For permission to use our content in other formats, please contact us. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. Black Desert Mobile is finally here, offering a miniature version of the hit PC and console MMORPG. Blessings juan el sonyador, Dear Expat Girl – Agreed. Trump will be vindicated, and the massive voter and election fraud will be exposed, and Trump will be in for 4 more years. © 2020 reddit inc. All rights reserved. Thank you JESUS for revelation and for the shout it from the rooftop spirit! Alot of 2s. Deuteronomy 28:7 – The LORD shall cause thine enemies that rise up against thee to be smitten before thy face: they shall come out against thee one way, and flee before thee seven ways. They are very patient. Yes, the hubby is well looked after 😊 & that includes with meals as are my teenage/young adult children. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 Leveling with this Combat Exp buff is extremely easy, but it will cost you plenty of Energy. Thanks for this awesome list of links. These SuperSoldiers will be activated simultaneously to create massive violence & killing simultaneously around the world. Ephesians 6:11-12 If we understand eternity then we know we are from the same place and its not this world or a country or state. 1. You can create the Awakened Black Spirit Summon Scroll by combining the Dwarves' Edana Token, the Ancient Giant's Edana Token and Cartian's Token in your 19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. Many of these witches are under a spell by the Satanists. Wow. Christian Youtube Channel, The Supernatural – God is NOT dead, has done a very detailed series on the Black Awakening and explained how it fits with other “puzzle pieces” to catapault society into the Antichrist/Beast System. I always said that I will do whatever God is saying if I could only discern what he was saying. Specifically pray for God to pour out His Spirit in a fashion even greater than He did in America in 1858 and Wales in 1904. See more ideas about black knowledge, black consciousness, african spirituality. He is a very good technical trader. possible market crash around Passover 2021. Russ wrote a book about this coming event, The Black Awakening, and described it as a planned, great revolt involving many Satanic warriors that will have their sub personalities (with different levels of programming & Satanic power) activated. 100% Upvoted. They believe if you complete all your training, “enlightenment”, that you became a “god”. Merry Christmas, CH. And since MS Office is by and large the default program of choice for most professionals and organizations when it comes to creating textual content, spreadsheets, presentations, and so on, using any other equally powerful and effective office program (e.g., LibreOffice) becomes problematic. The UFO Disclosure & the claim that these individuals “seeded” the Earth, claiming to have done what God did. Svali (ex Illuminati), a survivor shares several fascinating facts. And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. Don’t know it’s effect on the economy, but banks sliding tells me it’s about prog…. The Illuminatis believe they control life & death for humans. 27 The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee; and shall say, Destroy them. Once you reach level 53, the Black Spirit will offer you the Unstoppable Thirst for Power quest line. No, I don't think so, Carolanne. The Illuminati went around the world to gather up the artifacts. Hello William, This dream could have been already fulfilled in the same year as BTC was at $3000 in Dec 2018 which was lowest point before reaching to $14000 high in June 2019. God has put this on my heart to share a very serious message that some Christians may have yet to hear. I will start to study! Item Reform MKUltra was developed by the CIA. Regarding email, I have not used any desktop clients like Thunderbird for Linux or Outlook for Windows, so I cannot give any personal reviews about them. Yes. Verse 5 : the Lord saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become ,& that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. Black Spirit Mode is an idol mode, allowing players to collect resources while offline. I…, Phil, look at what Chainlink (LINK) has been doing on Bittrex. researched that also back in 2013. so much to process & be diligent in the Lord Training us for the Great End Time Battle Blessed be the Lord our God who trains my hands for war my fingers for battle ! “Dream: Antichrist Army Full of Demons!”Video – ”The BLACK AWAKENING – “’Svali’ SRA Survivor, Johnny Gosh, St. Germain and Immortals (Part 4)” 1 hour, 5 minutes, “Interview with Svali Illuminati Defector”, BornBlessed2011 Channel, 1 Hour, 24 Minute Video (Full Interview). Thanks for sharing this Barb. The mother received a business card from a member of the Mafia who offered to help her find her son as there is a split in the “Family” as there are two different branches that are split. The SuperSoldiers already have their targets. 12 They shall bear thee up in [their] hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. No limitations to do banking transactions either. Seemed like in the 90’s I learned so much about spiritual warfare and Hily Spirit was teaching me many things. Well done! The Illuminati would bring out the mummies for the ceremonies they hold. Thanks for writing this. 1 John 5:4-5 I was in tears when God led me years ago to learn about SRA & MKUltra & other trauma-based mind control. 😂😂😂 Phil – You make me laugh. I'm level 45 and just been bringing through the main quest, my black spirit is at awakening 4 and I cant seem to find online when he hits 5. I am not the expert on open source operating systems, but I can tell you my experience with them. Im in the process of learning gods voice and on so many occasions I would be sure I heard it, but because its like a w…, Thanks for this Post James & unfolding of this young ladies prophetic dream. Daniel 7:24, King James Version It was in front of my face for over 4 decades & I had been completely blind to it! 6 [Nor] for the pestilence [that] walketh in darkness; [nor] for the destruction [that] wasteth at noonday. 8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. “We are all equally capable of spiritual awakening. The true spiritual awakening—the new birth that Jesus spoke of—occurs not by some physical, mental, or emotional process but by the power of the Holy Spirit. Multiple credible scientific studies going back more than a decade, as well as internal documents from certain pharmaceutical companies that suppressed the information, show that SSRI drugs (Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitors) have well known, but unreported side effects, including but not limited to suicide and other violent behavior. However, a spiritual awakening can change your life for the better… permanently. 9 Because thou hast made the LORD, [which is] my refuge, [even] the most High, thy habitation; hide. 5 Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? It is scary to think that the members of the military could be “activated” to turn against the citizens of their country. Without experiencing a spiritual awakening, we go throughout life pursuing the emptiness of money, fame, power, and respect in an attempt to find “happiness.” 4 years ago, experts carried out one of the largest global spiritual awakening experiments in the world… It included a faculty of teachers, healers, scientists, inventors, and energy healing pioneers. Warfare Prayer For Increased Demonic Attacks, Powerful Spiritual Warfare Prayer/Salvation And Repentance Prayer, A Prayer Against Death, Desolation & Destruction, Prayers Against All Forms of Satanic Bondage, ————————————————————————————————————————-. It is such a blessing to so many. I do not see you as an author or contributor. I first heard the testimony of Svali speaks back in 2013 was the most amazing testimony I had ever heard @ that time. The spiritual center/power base is in Rome for the universe. For anyone that thinks knowing how to recognize and fight spiritual warfare is not important for a Christian, these Bible verses (all KJV) confirm the importance of this knowledge and skill. I would just get ready for RDD going up to 1.6 cents and then coming back down. this might seems out of subject but i think it is connected. For many weeks now I ha…. There are 12 fathers, one for each country in Europe & the Illuminati member’s must kiss the father’s ring. Genetic engineering of the Nephilim (very tall, red haired, 6 fingers & 6 toes, double rows of teeth). thank you for this post. I'm sorry if you are a Joseph fan. It was difficult for me to start hearing from God because I didn't know how. See more ideas about Awakening, Spirituality, Spiritual awakening. 😢. And which email provider do you recommend for security? When I saw this dream in 2018, I thought of salmon, wh…, That's cool that you have direct personal experience with the Mong. I can imagine, 10, 22, 2020, 2:01 AM. If you go through both Awakening and Succession for your Hashashin within the event period, you will be able to claim the challenge completion rewards twice, claim once for completing Awakening, then also claim once more for completing … (self.BlackDesertMobile). This can be completed once per account, and if you are having trouble receiving or completing any of these quests, keep reading below, as we have put together a quick and easy guide to quench that thirst for power. She found out that the Sheriff of her city kept blocking her finding her son and listed him as a runaway instead of him being kidnapped. Ken Peter's tribulation dream is like the staple that holds our expectations of what is to come together. These beings are created and as are all created being are, they are lower than and under the authority of Christ. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 13531 on r2-app-0f7e08ba41717b8fd at 2020-12-02 13:42:03.769072+00:00 running 31b5616 country code: US. However, if you don’t need to necessarily use MS Office and LibreOffice or any other office software can work well for you, then yes, there are plenty of open source operating systems that you can migrate to. Much darkness at all levels. Once the ‘Warrior’s Spirit’ skill is learned, you will be unable to use Awakening skills. Cults often sprang up around these “ascended masters”. I will try to include a short description from the Encyclopedia Brittanica below which would seem to corroborate your energy…, As God has revealed in many prophetic dreams and visions posted here on Z3, the corruption is on both sides. Ask God for a … Psalms 84:11 – For the LORD God [is] a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good [thing] will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. What about the price for the other fish such as rdd at that time? The children of the Illuminati’s aptitudes and abilities are identified from infancy. Any limitations to do banking? william, I can't remember anyone linking RDD at 20 to 30 cents with BTC near 37k. Then gaslighting techniques used against people who reveal this is being done. I was 45 years old when I learned about this in details& had absolutely NO IDEA! 4. A double top is usually down. My other dear friend from Down Under 😊 – We must learn about how to do spiritual warfare in these times. The military is using it too and so many of these sleeper victims are in our military. The Illuminati have goals for a century to two centuries into the future. One must thoroughly be sold out for Christ in order to be ready for what’s coming. kill, create chaos, etc.). 3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: Succession training and training Table of Contents1 01. Posted by 4 days ago. is one popular site that has documented over 4500 ‘Mainstream Media’ reported cases from around the World of aberrant or violent behavior by those taking these powerful drugs.”. “Aliens” fear the very name of Jesus. She explains how MKUltra programming is used by playing frequency music, to put concert goers in a trancelike state, and implant images. To level up your Black Spirit, you have to “feed it” with unneeded weapons or equipment or Condensed Dark Energy. Awakening Skill Training and Training 04. Excellent info to watch & listen to backs up what Expat Gal's info in this post is mentioning. Illuminati are involved in all criminal activity but higher up above where the crime takes place. I read all of God’s promises to us as a way to battle this intensive darkness & evil that exists in our world yet is completely hidden to so many of us. A separate resource I’d like to share for excellent, detailed prayers to use against increased demonic attacks, spiritual Warfare, etc. The Antichrist overthrows 3 of these kings. Expat Girl, Thanks for sharing. 😳. [James 2:19] Also a few years ago, I read an article which described a situation in which our military was working alongside “aliens” on a project. We no longer celebrate any of the Hebrew Jewish festivals and live in the empire Satan set up around us. 4. I used to listen to both Osteen and Pr…. Healing energy (lvl 70) – A buff will increases critical hit damage and increases the Black Spirit’s Rage damage. The Youtube Creator, The Supernatural – God is NOT dead, shows the puzzle pieces + how this Black Awakening is referenced in Scripture (from her perspective). Therefore, when true believers encounter “aliens” or any form of spiritual darkness, by the authority delegated to us by Christ, we can bind them or in the case of demons, cast them out. Black Stones get a quest from your Black Spirit Satanists are regularly omitted by the river Seine in empire. They look just like us black spirit awakening 2 are demons by JT: https: b... ] from the LORD was grieved that he had made man on the screen! Asking about web-based email providers, ProtonMail seems to be a good one link to our site might! Thanks Rohit, Steve at CCU also showed this awesome indicator that shows BTC top within days. 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