Democrats pull tax cheat bill - The benefits of being a government employee just keep on growing. It seems that, in addition to the higher pay and job security than in the private sector, government employees are allowed to shirk their tax paying responsibilities with complete impunity.
Servants to Slaves
Does anyone else long for the time when our elected officials were considered servants of the people, working for the public's best interest? What we have obviously evolved into is the opposite situation. The elected elite have become unaccountable royalty and we are their slaves in more and more ways every day.
Labels: comix, Crooks, politics
Snipes Appeals Overly Taxing Prison Sentence – The Hollywood lunkhead’s tax planning strategy is still on course for him to stay at Club Fed for at least a few years.
ACORN: Tax Cheats. One expects better from self-styled “progressives.” – Fitting right in with the rest of 0Bambi’s cabinet and advisors.
Labels: Crooks
STAFF AS 'FORGETFUL' AS THE BOSS - Not quite a huge surprise. Rangel's staff is made up of a lot of the same kind of crooks as he is.
Inmates running the asylum
It's bad enough that the person in charge of the IRS, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, is an acknowledged tax cheat who claims not to understand how to use TurboTax.
Now, Charlie Rangel, the Chairman of the House Ways & Means committee, which writes all of the tax laws, has been discovered to be hiding even more income and assets than were previously disclosed. Just a few of the current news stories, courtesy of Drudge:
The Absent-Minded Chairman. Charlie Rangel wins the personal lottery.
Stop embarrassing us, Mr. Rangel. Resign
Not that I've ever had much respect for the bozos in power in DC; but this kind of example should make it tougher for average people to continue to bend over and allow the DemonRats to fiscally rape us.
OBAMA'S TAX DODGERS – It is so comical to see the 0bambi team push for plugging up legal tax loopholes when so many of them are blatant cheaters on their own taxes. Hypocrisy has long been the guiding force for DemonRats; so this is really nothing new.
Another 0bambi cabinet member?
A crack smoking tax cheating mayor has to be high on the list of appointees.
Calif. IRS agent admits cheating on his own taxes – Drudge has this article reminding us that even IRS has some tax cheats working in their midst. The article is vague as to several details, such as whether he tried to use the Tim Geithner defense and which cabinet position he is now in line to take over.
13 companies getting bailout money owe back taxes – Consistent with picking members of the 0bambi cabinet.
Labels: Crooks
Why tax problems have plagued Team Obama – A more serious look at why so many of the new administration’s members are being exposed as tax cheats.
The Obama Budget: Spending, Taxes, and Doubling the National Debt – The Heritage Foundation looks at some of the upcoming tax hikes that we will be facing in order to support 0bambi’s new socialist paradise.
Labels: Crooks, Obambi, TaxHikes
Required to work for the 0bambi team...
From last night's Leno show via NewsMax:
Here we go again: President Obama’s latest nominee for U.S. trade representative, a man named Ron Kirk, owes $10,000 in unpaid back taxes. Apparently when it comes to taxes, “yes we can” is now “no we didn’t.”
One of his tax deductions was $17,000 for tickets to a Dallas Mavericks game. He deducted $17,000 for basketball tickets. But to be fair, since it was the Mavericks, he should be able to write that off as a failed investment.
Selecting a cabinet...
From Jay Leno via NewsMax:
Just a few days after being nominated, New Hampshire Sen. Judd Gregg withdrew as the nominee for commerce secretary. In a statement explaining why he turned it down, he cited “irresolvable conflicts.” So apparently he must have paid his taxes. He just wouldn’t fit in.
Labels: comix, Crooks, humor, Obambi
From Jay Leno via NewsMax:
Prosecutors have asked a federal judge to send former Washington, D.C., mayor Marion Barry to jail for failing to file tax returns for eighth time in nine years. He hasn’t paid taxes for eight years straight. So it’s either jail or a Cabinet position in the Obama administration. Take your pick.
From Scott Ott - Obama Plan Has Already Boosted IRS Tax Collections
Courtesy of NewsMax:
From Jay Leno:
This week in Washington, President Obama took time out from his busy day to read a book to a group of second graders. It was a fairytale about a Cabinet nominee who once paid all his taxes.
From Craig Ferguson:
Another Obama nominee had tax issues. Which just proves one thing: that while Democrats like raising taxes, they don’t like paying them.