From Byron York at NRO:
More Questions About Geithner – Additional info, casting doubt on the “innocent mistake” defense that the media are providing for Geithner’s tax returns.
Due Diligence on Geithner – The National Review editors call for the GOP to vote against confirming Geithner. Based on the GOP’s current posture of rolling over for anything 0bambi wants, the chances of any real opposition are virtually nil.
From Accuracy In Media:
Why Are the Media Protecting Geithner?
Labels: Geithner
More jokes about the new Treasury Secretary
Anyone who follows politics knows that if this were a GOP nominee, he would have already pulled his name from consideration. Since he is with the party that has no ethical standards, and the media are doing their job of covering for him, he should have smooth sailing into power. In the meantime, he has replaced Wesley Snipes as the new face of idiotic tax moves.
From Scott Ott:
Bush Offers to Pre-Pardon Obama Treasury Pick
From Jay Leno via NewsMax:
At his confirmation hearing, Attorney General nominee Eric Holder said that as far as he is concerned, waterboarding is torture. And Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner said, “So is paying taxes.”
Geithner didn’t pay federal taxes from 2001 to 2004. He owed $34,000. But to keep his nomination afloat, he paid it this week — plus another $8,000 in interest. So that’s $42,000 the U.S. Treasury made — just like that. You know what Obama should do now? He should appoint Willie Nelson as commerce secretary. What does he owe, $28 million?

(Click on image for full size)

Labels: comix, Geithner, humor
The IRS's new OverLord...
Geithner Accepted IMF Reimbursement for Taxes He Didn’t Pay - Byron York seriously explains the problem.
Scott Ott of Scrappleface explains how the incoming Treasury Secretary can solve all of the country’s economic problems, but can’t file a proper tax return.
Labels: comix, Geithner, Obambi