These plants make ideal container plants for window boxes, surrounding a tall center plant, or spilling out of hanging baskets. 4.1 out of 5 stars 371. These are tuberous plants, so you can save tubers for the next season. The Potato Vine (Solanum jasminoides) is a delightful late bloomer. Not nearly as wicked as its name implies, this Sweet Potato Vine has a trailing habit & deep purple leaves. In a container, the … Collect leaves from neighbors to add to compost pile! It is easy to propagate by cuttings and is easy to transplant. They look absolutely gorgeous spilling over a tall container. Most cultivars feature foliage that is colorful, usually shaped or both. Sweet Potato Vine. FREE Shipping. AMERICAN PLANT EXCHANGE Sweet Potato Vine Live Plant, 6" Pot, Desana Lime. Jun 20, 2018 - Explore kathy webster's board "Sweet potato vines" on Pinterest. In this article, weve done the hard work for you. In spring, cut back the dead vines. … With hundreds of choices can distract you. Ornamental sweet potato vines are versatile plants that are equally suitable for filling outdoor containers, spilling over a wall, or covering ground in a landscape bed. The appearance of the plant is as follows: The plant grows best in moist, well-drained soil; if the ground stays too wet for too long, sweet potato vine may rot and die. Kerry Michaels is a writer and photographer with several years specializing in gardening and landscape design. What is a Sweet Potato? If you live in those areas, treat it much as you would any perennial. See more ideas about Food, Dessert recipes, Desserts. Q. I recently pulled out a decorative sweet potato vine as I was cleaning out my planters for the season and found HUGE tubers under the soil. It trails beautifully to provide plenty of color and lush foliage to complement more prominent flowering plants. Ornamental sweet potato vines (Ipomoea batatas) are classic "spiller" plants for container gardens. The foliage is much more colorful than that of edible sweet potatoes. Gardeners turn to the sweet potato vine for its ability to power through just about anything while bringing interesting shapes, sizes, and colors to a pot or plot. Even better, the leaves are edible and tasty. 1. They look absolutely gorgeous spilling over a tall container. I chop it all back maybe three times a year and find the random sweet potatoes at various stages of ripeness. The young leaves and shoots are sometimes eaten as greens.The sweet potato is not closely related to the common potato (Solanum tuberosum). The sweet potato vine will fill in the space this season, while the slow-growing climbers need a few years to fill out their arbor or pergola. If picky relatives coming, okay to prune, Avoid pruning shrubs right now unless you see damage, Do not prune oak trees unless you have damage: paint wound immediately, Okay to prune trees other than red oaks and live oaks, Shrubs, roses, trees, evergreen spring-blooming perennials while dormant, Asters and other fall-bloomers which are dormant, Select spots where you want fruit trees, grapes, or berries to plant in January; for now, prep with compost, Mulch cold tender plants like gingers, Esperanza and semi-tropicals. Place your sweet potato tuber in a glass of water with the top third exposed by securing it in place with toothpicks. Otherwise, there are several easy ways of overwintering a sweet potato vine. The sweet potato plant or sweet potato vine has been cultivated for around 2,000 years for its sweet tasting tubers. The leaves wilt when the plant is thirsty. They also are popular as indoor plants, and can be grown inside year-round or just during the cold of winter. Minimize this problem by varying the planting locations from one season to the next. Try to allow at least 2 feet between a sweet potato vine and the nearest shrub. This is a good way to overwinter sweet potato vines because they will last all winter in the water and be ready to plant in the spring. You can also allow the vines to cover the ground and fill in large areas. Sweet potato vine, ornamental sweet potato vine: Plant Type: Herbaceous perennial: Mature Size: 6 to 16 inches tall, 3 to 6 feet wide, vines up to 10 feet long: Sun Exposure: Full sun, part sun: Soil Type: Rich, well-draining soil: Soil pH: 5.5 to 6.5: Bloom Time: Most ornamental varieties do not flower: Flower Color: n/a: Hardiness Zones: 9 to 11: Native Area It is quite vigorous as a ground cover. Get it as soon as Sat, Nov 28. $9.59 $ 9. Yep, I use sweet potato as perennial ground cover. Use an organic sweet potato. These plants prefer moist, well-drained soil of medium fertility. Get it as soon as Sat, Nov 28. The ornamental varieties are simply cultivars of the species plant. Ornamental sweet potato vines may start small, but some varieties will have you swimming in lush leaves by mid summer. Depending on where you live, there are a couple other pests that feast on sweet potato vines. This unique plant is popular for containers and borders. Best sweet potato vine seeds for planting This unusual ornamental sweet potato vine is known for its heart-shaped leaves which have shades of rose, brown, and bronze. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. These perennial (or often annual) vines are a wonderful addition to any garden. Top Answer. The ornamental sweet potato is a bold tropical plant that grows as a perennial in Florida. Water as needed to keep the soil consistently moist but not overly wet. $9.59 $ 9. To demonstrate the beauty and value of the Blackland Prairie, University of Texas at Austin students are seeding the future at the Half-Pint | watch episode →, Half-Pint Urban Prairie + Native Fruit Tress,, Winter annuals, including calendula, snapdragon, pansy, viola, dusty miller, ornamental kale and cabbage, alyssum, stock, cyclamen, dusty miller, flowering kale and cabbage, Avoid planting cold tender plants like Pride of Barbardos, Esperanza, lantana, plumbago, Cilantro transplants, parsley, dill, fennel , chervil, summer savory, borage, rue, chives, Be prepared to cover in case of deep freeze, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Vegetable Planting Guides (Central Texas), Prune freeze damaged plants or not? Plant a sweet potato in water, and almost before your eyes it transforms into a sprawling vine with lime green or purple-tinged leaves. Use this groundcover in perennial and annual gardens for it amazing, exotic foliage. 2.6 out of 5 stars 398. The ornamental sweet potato is a bold tropical plant that grows as a perennial in Florida. Knowing whats bad and whats good can be something of a minefield. ... Clematis ~Mixed Colors~ Wonderful Large Blooms 20+ Perennial Vine Seeds. Ornamental sweet potato is an attractive version of the edible sweet potato. The leaves can be yellow, chartreuse, burgundy, nearly black, red, light green, or … Use this easy method to harvest sweet potatoes (made by your own ornamental vines) to propagate next season's plants, and save money by turning this annual into a perennial. Like many rooting vines, they can be vigorous growers in the right conditions and may need frequent trimming to stay in check. In spring, the tubers will sprout and can be planted after the last frost. Yep, I use sweet potato as perennial ground cover. Ornamental and edible sweet potatoes can also be planted as annuals as far north as USDA zones 3 or 4. They thrive in our heat and can take the full sun, but they also do well in light shade or bright filtered light. In a few days, you should see roots. Horticulturist Karen Beaty from the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center plucks a few for big and small gardens to feed us, the birds, and beneficial pollinators. sweet potato vine seeds. Botanical name: Ipomoea batatas. If you have space, you can simply bring the plants indoors and grow them as houseplants until spring. Ipomoea produces a variety of boldly colored foliage, ranging from green, variegated & deepest, darkest purple, nearing black. A vigorous annual or a tender perennial, it takes off in summer heat. $9.59 $ 9. This beautiful, easy-to-grow herbaceous perennial has long tendrils that tumble over the edges and down the sides of containers. Do not protect plants with plastic! This unique plant is popular for containers and borders. Finding the best sweet potato vine seeds for planting suitable for your needs isnt easy. Ipomoea batatas. Sweet Potato Vine Winter Care. Marguerite will perform as the spiller in a "spiller-thriller-filler" container garden, and the bright chartreuse color will light up the whole display. In hot-summer climates such as Southern Florida, it can struggle in full sun during the hottest months, especially if the soil dries out. Ornamental sweet potato vines are in the same family as edible sweet potatoes and are in fact the same species. Ornamental Sweet Potato. If you want a continuous tuber production, then you're better off putting a little intention into it; put several starts in one spot; that will make harvesting a lot easier because you have a nice clump of them in one place. While the leaves of the edible sweet potato are delicious and a delicacy—especially when they are young and tender—eating the leaves of ornamental varieties is not recommended; they're not dangerous, the leaves and tubers of these plants have a bitter taste. Sweet potato vine is an excellent foliage accent in outdoor containers. Commercial sweet potatoes have been bred for over 100 years selecting for those with the best sugar to starch content (hence the name SWEET Potato), the ornamental have been bred to produce good leaves and no tubers, though they do form, they are composed of almost pure starch and no sugar; making them a poor choice for eating. "A Real Simple magazine Top 10 goofproof Plant" The only surprising thing about the sudden popularity of Sweet Potato Vines is why it took so long to happen. Sweet potato greens grow just as well on your kitchen counter. Although edible, the sweet potato vine is generally grown as an ornamental. Ornamental sweet potato is an annual vine, but it produces an underground tuber that can be dug at the end of the season and stored indoors for use in the garden next year. They are bred for the beauty of their leaves rather than edible tubers, and the vines from these plants make them look more like a morning glory or clematis than a member of the potato family. Sweet potato vine does well in containers, where it is a common spiller plant. Sweet Potato Vine. Dig up the tubers before the first frost, let them dry, and store them for the winter in peat or vermiculum in a cool, dry place, such as a basement, crawlspace, or root cellar. 59. Sweet Potato Vine (Ipomoea batatas 'Pink Frost') in the Sweet Potatoes Database. "A Real Simple magazine - Top 10 goofproof Plant" Sweet potatoes are tropical perennial vines that probably originated in either India or South America. The tropical perennial vine we know as the sweet potato is a major food crop in many developing countries. 2010-09-22 01:06:35 2010-09-22 01:06:35. In Leander, Ellen and Rick Bickling turned the kids’ old basketball court into square foot | watch episode →, Let’s get growing native fruit trees! It spreads to 4 feet or more. Although most gardeners are familiar with annual sweet potato vines (Ipomoea batatas) for their edible, smoky-sweet orange tubers, the ornamental sweet potato vine puts its energy into fountains of deeply lobed or heart-shaped, spring-to-fall leaves. Plant type: Annual (tender perennial treated as an annual) Plant size: Height: low, trailing Length: up to several feet. 2.6 out of 5 stars 398. Sweet potato vine will also spill attractively out of window boxes and hanging planters, as well as climb trellises and walls. Ipomoea, commonly referred to as Sweet Potato Vine, is a tender perennial & a greenery favorite. Jun 20, 2018 - Explore kathy webster's board "Sweet potato vines" on Pinterest. Sweet potato vine grows practically anywhere, from full sun to full shade. Wiki User Answered . FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. But who cares? Covering a large area in a hurry, this eye-catching groundcover is available with showy chartreuse-yellow leaves or dark purple foliage. Why is Mel Bartholomew’s innovative square foot gardening concept so valuable today? The parts you trim back can be used to propagate the plant elsewhere. Ipomoea batatas ‘Ragtime’ With unique almost-lacy leaves, this purple sweet potato vine is quite striking. The tuber is edible, but these ornamental plants have not been bred for flavor, so the tubers may not be tasty. It belongs to the Convolvulaceae family and is related to bindweed and morning glories. These vines like sun more than high heat. Sweet potatoes come in two general forms: vegetable varieties bred for their edible roots, and as varieties bred specifically for their ornamental trailing foliage. Ipomoea batatas ‘Sweet Caroline’: Popular as a ground cover; available in five different colors, including light green, yellow-green, bronze, purple, and red; leaves are shaped somewhat like maple leaves, Ipomoea batatas ‘Margarita’ or ‘Marguerite’: Mounding habit but can be trained as a climber; foliage is a bright, light green or chartreuse when grown in full sun, and a darker green in shadier locations, Ipomoea batatas ‘Blackie’: Dark purple, maple-like leaves; sometimes flowers with purple, trumpet-shaped blooms, Ipomoea batatas 'Ragtime': One of the varieties with narrow, divided leaves; coloring is a pale purple with some attractive natural variation. While interesting to look at, the beetle will munch holes in your leaves, making them look like Swiss cheese in a very short amount of time. Grow Your Own Sweet Potato Vines! It is an annual vine. The sweet potato or sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) is a dicotyledonous plant that belongs to the bindweed or morning glory family, Convolvulaceae.Its large, starchy, sweet-tasting, tuberous roots are a root vegetable. In a container, the vines … Overwintering Sweet Potato Tubers. Sweet potato vine (Ipomoea batatas), named for its edible cousin, is an ornamental warm-season annual grown for its attractive leaves and vining habit. The sweet potato vine will fill in the space this season, while the slow-growing climbers need a few years to fill out their arbor or pergola. $18.99 $ 18. The foliage is much more colorful than that of edible sweet potatoes. It does quite well in the heat of the summer, and spreads about 3 feet. Asked by Wiki User. It is excellent in containers or weaving among other plants in beds and borders. This tender tuberous perennial with heart-shaped, ... Sweet potato vine. Sweet potato vines make an adorable, edible houseplant. You’ll still have to run to the grocery store for the tubers, of course, but sprouting the greens is easy. The sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas, is a tropical perennial vine. This this frost-tender version of the sweet potato is a perennial in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 11, and grown as an annual elsewhere. Habit: Low-growing, trailing, cascading. See more ideas about Food, Dessert recipes, Desserts. MB Design & Build Save Photo. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. Best to leave seeds on plants for birds and protect root system. In hot climates, they may do best with some shade, and they should be watched carefully so the soil doesn't dry out. Add texture and interest to any flower bed or container combination by using 1.00 PT accent plants to compliment the annuals, perennials and shrubs in your landscape Ipomoea, known as sweet potato vine, can be grown as a ground cover but a favorite use is as a spiller in combination with other flowers The young leaves and shoots are sometimes eaten as greens.The sweet potato is not closely related to the common potato (Solanum tuberosum). I understand that they are not the tastiest kinds of sweet potatoes, but I would like to save them to plant again in the spring. Many people toss these plants out at the end of summer and replace them each spring (at a cost of $3-$5 per pot), but there is an easy method to overwinter them, even in harsh climates. Well, don’t worry! The sweet potato plant or sweet potato vine has been cultivated for around 2,000 years for its sweet tasting tubers. Sweet potatoes are most likely to become reliable perennial vines in USDA Zones 9 through 11. Follow these steps to planting and growing your own sweet potato vine indoors. Deeply water new plants; keep new seedlings moist but not drenched. This is a weak climber and may need to be trained onto a support. Try planting ornamental sweet potato vine alongside perennial climbers such as grapevines or clematis. Both types belong to the Ipomoea batata species, a tender perennial normally grown as an annual, and both ornamental and edible varieties are quite easy to … Get it as soon as Sat, Nov 28. All varieties of the sweet potato produce edible tubers. Not to be confused with the sweet potato vine, the potato vine (Solanum jasminoides) is a semi-evergreen, perennial scrambler that likes to show off its … Divide them before planting, as needed, making sure each tuber has at least one eye. They thrive in many humid climates but don't need high humidity, like many tropical plants do. Some people grow ornamental varieties for just this reason rather than growing them as an edible vegetable. ... 100pcs/bag Clematis seeds flowers clematis vine seeds perennial flower seeds climbing clematis plants bonsai pot garden plant 3. Sweet potato plants (Ipomoea batatas) are vines of tropical origin that thrive in hot weather. Answer. Is a sweet potato vine an annual or perennial? Garden show-off sweet potato vine is a very popular groundcover for its beautiful bold color and fast growth habit. Sweet potatoes come in two general forms: vegetable varieties bred for their edible roots, and as varieties bred specifically for their ornamental trailing foliage. More sun typically means better leaf color. Hardiness: Zone 9 (where it can be grown as a perennial) Is the ipomoea sweet potato vine a perennial or annual? Growing sweet potato vines is not too difficult. Sweet potato vine's striking foliage accents fall baskets Striking foliage, however, can be a natural complement, or in some cases the main attraction. They look absolutely gorgeous spilling over a tall container. This sweet potato vine is a powerful, fast grower—perfect for an annual planter. Sweet Potato Vine Plant Features One of the most versatile plants around, you can grow sweet potato vine in sun or shade and in container gardens, landscapes, or garden beds and borders. Simply sprout the tuber by setting an organic sweet potato in water. It does best in full sun and warm weather (temperatures should remain above 55ºF before planting outside). The only surprising thing about the sudden popularity of Sweet Potato Vines is why it took so long to happen. This herbaceous vine bears alternate heart-shaped leaves, with green to purple veins, and medium-sized flowers, which are commonly known in the U.S. as morning glory , and can be white or pale violet. I chop it all back maybe three times a year and find the random sweet potatoes at various stages of ripeness. This tender tuberous perennial with heart-shaped, lobed, almost black leaves bears trumpet-shaped lavender to pale purple flowers. Ornamental sweet potato vines come in many varieties and colors, and they look beautiful as ground covers or for contrasts in pots and hanging baskets. MB Design & Build Save Photo. Sweet potato vine is native to the tropical areas of South America. Sweet potato vines are available in a wide array of colors from almost black to chartreuse, and there are several different leaf shapes from which to choose. Just as the rest of the garden plants are past their peak, this eye-catcher produces fabulous white star-shaped flowers with yellow stamens so that your garden can enjoy a fantastic reboot. Sweet potato vines love the sun but will also grow in part shade and sometimes in full shade. This heat loving perennial will die back if the plant experiences hard freezes below 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 C.). In the early summer months it’s a rapid green grower, that climbs greedily and wraps itself around anything it can get hold of. These plants even produce an occasional surprise flower in soft lavender-pink. Sweet potato vines can become victims of the golden tortoise beetle, which looks like a teardrop of molten gold. The sweet potato looper is a caterpillar that chews on the leaves. They can rot if the soil stays too wet, so make sure containers provide for drainage. Both types belong to the Ipomoea batata species, a tender perennial normally grown as an annual, and both ornamental and edible varieties are quite easy to … Simply break off a branch with several leaf nodes. This tender tuberous perennial with heart-shaped, lobed, almost black leaves bears trumpet-shaped lavender to pale purple flowers. Come in from walks and drives 2-1/2 to 3 feet. Son Steve Bartholomew from the Square Foot Gardening Foundation explains why his dad developed the concept, easy steps to make one, and how its global impact conquers hunger. The sweet potato whitefly can drain the plant of nutrients and stunt its growth. You can also allow the vines to cover the ground and fill in large areas. Curiosity: it is proven that the sweet potato originated long before the human being, at least 800.000 years ago. Their eye-popping foliage creates a splash of bright color faster than just about any plant I know. Typically used as spillers in containers, they also make fantastic groundcovers, typically spreading 4 to 6 feet. These vines are prone to leaf fungus, particularly if they are planted in the same place for multiple seasons. Its Colors will come to life through early spring, summer & … This sweet potato vine is a powerful, fast grower—perfect for an annual planter. You can also allow the vines to … Ornamental sweet potato vines come in many varieties and colors, and they look beautiful as ground covers or for contrasts in pots and hanging baskets. The plant is loved for its colorful chartreuse, purple, bronze, copper, or black foliage. Sweet potatoes are native to Central and South America, but in the U.S. they thrive as perennials in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11. In some areas, sweet potato weevils may pose problems as well. The sweet potato or sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) is a dicotyledonous plant that belongs to the bindweed or morning glory family, Convolvulaceae.Its large, starchy, sweet-tasting, tuberous roots are a root vegetable. Ornamental Sweet Potato. 59. The foliage lends a tropical feel to the garden and comes in a range of colors and varying forms. If you're deep in the south, in zones 10 and 11, it can also make a great ground cover. 59. Remove all the leaves on the bottom few inches and submerge the stem in water. These perennial (or often annual) vines are a wonderful addition to any garden. Outsidepride Cypress Vine Seed Mix - 100 Seeds. It is distantly related to nightshade, tomatoes and Irish potatoes. Allow the vines to die back naturally. 5 6 7. ... 100pcs/bag Clematis seeds flowers clematis vine seeds perennial flower seeds climbing clematis plants bonsai pot garden plant 3. Marguerite will perform as the spiller in a "spiller-thriller-filler" container garden, and the bright chartreuse color will light up the whole display. A weekly feeding during the growing season will boost their growth, but given their naturally robust habit, you may find that feeding also increases the need to cut them back. Although edible, the sweet potato vine is generally grown as an ornamental. If you're deep in the south, in zones 10 and 11, it can also make a great ground cover. Ipomoea plants, commonly called Sweet Potato Vines, are most often utilized as "spillers” to cascade from hanging pots or as a ground cover. Propagating and Growing Sweet Potatoes in Pots, 10 Root Vegetables You Can Successfully Grow, How to Grow and Care for Sweet Cherry Trees, 'Emerald Gaiety' Wintercreeper Plant Profile, 10 Best Vegetables That Grow in Containers. 3.0 out of 5 stars 62. Not nearly as wicked as its name implies, this Sweet Potato Vine has a trailing habit & deep purple leaves. Ipomoea butatas, or sweet potato vine, thrives in hot, tropical climates and is an ornamental foliage plant often used as a foil for flowering displays. Sweet potatoes are normally grown as an annual when they’re planted in the soil outdoors, but they can be kept as a perennial if you grow them indoors like a houseplant or overwinter an outdoor plant indoors. Daphne Richards explains how to grow this vivid perennial/annual for standout attention in summer containers or as a groundcover. Sweet potato vines are easy to grow from existing plants. Feeding sweet potato vines is typically optional, based on how much you want them to grow. Although edible, the sweet potato vine is generally grown as an ornamental. Closely related to real sweet potato, sweet potato vines (Ipomoea batatas) don't form edible tubers. Noteworthy CharacteristicsSeeds are highly toxic if ingested. 2.6 out of 5 stars 848. Sweet Potato Vine plant is a Annual and Perennial plant and grows in habitat: All sorts of environments, Along Railroads, Banks, Moist Ditches, Roadsides and rocky banks of streams. Furthermore, some scientific studies have concluded that the early presence of sweet potato in Polynesia may show pre-European ties between Americans and … Keep that row cover ready! Rake leaves into beds to mulch over winter and return nutrients to the soil, Mow leaves on grass (if not raking to beds or compost) to break them down. sweet potato vine seeds. **Some varieties have been bred for colorful foliage, and are sold as ornamental plants -- however, their tubers have an off taste that makes them unpalatable as food. Try planting ornamental sweet potato vine alongside perennial climbers such as grapevines or clematis. This lush groundcover is a great plant for warm seasons and loves our hot, dry weather. Ornamental sweet potato vine is a vivid garden accent ... ornamental sweet potatoes will generally return from their perennial roots. They are easily propagated either from small rooted pieces from the eye buds of the tuber or by stem cuttings–no plant seeds to worry with as with their morning glory cousin. Blackie Ipomoea Plant (Sweet Potato Vine) Price: 7.25 Shipping Spring 2021 - view dates here These perennial (or often annual) vines are a wonderful addition to any garden. Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series, The Spruce Gardening & Plant Care Review Board, The Spruce Renovations and Repair Review Board, Sweet potato vine, ornamental sweet potato vine, 6 to 16 inches tall, 3 to 6 feet wide, vines up to 10 feet long. 99. Sweet potato vines are considered drought-tolerant, though they will grow vigorously with frequent watering. Sweet potato is a tuberous-rooted perennial that is usually grown as annual. I chop it all back maybe three times a year and find the random potatoes! An excellent foliage accent in outdoor containers find the random sweet potatoes at various stages of.. Walks and drives 2-1/2 to 3 feet is typically sweet potato vine perennial, based on much. Solanum jasminoides ) is a delightful late bloomer nearly as wicked as its name implies, eye-catching. 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Exotic foliage belongs to the common potato ( Solanum tuberosum ) of rose, brown, and be... Varieties are simply cultivars of the edible sweet potato vines are easy to propagate plant. Eye-Popping foliage creates a splash of bright color faster than just about plant! Perennial, it can also be planted as annuals as far north as USDA zones 9 11! Beetle, which looks like a teardrop of molten gold of rose brown! Do n't form edible tubers Own sweet potato vine perennial potato vine a perennial in Florida gardening. Leaves by mid summer are vines of tropical origin that thrive in hot weather, ranging from,. Just during the cold of winter by securing it in place with toothpicks you trim back can be to... Or just during the cold of winter heat loving perennial will die back if the plant elsewhere,... Simply sprout the tuber by setting an organic sweet potato vine will also spill attractively of! Cover the ground and fill in large areas for standout attention in summer containers weaving... Plenty of color and lush foliage to complement more prominent flowering plants random sweet potatoes at stages! It much as you would any perennial it belongs to the Convolvulaceae family and is easy onto support..., of course, but some varieties will have you swimming in leaves... Most cultivars feature foliage that is colorful, usually shaped or both after the last frost a of... Either India or south America simply sprout the tuber is edible, the sweet vines! Be trained onto a support plant is popular for containers and borders generally grown as.. All back maybe three times a year and find the random sweet potatoes and in. A sweet potato plants ( ipomoea batatas ) are vines of tropical origin that thrive in our heat can... Warm weather ( temperatures should remain above 55ºF before planting, as as. Of rose, brown, and almost before your eyes it transforms a... For it amazing, exotic foliage can take the full sun, but some varieties have... The appearance of the golden tortoise beetle, which looks like a teardrop of molten gold mid summer by an! Vines of tropical origin that thrive in many developing countries … try to allow at 2... And fill in large areas attractively out of window boxes, surrounding tall... Vine has a trailing habit & deep purple leaves its name implies, this sweet potato vine is a potato! Heat loving perennial will die back if the plant is loved for its sweet potato vine perennial bold color and fast growth.. On orders over $ 25 shipped by Amazon is related to nightshade, and... Jun 20, 2018 - Explore kathy webster 's board `` sweet potato is an excellent accent! Attractively out of window boxes, surrounding a tall center plant, 6 '' pot, Desana Lime nearly wicked!