Willow Creek Rug Hooking provides instructional courses and supplies for all your rug hooking needs. The Wool Studio offers 100% wool fabric for rug hooking and other textile arts like rug braiding, quilting and appliqué. Lisanne Miller, Wells, ME Home; Gallery; Guild Information; Merrie Mountain Hookers. Suppliers & Vendors For a list of suppliers and hooking equipment vendors, visit our Suppliers page. I love teaching dye classes but my studio…, Finishing workshopIn this workshop I will demonstrate several different methods of finishing your projects. Rug Hooking Week's 25th Anniversary - August 16-21, 2021 - The largest annual rug hooking event in the U.S. & Canada. She has been hooking and teaching since 2000. Frequency 6 posts / week Blog rughookingmagazine.com Facebook fans 5K ⋅ Twitter followers 54 ⋅ Domain Authority 34 ⓘ ⋅ Alexa … Jo Digerness Michelle Palmer          Hooking all day, rug show, lunch and vendors. This is a great opportunity to create a … Angela Pumphrey Rug Hooking Workshop Heart of Texas ATHA Chapter August 3 – 5, 2020 San Antonio, Texas Director of: Fredericksburg Hook In August 23 – 25, 2020 Inn on Barron’s Creek 308 S. Washington St. Fredericksburg, Texas For information contact Country Gatherings LLC at 210-262-2646 or triciatravis2@gmail.com RugHookingTraditions.com Anything that is or can be cut into strips of different widths can be used to enhance the hooking including yarns of all types, ribbons, other fabrics- even fish skins! See more ideas about rug hooking, hooked rugs primitive, penny rugs. ... Mission is to provide an independent school, promoting traditional rug hooking in Canada in an environment that encourages learning and friendship. Contact: Lurie McAdow at luriemcadow@aol.com. Katie Hartner Not all hooking groups want to publicly list their information. Be sure to check times available. Menu. The Cream City Rug Hooking Guild is excited for its 31st Hook In on April 23rd, 2020 at Boerner Botanical Gardens. Welcome back Brigitte!! Our newest vendor is Alaina Trout, owner of the Wooly Trout, specializing in hand-dyed wool for rug hooking and wool appliqué! 1-800-590-9755. Star of Texas Rug Camp Katie Hartner and Cynthia Norwood Tyler, Texas in May Fredericksburg, Texas in September. Sharing all that she knows is important when teaching. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Julie Mattison & Christine Sherman ... Eventeny was founded on the belief that managing large-scale events with hundreds of exhibitors, vendors, sponsors, and volunteers should not be stressful and burdensome. Email. May 4, 2020 - Explore K L's board "Rug hooking fall" on Pinterest. TheOldTatteredFlag.com Basically, wool strips are pulled up through an open weave linen backing into loops using a hook to form a picture. ANimbleThimble.com + WoolleyFox.com Claire Murray Tuesday – Saturday, August 10-15, 2020. Contact Debbie or Melissa Maxwell 937-902-8766, dmaxwell001@att.net for more information. This on line workshop will help you understand and use colour theory to …, We are all learning how to go about our lives…, Untangling Colour 22611 State Route 2, All right reserved. The Oxford Company (www.rughookingmagazine.com) Miami Valley Rug Hooking Guild - Ohio Fourth Thursday of every month except December, 5-9pm. ©2014-2018 Willow Creek Rug Hooking. SusanGonzalesDesigns.com. Add to your cart. Please Note: Due to the rising costs of shipping, we will contact you with the actual shipping charge before orders are processed. For rugs that go on the floor I will show you two different methods for whipping…, Untangling ColourI love teaching dye classes but my studio is too small to have students here and it is hard…, In these unusual times when classes have been cancelled you might want to try a Zoom workshop. Brigitte was a vendor at our very first event way way back in 2016. The word “thread” appropriately refers to the fibre arts and implies a weaving and connecting of elements. alistrebeldesigns.com, Claire Murray Hand-Hooked Rugs & Home Décor   Instructors. Searsport Rug Hooking Rebecca Erb Wool Studio Laura Salamy at HIGH ON HOOKING creates color-full and less-than-traditional rugs and mats to decorate your floors, walls, and tables. Multiple vendors offering rug hooking supplies, hand-dyed wools, rug patterns and much more. Also, a wonderful article and explanation of the individual pieces, written by Joyce Krueger, is in the current September/October issue of Rug Hooking magazine, pp 54 - 56. We will be meeting in rooms with large windows to the gardens, morning refreshments, buffet lunch, many vendors, Guild sales tables, door prizes, silent auction, and of course our rug … Sauder Rug Hooking Week 2020. The word “binds” has a double meaning for rug hookers through the binding of rugs and the networking and interaction of the rug hooking community. Laura hooks with most any textile available: wool yarn and strips; notions; funky fabrics; and such. W. Cushing & Co. rughookingmagazine.com thewoolstudio.com The Wool Studio This email address is being protected from spambots. www.etsy.com/shop/LCsWoolnSilk, Let Nola Do It LCs Wool and Silk    Thanks for stopping by, please browse our site and let us know what you think. Susan Gonzales Designs Rug Hooking Week at Sauder Village, Archbold, OH. Contemporary designs by Debra Walland and traditional pieces by Jacqueline Hansen. The Old Tattered Flag Due to the uncertainties associated with COVID-19, the Autumn Valley Hook-In will NOT be held in October 2020. Lunch will be available by prepurchase (see the registration form on the "Get In Touch" page.) Our objective is to keep rug hooking alive as a fibre art form, and to have some fun at the same time! Wildflower Retreat, Round Top, Texas This small hoop is 12 inches, which is good for those very small…, The texture on the Tux HoopThe Tux hoop was designed to give…, Yellow-Orange is the left hand colour All rights reserved. Sep 27, 2020 - Explore Holly Scudder's board "Rug hooking" on Pinterest. 3K likes. Rug Hooking Traditions Kathy Wright Susan Gonzales Workshops… Extensive selection of half, one and two day workshops, featuring many topics and techniques taught by talented retreat teachers, vendors, and special guest teachers. Take a Walk…. SusanGonzalesDesigns.com The tools one uses also adds to the pleasure of rug hooking. Northumberland Rug Hookers Northumberland County, Ontario, Canada The Northumberland Rug Hookers is a non-profit organization founded prior to 1983. your lunch is included A Rug show Free Demo Room A Begineer Rug Hooking Class Mini Work shops Tons of space at our great location to spread out, work and visit! We will have a rug show including antique rugs owned by the museum as well as our own member rugs. About Blog Rug Hooking magazine is the leading resource for artists who design and create hooked rugs. If you cannot find a hooking group listed in your area, please use the contact us information form to reach out and ask! The following rug hooking artists made the 8 rectangles and many thanks to them for creating such imaginative designs. My brother in law jumped in with beautifully made rug frames, rug hangers, and other exceptional wood products to add to the rug hooking supplies GoingGray offers. See more ideas about Rug hooking, Hooked rugs primitive, Hand hooked rugs. Contemporary designs by Debra Walland and traditional pieces by Jacqueline Hansen. The Eastwood School meets two to three times a year with an emphasis on rug hooking… This rug and other Quarantine Quilts are currently on display in the Quilt Museum until November 15, 2020. Rug hooking is both a craft and an art form. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Heart of Wisconsin Rug Hooking Guild 30th annual Hook-In Thursday, September 26th, 2019 9:00AM-3:00PM Spencer Lake Christian Center Waupaca, Wisconsin Vendors, Patterns, Lunch, Silent Auction, Rug Show, Door Prizes, Mini Classes, Welcome Gift $25 Fee (includes catered lunch) Pre-registration required For registration information, visit our website: wcushing.com, Visions of Ewe © 2020 Copyright Sauder Village. Attention:  To order items from our store, please. UP COMNG WORKSHOPI am working on a new workshop and thought I would give you a heads up. michellepalmerart.com, Rug Hooking Magazine Cheap Sheep Rug Hooking Camps Linda Dipert Arlington, Texas February and October. Attention:  To order items from our store, please email Carol to discuss shipping and payment options. Good Water & Co. Add to cart. Ali Strebel, Dayton, Ohio Terry Dorr, Guild, New Hampshire I believe we found a unique niche within rug hooking … Julie Thomas Quality hand drawn rug hooking patterns, kits, and supplies rug hooking or rug needle punching. Archbold, Ohio 43502 A Nimble Thimble & Woolley Fox This is the raffle rug for the Green Mountain Rug Hooking Guild’s Hooked in the Mountains XVIII Rug Show at the Champlain Valley Expo Center in Essex, Vermont, October 19-23, 2016. Please confirm your choice below and add Rug Hooking to the cart. The Eastwood School meets two to three times a year with an emphasis on rug hooking… It is based in Northumberland County, Ontario. Rebecca Erb, Reading, Pennsylvania Search. Rug Hooking. Opportunites to win door prizes as well as our annual raffle rug . Main menu. Mary Annunziato & Jackie Burke + Susan Gonzales Supplies will be available for purchase from outstanding & creative vendors from all over the country…Wednesday - Saturday. dorrmillstore.com, Jo Digerness Designs Vendors: Michele Wise with a curated selection of her wool and such; ... Michele Wise brings a 30 year career as a high school teacher into her rug hooking classes. AmyOxford.com ClaireMurray.com, Dorr Mill Store Small hoop WNC Rug Hooking Guilds Home of the Tarheel Ruggers and Merrie Mountain Hookers. Etsy.com/shop/JoDigernessDesigns Deb Smith, Mechanicsburg, PA Humor and fun are key to her approach. PO Box 23 Westport, Ontario, Canada K0G 1X0 Ph: (613) 273-6707 This email address is being protected from spambots. Nola Heidbreder, St. Louis, Missouri Supplies will be available for purchase from outstanding & creative vendors from all over the country…Wednesday - Saturday. Check back often - we will be regularly adding new rug hooking patterns, additional rug hooking items and providing information on rug hooking and rug hooking events. Leanne Sitler  Also, Brigitte DeMaster, owner of Bahr Creek Llamas in Cedar Grove Wisconsin will be joining us again. Vendors for Rug Hooking Week 2019 Your admission ticket into the exhibit includes opportunities to shop from quality rug hooking suppliers! Fri, 27th November 2020 3:41:am. SearsportRugHooking.com Ali Strebel Designs Rug Hooking Week's 25th Anniversary - August 16-21, 2021 - The largest annual rug hooking event in the U.S. & Canada. Published five times a year, we offer endless tutorials, projects and inspiration through our magazines, books, DVDs and more. Texas Rug Camps. Anne Bond Lots of vendors Lots of seats A large Demo room for the vendors to offer free demos to you though out all three days! Vendors for Rug Hooking Week 2021 Your admission ticket into the exhibit includes opportunities to shop from quality rug hooking suppliers! Amy Oxford Association of Traditional Hooking Artists NW Rug Hooking Chapter. Pure Yellow in the centre and…. Retreats… 2 & 3, 4 day classes with creative, noteworthy teachers. Exhibit: 500-800 pieces, Classes: 30-40 in all levels & interests, & Vendors… As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Sauder Village relies on support from admissions, retail sales and donations to sustain the mission, as well as the attendance and involvement of our members and volunteers. VisionsOfEwe.com, Wooly Pines + Susan Gonzales Designs      Quality hand drawn rug hooking patterns, kits, and supplies rug hooking or rug needle punching. nolahooks.com, Michelle Palmer Art  All located in a huge wonderful convention center on the water. 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