To show this, I will use the C, A, G, E, and D chord forms. Identify chords from given notes. Some scales are seldom used. Soloing scales from any chord in any one category may be used to improvise a solo for any other chord in that category. Scales are what give us the ability to create chords. Chord/Scale Reference Manual By Larry Ross Norred, ASCAP Spell Chords and Chord Scales in Any Key Major Chords Minor Chords Dominant Chords Spell Advanced Scales and Modes in Any Key 54 Common Tone Chord Substitutions for Any Melody Note Frequently Asked Questions Contact Larry at: [email protected] [email protected] Here is a list of what scales you can use over 7th chords. An understanding of scales and how they function on guitar can help us gain a deeper understanding of music as a whole. Learn how various chords are related to each other. In the Key of C. Major Chords Scale or Mode; CMaj7, CMaj9, C6, C: C Major, C lydian, C Major bebop, C Major6 dim: To determine what chords go with a scale, you can use a reference. However, the majority of older players used the chord tone/chord arpeggio method. Identify a key / mode / scale used in a song from the song's melody or chords. Here's the best way: Learn what @Caleb has described. The system has been widely used since the 1970s and is "generally accepted in the jazz world today".. Start with the lesson on scales and work your way through intervals and chords. By organizing our twelve-note octave into smaller groups of notes, we are able to not only create amazing-sounding melodies, but corresponding chords as well. The seven chords you can get from the C major scale this way are C major, D minor, E minor, F major, G7, A minor and B diminished. Knowing how chords and scales relate to each other helps you to find them more easily than if you were not to know their relation. In the introductory section, we identified seven modes.Each mode was built on a degree/note of its parent scale (the major scale in this case). The chord-scale system is a method of matching, from a list of possible chords, a list of possible scales. There are excellent, free lessons online at, which will spoon-feed you the necessary information. Because they consist entirely of notes from the C major scale, you can use the C major scale over all of them, and everything will fit. Taken together, these are the chords that comprise the key of C major. Chord Scale Finder for Music Composers. You can see that the chords are all major chords, but they can be other chords also. Learn what notes are in given chords or scales. For example, I won’t mention the different kinds of minor pentatonic scales or bebop scales you can use. So, we grouped the scales to keep results focused. 2nd mode Dorian was built on the 2nd degree of the major scale. This page enables you to analyze chord progressions in order to identify which are the possible underlying musical scales.There are many scales. Soloing Scales for Chords in Jazz Improvisation. A simple article on which chords fit together with which scales. The Theory Behind Modal Chord Progressions. It’s important to note that there are many more scales you can use and super-impose over the chords I’m listing. e.g. Let’s take a look at some chords and the patterns that they go with.