Despite ultimately transforming into a moth, it is not typical to have significant numbers of moths visibly flying about the house. Bagworm caterpillar builds its own 'log cabin' with sticks to sleep in during pupa stage... before emerging as a moth. Damage by mature larvae is especially destructive to evergreen plants. Its body is mostly white, but its head is brown. In the absence of these preferred hosts, bagworm will eat the foliage of just about any tree: fir, spruce, pine, hemlock, sweetgum, sycamore, honey locust, and black locust. The bagworm life cycle encompasses four stages – egg, larvae, pupal, and mature adult. This Spinosad bagworms killer is OMRI listed for use on shrubs, ornamental trees, lawns, and flowers. A study of 42 nests from Clania crameri, a bagworm species native to India, showed that the design-savvy bugs use variations of short and long sticks to assemble their dwellings in a meticulous pattern. Bagworm Life Cycle And Reproduction. After the bagworm eggs hatch, the larvae start spinning a silk strand that dangles down from the pouch. A user-friendly OMRI listed bagworm spray that is effective. The long oval-shaped little case or “bag” that is most commonly found in homes and garages are the cocoon created by the larval or caterpillar stage of a moth. The caterpillars use their silk thread as a parachute to travel to nearby trees and begin building a new home (or bag) there. Bagworms lay eggs that hatch as moths between the last days of May through the early weeks of June. Bagworm larvae feed on the foliage of both evergreen and deciduous trees, especially these favorite host plants: cedar, arborvitae, juniper, and false cypress. How To: Get Rid of Bagworms If you don't keep a weather eye out for these voracious little critters, you may wind up with brown, damaged, or even dead trees or shrubs. The pests hang out in their bags until late summer or early fall when the adult males emerge to mate. The Psychidae (bagworm moths, also simply bagworms or bagmoths) are a family of the Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths).The bagworm family is fairly small, with about 1,350 species described. A mature bagworm caterpillar is about a quarter of an inch long. Dear Jelvis, We cannot make out any details in the creature that is hiding in this shelter, but we suspect it is a Bagworm, the larva of a moth in the family Psychidae. Where do bagworms come from? In its lifecycle, the bagworm eventually becomes a moth; it’s not surprising that controlling plaster bagworms is similar to how you would conquer their cousins – the clothes moths. Young caterpillars feed on the upper epidermis of host plants, sometimes leaving small holes in the foliage. Bagworm Diet . Bagworm larvae injure plants when they feed on needles and leaves. The larvae collect and assemble sticks of varying length and assemble them in a unique pattern, creating a house that spirals to a tip. The house-building creature above belongs to the Psychidae family, otherwise broadly known as bagworm caterpillars; a rather unglamorous name for such a clever creature. About the size of a quarter, male bagworms are ashy-black moths with transparent wings. It … Bagworm species are found globally, with some, such as the snailcase bagworm (Apterona helicoidella), in modern times settling continents where they are not native. Fertilome Spinsosad Bagworm, Tent Caterpillar and Chewing Insect Control, RTS, Quart.