Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Online Tax Services
Subject: Excellent BlogKerry,Congratulations on your successful tax blog. I see you like to other leading industry blogs as well. If you ever get a chance and want to do an article on online tax prep send me an email or give me a call and I’ll be happy to set you up with a free account. We are also developing a modern solution to tax prep, which connects real CPAs to people who want to file their taxes online.Online taxes: http://www.efile.comI would rather you trust our service before recommending any types of advertising however let me know if there are any opportunities with your blog.Sincerely,
Thanks for writing and telling me about your web based services. I visited both of them
As I have frequently discussed the dangers of both e-filing and trying to do tax returns without experienced professional help, it would be hypocritical of me to recommend the use of your efile site; so I'll pass on that.
I am interested in learning more about your droptax site; so please keep me posted as to when that service is up and running so that I can check it out.
Good luck.
Kerry Kerstetter
Kerry,Thanks for being open to discussion about dropTax. We are still in the process of lining up our first CPA. Once the dropTax system is in place I will be glad to provide you with any information you need to try it out.I appreciate your time,

Labels: E-Filing