Cole states: “Moses brings no new or unknown god to his people, but a fuller revelation of the One whom they have known. Heb. One of my favorite attempts to articulate this mystery is based on a passage of the Old Testament. We plan to build a house, but unforeseen contingencies usually involve considerably more time and money. The Burning Bush Exodus Chapter 3. The burning thorn bush appears not only in parallel to the conditions of the Israelites in Egypt, which is "the iron furnace," but also as a prison, since the thorns preclude any escape. 11:40). But the bush wasn’t burning up. This was not the case, for we have seen God’s hidden hand working providentially to preserve His people and to prepare for their release (Exod. Take off your sandals, because you are standing on holy ground.’ It was God speaking by means of an angel, so Moses covered his face. 60 “Martin Noth claims that it is a favorite explanation of exegetes that the burning bush is a manifestation similar to St. Elmo’s fire. There is a deeper spiritual truth to why this revelation came in the midst of this bush, and why we are told the bush was not consumed by the fire. 79 “The proof of the pudding will be in the eating, as we say. Meaning and Use: The scene at the burning bush (ceneh, "a bush," Septuagint batos, "blackberry bush") reveals God to the world in one of theophanies with fire, of which there are four mentioned in the Bible (Exodus 3:2; 13:21; 19:18; also 2 Thessalonians 1:8 the King James Version, yet to be fulfilled).Many other Divine manifestations were associated with fire. Now, the bush (or rather, God, who was manifested in the flames encompassing the bush) was an object of fear and reverence. "This activity will help them remember both the story of God speaking to Moses from the bush and the memory verse used. The basis for Israel’s preservation is, as in Exodus 3, the character of God as the “I AM,” the God who does not change (Mal. When this failed, Pharaoh ordered the Hebrew handmaids to kill all the Israelite boy babies at birth. Online Study Bible . in 1971. Through Him, men can be delivered from the wrath of God on sinners. … Or does it mean ‘I will only be understood by My own subsequent acts and words of revelation’? Mark 12:18) of whose wife a woman would be in heaven who had had seven brothers as her husband. Who can stand when he appears? Whether or not it was a person by the name of Moses, the tale of the Burning Bush is certainly a testimonial of somebody's experience. Here he saw a bush on fire, but it wasn’t burning up! Instead, my own website The Burning Bush will now house all my sermons. The God who came down to deliver His people from Egypt in the person of Moses (Exod. Cf. Some of the richest revelation concerning the character of God is found in verses 11-15, where God responds to two questions raised by Moses.77 In essence, these questions can be summarized: (1) “Who am I?” (v. 11), and (2) “Who are You?” (v. 13). He changes not, yet He is living and can reveal Himself to His creation. The promises of God are therefore certain, because God will never die. … It is this fact of Moses’ curiosity which rules out once and for all the idea that Moses, because of long meditation upon the suffering of his people in Egypt, is in a frame of mind or attitude in which he could readily believe that a voice was speaking to him.” Young, pp. The story is probably familiar to many of us. burn'-ing. Gen. 32:30; Exod. Horeb is located: “… in fact, we do not know where ‘God’s mountain’ … was. And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt. 3:13). The relationship between God’s holiness and the exodus may not be immediately evident. Whether or not it was a person by the name of Moses, the tale of the Burning Bush is certainly a testimonial of somebody's experience. First, Mt. He adheres to the source document hypothesis (JEDP). 85 “Thus at the burning bush God gave to Moses the revelation of His NAME. The “I AM” is the God who exists independently and unchangeably. It will be the success of Moses’ mission that will show beyond contradiction that God was indeed with him and had sent him. … Perhaps the easiest way to understand what the name YHWH meant to the Jews is to see what it came to mean, as their history of salvation slowly unrolled. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you.” God also said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites, ‘The LORD, the God of your fathers—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you.’ This is my name forever, the name by which I am to be remembered from generation to generation” (Exod. God’s first words to Moses were, “Moses, Moses” (v. 4). But the holiness of God is a significant factor in the exodus. The God of the burning bush is the covenant-making, covenant-keeping God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This chapter is more than just the account of a life-changing incident in the life of one man; however, it is a crucial turning point in the history of the nation Israel. So you, O descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed” (Mal. There the angel of the Lord appeared to him as a flame coming from the middle of a bush. We shall next turn our attention to those Old and New Testament texts which refer to this incident and guide us in its interpretation. I have tables set up and I am adding a visual for Moses each week. This factor also is characteristic in the performance of a miracle. And this fire will not consume them either, so that it will be endured forever: “Then he will also say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels’” (Matt. Divine authority is thus inseparably linked with divine presence. According to verse 7 He was a God sensitive and aware of the deep need of His people. Just as the nation Israel will for one final time “pass through the fire of tribulation,” they can be consoled and comforted in the assurance that, this time as well, they will not be consumed by the fire, for their God does not change. One day God chose to speak to Moses through a … There came a time, however, when Moses decided to identify himself with his own people, and thus he refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. Malachi’s consolation for Israel is that while God’s purifying “fire” may appear to be consuming them, this will not be the case. He will make known to Moses and to the children of Israel what kind of God He is by means of the deeds which He will perform in their midst and by means of the words which He will speak unto them. I encourage you to compare these two chapters more thoroughly in your own study. There were many “no gods” in both Egypt and Canaan, which were worshipped, but in contrast to all of these “gods” was the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 2:22), but Stephen informs us that he had two sons while in Midian (Acts 7:29). He is a God who does not need help, either to exist or to accomplish His will. So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey …” (Exod. For a summary and critique of this view, consult R. Alan Cole, Exodus: An Introduction and Commentary (Downers Grove: Inter-Varsity Press, 1973), pp. Why would the Israelites need to ask the name of the God who has sent Moses to deliver them? 1 Sam. Was it within the Sinai Peninsula? Has anyone, however, ever mistaken St. Elmo’s fire for a burning bush that burned yet was not consumed? In other words, this scene with the revelation of the divine name to Moses at the sneh /burning bush foreshadows the giving of the law to the Israelite community on Mount Sinai—which was also accompanied by a great fire that did not consume (see Exod 19:18 ). It is not a new and different God who is here made known to Moses,73 but the God of his forefathers, the God of Israel. 117-135 and XXX, No. This browser does not support the video element. In and of itself, this would hardly be the cause of much excitement or interest, but as time passed the bush seemed unaffected by the flames. As of 30th May, 2017, I have requested that SermonAudio close my account. Such signs always follow faith. What a blessed hope there is for those who trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, the “I AM” God, who came that we might live through Him. also the words of our Lord in John 4:21-24. “Moses recognizes that what he sees is a ‘great sight,’ and hence something out of the ordinary. The burning bush marks the beginning of God’s direct intervention into the affairs of history. The “great commission” begins with the statement by our Lord, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (Matt. The most likely answer is that Horeb and Sinai are simply two different names of the same mountain, just as Jermon and Sirion both designate Mt. In the statement of God, “I AM,” we find assurance that God is not only eternal, but that because of this His relationship with men is also eternal. Moses had 40 years to ponder his presumption, and its consequences. Israel, however, knew that ‘God’s mountain’ lay somewhere to the south of Canaan.” Cole, p. 63. 23:2), thus (in their distorted thinking) giving them higher authority than the Lord Jesus. *from footnote of Exo. The great tribulation in the Book of Revelation describes the intense purifying fires of God which will be required to turn the nation Israel back to Himself. He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. At first, the burning bush was but a curiosity, something novel to which Moses was drawn. “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty” (Rev. (Moses’ commission comes in chapter 3 at age 80, not in chapter 2 at age 40.) God called from the bush “Moses, Moses! In the Gospel of John, one of the keys to its structure is the “I AM …” statements of our Lord (cf. Are you greater than our father Abraham? 86 In contrast to the idols which had no life and could not move, Yahweh is the eternal, living One. 3:6). Jesus said to the Jews, “I tell you the truth, if a man keeps my word, he will never see death.” At this the Jews exclaimed, “Now we know that you are demon-possessed! Acts 7:30) Moses’ life had become all too predictable. Although God indicated His personal involvement in the exodus (“I have come down to rescue them,” (v. 8), it is Moses through whom these things will be accomplished. As usual in Semitic thought, one faces east when giving compass directions; ‘behind’ is therefore ‘west.’” Cole, p. 62. We all know this wonderful story of a strong Godly man that is afraid of what God asks him to do. Those few politicians who do attempt to keep their promises eventually get voted out of office or die. Moses was deeply impressed with the holiness of his God. ‘This is strange,’ Moses thought. But in the midst of her fires of affliction, past, present, and future, Israel has endured, not consumed by the flames, and thus is a testimony to the unchanging nature of God whose promises are sure. 19:18; 32:10).” Cole, p. 64. Since there was no real hurry and the sight of the bush had aroused Moses’ curiosity, he set out to have a closer look. This also failed to accomplish the goal of annihilating the Israelites as a race. ‘I will go closer and get a better look.’ When he did, a voice came from the bush, saying: ‘Do not come any closer. When asked, “What is the greatest need of non-Christian Americans?,” he answered, “To know what God is like.” When asked, “What is the greatest need of American Christians?,” his answer was the same, “To know what God is like.” The attributes of God are simply a description of what God is like. 83 “Here, the full form of the divine name is used, YHWH, usually represented as LORD (in capitals) in English versions. 3:7-8a). When the Sun Sets: Jacob Meets God (Gen. 27:41-28:22). The God in the burning bush is the God of Moses’ forefathers, the God of the patriarchs, Israel’s God. On this particular point there seems to be fairly widespread agreement among interpreters.” Young, p. 5. There is no new plan, but simply the outworking of the old plan, revealed to Abraham in Genesis 15: “Know for certain that your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own, and they will be enslaved and mistreated four hundred years. John 8:52-53). 65 “It is said that once a year the sunlight penetrates through a chink in the rocks on the summit of Jebel ed-Deir and falls upon a spot at the foot of Jebel Musa.” Ibid, p. 133, fn. ... We are a team of Christians creating a visual journey through the Bible as a resource for teaching all ages – available for free download by anyone, anywhere at any time. … The revelation of the name therefore is not merely a deep theological truth; it is a call to the response of faith by Moses and by Israel.” Cole, pp. 16:13) which will in future both record and recount a deeper knowledge of God’s saving activity. 25:41, emphasis mine). Aug 23, 2020 - Explore Diana Bennett's board "Moses and the Burning Bush" on Pinterest. But just as true, because God is the eternal “I AM,” those who die are still assured of the fulfillment of God’s promises to them. They would probably have thought of God as more transcendent (distant, removed, uninvolved in the world), rather than imminent (directly concerned with and involved in the affairs of men). In the solitude of the wilderness, Moses perhaps talked to himself and even to his sheep. 3:7a, 8a). For the unbeliever, there is no thought more horrifying, for the God who in the Old Testament poured out His wrath on sinners still hates sin and will punish the wicked eternally. DLTK's Bible Crafts for Kids Moses and the Burning Bush Craft. Take off your shoes because this is holy ground.” You’re the one I want to go before Pharaoh and lead them out of Egypt. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. …” “During stormy weather discharges of atmospheric electricity give off a glow from the extremities of pointed objects such as ships’ masts. Josh. In Exodus 3 God is the “I AM,” the eternal One. The Burning Bush. While He is a God of power and transcendent glory, He is also imminent and therefore the God of history (v. 6). See more ideas about burning bush, bible crafts for kids, burning bush craft. The Hebrew word translated bush is [ ce'nah ], and speaks of a thorn bush. Exodus 3 etches the truth of God’s eternality in bold letters. 3-4). I climbed up the mountain and, when I got close to the bush, I heard God talk to me out of the bush. Exodus 3:1-17. 4:27; 18:5; 24 4:24); the metal refiner was a familiar sight in the ancient world (Mal. It is the attributes of God which describe Him as He is and which become the basis for our faith and obedience. The Hebrew text uses the singular term (“father”), rather than the plural (fathers). 3:14-15).83, Recognizing the importance of these two verses, the scholars have spent a great deal of effort to determine the exact meaning of the expression “I am who I am.” Predictably, they do not all agree.84 Personally, I have concluded that the best rendering is “I am who I am,” as rendered by the NIV and the NASB. “In the bush, he [Calvin] holds, we see the humble and despised people surrounded by the flames of oppression; yet in the midst is God who prevents the flames from devouring the nation. 29, p. 30. These will give us some mental hooks with which to remember the message of this passage. 33:20; Judg. After the lesson, we head back to our tables to create our own burning bush. But now, this is what the Lord says—he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are mine. Yet, Moses didn't avoid it or run away; instead, he approached the bush to get a closer look. 69 The angel did not appear in the fire as much as it did as the fire: “We can read ‘in flames of fire,’ as do most English versions, but ‘as flames of fire’ is better. Now, of course there is the sense in which Joseph will be blessed through his offspring, but this is not the only blessing which Joseph will receive. Judaism also attaches symbolism to it. Lest Moses not appreciate the involvement of God in the lives of His people, God emphasizes that He is taking a personal interest in the release of the Israelites from Egyptian bondage: “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. A more careful look proved it to be a bush. They may have shared a common cultural and religious pattern, but that is all. I can think of only two reasons. Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible and we find our lessons in the book of Exodus. While tending to a flock of his father-in-law’s sheep, Moses came upon a blazing fire from the middle of a bush. Looking for richer pasture, Moses led his father-in-law’s flock to the west or back side of the wilderness, to Mt. The Septuagint (the Greek translation of the Old Testament), however, does use the plural, which Stephen also employs in Acts 7:32. As such He remains the same, is consistent. The text which we have been studying underscores, in my mind, the importance of character. What He is in general comforts His people through its application to the specific situation (Israel’s oppression) and the special relationship (covenant) that already existed between Him and Israel’s ancestors, and now (‘I am’) will also exist between Him and the descendants ‘from generation to generation.’” Gispen, p. 55. Abram’s call) and that later Israel seems neither to have known, nor cared, exactly where it was. The dense, multi-stemmed, rounded shrub gets its common name from its brilliant red fall foliage. Personally, I am convinced that the measure of our faith is proportionate to our grasp of the greatness and the goodness of our God. The affliction of the Israelites in Egypt was a man-imposed, but God-ordained, experience of “passing through the fire” to purify and prepare the Israelites for their deliverance and future blessings: “But as for you, the Lord took you and brought you out of the iron-smelting furnace, out of Egypt, to be the people of his inheritance, as you now are” (Deut. Burning bush (Euonymus alatus) is a deciduous shrub native to Asia that has become popular for landscapes in North America.The dense, multi-stemmed, rounded shrub gets its common name from its brilliant red fall foliage.The shrub is best planted in the fall or spring and adds about a … The endurance of the saints in the purifying fires which God brings into our lives is also evidence of the supernatural work of God (cf. The story begins as Moses is shepherding his father-in-law Jethro's sheep in the land of Midian, he is witness to a burning bush on Mount Horeb. This oil is so volatile that it is constantly escaping and if approached with a naked light bursts suddenly into flames. Exodus 3 [Full Chapter] [ Moses and the Burning Bush ] Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian, and he led the flock to the far side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. The sins of the Egyptians must be dealt with. An angel appeared in the flame of fire in a bush, except the bush wasn’t burning! The nation Israel, God said through the prophet Malachi, was to go through “the fire” as it were, in order to be refined. The Burning Bush A New Church Bible story explanation for teaching Sunday school. The basis for the call of Moses and for his obedience to that call was an assurance as to the character of God. Moses and the Burning Bush preschool Bible lesson. In many ways, the incident of the burning bush is critical to our understanding of God. The Bible teaches us that God has an affinity with fire. 18-23 for a summary of the various interpretations of these verses, along with his carefully arrived at conclusions. Moses was amazed that the bush had not burned up, even though it was engulfed in flames. This is a classic case of prefiguration or hinting ahead, which is often used in the Bible. How could Moses possibly ask God’s name when God has already revealed His identity so clearly in His previous statements to Moses? It is the basis for Moses’ obedience, as well as for the entire nation. Let us consider the comfort and hope which we can find through the “I AM,” the Lord Jesus Christ. When Moses went near to see why, he heard a voice from inside the bush … And when Moses did, the stick became a snake. Hermon (cf. Our eternal hope is wrapped up in the eternality of God. Here are some of the ones I have come across in my study: (1) “St. Exodus 3:2 - And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and … It ultimately meant to them what the name Jesus has come to mean to Christians, a ‘shorthand’ for all God’s dealings of grace.” Cole, p. 70. This is the basis for Moses’ faith and obedience. 7-15). In this message we will focus on the revelation of God to Moses, which, I believe, is the basis for all that is to follow. I think of Moses tending his sheep here as something like Peter going fishing (John 21:2ff. The general geographic details in the Bible seem to point to the southern area: and the traditional site of Gebel Musa, ‘Moses’ mountain’ (7,467 feet), has much to commend it, though others will prefer the higher peaks nearby. There are many Christians today who think that the study of the attributes of God is an intellectual exercise with very little practical application. ), thinking that the past was over and that life had settled into a routine. … So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing75 with milk and honey …” (Exod. God is the Creator, but has no creator. Moses at the Burning Bush … 13 Then Moses asked God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is His name?’ What should I tell them?” 14 God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. … The holiness of God is emphasized (v. 5). Through the burning of the holy divine fire, the once cursed and redeemed thornbush is transformed to be God’s dwelling place. In Exodus 2 the point of verse 22 is to inform us of the mind of Moses at this time, as reflected in the naming of his firstborn, not to inform us as to how many children Moses had. Fire and flame have a lot to teach us about God. Games, Crafts, Activities, songs, lesson, worksheets and more. There the angel of the Lord appeared to him … A thornbush was on fire, but it was not burning up! Fire is a symbol of God’s presence when He descends on Sinai too (Ex. 63 “Believing eyes have supposedly seen mysterious fires or lights in trees and pious ears have at the same time heard wondrous music.” Ibid, pp. But I will punish the nation they serve as slaves, and afterward they will come out with great possessions. Who do you think you are?” (John 8:51-53). God’s eternality and our immortality are therefore intertwined truths. On this assurance Moses can stake his life and base his ministry and service. The Jews claimed to have Moses’ authority (cf. When Moses then tried to intervene in a dispute between two Hebrews, the guilty party hurled these stinging words at him, “Who made you ruler and judge over us?” (Exod. Moses’ question about his authority was answered by God’s promise of His presence with Moses. Next Jehovah gave Moses power to do a third miracle. Thanks to Linda for sharing her craft idea with us! These words and deeds are such that only one who in all His attributes and perfections is infinite, eternal and unchangeable can perform them. Young in “The Call of Moses,” Westminster Theological Journal, p. 130, and fn. That this is the point of this passage is evident from our consideration of two later Old Testament texts. 1. God then said: ‘I have seen the suffering of my people in Egypt. 3:1-3); (2) the rod which became a serpent (4:2-4); and (3) the leprous hand (Exod. 2. The God of the burning bush is an imminent God. Burning bush ( Euonymus alatus) is a deciduous shrub native to Asia that has become popular for landscapes in North America. Download story: Moses and the Burning Bush. Finally, we shall seek to find the application of this text to our own lives. These Moses and the Burning Bush Bible activities highlight this fascinating event!