We are developing a strategic plan that will … The most significant change to the District Strategic Plan is a new Vision statement: Success, one student at a time. School Site Acquisition Charge OUR DISTRICT'S STRATEGIC PLAN was launched in 2017 after extensive consultation with students, parents, teachers, principals and support staff. Our Strategic Plan sets the direction for the District, guiding its efforts and investments from 2018 to 2022. Conclusion. A strategic plan can inspire & unite the whole school community A strategic plan allows you to inspire your whole community to take action and make change. Our community possesses the ingredients for success: caring, committed teachers and staff; capable, empowering leadership; supportive, engaged parents and caregivers; and a responsive, generous community. COVID-19: Student Transport on Busses — Guidelines, Summer Session – Registration Information, Frequently Asked Questions — Middle School Consultation, Middle School Consultation Update December 2019, Communicating Student Learning (Report Cards), District Code of Conduct & Dress Guidelines, Physical & Health Education Curriculum FAQs, Physical & Health Education: Curriculum Connections & SOGI, Langley Celebrates Diversity: A Letter for Parents, LEAP (Langley Environmental Awareness Program), Facilities, Maintenance and Transportation, Building a Sustainable Digital Transformation, Public Sector Executive Compensation Reporting. As such, the Langley School District is not responsible for Google Translate™. In the business sector the goal is to get more customers or make more money. The JCSD Strategic Plan is designed to serve our district starting in the year 2020 through 2025. To accommodate growth and changing demographics by creating safe and respectful environments that inspire learning. This is a report that outlines the district’s current context, based on data reviewed thus far, and then identifies needs to address and makes recommendations to be considered for the Strategic Plan. 2025 Strategic Plan; Curriculum Systems Management Improvement Model Recommendations; Curriculum Systems Management Improvement Model; GENERAL INFORMATION: 602-257-3755. The Board of Education for the Cowichan Valley School District has launched their new 2020 – 2024 Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan works to set priorities and define the path of our school district. Menu. It also sets out the District’s mission, vision, values, and priorities. If you have any questions or comments about public education on the Sunshine Coast, please speak to any of us in School District 46 or review our strategic plan . The nature of these goals and restrictions suggest that strategic planning in education is, and must be, different than the process used in the business sector. Identified objectives and tasks have been developed in a business plan format to support the plan. Annually, our Strategic Plan is developed and approved in conjunction with the District’s budget. Due to a shortage in drivers, Route 37 is cancelled on Tuesday and will resume Wednesday. Join the story at OurStoryCowichan.ca The new plan, titled ‘Beyond Education’, is the culmination of months of work where the District explored … The Pertinent information has been included in this document. EMPLOYMENT VERIFICATION: 602-257-3755 or Fax 602-257-6077. The Strategic Planning Process for 2015-16 begins with the creation of a Needs Assessment. With this strategic plan, our school system embarks on a new phase of a goal that has never changed: nurturing the limitless possibilities in every student. A school strategic plan is generally made to reach certain goals and to keep doing well in schools with regards to education and also, the overall growth of the child. The Strategic Plan establishes priorities and actions with respect to educational opportunities for students, proactive planning for maintaining and upgrading facilities, responsible stewardship of resources, creating a supportive and positive culture for employees, and strengthening relationships with community groups. The Park Hill School District's strategic plan, known as the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP), focuses on goals in four main areas: finances, academics, climate and employees. We apologize for inconvenience and thank you for your…, Sooke School District acknowledges the traditional territories of the Coast Salish: T’Sou-ke Nation and Scia’new Nation and Nuu-chah-nulth: Pacheedaht Nation. The School District No. Our strategic plan defines the key areas of focus as we work together to support student learning in order to achieve our vision of Success for All. The Board of Trustees approved and launched the District Strategic Plan 2018-22 at the November 27, 2018 Board meeting. Read the Strategic Plan Read the detailed plan, including objectives District Strategic Plan . Our District Strategic Plan is comprised of the vision, mission, values, strategic directions and goals for Pinellas County Schools. Strategic Plan The development and implementation of a District Strategic Plan is a key component in the District’s commitment to improving the learning and working environment of students and staff, as well as a recommendation in the Watson Report. The process launched on September 16, 2019, with … View a PDF document of the JCSD Strategic Plan 2020-25 We have a tremendous school and community and it is our goal to utilize this plan over the next five years to clearly demonstrate Valley Central is one of the best school districts in our region. CSIP is completely revisited by a community committee every five years and updated annually. At the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, we want to ensure that our schools are welcoming places for all students to engage, belong, learn, grow, explore and discover. Throughout the 2010/11 school year, the North Vancouver Board of Education embarked upon a consultative process to develop a 10-Year Strategic Plan for the School District. For each priority, draft goals and objectives have been developed to ensure that the district meets the expectations of the strategic plan. Riverview School District Adopted June 9, 2015 Strategic Plan Revised 7/11/16 Page 7 1.4 The Next Steps The Strategic Plan will be disseminated to appropriate personnel on a yearly basis. You are a vital part of our district and a critical voice on our pathway to greatness. The plan will serve as our blueprint for great local education. Strategic Plan The Hayward Unified School District (HUSD) serves a diverse, vibrant community in the heart of the East Bay. To foster a collaborative and healthy environment through effective engagement and communication. Strategic Plan To view the current 2019-2020 Riverview Strategic Plan (pdf), click here Riverview School District's Strategic Plan reflects both successes from the previous plan, as well as new ideas, programs, and processes solicited from the School Board, superintendent, students, staff and community members. Our Strategic Plan is a dynamic, active document that guides decision-making at the school and District levels. There are many format documents on how a strategic plan should be framed to make it more effective. To view the Strategic Plan, click here. Visit our Strategic Plan website for more details: The Strategic Plan establishes priorities and actions with respect to educational opportunities for students, proactive planning for maintaining and upgrading facilities, responsible stewardship of resources, creating a supportive and positive culture for employees, and strengthening relationships with community groups. The Yakima School District is working with Performance Fact, Inc. to develop a new strategic plan for the district. CREW is a long-term strategic plan that will guide the Board to improve the education and well-being of students and staff by implementing projects in four specific areas: collaboration, resources, educational programs, and wellness. Conversely, strategic planning is a disciplined, research-based method of inquiry that allows school districts to create their own futures through rigorous organization assessment and long-range planning, followed by operational execution. STUDENT RECORDS FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION: 602-523-5959. Three years ago, the District embarked on a process aimed to develop a strategic plan to guide its schools into the future. To maintain and plan for required resources and infrastructure To provide leadership in educational stewardship and environmental practices To maximize the capacity of the existing schools and services while protecting space and sense of community Strategic Plan The Board of Education thanks community groups, staff and students for their input into the Strategic Plan 2019-2023. Our district goal is that students graduate ready for college, a career, and most importantly, life. The strategic planning process is as important as the plan Strategic planning is a crucial step to ensure your district vision is inspiring and actionable. Strategic Plan. Jul. 2018-2023 Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (PDF) 7703 NW Barry Rd, Kansas City MO, 64153 Phone: … These documents are compatible with many file formats and versions. As the Abbotsford School District continues to grow and evolve, our Board of Education remains committed to upholding a strategic plan that maintains the district's core values - … 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Strategic Plan focuses on the areas of Governance, Education, Human Resources, Technology, Facilities & Transportation, and Finance & Operations. Download our Strategic Plan Poster Public consultation will be conducted using ThoughtExchange, an online consultation tool. The purpose of the strategic plan is to establish a vision for the future and a guide for turning our vision into reality. York Catholic District School Board. It sets out a clear and shared vision for the future of public education in the Vancouver School District. 31, 2018 The Strategic Plan was developed in consultation with our partners including students, families, staff and stakeholders. Consultations on the development of the new Strategic Plan will include many stakeholders: Board trustees, District staff, teachers, school councils, parents, students (Grades 7-12) and more. Recognizing these differences, educators became early adopters of bl… We also recognize that some of our schools reside on the traditional territory of the Esquimalt Nation and Songhees Nation, Bus Cancellations for Tuesday, November 30: Route 37 (click here), Aboriginal Enhancement Agreement (Nah’tsa’maht), Learning Continuity information for Families, Return to School: Support for Students and Parents, Technology Support Information for Remote Learning, Student Technology Loan - Parent Acknowledgment Form, To enhance student engagement and success at school, To create and support innovative teaching and learning environments, To develop programs of choice that are responsive to student and community voice, To develop capacity, innovation and engagement with educational and personal technology that fosters digital literacy, citizenship, rights and responsibilities, Create a healthy environment that promotes wellness, Promote a greater sense of community through engagement with all stakeholders, Create a safe, flexible and culturally responsive environment that meets the needs of all, particularly the Aboriginal communities we work with, Promote a greater degree of employee satisfaction and morale, Invest in widespread employees learning opportunities that respond to employee and system needs, To maintain and plan for required resources and infrastructure, To provide leadership in educational stewardship and environmental practices, To maximize the capacity of the existing schools and services while protecting space and sense of community, To secure appropriate land in areas of projected growth and to maintain and develop organizational capacity around that growth. The purpose of the strategic plan is to outline the priorities of our school district and identify specific areas of focus over the next five years. STUDENT REGISTRATION: 602-523-5757. It serves as the framework to guide the planning and decision making throughout the district, ensuring that we remain focused on every student becoming a graduate prepared for opportunities beyond graduation. The strategic planning process needs to be dynamic, responsive, and focused on changes that are successful, sustainable and scalable. Google Translate is provided as a free tool to enhance the usability of the Langley School District website. STUDENT RECORDS: 602-257-3807. To develop adaptable learners who are creative, critical and social thinkers with the capacity to be global citizens. The Burnaby School District’s five-year strategic plan articulates where we’re headed and identifies our focus. Ottawa-Carleton District School Board / About Us / Strategic Plan APPROVED STRATEGIC PLAN 2019-2023 Creating a Culture... of innovation, caring and social responsibility. On Wednesday, September 25, 2019, the Board of Education approved the district’s new 2019-2023 Strategic Plan. The plan supports the over-arching Vision of the School District and our priorities in pursuit of the highest level of service we can provide to students and the community. By making your school’s goals or vision achievable with an actionable plan, rather than completely abstract, you engage people and help them own their role in the process. About Us; News & Events; Trustees; Schools; Programs & Services; Parents; Students; Community; Home > Multi-Year Strategic Plan (MYSP) Multi-Year Strategic Plan (MYSP) In the spring of 2018 and the fall of 2019 the Multi-Year Strategic Plan (MYSP) Planning Working Committee have continued to work on and develop a draft Multi-Year Strategic Plan. School districts of all sizes use strategic planning to achieve the broad goals of improving student outcomes and responding to changing demographics while staying within the funding box they are given. District Strategic Plan 2018-22. It is a cumulative, ongoing process that provides direction and communication regarding the Board’s goals during the four-year term of the election cycle. The Plan is divided into three domains: Educational Opportunities, Community Partnerships, Operational Priorities.