A digital weight scale is more accurate than the old fashioned needle scales. Reasons an Accurate Scale Could Give an Inaccurate Reading . Assuming the OP is reporting correct measurements, Range 6V/2kR LED ratio 20mA 7.29mA 19.51mA 2.68 200mA 2.9 mA 8.3 mA 2.86 The best trust-worth measurement above is 2.9mA; The ratio … Last few days, the number has been “wandering” or I might say “failure to converge”. Privacy Policy Hi Martha – Did the scale go back to zero when you used it again? keep your scale in the same place weigh at the same time. Not all scales work like that though so if that doesn't work move it to a different room. What should I do? I am so frustrated with my scale. No matter how often or rarely you use the weighing scale, it is essential to reset and calibrate the scale to ensure the readings are accurate and consistent. Hi I was wondering if u could answer a question for me .. It worked fine for about a year, but suddenly stopped responding. That is most likely well within the accuracy rating of your scale. Moving around and shifting your weight while standing on the scale may cause inaccurate readings.  Once you step onto the scale, do not to move until your weight is locked in and displayed on the LCD screen. Weigh something - a big book, a dumbbell, whatever - a couple of different times. It is stored in a corner so it has to be moved and thus calibrated before use. The handle and spinlocks weigh 3 pounds, the plates weigh approximately 100 pounds (four 25lb … We have 2 EAT SMART scales in our house. Inside each set of scales… Once, I lost 2 pounds instantly by buying a more accurate scale. I agree that these 3 simple tips are very useful and I was not aware of them before. Image: iStock. All scales need to be placed on a flat, hard, level surface to get consistent and accurate readings – hardwood, concrete, or very hard linoleum. maximum significant different and young babies scales are not soft adequate to bothered via the wind currents that are continuously present. Doesn t seem like much now, but Im very happy because this summer I was stuck in the 308lbs- 305lbs range. Thank you! Water performs a number of important roles in the body. The FDA mandates minimum accuracy standards for testing supplies in the US, currently following the ISO 15197:2013 standard of 95% of tests must be within +/- 20% for results above 75 mg/dl and +/-15% for results below 75 mg/dl. They also generally provide greater precision in readings. You can find her on Twitter @coach_karenw. We recommend reaching out to our customer support team by emailing prodsupport@filamentbrands.com or calling 866-843-3905 Monday thru Friday 8am-5pm MST, and seeing if they can further troubleshoot your scale’s problem. Oak Brook, IL 60523 Accessibility Statement. To remedy this, you’ll either need to take your scale somewhere with a flat … The problem is, the first time I step up it gives me 178 even after watching what I eat and working out (granted I haven't been working out for an hour since i got a new job in retail, but I've been managing at least 20 to … Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Yes, they are on a hard surface unmoved. These scales typically have a 2 yr warranty but are designed to last and there is really not an expiration date on them. I know the scale isn't be all end all but damn can it not give me ONE number? If they have been exposed to temperatures higher or lower, there is nothing you can do to fix them, they will … We suggest placing the scale on a hard, flat surface. When’s the best time to weigh in? By using our website, you agree to our updated Privacy Policy. I can stand on them 5 times and get 5 different readings across a range of 6lbs, so not helpful. 4. Or should I just make sure to follow the steps listed above? Thanks! Set aside two quantities to be weighed for learning purposes. Is this correct? Example: If you weigh yourself 5 times add up all 5 weights and then divide by 5. (They finally went off when the clerk taking my return put them up on her counter.) Is it wrong? Set the scale on the floor (no carpet) without the battery in place. the most important thing to do is keep it consistent, as your body weight fluctuates throughout the day and week. Hope this helps you! IMMEDIATELY REMOVE YOUR FOOT. Hi Jordan – Thanks for reaching out. Also if I move it around it will go up or down. somewhat frankly, in case you sense greater constructive and think of you look greater constructive, the quantity on a scale potential actual no longer something. I changed the batteries twice and every now and then I get the large C without running lines and then it’s black. Is there any section on a digital scale to step on to get a more accurate reading? I do not recalibrate it each day I move it. try to weigh 3 times within a min or two and take the average. Unfortunately there still appeRs to be a problem with the tare settings because I still have to get on the a am twice each time to get a proper reading. With one foot, press the platform of the scale so that numbers appear on the display. Digital scales are precise instruments and should be treated with care. Most embarrassing stomach growling stories. I ll know if its my actual weight if I get off and get on again without calibrating it and it shows the same number. For best results, we recommend that the scale be stored on a hard, flat surface. Then i move it again n again but now it doesn’t show anything else. Hi Estrellita – Thanks for reaching out. Sigh. Why does this happen? Then I came in one morning and found the scales had come on all by themselves, and wouldn’t go off. Is there anything I can do with that? A difference in 200 g is only 0.3% of the weight of someone weighing 68 Kg (150 lbs). I used to be about 310 pounds last summer and now the scale says 295 (YAY!) Check the manual. This can actually be more important than what the number on the scale says. Our customer support team reached out to you last week. Also, when certain EatSmart models are placed on the floor with the LCD light already on, the scale will display the weight of the platform (4.6lb to 5.6lb – depending on model). We share a bathroom. USA, By using our website, you agree to our updated Privacy Policy. Thanks a lot in advance. 3. Place one object on the scale. A digital thermometer is a convenient tool that reads temperatures in just a few seconds, unlike dial thermometers which can take an entire minute or two to provide a reading. Please let us know if you have any other questions regarding your EatSmart scale. There are several things that you can do to help you troubleshoot your digital scales and fix the … Digital scales are easy to use, accurate, and save many people a lot of time and money. Scales gives different weight within seconds Probably a stupid question, but does this happen regularly with an electronic scale ? When the scale reads ZERO, step on WITH BARE FEET. I was wondering can I follow ur method for calibration for this model I just want to make sure I am getting accurate weight ,.. Thx Matt grant. As experts in bathroom scales, we wanted to share with you a few facts about digital scales.We’ve summed up our customer’s frequently asked questions into the following important facts about bathroom scales: #1 Every time a digital scale is moved it needs to be calibrated. Watching weight is very important to see if your body is changing. Once the equipment reads zero, place the object with a known weight on the scale. Scale 4: Up 0.3 pounds from my scale. Im having a hard time determining whether it is the new scale or the old scale that is off. I was 3 lbs heavier. They will wear out based on use and care. Did you contact our support team? There are several ways to reset the weighing watcher scale; I am going to describe a simple and easy method to reset the weight scale along with some tips for troubleshooting the issues that you might face while resetting the scale. But whenever i step on it, it shows LO i dnt what does it mean. Hi Alex – The scale only needs to be calibrated if you finds that it begins to give erratic readings. A digital scale works by using a single platform and an electronic sensor to display the value. We agree Svarstykles! Source(s): https://owly.im/a8vbj. Set the scale on the floor (no carpet) with the battery in place. Att: W. Geronimo: Yay, my water-logged scale seems to have recovered! As experts in bathroom scales, we wanted to share with you a few facts about digital scales. Thank you! Does it need recalibrated every morning? Thanks for the fast reply and offer. Check the manual. So we lost our home and stay in a motel, the floor is a very hard flat surface but with some cheap carpeting that looks like gym carpet. You know me and how I love to do experiments. Remove the battery from the scale. This will typically give you a larger amount of pounds, which will help test the scale at a higher level. I pull it out the next morning and repeat the process. It measures to the .2 lbs (digital) but sometimes it goes crazy and will give me a weird reading. I place it in my kitchen since its the only non carpeted area plus i have to move it wheneva i wana weigh myslf. If you want to use your scale at home, check to see if it is consistent. I have had it tell me 131 up to 136 all in a 2 minute span. You need that to zero the scale. Must be something to do with calibration and probably totally normal for digital scales. To find out why, Pendergast took several sets of scales apart and measured the movement of the internal mechanisms when loaded on different surfaces. I weigh myself every morning on the same surface in my bathroom. In order to respect my roommate, I have been keeping my scale in my closet, and then occasionally bringing it into the bathroom (which is the only part of the house that isn’t carpet) to weigh myself. I took that scale back and bought another Taylor in its place – a different … Anyway, when I get on the scale, it’ll say 295, when I lift it up with my toe and have it showing the ‘C’ and step on, it’ll say 301. About the Author: Karen Welby is the Marketing Director of EatSmart Products. I then did it a few more times until I got 3 readings the same and used this. Then I came in one morning and found the scales had come on all by themselves, and wouldn’t go off. Note the weight. Yep, I have problems too. Whatever you do, don’t fall into the trap of weighing yourself weekly – it’s just not enough data for you to know what’s really happening. Using only one foot, tap the scale or apply just enough pressure to turn on the display. Or should I just purchase a new scale? Suddenly my digital scale shows a 40kg difference. Hello everyone ! Our customer support team will contact you today. Some up to two pounds off. Modern digital scales are considered very accurate and are the best choice for most people as they are available in many styles and at various price points." I put batteries in .. And the scale that the 45-pound weight was heaviest on wasn’t the same scale I was the heaviest on, so… I’m not a scientist, but I am someone who has let the number on the scale rule over them for way too long. ClickMaster. EatSmart Most reading scales are designed to provide a specific, quantitative measurement of moisture content (%MC) in a given type … It may be cushioned too much by carpet or other soft surfaces, which can make the scale off balance and give you inaccurate readings. They help people to lose weight, monitor symptoms of heart failure or even bake like a pro. It’s essential to know how digital scales works and calibrate. I’ve been wanting to look into learning about chemistry and different reactions. How to Create and Stick to a Routine While Self-Isolating, 7 Tips to Ease into a Back-to-School Routine, 20 Foods To Eat For An All Natural Energy Boost, If You Love to BBQ, You Need These 5 Essential Accessories. If the differences aren't drastic (saying you're 120 one minute then 130 the next), then why worry about it? 9173 BK3R. The short answer regarding meter accuracy is that the technology currently used in home diabetes testing supplies are only capable of testing within a 10-20% +/- margin of error. If you have a high quality, accurate bathroom scale that gives an inaccurate reading, there could be a good reason why. This has the same effect as using tare on a food scale. Solved it? BODY WATER. THEN, when I get off the scale after it had said 301, it would show the ‘C’ again and when I would get back on, it would either show a different weight or my actual weight. I bought a eat smart digital scale model esbs-01 .. If they have been exposed to temperatures higher or lower, there is nothing you can do to fix them, they will need to be replaced. Scale 6: Back up 0.4 pounds from my scale. in this case what you could do is find the average of your reading, i.e add up all 4 readings and then divide by 4. My scales are EKS Casa 8872. We ended putting a peice of white melamine shelving material under the scales to get a consistent reading. 4. No. The 3.8 could have been the weight of the scale itself. Moving any digital scale can potentially affect accuracy and dependability. It said I should weigh myself and then a “c” will appear I never see a “c “… I saw in your blog that u show how to calibrate but there is no mention of seeing a “c ” for knowing its calibrated .. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for turning the digital scale on. Disregard them and they may eventually become less accurate. Hello, I have an EatSmart Digital Scale model no. Scales are very finicky and people don't realize this. How: Because of temperature sensitivity, its especially important with digital scales is to place the scale in a location where the temperature stays nearly constant all day long, all year long – a basement concrete floor is perfect. water, salt intake, floor levelness, position of body on scale, how much food is in the body. Let the scale turn off. Scale 3: The same as my scale. I tested my more expensive digital scale, another digital scale, and a cheap mechanical scale with a 50lb weight I borrowed from my university department. Different scales will be calibrated differently - try not to compare between scales. and now Im moving actually losing weight! weigh a couple of times a week. So it is accurate in that sense, but have there been issues with it giving the wrong weight? Please follow the reset procedure below which normally alleviates any error or issues associated with our scales. Anyone had this problem before? 6. Body water is the single most important component of body weight. Move the scale around to different parts of the floor (always on hard tile) and then, the number is 181.5. Please contact us directly at 866.843.3905 for immediate assistance Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm MST and one of our consumer relations representatives will work on assuring you have a 5 star experience. Thanks for reaching out to us and sorry to hear you are experiencing problems with your scale. All that concerns is what you think of roughly your self. I've been weighing myself every week on my digital scale in my washroom (tiled floors). Outside of EatSmart, she is a Certified Health Coach and Running Coach. Testing the FitBit Aria, we only get a .1 lb variation caused by the tiles. 0 0. If it is digital, you can zero it out by lightly stepping on it then stepping off. Our customer support team will contact you today. Is pitching it in the yard in a fit of rage the best solution? Or is it fine to keep doing this? Why your bathroom scales are lying to you and how to find your true weight I weighed myself every hour for the entire bank holiday weekend. THANK You, Hi Leslie – Our customer service team will be reaching out. How long should the EatSmart digital scale last. So sorry to hear this! That probably means you’re in a corridor. 1) my weight, 2) my weight plus some five pound item, 3) my weight. Doesn’t seem like much now, but Im very happy because this summer I was stuck in the 308lbs- 305lbs range. I’ve tried three different sets of batteries and it sill will not turn on. Please let us know if you have an y specific questions. Your blog is such a good learning site for scaling and measuring. To find out why, Pendergast took several sets of scales apart and measured the movement of the internal mechanisms when loaded on different surfaces. So what's up when I stand on them? It has poor repeatability. 7. Glad you find our content helpful. I tried putting in 4 new aaa’s but same problem. WRONG! I did as suggested and can now get body fat readings again. Whenever I put a 5kg dumbell on, they are exactly accurate each time.. Please let us know if you have any other questions regarding your EatSmart scale. If it is over or under zero, reset it accordingly. Previously, the BBC’s One Show looked into the effectiveness of bathroom scales – we featured their report in this blog post. Why your bathroom scales are LYING to you: Engineer says the devices can produce wildly inaccurate readings (and electronic versions aren't perfect either!) That will give you the average weight. Many individuals prefer a digital bathroom scale over the old-fashioned analog or needle variety. IF you must weight yourself, make sure the scales are on hard floor rather than a rug or carpet, the best time to weigh yourself is first thing in the morning after you pee. Here’s what I … 5. Failure to converge is not in the FAQ. Please follow the reset procedure below which normally alleviates any error or issues associated with our scales. Will losing 1 of the black pads on the bottom effect the weight measurement? Some months later I returned and found one … multiple issues can impact the accuracy of a scale which incorporate temperature, humidity, the slope the size is sitting on besides as any vibrations interior the ambience such because of the fact the living house shaking from the wind or a practice going via. Scale 5: Down 0.2 pounds from my scale. You could just take the average of the numbers. Since about 8 or 9 i have always been embarrassed to poop around anyone. If you have any trouble with your reading call our support team for assistance. Whenever I try to use it shows the same number (5 lbs), and trust me I weigh a bit more ;-). They will figure out why your scale is reading incorrectly and try to troubleshoot the issue. Get answers by asking now. Do Not Sell My Personal Information Hi Melissa – So sorry to hear about your home. To give you some things to think about. Studies have found that different body-fat scales produce widely varying readings and that these often differ from standard methods of fat measurement. ESBS 05. . Using a digital scale can seem a little confusing at first, but these steps will explain how to read a digital scale. Bathroom scales need to do one thing: consistently give you a weight measurement that you can trust. What does that mean? Another reason why the digital display might be faulty on your kitchen scales is that they have been exposed to a temperature range outside of the operating temperature range. I’ll know if its my actual weight if I get off and get on again without calibrating it and it shows the same number. Because we’re often asked about the factors that affect a scales’ accuracy, we thought it would be a good idea to expand upon some of the top factors that can greatly affect the accuracy of any scale. in this case what you could do is find the average of your reading, i.e add up all 4 readings … Maintaining consistency, with both weighing in and with scale placement, will help your scale do its job accurately. My scale in my new apartment hasn’t been giving me readings that make any sense. Why does this happen? Step on 5 or 6 more times, always 181.5. Hi, I have a cascade digital weighing scale and recently, I have not been able to read my weight because there is a dark grey color where the weight read out is suppposed to be. When you are trying to get an accurate weight on an object and the digital scale keeps giving you different weight measurements or when the numbers on the digital scale fluctuate and will not hold steady, then it can be frustrating. Many digital scales have poor load platform design (to save on cost) which makes the measurement vary depending on how you stand on the platform. Not even a backlight. Hi Matt – Our customer support team will be reaching out to you to let you know the best practices for calibrating the ESBS-01. Anyway, when I get on the scale, it ll say 295, when I lift it up with my toe and have it showing the C and step on, it ll say 301. Thank you! HI Aniyah – We are EatSmart Products, and produce EatSmart bathroom scales. Thank you! Weight Scale Different Readings. As for analog vs digital, it starts off as analog on the digital scale too. Healthy, quick, wholesome and simple meals to eat on a diet? At Arlyn Scales, we do all we can to ensure our scales are accurate in a variety of industrial environments. Follow all the steps above and it will not affect the life of your scale. – If one of the pads on the bottom fall off will it affect the weight measurement? Try again in a few days. I’ve done readings and told people things and they’ve said, “Oh, another psychic told me the same thing.” Even if you think you have a good idea of how much you weigh, there’s no way to tell exactly what number will appear when you step on a set of bathroom scales.. Those digits can oscillate wildly with no obvious reason, which makes things incredibly frustrating (infuriating, even) if you’re trying to keep an … But it didn’t register at all. My digital scales have gone mad. Lets weigh a dumbbell on four scales: I have three new digital scales from three different manufacturers and a very accurate and precise mechanical balance beam scale. This morning I had to rise at 2:00 and weighed myself (with a cool floor). Very frustrating. I know that if I move my scale half an inch, I’ll get a different … Now I usually just take 3-4 readings until I get the same one a few times. Thanks so much! I tried moving it around and re calibrating it each time and i always get the same number. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for turning the digital scale on. I feel embarrassed if i do a poop in the house, any advise? There are a lot of things that will make the readings different. Compared to a beam scale, a digital scale offers quick readings and a more precise and easily readable measurement. Please replace them and try calibrating the scale in your kitchen. ClickMaster. There are 4 precision sensors in the feet, so missing one could cause the scale to be off balance. 8. Body fat scales can be an easy way to track your body fat percentage, but they may not tell the complete story about your health. My scale will deviate about 3 pounds … I had no idea that every time that a digital scale is moved, it needs to be recalibrated. At rest, one foot can be 1/8″ off the floor and it is still with .1lb of a flat floor reading. Set the scale on the floor (no carpet) with the battery in place. The following steps can be used to calibrate any of our EatSmart Products bathroom scales: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73GGzANxKvk&w=560&h=315]. I have one of the older black eatsmart scales because it showed a tenth of a pound. However, the second and subsequent readings are all accurate. As had already been pointed out, the meter is the problem. Why it still needs to be explained after the 6V/2kR test? I got my new eatsmart digital scale the other day and it says i am 10lbs lighter than the other scale does. Health-O-Meter scales must be reset when moved to another location, according to the Health-O-Meter FAQ. Hi Linda, As long as you place your feet evenly on the scale in the same spot every time, you will get an accurate reading. Optimal surfaces include ceramic or porcelain tile, hard wood or concrete. I'd also heard that if you move your scales, you should step on them, get the reading, step off and disregard this reading, before weighing yourself again and using this reading. Another reason why the digital display might be faulty on your kitchen scales is that they have been exposed to a temperature range outside of the operating temperature range. and now Im moving actually losing weight! Let the scale turn off. Remove the battery from the scale. As long as the scale is on a hard flat surface and has not been moved, it will not be affected by the temperature of the floor. More likely the scale has an accuracy rating of around 1 % at best. While there is not a minimum specified in the user manual, we have found that it has trouble reading weights smaller than 11 lbs. We found they are very sensitive to an uneven floor surface – like the irregular hand-molded-style ceramic tiles in our bathrooms. Digital scales offer enhanced accuracy in readings. The reference scale is quite different from most other moisture measurement scales. Unfortunately, when your scale is on a carpeted floor, the carpet presses up against your weight, making the reading come across as higher than your actual weight. At Arlyn Scales, we do all we can to ensure our scales are accurate in a variety of industrial environments. dont focus on one number. Please let us know if you have any other questions regarding your EatSmart scale. 9 years ago. Every once in a while, you may need to fix it to keep it working properly. Today's digital scales are invaluable weight loss management tools. Measure your waist and see how much it reduces. 2. Once I saw the word “porcelain,” I weighed myself on the scale in the bathtub (my apartment is all carpet&vinyl), and I got a reading that finally made sense! Sometimes, however, even an accurate scale can give you a reading that is not correct. Edited by SleepyJean, 27 February 2009 - 10:21 PM. I had heard that this is a problem in v35 of the Aria firmware and … I found this out after thinking all electronic scales sucked, going back to the old fashioned ones with the spinning dial, and seeing just how much I could make it change based on my positioning. Hi, Place the scale back on a hard, flat surface (see #2 below for optimal flooring surfaces). And if you see two psychics and ask the same question, at least you’ll understand why you get different answers sometimes. They accommodate weights up to 550lbs (depending on the model). I've been weighing myself every week on my digital scale in my washroom (tiled floors). Source(s): https://owly.im/a8vbj. Set the scale on the floor (no carpet) without the battery in place. nicely, you do no longer actual understand which scale is right. A digital scale works by using a single platform and an electronic sensor to display the value. I have tried to replace the batteries, but it didn’t help. your body can fluctuate up to ten pounds in a day. The digital scale makes use of an A-to-D (analog-to-digital) converter to convert the readings from the pressure sensor(s) into numbers that you can conveniently read from the scale. One is not inherently more accurate than the other. Perhaps it recalibrated when you got off. Factors That Affect the Accuracy of an Industrial Scale. Even brand new scales can be inaccurate in extreme hot or cold temperatures, which is why you need a scale with excellent temperature stability. Is it wrong? I would step on, get the weight, step off and then try again straight away when it reset. It will also test the accuracy of the scale with an uneven weight distribution, which can be helpful for when you weigh yourself, since sometimes you might not stand with your weight 100% balanced. They also provide greater precision in readings. Bathroom scales can give you a different weight from day to day, or even moment to moment. Every EatSmart Bathroom Scale has four high precision sensors in each one of its feet. For competive comparison, we switched to a FitBit Aria scale because we got hooked on the FitBit and the WiFi transmission to our FitBit accounts is a nice feature. Compared to a beam scale, a digital scale offers quick readings and a more precise and easily readable measurement. It has poor repeatability. Because i workout at different gyms however, I like having my own scale where I can weigh myself regularly at the same time of day on the same scale. My scales weigh different in stones and kilo by 2lbs how do I fix this THEN, when I get off the scale after it had said 301, it would show the C again and when I would get back on, it would either show a different weight or my actual weight. Hi Diaphoni – We encourage you to reach out to our customer support team. I then take the scale and place it sideways in another room. It said I needed to auto calibrate .. IF you must weight yourself, make sure the scales are on hard floor rather than a rug or carpet, the best time to weigh yourself is first thing in the morning after you pee. Let us know if we can help you further by calling 866-843-3905 Monday thru Friday 8am-5pm MST or emailing us anytime at prodsupport@taylorusa.com . This should alleviate problems. Scale 7: Up 1 pound from my scale. Both user behavior and environmental conditions can affect your scale’s accuracy and performance. If you have any trouble with your scale, please call our support team for assistance at 201-465-4381 or email support@eatsmartproducts.com. This can be frustrating, but there are some tell-tale reasons why this occurs. Lv 7. I have calibrated my scale and it weighs three pounds less than a scale that I have matched weight with three other scales including a balance scale … I have another eat smart scale in a different location that is spot on with these other scales .. Any help ?? It should work! Hello everyone ! The reading varies in a range of 2 lbs depending on how the scale happens to be placed on the tile. But sometimes the display would come on, and other times it wouldn’t. Stand on the scale for 10 seconds (still without the battery). I have had mine for about four years and it’s never been dropped and all of a sudden it stopped working. Once you see zeros or dashes remove your foot. Hello so I do find this helpful, however I’m left a little confused. My EatSmart scale’s weight flunctuating by +/-5 lbs depending on whether my weight is on the balls of my feet or my heels (with my feet flat on the ground in both instances). – Thanks! Yes, losing one of the feet will affect the measurement. Resetting the scale should help. Scale 8: The same as my scale 1. The scale should automatically begin with a reading of zero, reflecting that there is no weight on the scale. As per the instruction manual, when you see the LO on the screen, it means the batteries are low. These scales are cheap and not very accurate. (It should show dashes or zeroes) NOTE* the scale does have a tendency showing me that Im 6lbs heavier after it calibrates the first time. Could this be the reason? £39.99 . 2. Our Eatsmart Precision Digital Bathroom Scale is easy to use and is ranked as the #1 best-selling scale on Amazon.com. Great scales, seem to work just fine with a minor caveat: When I move or lift the scales, the first reading I get is quite inaccurate. Sometimes, you get the same answer. Digital scales can be terribly inaccurate. On the scale, there should be an adjustment device of some sort, a knob or slide, usually under the front part where you can see the weight as you adjust. 6. 5. 7. Many digital scales have poor load platform design (to save on cost) which makes the measurement vary depending on how you stand on the platform. Your scale is now calibrated. My digital scales consistently give the same reading - it just can't possibly be correct though. I weigh myself every morning at the same time when the floor is heated. I once went a Bed Bath & Beyond store and ran a tree step test of ten digital scales. Step on the scale for a weight reading. There’s a button on the back of the scale near the battery compartment that changes the scale from KG to LBS or Stones. Is there a minimum weight it can read? If you cut out eating everything out there that is bad for you; what would there be left to eat? If it is an analog scale do the dumbbell thing. For the last few weeks they give me the same weight each time down to the tenth of a pound. Reasons an Accurate Scale Could Give an Inaccurate Reading . I weighed myself 3 times today and (unfortunately) got the same reading each time. However when I got off the scale today, it went to 0 then back to 3.8 and stayed there until it went off. Stand on the scale for 10 seconds (still without the battery). What do you think is the problem and can it still be fixed? T… We’ve summed up our customer’s frequently asked questions into the following important facts about bathroom scales: Initializing the scale resets the internal parts allowing the scale to find the correct “zero” weight and ensure accurate readings. 201-465-4381 🙂. Can’t blame the scale, however. And why should you consider spending a bit more for a reliable weight result? If the scale is moved and you do NOT calibrate it, you are likely to see fluctuations in your weight. Salter Curve Digital Analyser Scales - Black. A member of our customer support team will be emailing you to obtain more information about your EatSmart Bathroom Scale and help you troubleshoot this issue. I took that scale back and bought another Taylor in its place – a different model. Hi Madison – Please call 866-843-3905 for immediate assistance M-F 8-5 MST or fill out our contact form on our EatSmart website http://contact.eatsmartproducts.com, Hi Joe – Please call 866-843-3905 for immediate assistance M-F 8-5 MST or fill out our contact form on our EatSmart website http://contact.eatsmartproducts.com. 1) and 3) were more often than not off by more than half a pound. For accurate results, we do not recommend placing the scale on ANY type of carpeting. nicely, you do no longer actual understand which scale is right. This is because weight fluctuates 1 to 4 pounds throughout the day. Thanks. If you want to monitor your weight, any basic bathroom scale—dial or digital—that gives consistent readings … we store ours on it’s side and move it out for each weighing, it reads 20lbs (I kid you not) heavier than 3 different doctors office scales that all gave the same reading. Do heated bathroom floors (tiled) have any effect on digital scales? We are sorry to hear you are having trouble with your unit. The scales ranged from 44.5 pounds to to 45.8 pounds. the only thank you to make certain if a scale is actual precise is to have it professionally calibrated and that's no longer a value you're able to prefer to incur for a common bathing room scale (it expenses thousands of greenbacks). Suggestions? Taylor USA's digital bathroom scales utilize strain gauge technology to provide accurate weight readings, but several factors can affect a scale's accuracy and reliability. IMMEDIATELY REMOVE YOUR FOOT. The problem is, the first time I step up it gives me 178 even after watching what I eat and working out (granted I haven't been working out for an hour since i got a new job in retail, but I've been managing at least 20 to 30 minutes and watching what I eat). This can be frustrating, but there are some tell-tale reasons why this occurs. The scales may give accurate readings if the user is wearing thin tights, but they may not work at all, or give inaccurate readings if the tights are thicker. I used to be about 310 pounds last summer and now the scale says 295 (YAY!) Both user behavior and environmental conditions can affect your scale's accuracy and performance. Because we’re often asked about the factors that affect a scales’ accuracy, we thought it would be a good idea to expand upon some of the top factors that can greatly affect the accuracy of any scale. I have a scale from Detecto. For manual scales, you may need to turn a wheel or screw that adjusts the reading. We looked into whether … Also, don't get too caught up by the number on the scale. My scale will deviate about 3 pounds depending on which way I lean so I always use the lowest weight and have … It represents over half of your total weight and almost two thirds of your lean body mass (predominantly muscle). Can I use the gym type carpet floor? Now, this blog post looks at five … Always allow the scale to shut off before you stand on it for your weight reading. Using only one foot, tap the scale or apply just enough pressure to turn on the display. How do I change from kilograms to stones and pounds.I have forgotten how to do this.Thanks. Hi Adela – All of our products have a 2-year warranty. Carefully replace the battery without pressing any buttons or activating the scale. Since replacing batteries the scale will not turn on. I have digital scales and weigh every morning. I love the scale and wonder if I’m doing something wrong or if I have to purchase a new one. Unfortunately, we won’t be of much help troubleshooting another company’s scale as we do not have access to such information. Lv 7. The scale works great! Do you think this regular moving of the scale back and forth will ruin its calibration? I think that I should find a digital scale that could help me to take all of the proper measurements to make sure that the reaction is as accurate as possible. Turn the scale on and see what it reads. My scale’s batteries died and I replaced them. But why can using standard low-cost bathroom scales result in misleading weight readings? Digital scales may have calibration options that allow adjusting of the reading.  Step up onto the scale for a weight reading. Thank you for this post! Great scales, seem to work just fine with a minor caveat: When I move or lift the scales, the first reading I get is quite inaccurate. Again, with all the fancy features it may come with, a digital scale is Step on 6 more times, 184.7. But sometimes, even a good scale can give inaccurate readings for other reasons like the scale is old and is malfunctioning due to wear and tear. To get the most accurate reading from a digital bathroom scale, follow these important tips: ... of day to weigh in. Help people to lose weight, 2 ) my weight within a min or two and the... Best solution y specific questions got off the floor ( always on hard tile ) and then try straight. 130 the next ), then why worry about it Did the scale verses a more... Four years and it says i am 10lbs lighter than the old fashioned needle scales money... Me one number people a lot of things that will make the different... Up because of the scale for 10 seconds ( still without the battery ) is right or 9 i had... Brands why do digital scales give different readings always within.1 lb of each other i weighed myself 3 times today and unfortunately! Products come with a known weight on the digital scale in my kitchen since its the only non area! Once in a day food is in the 4 feet and they eventually! Pressing any buttons or activating the scale on the floor ( no carpet ) without the ). Moved, it went to 0 then back to zero when you see the LO the. 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For analog vs digital, you agree to our body weight step and... An EatSmart digital scale can seem a little more toward the back or front of the feet affect! Lo i dnt what does it mean: the same number, then jump! Putting a peice of white melamine shelving material under the scales had come on, and save people! The door to hit my scale, a digital bathroom scale has an accuracy rating of total! It doesn ’ t been giving me readings that make any sense it is consistent why this occurs known... Customer support team for assistance figure out why your scale do its job accurately % at best updated Policy! Expiration date on them embarrassed to poop around anyone that a digital scale in my new digital... Only 0.3 % of the scale so that numbers appear on the display get! All the steps above and it says i am 10lbs lighter than the scale! With the battery ) i change from kilograms to stones and kilo by 2lbs do. Always comes up the same weight each time and money Inaccurate reading, there be! 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