The Aedui, along with other friends of Rome, the Aedui-Ambarri and Miobroges, beg Caesar for help before they have "nothing left save bare ground," and Caesar decides to pursue the Helvetii before they waste the entire resources of the Roman allies and invade Santoni land. Book References: Commentarii de Bello Gallico (by Julius Caesar – translated by W. A. McDevitte and W. S. Bohn) / Caesar’s Gallic Wars 58-50 BC (by C M Gilliver, K. M. Gilliver) Featured Image Credit: Fall3NAiRBoRnE (DeviantArt) And in case we have not attributed or mis-attributed any image, artwork or photograph, we apologize in advance. Later in the day Ariovistus' troops attack the smaller Roman camp and they skirmish until sunset. Thus they take a bolder stand and attempt, with their rearguard, to provoke future battles. Officers with slight experience begin offering excuses and beg to leave. But he stays in Rome only 11 days, then heads to Brundisium. : Rome is under the consulship of Marcus Messalla and Marcus Piso.) The Aedui, often cited by the Roman Senate as friends, are German slaves and also have given hostages to the Germans and Sequani. At nightfall, after hard battling, the Romans capture the enemy's baggage and camp and, among the prisoners, are Orgetorix' daughter and one of his sons. Inc, 15 Jan. 2013. The Gallic War, published on the eve of the civil war which led to the end of the Roman Republic, is an autobiographical account written by one of the most famous figures of European history. The two generals meet on a hill surrounded by flat terrain, the horsemen of both leaders stopping two hundred paces behind. The Aedui were willing to risk war and lost — therefore their tribute payments are justly his; Caesar's interference is a serious mistake and will be dealt with accordingly. There he establishes his garrison without battle. In Gallia Narbonensis, the stretch of southern France connecting Spain to Italy, the Gallic people had largely been assimilated into Roman culture over the course of the last century. Thus, despite all Helvetian offenses, Caesar decides to make peace if the Helvetii offer hostages to show good faith. In the Gallic Wars, Julius Caesar conquered Gaul for Rome while simultaneously building up his military power to eventually become dictator. Author: Caesar, Caius Julius. Now, however, they must be content to pay the customary tribute. Previous Table of contents Next Book V I. Caesar orders a large fleet of peculiarly theyII. There is ample cause to punish Dumnorix. For those who disguise fear with the excuse that there isn't enough food, Caesar says that he is having the matter corrected. Other parts of his army, under the direction of Titurius Sabinus and Publius Crassus, defeat the Venelli and their allies under Viridovix, and the tribes of Aquitania. He then moves his own troops on the road toward the enemy while Publius Considius, reputedly a master in war, is sent with the forward scouts. He has, for example, arranged his mother's marriage to an influential Bituriges; his own wife is a Helvetian, and he has married off other family members to citizens of other tribes. Many of the Gallic nations conspire to IV.-VII. B. Greenough, Benjamin L. D'Ooge, M. Grant Daniell, Commentary on Caesar's Gallic War, AG BG 7.64; Cross-references to this page (6): Allen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar for Schools and Colleges, SYNTAX OF THE VERB After the decisions concerning the Helvetii are made, the chief men of many other Gallic states visit Caesar to congratulate him and assure him that Rome has gained satisfaction for past injuries and that all Gaul benefited because the Helvetii had intended to conquer the entire territory. He reviews the background of their situation. Their proximity to Roman borders might well result in invasion. After a long wait and no grain having arrived, Caesar calls a meeting with the Aeduan chiefs in camp and firmly berates them for failing to support the troops when the enemy was nearby and when grain cannot be purchased or taken from the fields. When Caesar heard about the alliance, he realized it was a threat, so he left Italy and set out for Transalpine Gaul, a Roman province since 121 B.C., but he didn't have his regular army, although he did have some German cavalry and troops he had in Cisalpine Gaul. When he is finished, he announces that the camp will move in the early morning hours and that even if no one else follows that he still intends to march with his faithful Tenth Legion. The enemy, of course, has moved on and Caesar must regroup and speed his troops forward once more. It is the gods' way, he believes, to grant prosperity to miscreants whom they plan to punish; punishment, it is said, is more severely felt after a period of good fortune. He fights his way to the Thames, then moves back to the coast and defeats the British force, commanded by Cassivelaunus. The hill mentioned in Section 43, on which the meeting occurs, is an elevation that rises in isolation above the surrounding plain of Alsace between the Vosges mountains and the Rhine river southwest of Strassburg, Germany. The second line, comprising three cohorts, stands about 160 feet behind line one. He had not warred with the Gauls. Julius Caesar took official command of his provinces of Illyricum, Cisalpine Gaul and Transalpine Gaul in 59 BC. Furthermore, many modern European highways are built on old Roman roadways because Roman roads were straight, cutting through hills rather than going around them. One of the first wars Julius Caesar encountered was the Gallic War. and how, after Orgetorix' death, they continue their preparations for war, finally beginning military operations in 58 B.C. The reason for the Helvetii's destroying their homes is to discourage all thoughts of retreating home during difficult battles and also because an intact village invites settlers during the tribe's absence. The Roman general then marches his troops in a triple line six hundred paces beyond Ariovistus' camp. Caesar doesn't care to trust his safety to the Gallic cavalry, so he mounts members of the devoted Tenth Legion infantry on Gallic horses. He says that the Gauls are divided into two parties; the Aedui and the Arverni. The Gallic revolt spreads and reaches its greatest dimension under the leadership of vercingetorix, an Arvernian warrior of great power whose father had been chieftain of Gaul. The sections here particularly demonstrate Caesar's speed in a variety of actions, ranging from the assembling of an army to the staging of a surprise attack. It is often true that what is not said is more telling than what is said, and here Caesar is able to pick up clues to the truth and turn to the real source of trouble, which is, of course, local politics. The magistrates prepare to capture and try him, but Orgetorix dies before he can be recaptured and, although knowledge is scanty, the Helvetii believe that his death was a suicide. Despite his extensive background in politics, Caesar expresses himself without hiding behind rhetoric, in an uncluttered, factual style. In it Caesar describes the battles and intrigues that took … They are not followed, though; the Romans delay pursuit so that they can tend their wounds and bury the dead. At present, they estimate that about 120,000 Germans are in the country. The enemy is soon hampered because their left hands are useless. At daybreak, Labienus has positioned his company on the summit of the cliff. was the conflict in which Julius Caesar first emerged as a great military leader, after an earlier career as an impoverished populist politician. ). A new translation by John Warrington with a preface by John Mason Brown & an introduction by the translator. Moreover, what business does Caesar have in a territory that Ariovistus has secured by conquest? Caesar notices that the Sequani stand silent in the tearful group that begs for assistance and asks why they act this way. And, as an aid to his readers, he provides expository information for those who are unfamiliar with the far-off lands and people encountered during his forays. In the years 58 B.C. Since they plan to march through an area bordering on the Roman Province, Caesar feels that they represent a threat to Roman rule, so he directs his forces against them. To the north of the Gauls is the Belgae border, while to the south is the Garonne river with the Aquitani beyond it. It is interesting that Caesar includes Ariovistus' quick perception of Caesar's true motivation — that he actually wants the Germans out of Gaul because they pose a threat to the Roman Province. This particular edition is in a Hardcover format. Roman strategies were foreign to their tribal standards and they regarded such actions as cowardly devices, unworthy of real warriors. The parley is set for five days hence, but Ariovistus, fearing the trip, stipulates that Caesar come without infantry, though he specifies that both parties may bring cavalry. The march begins and, on the seventh day, scouts report that Ariovistus is only twenty-four miles away. Divico rejects such terms, saying that a request for hostages violates ancestral practice; it is the Helvetian custom to receive, not to offer, hostages. The newly recruited troops he places halfway up the hill and positions himself with the four experienced legions in triple line. Besides being a military genius and statesman, Caesar has a sure shrewdness as a psychologist. This he accomplishes and camps that night three miles from the enemy. Previous Table of contents Next Book VII I.-III. Illustrated with engravings by Bruno Bramanti. When Caesar is at last in a favorable position, note that he invites attack and, upon discovering the German superstition concerning defeat prior to a new moon, he seeks full-scale battle. As for the battle narrative itself, it concerns an early revolt of several tribes, quelled by Caesar and Labienus. Menu . Labienus defeats a large Gallic force led against him by Indutiomarus, leader of the Treveri. A cohort numbers about 360 men and there are ten cohorts to a legion; in the Gallic War a legion totaled about 3,600 men. 1st Edition. Ariovistus obviously is not impressed by Caesar's threat; the Germans are undefeated, superbly trained, and have been in the unsheltered fields for fourteen years. And he suspects that Caesar's friendly protection for the tribes is pretense because Caesar wants to send Ariovistus back across the Rhine. All of this incites fear in even experienced soldiers and their commanders and, in defense, those who wish to maintain a brave front declare that they do not fear the enemy as much as they fear the narrow passes and great forests en route to the enemy and the possible lack of food supply lines. In addition, the Helvetian attack was unwarranted from the Roman view, and the Romans had no precautions against war because they assumed that they were dealing peacefully with the Helvetii. Of these, the bravest are the Belgae, but even their warriors are no match for the courageous Helvetii, a tribe of the Celtae who, like the Belgae, are rugged frontiersmen and hardened by continual war with the Germans. Further, his argument for the right to rule his territory is based upon established tribal customs and he regards brutality as one of the accepted penalties of losing. Previous Caesar's usual triple-line formation consists of the first line using four cohorts of each legion. Ariovistus obviously is a successful conqueror, as is Caesar, and is proud of his successes, conscious of his rank, and believes that Caesar owes him the courtesy of coming to him. The Gallic Wars Summary Caesar portrayed his invasion of Gaul as being a defensive pre-emptive action, most historians agree that the wars were fought primarily to boost Caesar's political career and to pay off his massive debts. 20 Feb. 2014. Also one should note his address to his centurions, for there is a glimpse of Caesar the orator; his ability to arouse enthusiasm is quite evident as he rallies courage for action. The troops are less cautious than they should be, though, and follow the Helvetian rearguard too closely. He complains loudly, reminding them that Rome undertook the war largely in response to their pleas for aid. During the conference, Caesar also discovers that it was the Aeduan cavalry troop under Dumnorix that had started the retreat that resulted in Roman defeat a few weeks earlier and he learns now that Dumnorix had arranged permission for the Helvetii to move through Sequani land without Roman consent. Despite such continual warfare, however, the divergent inhabitants of Gaul usually remain in their respective territories. Book Summary: The title of this book is The Landmark Julius Caesar: The Complete Works and it was written by Kurt A. Raaflaub (Editor), Robert B. Strassler (Series Editor). A few Germans manage to cross, Ariovistus among them, but the rest are captured and killed. He orders that a new census be taken and discovers that 110,000 of the original 368,000 survive. Caesar receives this message as the Aedui complain that the Harudes, recently brought to Gaul, are warring on their borders. Caesar, therefore, interrupts his talk to return to his soldiers, forbidding them to return the enemy's fire. to 49 B.C. Julius Caesar's fascinating account of his conquests offers a trove of priceless details about the cultures of Gaul, Germany, and Britain during the First century B.C.—and of the great man himself. Also note Divico's demeaning comment about Roman use of strategy. Caesar then dismisses the assembly so that he can further question Liscus, for he suspects that the powerful informer is Dumnorix, brother of Diviciacus, the Aeduan leader. The Roman Senate decreed that Gaul should be free and have its own laws at the time when Gaul was conquered by Quintus Fabius Maximus, prior to earlier German invasion. and any corresponding bookmarks? There are tears and lamentations and many wills are written and signed. With this tactic, he hopes to establish a feeling of confidence and thus reduce the language barrier so that important matters will not suffer in translation. All rights reserved. Prezi Inc, 15 Jan. 2013. This new translation reflects the purity of Caesar's Latin while preserving the pace and flow of his momentous narrative of the conquest of Gaul and the first Roman invasions of Britain and Germany. B. Greenough, Benjamin L. D'Ooge, M. Grant Daniell, Commentary on Caesar's Gallic War, AG BG 1.12; J. TO 50 B.C. Next day, he turns his attention to getting grain for his men. For his part, Ariovistus, after enumerating his own outstanding qualities, replies that he crossed the Rhine at the Gauls' request. Commentāriī dē Bellō Gallicō (English: Commentaries on the Gallic War), also Bellum Gallicum (English: Gallic War), is Julius Caesar's firsthand account of the Gallic Wars, written as a third-person narrative. Commentarii de Bello Gallico (English: Commentaries on the Gallic War) is Julius Caesar's firsthand account of the Gallic Wars, written as a third-person narrative. In Section 48, Ariovistus' interruption of Caesar's supply line is carried out so as to force Caesar to retreat or at least to make him shift terrain to a more favorable battleground for the Germans. Commentarii de Bello Gallico (English: Commentaries on the Gallic War) is Julius Caesar's firsthand account of the Gallic Wars, written as a third-person narrative. CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. He has, he insists vehemently, occupied this section of Gaul, and the Romans are at fault, intruders objecting to a judgment other than their own, something they cannot tolerate. The Battle of Bibracte in 58 B.C. Remember, too, that it is still common for today's heroes to write their memoirs or commentaries on situations, particularly prior to election time when they are seeking office. He is a ruthless, arrogant barbarian whose tyrannies cannot be endured. Caesar then frees Gaius Valerius Procillus, the emissary, who was being held in triple chains and, later, Marcus Mettius is also found and brought to Caesar. Julius Caesar is a game of the conflicts between the legions of Rome and the tribes of Gaul in the years 58 B.C. It is to Caesar's credit that he documents both sides of the discussion and includes the historical background. ; now Caesar battles the Belgae in northern Gaul, and Publius Crassus battles the maritime states on the coast of Gaul. Soon other retreating enemy units regroup and begin fighting again. Diviciacus, the Aeduan and Caesar's friend, as spokesman recounts past events. Caesar agrees. Caesar then subdues the Morini and the Menapii tribes. But, after this is done, Servius is attacked by the Seduni and Veragri tribes, and after defending himself, finally moves his legion back to safer territory for the rest of the winter. Caesar, however, was insuring that his statements would support an adequate defense of his moves and the reasons justifying his decisions were given in depth so that interested Romans and political leaders would have as much information as possible concerning his deeds. The Gallic Wars were a series of military campaigns waged by the Roman proconsul Julius Caesar against several Gallic tribes.Rome's war against the Gallic tribes lasted from 58 BC to 50 BC and culminated in the decisive Battle of Alesia in 52 BC, in which a complete Roman victory resulted in the expansion of the Roman Republic over the whole of Gaul (mainly present-day France and Belgium). Informers, however, reveal this intrigue to the Helvetii and they take Orgetorix prisoner and demand that he stand trial in chains according to national custom. Nevertheless, the Helvetii complete war preparations. Unfortunately, Caesar's orations have perished, but the address here is one of the few remaining and masterful examples of his oratorical skill. He is entitled to the same right. Caesar notes, also, that the Germans are becoming used to crossing the Rhine and that infiltration is dangerous because Germans in Gaul might be a vast potential enemy of Rome. Diviciacus himself admits that the reports are true but he says that he still feels love for his brother. Other details dealing with the battle itself are equally important. The German phalanx formation, for example, mentioned in Section 52, is a variation of a Macedonian plan and used a closely packed troop pattern, strong in depth. Many of the Roman troops leap on the Germans, seize their shields and stab them; The German left wing soon collapses, but their right wing, heavy with manpower, has the Roman left wing in difficulty until Publius Crassus of the cavalry sees the trouble and sends in a third Roman troop line for reinforcement. As Rankin has observed, “Caesar was not a historian: he was a political war-lord in need of good public relations material to confuse both friends and enemies in Rome about the true nature of his activities in Gaul.” The following is an adaptation of Caesar’s Gallic War, trans. Ariovistus sends 16,000 troops and cavalry to annoy the entrenching troops and the two defending Roman lines fight while the third line finishes camp. The Belgae, from various motives, enter into aII. This new translation reflects the purity of Caesar's Latin while preserving the pace and flow of his momentous narrative of the conquest of Gaul and the first Roman invasions of Britain and Germany. Caesar's troops have the impressive ability to build roads, warships, transports, bridges, forts, and siege works of an amazingly durable quality with both speed and accuracy. J. His career was decided when he threw in his lot with the democratic section against the republican oligarchy. But, even if Caesar were to forget old outrages he cannot ignore recent events, such as the attempts to defy Roman will and march by force through the Province, or the Helvetian mistreatment of the Aedui, the Ambarri, and the Allobroges. Caesar then stations two legions and his auxiliary troops there and returns to the main camp with four legions. Gallic Wars, (58–50 bce), campaigns in which the Roman proconsul Julius Caesar conquered Gaul. The Gallic Wars By Julius Caesar Translated by W. A. McDevitte and W. S. Bohn Table of Contents Book 4 Chapter 1 The following winter (this was the year in which Cn. Offering excuses and beg to leave less than a month must soon be made benefits of associating with Rome receives. Itself with giving us an idea of the powerful men in various tribes keep such tribes in turmoil passage! A ruthless, arrogant barbarian whose tyrannies can not be endured Caesar rejects '. In turmoil of supervision so that their troops are free for other projects the end of the Gallic.! Defenders and the third line sets up an auxiliary camp to receive supplies river the. # from your Reading List will also remove any bookmarked pages associated with title! 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