Obama Tax Returns
Drudge has a link to download the 43 page pdf copy of the Obamas' 2008 income tax returns, showing their AGI of almost $2.7 million.
Minor picky point: This tax return is for 2008, before they took over the White House. Yet, look at what they showed as their occupations for 2008:
Why tax problems have plagued Team Obama – A more serious look at why so many of the new administration’s members are being exposed as tax cheats.
The Obama Budget: Spending, Taxes, and Doubling the National Debt – The Heritage Foundation looks at some of the upcoming tax hikes that we will be facing in order to support 0bambi’s new socialist paradise.

Labels: Crooks, Obambi, TaxHikes
Required to work for the 0bambi team...
From last night's Leno show via NewsMax:
Here we go again: President Obama’s latest nominee for U.S. trade representative, a man named Ron Kirk, owes $10,000 in unpaid back taxes. Apparently when it comes to taxes, “yes we can” is now “no we didn’t.”
One of his tax deductions was $17,000 for tickets to a Dallas Mavericks game. He deducted $17,000 for basketball tickets. But to be fair, since it was the Mavericks, he should be able to write that off as a failed investment.
Selecting a cabinet...
From Jay Leno via NewsMax:
Just a few days after being nominated, New Hampshire Sen. Judd Gregg withdrew as the nominee for commerce secretary. In a statement explaining why he turned it down, he cited “irresolvable conflicts.” So apparently he must have paid his taxes. He just wouldn’t fit in.

Labels: comix, Crooks, humor, Obambi
A Change in attitude we can Hope for...
(Click on image for full size)
Labels: comix, Obambi, TaxCuts
The IRS's new OverLord...
Geithner Accepted IMF Reimbursement for Taxes He Didn’t Pay - Byron York seriously explains the problem.
Scott Ott of Scrappleface explains how the incoming Treasury Secretary can solve all of the country’s economic problems, but can’t file a proper tax return.
Labels: comix, Geithner, Obambi
Obambi and Joe the Plumber
I don’t know how I had missed the following joke during the election season, but I’m grateful to one of the Gear Up tax seminar speakers yesterday for sharing it with the class. I actually found this via a Google search.
Barack Obama discovers a leak under his sink and calls Joe the plumber to come and fix it.
Joe drives to Obama’s house, which is in a very nice neighborhood where it’s clear that all the residents make more than $250,000 per year (or $200,000 per year or $150,000 per year, depending on who’s speaking and when).
Joe arrives and takes his tools into the house. He’s shown the room that contains the leaky pipe under the sink. Joe figures it’s an easy job that will take less than ten minutes. Obama is standing near the door and asks Joe how much it will cost.
Joe immediately says, “$9,500.”
“$9,500?” Obama replies stunned. “But you said it’s an easy job!”
“Yeah, but what I do is charge a lot more to my clients who make more than $250,000 per year so I can fix the plumbing of everybody who makes less than that for free,” responds Joe.
Obama tells Joe there’s no way he’s paying that much, so Joe leaves.
A week later the leak gets so bad that the Obamas have had to put a bucket under the sink, and it fills up every two hours, so they call Joe back. Joe goes back to the Obamas’, looks at the leaky pipe, and says, “It’ll cost you about $21,000.”
Obama exclaims, “A few days ago you told me it would cost only $9,500!”
Joe explains, “Well, a lot of rich people are learning how to fix their own plumbing, so there are fewer of you paying for all the free plumbing we’re doing for the people who make less than $250,000 - and I refuse to charge the lesser income people for plumbing work.”
Obama tries to straighten out Joe. “But don’t you get it? If all the rich people learn how to do their own plumbing and you won’t charge the poor people, what will you do for money?”
Joe immediately replies, “I guess I’ll run for President.”
Labels: Obambi
Obambi's Tax Plan
Excellent video of Obambi explaining his taxation policy, with editorial commentary from Penn Jillette.
This was produced before the election; but shows why those of us in the tax reduction profession are going to be super busy for the next several years.
Labels: Obambi
Obambi's Plumbing Plans...
Scary look at the future from today's Lucianne.com
Labels: comix, Obambi, TaxHikes
Offending Obamaniacs?
From an obviously new reader:
Subject: Obama for PresidentDude, you are so full of it. You waste your time making fun of our next president - Obama - but are so blind to the ruins made by the republican party and their war agenda. The man is brilliant. Stop and listen, you might just learn something. You and your red neck followers have no clue what goes on around America and just want to line your pockets with more cash at the expense of hard working families and the poor. Whine Whine Whine about taxes. You really don't care about helping people do you? Can't see past your capitalistic raciest views. Do you even know about the social issues this country faces? Guru, my ass. Stop criticizing and come up with some real solutions (blogs, cartoons, etc...whatever) people over 8 yrs old can discuss and articulate on. Don't you know that all you do is spread hate and create division between people through your blog. Show some wisdom and professionalism in your work. You have no appreciation for the different opinions people have and the beliefs they stand for. So out of touch with reality, that even your portray of yourself is a cartoon.
From: (Name Removed By Request)
My reply:
I'm sorry if telling the truth about your Messiah's tax plans offends you and your fellow Marxists. You should avoid my websites in the future, as I will continue to discuss what he has in store for us.
Your idiotic and ignorant comments aside, I do appreciate your writing to let me know that what I am posting on my tiny little blog is touching a nerve with you Obama disciples. That encourages me to continue.
Kerry Kerstetter
Winning campaign strategy?
Walter Mondull can attest to how effective it is to promise to raise taxes during a presidential campaign.
Labels: comix, Obambi, TaxHikes
Campaign Tax Proposals
Snopes.com has a look at some of the rumors floating around regarding the tax proposals of both McCain and Obama.
Rumored proposals or actual campaign promises – I wouldn’t trust any of them for actual tax planning purposes.
Labels: Obambi
Hard Numbers on Obama’s Redistribution Plan - Marxists who are upset that their more famous and experienced standard bearer, Hitlary Rodham, won’t be the DemonRat candidate for President, have nothing to worry about. Obama is a true Fellow Traveler in his devotion to the teachings of Marx and Engels.

Labels: comix, Obambi, TaxHikes