheters and fiberartists On the 28th July, Ravelry broke their silence on the new website design issues with this email. 118 views. Ravelry has more than 8,500,000 members world wide. My eyeballs started hurting as soon as I got onto the site and I had to leave. I have a right to ban whoever, whenever I want from my website.”, The day after Craig announced his God status, Moi received an official notice of suspension from Ravelry because she was guilty of an “ongoing effort to disrupt the Website and the experience of its users.” Her guilt seemed to have been through association with The Bunker — which by that time had already been disbanded. You would think that they would have left us alone since their candidate won. Posted by procrasteaknits 17th Jul 2020 19th Jul 2020 Posted in Pattern design, Procrasteaknits Designs Tags: etsy, indie designer, knitting blog, knitting blogger, knitting pattern design, lovecrafts, Pattern design, pattern designer, ravelry, Ravelry accessibility, self-published. See more ideas about Crochet, Crochet patterns, Crochet projects. I call on all of us to boycott Ravelry's supporters (yarn companies etc) Reply. Nevertheless, Ravelry supported political groups in which people could mix crafting and politics. We continually cautioned our members about “feeding the trolls” we tried to self-censor as best we could without stifling conversation and reasonable free speech. Ravelry is an online knitting community with 8 million members, according to Business Insider. McCain’s decision to put Sarah Palin on the ticket energized the group but, within the group, as within America’s larger body politic, brought out the crazed haters. Boycott the website and anyone who advertises there. 479 reviews for Ravelry, 3.3 stars: 'Ravelry no longer accepts Trump projects or supporters EXCEPT if you make projects that say "$#*! The Bunker’s moderators eventually had to seek help from Ravelry’s site administrators — again, not because of what conservatives were doing, but because of what trolls brought to the group. Press J to jump to the feed. It even accused those who had experienced symptoms from using the site of spreading ‘false information’. ©2018-2020 The Reluctant Spoonie. Most web designers would have changed their design straight away after receiving these complaints. Archived. “I didn’t vote for him. 0. “You *will* be assimilated, whether you agree with us or not, so just give in already!”, While the conservative group members, as a matter of stated policy, refrained from obscenities, personal attacks, etc., they did challenge Barack Obama’s politics and his peculiar reluctance to prove his American birth to silence the doubters. In 2009, Ravelry first silenced, then banned conservatives. On Twitter on 19 February, I had pointed out that Teague and users on, the biggest knitting community on-line, were participating in the hounding of Kate Davies, which had just erupted. NeverTrumpers, looking at the chasm between Trump’s out-sized positive accomplishments in areas that matter [Read More], With the 2020 election in sight, Google is doing more than censoring content; it’s trying to change how people think to alter permanently how they vote. Boycott . Yesterday, Ravelry, one of the largest fiber arts social media sites, with a member roster 8,000,000 strong, made the equivalent of a loud, rude farting sound in the conservative blogosphere. Union Street subdivision plan on hold again. Elmira childcare centre likely to remain open. I would not be at all surprised to learn that, just as it did in 2009, after first silencing conservative speech, Ravelry then starts purging conservative crafters. But I don’t support this. My membership number is about 32,600. When Bunker members dispersed to or created other groups, the trolls followed. But of course that’s not what happened. As you can probably imagine- self preservation would deem that I stay in my bunker and let those people talk among themselves. During the last two weeks of the election cycle, the owner actually took away rights to click on “buttons” indicating “love”, “disagree”, “funny”, “educational” and “interesting” because of the drama it caused … we actually had trolls pile on, clicking “funny” in droves, when a member talked about her mother’s death. Ravelry taking a stand against white supremacy in their formal policies is a firm move towards creating a more inclusive community. Political correctness is the anathema of free speech. For generations, these institutions of higher indoctrination have been churning out students who believe in Leftist ideas. The particular group of women I am talking about are what I would classify as “bad winners” (the word “troll” would also be an appropriate adjective. They tried not to engage trolls in any way … just delete, ignore, and move on. Having apportioned blame to its satisfaction, Ravelry first shut down conservative groups and then shut out conservatives entirely. They are special snowflakes and mustn’t be ignored when they so much with which to enlighten and educate you. Some people have reported that even having astigmatism means that you will have issues with the site. Tomorrow (18 July) I will publish my first pattern, Niebla. Ravelry is a community site, an organizational tool, and a yarn & pattern database for knitters and crocheters. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. We did allow our members to be sassy, sarcastic, and lean toward “snark” … I’m sorry, but polite drawing room conversations concerning “the weather and everyone’s health” (c’mon, what movie is that from?) I love the ravelry website, the older one. Thus, we not only exchanged knitting information, we also told jokes, shared recipes and child-rearing tips, and (something I remember vividly) focused heavily on the uses and mis-uses of Peeps come Easter. Or how the Olympic athletes are honored by being represented by General Electric and Dow Chemical (other official Olympic sponsors). When Moi pushed back about being permanently banned from Ravelry, Ravelry’s management referred her to their attorney, Craig. At Ravelry, a heavily moderated discussion took place, suggesting ways in which the site should use positive discrimination to show more patterns by non-white designers. When another woman wrote to someone in Ravelry’s administration, the response referred to the conservatives as “children.”. And with that, Ravelry shut The Bunker down. Bob, we are going to need your photoshop skills to put the owner of in a picture with Hillary Clinton and have them both be eating a baby - both of them should be wearing Planned Parenthood shirts. Soon we became a haven for over 600 members. Given that it was the SJWs who took the first verbal swings, it appears that Ravelry found troubling the fact that conservatives verbally responded. Make it clear to the advertisers why you are boycotting them. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 27, 2020 Some of Trump’s supporters in Georgia and across the country have called for a boycott of the runoff elections as a protest over Trump’s accusations of widespread voter fraud. Today’s tech titans were all good students who ended up at good universities — places such as Harvard and Yale, where the Leftist infection runs deep and strong. Histoire. Putting aside the idiocy of that statement, one completely belied by Trump’s statements, his policies, and his supporters’ identities, statements, and political goals, I want to focus on Ravelry’s impulse to censor. End of story. She's been blogging since 2004 at Bookworm Room about anything that captures her fancy -- and that's usually politics. Il y a quelques jours, une membre de Ravelry (Lizzieplussix) a remarqué un patron soutenant la candidature de Trump pour 2020, patron contenant des propos ouvertement haineux et racistes. The Raverly (2020) Our raverly album or see ravelry. . Les adeptes du tricot aux Etats-Unis ont les nerfs en pelote depuis que le site Ravelry, «le Facebook du tricot», a décidé de bannir les contenus pro-Trump. “Just wow,” one user wrote. Go to any of the tech/social media/information sites — Google, Twitter, YouTube (a Google subsidiary), Yahoo, Pinterest, Ravelry, etc. Back. November 27, 2020 November 27, 2020 Obert Madondo Obert Madondo. ", on This is not the first time Ravelry has banned conservatives, on Bookworm Beat 11/30/18 — Another round-up of interesting news, on Project Veritas proves Google uses Orwellian content engineering, on VIDEO: Mash-up of an old mental illness video with SJW insanity, Google’s plan to prevent Trump’s reelection, told college admissions offices that he was Kenyan, Bookworm Beat 11/30/18 — Another round-up of interesting news, VIDEO: Mash-up of an old mental illness video with SJW insanity, How spineless and traitorous are most of the GOP? November 27, 2020 November 27, 2020 Obert Madondo Obert Madondo. Well, you would think I would write that the trolling got so bad Ravelry told those sore winners to go elsewhere, either to another group within Ravelry or to another fiber arts site altogether. MizDi again: Actually, we asked for help before the election was ever over. As we got more and more unwanted attention from “opposition groups” such as LSG & RR, we got unwarranted “flags” on posts, claiming bigotry, racism, hate speech … I saw the posts that were flagged, and I saw the “reasons” for said flags … apart from a couple (mostly from new members who didn’t “get” the group yet and hadn’t read our rules) they were spurious at best … anything truly flag-worthy was deleted and the member who’d posted it was “talked to” by a moderator. With regard to tweets and emails sent by Cassidy, we would like to make clear they do not reflect the opinions and professional intentions of the Ravelry team or the way we think about what people are experiencing. These kids have been squeezed through the Leftist education funnel and they finally have the power to do something about it. I live in the Boarder-land so I know about illegal immigrants. In conclusion, I’m not saying that you should close down your Ravelry account, especially if you need it to make an income. Nice, huh?. “Just wow,” one user wrote. And that gets me to Ravelry’s first foray into censorship, back in 2009, shortly after Obama was inaugurated. It would say click on or go to a certain place and you couldn’t find it, especially the login box! Ravelry remained silent on this major issue for weeks. À l'origine, le boycott est le choix de ne pas acheter des produits dont les conditions de production ne sont pas jugées justes. But some things remain the same and knitters (and other crafters) are as congenial as they used to be. The boycott-Trump movement is still going strong, but it is getting smaller. The boycott was a pointless gesture because Republicans had the votes necessary to move Judge Barrett’s nomination forward. They even closed the comments section on discussions about this issue in their Facebook group and forums. “Just wow,” one user wrote. November 26, 2020 . 0. Boycotting Amazon on Black Friday, the e-commerce’s behemoth’s most profitable day of the year, would force the company to “pay” for its anti-democratic practices and growing list of human rights violations, says left-wing … Am I a little pissed off? November 26, 2020. The move is to ensure a space that is “inclusive of all,” the website says in a statement: We are banning support of Donald Trump and his administration on Ravelry. End of story. I know it will take time to transfer everything, but I don’t want to give Google revenue from the ads it runs on my “free” email. TRUMP SAYS HE'D RATHER RUN AGAINST BIDEN … Close. In June, Ravelry revealed a new website design. Update. Ravelry made a political stance based off untrue statements, it's disturbing that yet another platform takes a side and causes more division.' For many of them, it's part of an advertiser boycott in protest of what they say are the site's failures to stop the spread of hate. . was made by a person from Mississippi it was a racist remark), intolerant, homophobic, etc etc etc. Should I boycott Ravelry? I too believe that things made in China are necessarily worse (i.e. We all know mum’s the coolest, don’t we? Now let me set this straight….for the most part, our members refrained from most profanity … the majority of us don’t care for it, and our membership respected that. I checked out Ravelry’s new design to see what it was like. Designers for the 2019-2020 Knitterati Diagonal Afghan KAL include: Sign-up for our email Newsletter to receive the square patterns. Because Ravelry has chosen to take the stance that ALL who support President Trump are white supremacists, and ALL are furthering hate speech, discrimination, etc., has made my decision to remove myself from Ravelry an easy choice. On the site’s forums, several posts about the ban had been locked, archived or deleted by moderators. However, if you only use it to list your free patterns, then I would suggest listing them elsewhere until Ravelry makes changes to their new website design. In 2008 and 2009, social media sites were beginning to crack down on conservative voices. Said Moi. Some members came to us who’d initially been Obama supporters … until they started to really *listen* to what he was saying … some had been Hillary Clinton supporters, but became dissatisfied with the Dems because they treated her so but treated Obama as if he were (to quote AllyKatt) a ‘special snowflake’. UJ | June 23, 2019 at 11:09 pm. You can email Ravelry about their new website design and the handling of accessibility issues here It will take a period of adjustment, but in the future, Cassidy’s role will be focused on technical work. There’s even a group that calls themselves “Ravelry Rubberneckers” (a.k.a. I recommend DuckDuckGo. I don’t understand what politics has to do with knitting a sweater regardless which side I support. What didn’t seem to have changed since my time on the ListServs was that Ravelry was intended to bring people together around a shared interest, not drive them apart over something unrelated to the craft itself. Learning to live with chronic illness and disability, Marvel's Punisher Skull Gloves With Free Crochet Pattern. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Ravelry, which says it has eight million members, was shut down to new users on Monday, and the site’s leadership did not respond to multiple requests for comment. Someone had the brilliant idea to take the voiceover from one of those solemn 1950s/1960s documentaries about mental illness and combine it with footage of modern SJWs (aka Social [Read More], Bookworm came late to conservativism but embraced it with passion. We were not, however, politically correct. Image Ravelry: January Hat Pattern By Courtney Kelley. Posted by procrasteaknits 17th Jul 2020 19th Jul 2020 Posted in Pattern design, Procrasteaknits Designs Tags: etsy, indie designer, knitting blog, knitting blogger, knitting pattern design, lovecrafts, Pattern design, pattern designer, ravelry, Ravelry accessibility, self-published. Moreover, they lost access to patterns that they had purchased with real cash money. I did this in error prior to learning of your politics. The boycott-Trump movement is still going strong, but it is getting smaller. By making this decision, Ravelry didn’t just silence conservative crafters; it locked them out of their notebooks. Cassidy was not in a state to be talking with people, though she does understand that this is no excuse and that the emails that she wrote were hurtful. I’ll keep you posted. DBinVA | June 24, 2019 at 10:29 pm. A "no hate" platform has become quite a divided space and ridiculous. Secondly, post on Facebook that ravelry is pushing the gay agenda and has three undocumented brown people on their payroll. A disability advocate had been a supporter of Ravelry for 13 years and was outspoken on social media about the accessibility issues with Ravelry’s new design. Ravelry has lost its mind. Make it clear to the advertisers why you are boycotting them. Please unsubscribe me at your earliest convenience. A growing list of companies are pulling ads from Facebook. guinspen | June 23, 2019 at 11:17 pm. Overall, this ‘apology’ did little to support disabled Ravelry users and even claimed that the new design was more accessible. (As long-time readers know, I think Obama sat on the birth certificate proving his American birth so that he and his supporters could point to the doubters as “crazy racists.” I also think that, just as he told his publishers that he was Kenyan to help promote his books, Obama may well have told college admissions offices that he was Kenyan to help overcome his lousy grades. Reply. Boycott . These tweets from Cassidy accusing the Ravelry user and disability advocate of lying have been fuelling hate comments towards them. 0. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts I have already deleted my account. Back in 2008/2009, Moi and MizDi liked Ravelry because it didn’t offer just information about what other knitters were doing, but also served as a notebook for fiber crafters, allowing them to chart project progress and to keep track of needles, yarn stashes, and other paraphernalia. Advocating for accessibility should not lead to bullying, hate comments or other personal attacks. “LSG”) … their parents must be ever so proud. By Obert Madondo | @Obiemad. 6/25/2019 08:10:12 am. But they didn’t let me be, and they didn’t let EllieJane be, so she started up her new group and invited me over to play. If the media specialist would recognize the problems that the users are commenting about and adjust their website it would stop many of the negative comments. Boycott Amazon on Black Friday, urges economist Yanis Varoufakis. She is ashamed and sincerely sorry. I made my opinion known honestly and would you believe that one of these “guests” had the nerve to send me a private message calling me a racist– when I am of Hispanic heritage. I’ll see if I can provide a shorter version. The same happened in 2012. Ravelry Store The bus boycott of the Civil Rights Era worked. Both Moi and MizDi found themselves in a McCain Ravelry group. In EllieJane’s McCain group, we started getting other people joining … some who’d been dissatisfied with the Conservative Knitters, some who enjoyed the GOP Knitters but were also looking for a more active group to play in. If this whole situation has put you off using Ravelry for your knitting and crochet patterns, you are not alone. Ravelry taking a stand against white supremacy in their formal policies is a firm move towards creating a more inclusive community. By Obert Madondo | @Obiemad. In 2009, Ravelry first silenced, then banned conservatives. But I don’t support this. Eileen. MizDi gives a vivid description of the type of conversations taking place in The Bunker’s knitting klatch, as well as they way in which the group’s moderators policed overt racism or other offensive material: As the election cycle came to a close, we got more and more negative attention [from SJW trolls]. Do better. I have found the new website somewhat frustrating. I didn’t go to their groups, I didn’t reply to them when they posted in our group trying to stir the pot. Ravelry (if you look at it from a political point of view) is very much left of center. Furthermore, they did not address the fact that non-disabled Ravelry users continue to attack those who speak out about accessibility issues. DIY and Crafts. I want that hat pattern so I can make and distribute it for would be my new charity knit! Suffice to say that it was another allegedly racist dog whistle that, at the end of the day, only Leftists could hear.). We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. It mainly focused on ways that people can give feedback privately. Ravelry, the world’s largest online knitting community, is banning support for US president Donald Trump and his administration. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Ben Shapiro has written a good article describing the insanity. 1 2 3 of 3. next page → Aisé; by Espace Tricot; 27 14328. guinspen | June 23, 2019 at 11:18 pm. This was long overdue as their website had been stuck in the 90’s for too long. Today’s Ravelry story, which goes back to the 2008 election, is especially interesting given that today is the day that Project Veritas revealed Google’s plan to prevent Trump’s reelection. The online knitting committee is banning any members that support Trump, labeling them, get this, “white supremacists.” That’s right if you support the sitting president of the US, you are a white supremacist. Ravelry provides patterns for the infamous anti-Trump p-ssy hat along with a social group with which to interact about politics while creating it. They ignored numerous complaints from people who had experienced seizures and migraines. Prix réduit 16,84 € 16,84 € 26,19 € Prix d'origine 26,19 € (-40%) Favori Ajouter à Lavender Unicorn Crochet Pattern ONLY not a finished product - Amigurumi PDF instant download StitchWitchCreations. Boycotting Amazon on Black Friday, the e-commerce’s behemoth’s most profitable day of the year, would force the company to “pay” for its anti-democratic practices and growing list of human rights violations, says left-wing … But on Sunday, Ravelry, a popular website for knitters and crocheters, took a political stand when it announced that it was banning content that supports President Trump, in what it said was a resolution against white supremacy. Back to MizDi: When John McCain chose Sarah Palin as his choice for the VP bid, we were *very* enthusiastic, and gained members in droves! Those groups very quickly became social. “We… Traditionally, politics are not for the dinner table. November 26, 2020. image. Heh! Nice. ravelry, c'est assez fou, il y a des milliers de patrons gratuits. She no longer has access to the customer service emails and her Ravelry mail is disabled. — and they are people from top to bottom with college grads. Voicing a conservative opinion on the main boards is almost like sticking a target on yourself and inviting people to take a shot a you. After he got over being offended that Moi wanted to know if she was talking to a real attorney, Craig stated his bottom line: “Trust me, the laws on this afe [sic] simple. Additionally, they did not state their own sources or who had reviewed their site to ensure that it is safe for everyone to use. 2020 Aug 06. Unless we act, we’re over. See more ideas about neuloa, neulonta, virkkaus. 6/25/2019 08:10:12 am. Jan 23, 2020 - I made this pattern this spring when I decided to boycott the chickens of easter and instead go for a hen. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. “I didn’t vote for him. Tomorrow (18 July) I will publish my first pattern, Niebla. I call on all of us to boycott Ravelry's supporters (yarn companies etc) Reply. It has morphed into a site with “groups” for everything from people who like certain TV shows, to those who have particular affection for their pets or their pet cause, to people proud of their ethnic, religious, or political affiliations … to those that proudly proclaim themselves to be Lazy, Stupid & Godless (a.k.a. Back then, two conservative knitting bloggers told their tales at length. This very long blog post did little to address the real issues. Shares. Boycott. They had no idea that Trump would be the man to release the anger pent-up in conservatives for eight long years of insults and silencing. Her blog's motto is "Conservatives deal with facts and reach conclusions; liberals have conclusions and sell them as facts. In the letter (link goes to a Ravelry account page), there is not a satisfactory explanation as to how the Ravelympics denigrates the hard work of the athletes being cheered on by, frankly, a bunch of knitters. 479 reviews for Ravelry, 3.3 stars: 'Ravelry no longer accepts Trump projects or supporters EXCEPT if you make projects that say "$#*! Yesterday, Ravelry, one of the largest fiber arts social media sites, with a member roster 8,000,000 strong, made the equivalent of a loud, rude farting sound in the conservative blogosphere. No wonder then, that in 2016, the big social media outlets assumed that conservatives would continue to be cowed. I’m going to start acting by slowly jettisoning my Bookwormroom gmail account in favor of a Proton account. Project Veritas’s most recent exposes of the social media giants show that they intend to use their extraordinary power over speech and information to return America to a 2008 political world. A quick note on inclusively if anyone from Ravelry is reading this: if even one person is excluded, you cannot claim to be inclusive. — Ravelry (@ravelry) June 23, 2019 “We cannot provide a space that is inclusive of all and also allow support for open white supremacy,” the blog post reads. Any word you can think of (and you can even dig down into a dirty ditch and you’d probably pick up a name our group has been called) as derogatory. I tried to blend in at the GOP knitters group, but it wasn’t a very active group, and I refused to go back into the Conservative Knitters group because it had been made clear to me that I just didn’t belong there … I guess I wasn’t the right brand of conservative for them. She also became the second Moderator pretty quickly, and was such a help to EllieJane that I can’t even describe it. In the 22 years since I last put my knitting needles down, I’ve learned that the internet has become a superb knitting resource in ways I never could have imaged back in 1993 or 1994. Cheryl. Knitting has varied traditions and origins from across the globe, but it is particularly popular in Scandinavia where even small towns typically have a well-stocked wool shop. Eileen. Close. They no longer had access to their own information about projects or tools. – “Reasons why the 2020 presidential election is deeply puzzling”. Jun 15, 2020 - Explore Yvonne Boycott's board "Crochet", followed by 326 people on Pinterest. Fabric Crafts. I have no idea what year that was. A "no hate" platform has become quite a divided space and ridiculous. Ravelry: A letter from Jessica, 30th July 2020. But it’s not only the titans, it’s every single white collar worker whom the titans employ. Many of us had supported others, but when it became apparent that McCain had the blessing of the Republican “powers that be”, we decided to do what we could to support the man … mostly because we knew what a disaster Barack Obama could/would be, and it was apparent that the way was being made clear for Obama….McCain was going to need all the help he could get. We did NOT allow racism, sexism, or what most people with common sense would consider hateful. Boycotts, whatever your opinion of them is, are quite effective. After the election, the sore winning escalated, with the SJWs in Lazy, Stupid & Godless and Ravelry Rubberneckers actually escalating their complaints about conservatives on the Ravelry site. A quick note on inclusively if anyone from Ravelry is reading this: if even one person is excluded, you cannot claim to be inclusive. It’s both exhilarating and rather sad. Learn how your comment data is processed. Although crafters usually work in the privacy of their own homes, they are in fact a congenial group. I think the way Ravelry has treated you is absolutely shameful. Image Ravelry: Bead Stitch Hat Pattern By Erica Dietz. The tonedeaf TDS of these crap weasels is gonna leave a mark come November 2020. As the campaign season wore on, we got more and more troll activity. We have not been as aware as we should be that these messages were being sent. 156. If there are a few nasty knitters that get their "knickers in a twist" we are fine with that. To go back to the very beginning, the internet was tailor-made for crafts. I have already deleted my account. Y’see, I’m what I call a “triple-threat” conservative … I’m a political, fiscal and social conservative. 77 views. Shouting down people and then shutting them up is the perfect Leftist social media paradigm. Here’s what MizDi has to say about those groups (and keep in mind that this was all taking place back in 2009): For those that haven’t been keeping up, Ravelry used to be just a fiber arts community-type website. Total. That’s how you end up with this: The first Obama election was a trial run; the second election was a proven formula; the Trump election was (for these indoctrinated tech types) a system failure; and they’re now doing their trial runs again. My usual go-to is Pinterest where I get patterns directly from the creator through their blog or Etsy. This is the best and kindest group I have ever 'met' on the internet. This story comes from two people: Moi, a conservative Hispanic and military wife, writing are here and here and MizDi, a conservative who blogged here. Le boycott ou boycottage est le refus systématique de consommer les produits ou services d'une entreprise ou d'une nation. Explore. The Epilepsy Foundation even issued a warning to users and urged those with photosensitive epilepsy to be cautious when using Ravelry. astuces pour trouver des modèles de tricots gratuits en français et une fois que vous vous serez familiarisée avec ravelry, il y a fort à Vu sur EJ, MDF, AllyKatt and the others instituted the best possibly policy in dealing with trolls … the theory is, if someone comes into your living room and (pardon me) craps in the middle of the floor, you don’t just leave it there to stink up the place … you clean it up and move on. Cheryl. Ben Shapiro has written a good article describing the insanity. Even though it was made as an easter decoration, my hen has stayed up all year, and I’ve made them in many different colours, striped and so on. It’s all water under the bridge now, but I would love to live to be old enough to see Obama’s transcripts released to prove or disprove my theory.). It was a warm-up for what’s happening now. DBinVA | June 24, 2019 at 10:29 pm. People on social media are calling for a boycott of Home Depot after its co-founder pledged his support for President Trump in the upcoming 2020 election. Prove Ravelry wrong. Moi explains the official attitude towards the SJW attacks on conservatives: Only behind the scenes [the site administrator] told our admin not only that he KNEW he was throwing them under the bus even though they have worked with him to clear up any issues that were flagged, but that he appreciated that he could work with our moderators without being attacked. I made this pattern this spring when I decided to boycott the chickens of easter and instead go for a hen. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, deciding to boycott leftist companies would work. image. We all know mum’s the coolest, don’t we? 6/25/2019 08:30:41 am. image . “Just wow,” one user wrote. They enjoy sharing ideas and untangling knotty problems. I was then blocked by Teague and O’Sullivan. Accessibility for disabled people is not political, it is a basic human right. Additionally, they did not address the harm they have caused disability advocates by accusing them of lying. I think the way Ravelry has treated you is absolutely shameful. Moi reached out to the Ravelry administration to protest what happened and that takes us to another post she wrote about her experience. Moi describes the same vicious attacks against conservatives: I remember last year, shortly before the elections, I made a post regarding the immigration issue. I couldn't agree with you more. We need to see where things started in order to understand how they ended up — and in order to prevent this type of technological takeover from happening again. tricot gratuit ravelry, ravelry tricot français gratuit, blog modeles tricot, modele déc. Archived. Hundreds of companies have promised to halt advertising on Facebook and its sibling platform Instagram as part of month-long boycott officially set … Ravelry, a fiber arts social network, silences Trump supporters as “white supremacists”, Project Veritas proves Google uses Orwellian content engineering, Another Bookworm Beat looking at the daily news, including the daily propaganda from former news outlets, all of which is endlessly fascinating It’s not Trump’s foibles, but the media’s failures, that account for his low numbers. A lot of the email thread is dedicated to that word “children,” which the conservatives found demeaning. I want that hat pattern so I can make and distribute it for would be my new charity knit! UJ | June 23, 2019 … The online knitting committee is banning any members that support Trump, labeling them, get this, “white supremacists.” That’s right if you support the sitting president of the US, you are a white supremacist. The administration, however, felt it perfectly described the behavior that resulted when SJWs invaded conservative sites or followed conservatives to non-political sites. By Patricia McCarthy, [“America Is A Pig and Biden Is Decent”] – The Hijacking of the 2020 Election and the Hate America Strategy By Steve McCann, [Hahahahahahahaha!!!] . cascade yarns boycott. That was when members of the Bunker were banned entirely from Ravelry — without notice or explanation. November 26, 2020. On the 30th August, Ravelry issued a statement on their blog (not the new website) which was supposed to address the issues. Hi everyone! [ October 23, 2020 ] On other side of an outbreak, teams can find some relief Sports [ October 23, 2020 ... “Kill yourselves,” one protester said. Boycott the website and anyone who advertises there. This email did not address any of the serious issues. Because of some of the vile and offensive pictures that showed up on ravatars [i.e., Ravelry avatars] (boob fondling, crotch shots, nekkid parts … and this on a site where someone’s children might walk up behind them at any moment, not to mention the minor-age members, and see this stuff — not a family friendly site … oh and the language on some of the boards would make sailors and truck drivers embarrassed!… but I digress) the site owner *finally* gave the users tools to hide offensive ravatars, including simple hiding of the picture or a “green” cover with which you could replace the ravatar of those with whom you disagree (which we gave the term “disagreening”). [ September 18, 2020 ] Bonner, Sun eliminate Sparks 73-58, head for semifinals Sports [ September 18, 2020 ... “Kill yourselves,” one protester said. Craig refused to provide any evidence showing specific instances in which Moi violated Ravelry’s policies and became “disruptive.”. 0. I have never relied on Ravelry for my crochet patterns. Posted by 1 year ago. I couldn't agree with you more. La pratique du boycott peut s'appliquer également à des élections ou à des événements. Deleted my account and already started contacting yarn companies of my intention to boycott. 49 views. “I didn’t vote for him. 220 Superwash is a versatile yarn perfect for all projects big and small! As a side note, I have never used Ravelry for my designs. Plenty of reasons to boycott 2022 Olympics in China. We all know mum’s the coolest, don’t we? There’s also real pleasure in showing off a finished project to an audience that truly appreciates the effort that went into it. Ravelry has lost its mind. Boycott. We also became a convenient target for “trolls” … those who naturally disagreed with us, but who felt the need to “educate” and “enlighten” us … we poor, unfortunate, knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing, McCain supporters … we were often painted with the broad brushes of fascism, Nazi-ism, neo-con-ism, bigotry/racism, class-ism, and just about any other “ism” you could name. However, this design was soon shown to be unsuitable for some users, most importantly those who experience seizures and migraines. Or the crafting circle. I have always found their website to be unwelcoming and difficult to use. But I don’t support this. Ravelry is a privately-owned space, and is within its rights to enforce all kinds of restraints on its users behavior. A copy of this email was sent to everyone who had made a complaint about the new design. If we conservatives decide to boycott leftist companies, we will be following in the footsteps of the Founding Fathers. Free Crochet Patterns and Greetings Card Printables, Send a Sunflower: Free Letter Writing Service, Send a Sunflower Order Form (free letter writing service), Animal Crossing Crochet Villagers with Free Crochet Pattern, My Favourite Star Wars Cuties with Free Crochet Patterns. Also, I’ve long since stopped using Google for my search engine. Here’s what I’ve been able to piece together by reading the two blogs. “Boycott Ravelry,” said another. Raverly album. “I didn’t vote for him. Posted by 1 year ago. Nous proposons également des vélos junior, des vélos de randonnée et des vélos électroniques.