The real truth about hydroponic gardening. The yield will be 20 tons per acre. With average tomato market price of Ksh 20 per kg, cost of production of Ksh 148140, the farmer can earn: Cost of weeding an acre costs Ksh.4000 to Ksh.5500. A line costs Ksh.50. tomato market. Many California soils have adequate potassium (K) for high-yield tomato production. The tomato plant is a member of the nightshade family, called Solanaceae. The production cost was approximately $18,295/acre for seepage and $18,557/acre for drip irrigated tomato plants for an acceptable yield (Rogers et al. Profit and Returns from organic vegetable cultivation. Sweet- A sweet tomato is a pick for buyers. Hence the profit is Rs.1,33,900 per acre for Organic Tomato … Cost of planting an acre at Ksh.50 per line is Ksh.4000 to Ksh.5500. The 2017national yield per acre average for field-grown fresh and processed tomatoes was 39.4 tons per acre. High Yielding - With 3 times the yield of non-hybrid tomatoes. 3,00,000. a yield response to applied P would be expected. You can increase tomato yield per plant after reading this article. Yield in tons per hectare Conservative Likely Target Potato, dryland or hot areas 10 17 28 Potato, irrigation 17 28 45 Pumpkin, boer 12 - 15 18 - 20 30 Spinach, true 7 - 8 10 - 12 15 - 20 Sweet-corn 7 - 8 10 15 Sweet potato 15 - 20 25 - 30 40 Swiss chard 20 30 40 Tomato 30 45 - 50 60 - 80 Crops are cultivated in both Kharif and Rabi seasons. the typical average yield for hydroponic tomatoes is about 40 pounds per square foot per year. NOTE: To convert yield per acre to yield per 100 feet of row: multiply yield per acre by the number of feet between rows and divide by 4356. Tomato is a crop which has high returns on investment (ROI), making it a suitable agribusiness crop. It is a daylength neutral plant. Tomato Production1 Josh H. Freeman, Eugene J. McAvoy, Nathan S. Boyd, Ramdas Kanissery, Hugh A. Smith, ... Plant population per acre 3630–4356. Sep 11, 2019 New TOMATO variety that YIELDS 19 KG a plant September 24, 2019 at 4:23 pm Reply […] stands for the river Arkavathi on whose banks the IIHR is located) has created waves in the sector. Tomato Production 2 Everglade. So income per 1 acre of Organic Tomatoes = 15×20000= Rs. For this reason, it is important to know the expected yield based on your projections on tomato production per acre. Fertilizer … 2. 4,000. • Total crop value at the farm level exceeds $619 million. The yield can be 15,000 lbs per acre In Idaho, the US' leading producer of potatoes, yields can be as high as 55,000 lbs. Average tomato yield per acre is 17 tonnes. Tomato farming is the most profitable agribusiness. your password • Florida ships more than 1.1 billion pounds of fresh tomatoes to the US, Canada and abroad. The typical average yield for hydroponic tomatoes is about 40 pounds per square foot per year. Can you guess how much a single tomato plant will yield? per acre). Anna F1 has an average tomato yield of 74 tons per acre , and 35 kg per tomato plant in its life span. Welcome! Profitable Tomato Farming in Kenya: BY SMART HARVEST – Nicholas Njagi’s seven acre tomato farm located in Igamba-ng’ombe, Tharaka Nithi County, produces 400 boxes of tomatoes per acre and this season is no different. Compact plant with high yield potential and nice cluster. Yield per 100 square feet** Pounds Feet of Row Pounds Feet of Row Pounds Feet of Row Pounds Feet of Row Inches Pounds Pounds Asparagus 1.5 10 5 35 5 35 15 100 … Arka Alok (BER-5) Developed and released by IIHR, Bengaluru they are determinate variety. Yields range from less than 300 CWT/acre to more than 500 CWT/acre. • About 33,000 workers are needed to hand pick the fruit. The yield may be less than that if your tomato … A double row of compact tomato varieties also can be planted on each plastic-covered bed (10,000 plants per acre). Chances are that you will probably venture into tomato farming for the market value. Farmers who’re interested in cultivating Arka Rakshak Seed in . tomato yield per acre in greenhouse tags : Seeds Tomatoes Domestic , High tomato yield with 20 per cent less nitrogen is feasible , Hydroponics Yields Versus Field Grown Harvest Weights GROZINEGROZINE , By berita21. Incase if you miss it: Date Palm Tissue Culture. The cost of such technology doesn’t come cheaply. In 2017, the average price for fresh tomatoes was $37.30 per cwt for fresh tomatoes and $82.80 per cwt for processing tomatoes. A Hard Tomato- Hardness in a tomato increases its shelf life and transportability. Tomato farming. Optimum mean daily temperature for growth is 18 to 25ºC with night temperatures between 10 and 20ºC. They are resistant to bacterial wilt. Tomato is a rapidly growing crop with a growing period of 90 to 150 days. However, on soil with ammonium acetate-exchangeable K less than 150 ppm, K application may be required; seasonal K rates seldom exceed 200 pounds of K20 per acre … Learn about tomato production including cultivation methods and production guide, planting methods, planting season & spacing, pests and diseases controlling in field, yield per acre/hectare, irrigation and manuring the crop. your username. Hydroponic yields per acre new 44 best skills hydroponics. You will have to compare this figure with the actual find and decide where you will be selling your product. • The cost of producing and harvesting tomatoes averages nearly $12,000 per acre. With seven acres under the crop, he harvests 2,800 boxes. Kilele F1 gives 30-35 tomatoes per acre, under good agronomic practices. Log into your account. Larger differences between day and night temperatures, however, adversely affect yield. The crop yield improvement is mainly done for the following factors; Higher yield – You can achieve a higher yield of vegetable crops by developing HYV (high yielding variety) crops. Tomato cultivation is an excellent choice for those who harvest four commercially important crops four times a year. shown on yield i.e. Cost of Harvesting Sweet Potatoes. They are red with pale green shoulders. per acre, though the state average runs closer to 40,000. Profit = Income- Total cost incurred = Rs.3,00,000 – Rs.1,66,100 = Rs.1,33,900. 3. At a spacing of 90×60cm, plant population per acre is about 7407. Tomato yield was 385 q/ha in open field and 675 q/ha in shade net house. Learn how to grow tomatoes. per plant yield was more in shade net house tomato cultivation is 8.2 kg and open field condition is 5.2 kg. Recent Posts. Size of the fruits is large and their shape is square round. Tomato farmers are set to earn Sh4.95m per acre in 75 days with a new high yielding tomato variety from Simlaw Seeds Company, the producer and distributor of … the yield may be less than that if your tomato plants lack the … Arka Rakshak Yield Per Acre. Posting Lebih Baru Posting Lama Beranda. Table.1 Performance of tomato crop Plant height, cm Number of branches Number of harvesting Harvest duration, days Open field 78.20 32 4 45 Cost of Weeding an Acre. One tomato plant grown in the open can yield about 5kgs of tomatoes. The crop is very sensitive to frost. Sweet Treats. Average Yield. That is how good business is. How to grow tomato by Haifa Group - learn about growing tomatoes, soil type, climate, irrigation, ... (Fig.2) and reduce yield. Growers generally plant 2,600 to 5,800 plants per acre in single rows with 18 to 30 inches between plants in the row on 5.0- to 6.5-foot centers. F1 Hybrid tomato variety arka rakshak yield is very high if cultivated as per IIHR advised practices, Yield Per Acre – 45-50 tonne ; Yield Per Hectare – 110 tonne; 150 Days Yield Period; Arka Rakshak Tomato Seeds Online. During your first year of cultivating potatoes, a good yield would be 25 tons per hectare or 10 tons per acre (22.000 lbs. Tomato farming is possible in both traditional farming and greenhouse farming. Experienced farmers after years of practice can achieve yields from 40 to 70 tons per hectare, or from 16 to 28 tons per acre. Average yield. Well, the Indian Institute of Horticultural Research’s (IIHR) Arka Rakshak variety of tomato has yielded 19 kg per plant. Chapter 18. * Yields vary depending on soil quality, weather conditions, farm management, location, etc. Table purpose variety. An acre of sweet potatoes should yield 10 90Kg bags of medium to large sized sweet potatoes on the lower side and 20 to 25 bags on the higher side. A box sells at Sh.