Copyright StatementThe text of this work is public domain. In addition you can use the Interlinear Bible and much more to enhance your understanding of God's word. note on Romans 11:25; Romans 16:25. ;” but there is no difference. To ascertain fully the meaning of the present passage, we must examine more closely the design of Christ, the reason why, and the purpose for which, these words were spoken. The mysteries of the kingdom - The word “mystery,” in the Bible, properly means a thing that is “concealed,” or that “has been concealed.” It does not mean that the thing was “incomprehensible,” or even difficult to be understood. Word did not come by the infant Jesus; he was "make like [his] brethren" (Hebrews 2:17), and being a child, he "spoke as a child" (1 Corinthians 13:11), and not as an oracle. Besides, it ought to be understood, that the power of enlightening which David mentions, and the familiar manner of teaching which Isaiah predicts, refer exclusively to the elect people. First published online in 1996 at The Restoration Movement Pages. App-17. These were scrolls of paper or parchment, wherein were written four paragraphs of the law, to be worn on their foreheads and left arms, Exodus 13:2-10; 13:11-16; Deuteronomy 6:4-9; 11:13-21. (7) the "mystery of God even Christ," i.e. 11. Paul frequently wrote of this, and a more particular attention to … The former of these occasions afforded him a favourable opportunity for tempting our blessed Lord to despondency [Note: Matthew 4:2-3. Thus they had known that the Kingly Rule of Heaven would be spread by the teaching of the word (compare Isaiah 2:2-4), and would receive the response of individuals who would come together under His rule (Isaiah 45:23), and that it would all somehow end in a final Kingly Rule of God from Heaven. the mysteries = the secrets; or the things hitherto kept secret. (8) the mystery of the processes by which godlikeness is restored to man 1 Timothy 3:16. Therefore the Book of Revelation is not a code book about what will happen right before the end. "Commentary on Matthew 13:11". τ. Matthew 28:19 "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. To the disciples it was given to know these truths. ‘And he answered and said to them, “To you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingly rule of heaven, but to them it is not given.”. ( = Lu 7:18-35). "The 1599 Geneva Study Bible". He had truths to state which he wished his “disciples particularly” to understand. Read and study Matthew 13 with the Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary It would have been totally outside their ability to grasp the truth. https: (1 Corinthians 5:12-13.). church as one body composed of Jew and Gentile Ephesians 3:1-11; Romans 16:25; Ephesians 6:19; Colossians 4:3. See Poole on "Matthew 5:2". "Commentary on Matthew 13:11". The mysteries of the kingdom - The word “mystery,” in the Bible, properly means a thing that is “concealed,” or that “has been concealed.” It does not mean that the thing was “incomprehensible,” or even difficult to be understood. And in them is fulfilled … - This place is quoted substantially from Isaiah 6:9-10. A familiar statement that may be heard on the parables is as follows: "Jesus spoke in parables in order to make his teaching easier to be understood by the people." To know the mysteries.—The Greek word, like “parable,” has passed into modern languages, and has suffered some change of meaning in the process. τὰ μυστ. https: The former of these occasions afforded him a favourable opportunity for tempting our blessed Lord to despondency [Note: Matthew 4:2-3. The kingdom of heaven — It is to be noted that these seven parables all have for their subject the kingdom of God: its planting principles, developments, and final victory. Now He uses expelled demons to depict their spiritual condition. "Commentary on Matthew 13:11". to such as are unworthy, and by hardening their hearts, have made themselves unworthy. Without this gift there could not be proper knowledge of the truth to be conveyed by the parable. "Commentary on Matthew 13:11". 11.To you it is given to know the mysteries (178) of the kingdom of heaven From this reply of Christ we learn, that the doctrine of salvation is proclaimed by God to men for various purposes; for Christ declares that he intentionally spoke obscurely, in order that his discourse might be a riddle to many, and might only strike their ears with a confused and doubtful sound. -, Commentary Critical and Explanatory - Unabridged, Kretzmann's Popular Commentary of the Bible, Lange's Commentary on the Holy Scriptures, Kingdom, Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Heaven. Without this gift there could not be proper knowledge of the truth to be conveyed by the parable. ], to a total alienation of his heart from God [Note: Matthew 4:8-9. 2. But by New Testament times the way had been prepared, and it was therefore now necessary for Jesus to demonstrate how the Scriptures should be reinterpreted in the light of the new understanding of Heaven and eternal judgment that had grown up during the inter-testamental period. 1952. 5 And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man deceive you: 6 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. 1871-8. Formerly Jesus had likened the evil race of Pharisaic religionists to children playing in the market-place (Matthew 9:16-19). "Commentary on Matthew 13:11". The connection requires that these should be within the Christian community (otherwise in Matthew 24:24), giving false presentations of the faith with corrupt motives. Now our Lord, who was privy to the secret and sovereign dispensation of God, who, of his own will and pleasure, had determined to give a spiritual and saving knowledge of divine things to some, and deny it to others, made this the rule of his conduct in his ministry; that is to say, he preached in parables to some without an explication, whilst he spoke plainly to others; and, if in parables, yet gave them an interpretation, and an understanding of them. 1685. Matthew 24:24 "For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect. ], to a total alienation of his heart from God [Note: Matthew 4:8-9. Matthew 6:25 - 'For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. In this sense they were “fulfilled,” or “filled up;” that is, “a case occurred that corresponded to their meaning.” See the notes at Matthew 1:22. And the Greeks call man φωτα, for the inbred desire of light and knowledge that is naturally in all. Tons more resources, better tools, NIV84 and easier navigation. (11) It is given.—Better, it has been given, as by the special act of God. Stars. One of the greatest gifts that a man can receive is that of understanding the mystery of the Kingly Rule of Heaven. 1. In a highly volatile area like Galilee, among a people who were constantly looking for a deliverer to arrive from God and free them from the Roman yoke, talk about the Kingly Rule of Heaven could soon become dangerous. https: Matthew 13:11-12). "Commentary on Matthew 13:11". . And he answered and said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. The Scofield Reference Notes online free at for sermon, Bible study, and Sunday school preparation. So their God did not play around in the heavens, He ruled over the heavens and dealt very solidly with earth. Study 1 Kings using Matthew Henry’s Bible Commentary (concise) to better understand Scripture with full outline and verse meaning. Now since Christ has purposely dispensed his doctrine in such a manner, that it might be profitable only to a small number, being firmly seated in their minds, and might hold others in suspense and perplexity, it follows that, by divine appointment, the doctrine of salvation is not proclaimed to all for the same end, but is so regulated by his wonderful purpose, that it is not less a savor of death to death to the reprobate than a life-giving savor to the elect, (2 Corinthians 2:15.) Matthew 5:14 "You are the light of the world. In the Gospels μυστηριον — mustērion is used only here and in the parallel passages (Mark 4:11; Luke 8:10). It may be replied that it was because this knowledge of the mysteries was not possessed by the multitudes that the parables were given to explain them. Proverbs 19:15 - Laziness casts into a deep sleep, And an idle man will suffer hunger. Study 1 Kings using Matthew Henry’s Bible Commentary (concise) to better understand Scripture with full outline and verse meaning. https: - By mysteries, here, we may understand not only things concerning the scheme of salvation, which had not yet been revealed; but also the prophetic declarations concerning the future state of the Christian Church, expressed in the ensuing parables. Had the apostles and evangelists done nothing more than publish their writings, and disseminate them to every pagan country, not a single nation, not a single pagan, would have abandoned their gods to believe in a crucified Jesus. "Commentary on Matthew 13:11". The idea is of mending a breach, completing a connexion, putting the dislocated in order.—The practical suggestion here is most important. Those concepts did not include ideas about Heaven as a future dwellingplace. (11) Behold, there was a woman. Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary online free at for sermon, Bible study, and Sunday school preparation. The Biblical Illustrator. "Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges". "Commentary on Matthew 13:11". "Vincent's Word Studies in the New Testament". These parables relate to the kingdom of Christ as a whole. 1896. Again — The three following parables were proposed, not to the multitude, but peculiarly to the apostles: the two former of them relate to those who receive the gospel; the third, both to those who receive, and those who preach it. But to them it is not given] By a secret but most just judgment of God, who hath mercy on whom he will, and whom he will he hardeneth. It means that a man who improves what light, grace, and opportunities he has, shall have them increased. "Peter Pett's Commentary on the Bible ". See on Matthew 13:11. BY MATTHEW (shaded area) Click chart to enlarge Jesus Birth and Early Years Leading up to the Sermon on the Mount Matthew 1-7 Source: Ryrie Study Bible. That is why He emphasised that the Kingly Rule of Heaven initially now indicated God’s rule over the individual lives of those who had responded to Him in this world, and that they were finally to look to the everlasting ‘kingdom’ where all who were His would be with Him (although that is in fact outside the Universe and is spiritual in nature - so we are thinking parabolically too!). https: A. https: To you, who have, it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven - The deep things which flesh and blood cannot reveal, pertaining to the inward, present kingdom of heaven. (11) the mystery of Babylon Revelation 17:5; Revelation 17:7. The kindred verb occurs e.g. 1999. - By mysteries, here, we may understand not only things concerning the scheme of salvation, which had not yet been revealed; but also the prophetic declarations concerning the future state of the Christian Church, expressed in the ensuing parables. (Psalms 119:105.). Watch (γρηγορεῖτε )A different word from that in Mark 13:33.See also Mark 13:34.The picture in this word is that of a sleeping man rousing himself. BibliographyIce, Rhoderick D. "Commentary on Matthew 13:11". This woman came to Christ to be taught, and to get good to her soul, and then he relieved her bodily infirmity. dissuading him from it. Go to. But that is not correct, for even the disciples did not understand the meaning of the parables until Jesus had them to himself and explained them. They could conceive of no other. BibliographyTrapp, John. Vincent's Word Studies. "Scofield Reference Notes on Matthew 13:11". You are permitted to understand the spiritual meaning of the parables, and in some degree the plan of salvation. This was not fully revealed to the Apostles until long after the death of Christ, although they already had clearer views than the mass of the people. Compare the notes on Revelation 12:9. Matthew 7:15-note "Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. Johann Albrecht Bengel's Gnomon of the New Testament. That he should deceive the nations no more - That is, during the thousand years. {a} But desire we never so much, none can attain to sound and saving knowledge, but those only to whom it is given from above, into whose hearts Christ lets in a ray of heavenly light. Used by permission of Broadman Press (Southern Baptist Sunday School Board). This cure represents the work of Christ's grace upon the soul. 11 He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. https: Search using our Online Bible by Topic, Verse Reference or Phrase. Copyright � Broadman Press 1932,33, Renewal 1960. God’s good pleasure, the ultimate ground, involves the free choice of the persons concerned. Plug in, Turn on and Be En light ened! While all who truly believe in Christ receive the Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation (Rom. Given unto you to know the mysteries — Mysteries to others but plain truths to you, because I furnish you the key. For because of the dangers of ideas connected with the surrounding gods and their mythology all teaching had to be given to Israel as though it applied to earth so that it would not become mixed up with myths about the gods. INTRODUCTION Matthew 13:1-3; Mark 4:1,2; Luke 8:4. To you it is given. 1914. 2:1 Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem 1 of Judaea 2 in the days 3 of Herod 4 the king 5, behold, Wise-men from the east 7 came to Jerusalem 8, saying,. Their having been ‘blessed’ produces fruit. 1974. He therefore chose to state the doctrines so that if their hearts had been right, and if they had not been malignant and blind, “they might have understood them.” His doctrines he stated in the best possible way, and it was not his fault if they did not understand him. Jesus answered them, "To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been granted. Isaiah 11:1-10; Isaiah 66:22-24; Ezekiel 37:21-28; Zechariah 14:16-21), the future of the wicked (Isaiah 66:24), the coming resurrection (Isaiah 26:19; Daniel 12:1-3), and even the going out of the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 32:15; Ezekiel 47:1-12) were all portrayed as happening in very much earthly terms. https: Compare Isaiah 14:12. Plug in, Turn on and Be En light ened! They were of great importance to their ministry. on heaven = the heavens (plural) See notes on Matthew 6:9, Matthew 6:10. it is not given = it hath not been given. Luke 11:24-26. Matthew Poole's English Annotations on the Holy Bible. Christ as the incarnate fullness of the Godhead embodied, in whom all the divine wisdom for man subsists Colossians 2:2; Colossians 2:9; 1 Corinthians 2:7. The mystery-religions of the east had all sorts of secrets and signs as secret societies do today. Matthew 24:11 "Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many. (St. Thomas Aquinas) --- Can we then suppose, for a single moment, that the mere putting of a Bible into every man's hand, will convert the world. Because it is given to you] Plutarch thinks that life is given to men merely for the getting of knowledge. By teaching in parables this danger was largely avoided. But to them it is not given (See the note at Matthew 11:25.) The parables which harden scorners in their scorning, and make divine things more difficult to them, enlighten those who are willing to learn, and make the same things more plain, and intelligible, and familiar to them, Matthew 13:11,15,16. They were clever men but they had no concept of ice). A city set on a hill cannot * be hidden; (NASB: Lockman) Greek: Humeis este to phos tou kosmou. All rights reserved. ... which Christ promised to send (Matthew 23:34), such as were every way qualified for the service of the Christian church. Is not given; to know these mysteries. Matthew 13:44. 1599-1645. "Commentary on Matthew 13:11". 1859. is given = hath been given: i.e. Interpreted by our Lord’s teaching up to this time, the mysteries of the kingdom may be referred to the new birth of water and the Spirit (John 3:5), the judgment to be exercised hereafter by the Son of Man (John 5:25), the power of the Son of Man to forgive sins (John 9:6), the new ideas (no other word will express the fact so well) which He had proclaimed as to the Sabbath (John 12:8), and fasting, and prayer, and alms (John 6:1-18). And Luke 12:48, to know the Master’s will, is the great talent of all other: there is a "much" set upon it. He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. Thus the “mysteries of the kingdom” do not mean any doctrines incomprehensible in themselves considered, but simply doctrines about the preaching of the gospel and the establishment of the new kingdom of the Messiah, which “had not” been understood, and which were as yet concealed from the great body of the Jews. of = belonging to. 1917. The mysteries. The great things relating to man's redemption Christ declared to his disciples, that they might declare them to others; they were the men of his counsel, Matthew 13:11. The reason of many things now hidden from us we shall see at the last day. Fuller light had awaited those conceptions. "Commentary on Matthew 13:11". "Robertson's Word Pictures of the New Testament". 13:10-17 Our Lord Jesus attended upon public worship on the sabbaths. Acts 17:12. The object always dearest to the hearts of all righteous people is to witness the coming and advancement of the kingdom of Christ. CHAPTER 11 Mt 11:1-19.THE IMPRISONED BAPTIST'S MESSAGE TO HIS MASTER--THE REPLY, AND DISCOURSE, ON THE DEPARTURE OF THE MESSENGERS, REGARDING JOHN AND HIS MISSION. All other rights reserved. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use our convenient, It is given unto you to know the mysteries, etc. (Read Matthew 23:34-39) Our Lord declares the miseries the inhabitants of Jerusalem were about to bring upon themselves, but he does not notice the sufferings he was to undergo. See for this word on Matthew 13:11; Mark 4:11. 1871-8. Whosoever hath … - This is a proverbial method of speaking. A natural question now is in regard to the present day. Cf. Nor was there any dishonesty in this, or any unfair disguise. (Matthew 13:11) For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath. Used by Permission. American Tract Society. "Commentary on Matthew 13:11". -, John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible, because it is given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, Robertson's Word Pictures in the New Testament, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. The parables which harden scorners in their scorning, and make divine things more difficult to them, enlighten those who are willing to learn, and make the same things more plain, and intelligible, and familiar to them, Matthew 13:11,15,16. . Acts 17:12. Sometimes he states, in a dark manner, what might be more clearly expressed; and sometimes he explains his mind fully, without ambiguity and without metaphor, but strikes their senses with dulness and their minds with stupidity, so that they are blind amidst bright sunshine. —The description indicates the accuracy of the trained observer. See the passage more fully explained in my notes at Matthew 13:16. So the disciples have been initiated into the secrets of the kingdom of heaven. ginosko. Here, as in Matt. 24. The idea here is, that every precaution was taken for absolute security. Angels (ἄγγελοι ) The exact meaning of the term here is uncertain. BibliographyVincent, Marvin R. DD. 1897. Secrets known only to the initiated—the inner teaching of the gospel. Matthew 16:5-12 Jesus warns his disciples against the leaven of the. It was, moreover, entirely proper and right to impart instruction to his disciples which he did not “intend” for others. See introductory note of the chapter. To them that find knowledge - When a man gets the knowledge of himself, then he sees all the threatenings of God to be right. . 1874-1909. 1905. BibliographyZerr, E.M. "Commentary on Matthew 13:11". Blessed are your eyes … - That is, you are happy that you are permitted to see truth which they will not see. 2013. They were firmly based on earth. τ. βας. Bible Study Tools Language Tools Historical Writings Pastoral Resources Personal Resources Site Resources advertisement. On that day went Jesus out of the house. (5) the mystery of the church as the bride of Christ Ephesians 5:28-32. Tons more resources, better tools, NIV84 and easier navigation. BibliographyGill, John. Even bodily infirmities, unless very grievous, should not keep us from public worship on sabbath days. Matthew … Mark calls them "them that are without"; who are not in the number of God's elect; nor within the covenant of grace, nor among the disciples of Christ; referring to a common way of speaking among the Jews, who used to call the Gentiles, all without their land, "they that are without"; and indeed all within themselves that despised the rules and judgment of the wise menF9Vid. The words of Isaiah were therefore “as well fitted” to express the character of the people in the time of Christ as in that of the prophet. They did not have sufficient conceptual background. Matthew 13:11 The mysteries of the kingdom - The word “mystery,” in the Bible, properly means a thing that is “concealed,” or that “has been concealed.” It does not mean that the thing was “incomprehensible,” or even difficult to be understood. Nothing would be revealed later. Therefore, Matthew 24:1-34, is not talking about the signs that will point us toward the date for Christ"s return, rather the signs for Christians to flee from the destruction that Jerusalem experienced, and which it did in A.D. 70. on A "mystery" in Scripture is a previously hidden truth, now divinely revealed; but in which a supernatural element still remains despite the revelation. {a} τον βιον εις γνωσιν απο θεου δοθηναι. Thus the establishment of the coming Kingly Rule of the house of David (e.g. Matthew 28:19 "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. The "mysteries" of it intend the sublime doctrines thereof; such as relate to the Trinity of persons in the Godhead, to the incarnation of Christ, and the union of the two natures, human and divine, in him, eternal predestination, redemption by Christ, satisfaction by his sacrifice, justification by his righteousness, and pardon through his blood, the resurrection from the dead, &c. things, though clearly revealed, yet may have difficulties attending them, and which are not very easily solved: now to know and understand the great truths of the Gospel, spiritually, savingly, and experimentally, is not from nature, or to be acquired by men's industry, but is the gift of God's grace, flowing from his sovereign will and pleasure; a favour which the disciples of Christ, as a chosen people, receive from the Lord, and which is denied others: but to them it is not given; to the wise and prudent, to the Scribes and Pharisees, to the multitude, to the bulk and generality of the people, to the rest that were blinded. Finding the new version too difficult to understand? There is not a single word to them about writing. But the term in the N. T. means truths once hidden now revealed, made generally known, and in … The knowledge of these mysteries, in the first instance, can be given only to a few; but when these faithfully write and publish what they have heard and seen, unto the world, then the science of salvation is revealed and addressed to all. Go to. He answered, and said unto them,.... Christ was always ready to give an answer to his inquiring disciples, concerning his ministry, and his conduct in it; which shows great respect to them, and condescension in him: because it is given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven: by the "kingdom of heaven", is meant the Gospel, which treats of the kingdom of heaven, and of things pertaining to it; of the saints' meetness for it, which is the regenerating and sanctifying grace of the Spirit; and of their right to it, which lies in the justifying righteousness of Christ. Like them, they closed their eyes upon the truth, and rejected the divine teaching. Click the Bible for the all new!! 20). (182) Christ declares that there are certain and elect men, on whom God specially bestows this honor of revealing to them his secrets, and that others are deprived of this grace. We should consider in this regard the dangers that Jesus faced in His ministry. The mysteries of the kingdom of heaven; the deep truths respecting the dispensation of the gospel, which had not before been revealed, or were revealed only in part, and which Christ opened plainly to his disciples. BibliographyAbbott, John S. C. & Abbott, Jacob. The parabolic form veils the truth from them, but unveils the truth to you. Nimrod and the rest of his confederates of Ham’s posterity; not from Armenia, where the ark rested, which was north from Babel, and is called north in Scripture, as Jeremiah 25:9,26, &c.; but from Assyria, into which they had before come from the mountains of Ararat for more convenient habitation. It is not given. The meaning in both places is, that the people were so gross, sensual, and prejudiced, that they “would” not see the truth, or understand anything that was contrary to their grovelling opinions and sensual desires; a case by no means uncommon in the world. Matthew 13:11. τὰ μυστήρια: the word, as here used, might suggest the idea of a mysterious esoteric doctrine concerning the Kingdom of God to be taught only to a privileged inner circle. Prophets —As Moses, Isaiah, and Daniel.. Kings —As David, Josiah, and Hezekiah.. Second aorist active infinitive of γινωσκω — ginōskō The word μυστηριον — mustērion is from μυστης — mustēs one initiated, and that from μυεω — mueō (μυω — muō), to close or shut (Latin, mutus). Proverbs 19:15 - Laziness casts into a deep sleep, And an idle man will suffer hunger. Copyright StatementJames Burton Coffman Commentaries reproduced by permission of Abilene Christian University Press, Abilene, Texas, USA. THE FIRST GREAT GROUP OF PARABLES. Again — The three following parables were proposed, not to the multitude, but peculiarly to the apostles: the two former of them relate to those who receive the gospel; the third, both to those who receive, and those who preach it. 1832. This is true of all that concerns the salvation of the soul. EASTERN WISE-MEN, OR MAGI, VISIT JESUS, THE NEW-BORN KING. He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven — The word “mysteries” in Scripture is not used in its classical sense - of religious secrets, nor yet of things incomprehensible, or in their own nature difficult to be understood - but in the sense of things of purely divine revelation, and, usually, things darkly announced under the ancient economy, and during all that period darkly understood, but fully published under the Gospel (1 Corinthians 2:6-10; Ephesians 3:3-6, Ephesians 3:8, Ephesians 3:9). They made these phylacteries broad, that they might be thought more zealous for the law than others. BibliographySchaff, Philip. The two classes are, as in this case, separated by their own choice. in Matthew 13:13, διὰ τοῦτο, therefore.— ὑμῖν, to you) who have.— τὰ μυστήρια, the mysteries) This term is applied, not to all things which all ought to know from revelation, but to those things which they, to whom secret things are revealed, know beyond those who know only what is strictly necessary.— ἐκείνοις, to them) who are without, in contradistinction to ὑμῖν, you, who are within. https: (9) the mystery of iniquity 2 Thessalonians 2:7; Matthew 13:33. First, the comparison is undoubtedly intended by Christ to exhibit the magnitude of the grace bestowed on his disciples, in having specially received what was not given indiscriminately to all. The SEVENTY, as being a temporary symbol, now recede forever from view. on Click the Bible for the all new!! Abilene Christian University Press, Abilene, Texas, USA. For more than 400 years after Jesus Christ, the canon of Scripture, as now generally received by Protestants, remained unsettled. Matthew 13:11 The King and the Kingdom; Matthew 13:11 The Twelve Mysteries of God; Matthew 13:3-9 Perseverance; Matthew 13:13-18 The Church; Matthew 13:10-16 The Consummation of the Age; Matthew 13:10-17 The Responsive Heart; Matthew 13:11 The Difference Between the Kingdom and the Church; Matthew 14:1-12 Martyrdom of John the Baptist : but Christ here calls the wise men themselves such. A gift of God, is here said to be bestowed on one class of hearers (you), and not bestowed on another (them). (602) οὐ δέδοται, it is not given) sc. ‘To you’ is emphatic. See the Daniel 6:17 note, and Matthew 27:66 note. Compare in John’s Gospel those who have been ‘given to Him by the Father’, and thus those who in contrast have not (John 6:37; John 6:39; John 10:29) And these who have been given to Him are those who believe (John 6:40). Cf. E.M. Zerr's Commentary on Selected Books of the New Testament. New York, USA. 1851. The verses Matthew 2:6 Matthew 2:15 Matthew 2:18 give us three different kinds of prophecy. BibliographyJ. “Abraham rejoiced to see my day, and he saw it and was glad.” Compare also 1 Peter 1:10-12; Hebrews 11:13. And it came to pass, when Jesus had made an end of commanding his twelve disciple--rather, "the twelve disciples," he departed thence to teach and to preach in their cities--This was scarcely a … From Matthew 13:17, we learn, that many prophets and righteous men had desired to see and hear these things, but had not that privilege - to them it was not given; not because God designed to exclude them from salvation, but because He who knew all things knew, either that they were not proper persons, or that that was not the proper time: for the choice of the Persons by whom, and the choice of the Time in which it is most proper to reveal Divine things, must ever rest with the all-wise God. Matthew Poole's English Annotations on the Holy Bible. BibliographyCalvin, John. Plain; evident and clear to their minds; or, right, just and good. "John Wesley's Explanatory Notes on the Whole Bible". Mark and Luke do not state the “fact,” but affirm that he spoke with this “intention” - implying that such “was” the result. Here Mark 4:11 also has hina while Matthew 13:13 has ινα — hoti (because). The thing might be “plain” enough if revealed, but it means simply that it “had” not been before made known. Pharisees and Sadducees, and explains his meaning. The unbelievers were not able to understand what He had to reveal since they had refused to accept more basic Revelation , namely, about Jesus and the imminence of the kingdom. The derivation is from μύειν, ‘to close the lips.’ The initiated are called μεμυημένοι or τέλειοι (fully instructed); the use of the latter word may be applied to the same conception in 1 Corinthians 2:6, σοφίαν λαλοῦμεν ἐν τοῖς τελείοις … θεοῦ σοφίαν ἐν μυστηρίῳ κεκρυμμένην. It has been reinterpreted in the light of more advanced spiritual conceptions. College Press, Joplin, MO. Matthew 13:11. They are the purposes that are hid in God, which man can only know by the help of divine teaching, and which the gospel unveils. "E.W. BibliographyEllicott, Charles John. But those initiated knew them. 1765. Copyright StatementThe Robertson's Word Pictures of the New Testament. John 13:11 - For He knew the one who was betraying Him; for this reason He said, 'Not all of you are clean.' Matthew 24:24 "For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect. Test drive it and tell us about your experience. Superior knowledge was given to the disciples of Christ: they improved it, however slowly, and the promise was that it should be greatly increased. But to them who have not, it is not given - Therefore speak I in parables, that ye may understand, while they do not understand. "Commentary on Matthew 13:11". Symbols of pre-eminence and authority. Comp. Those ideas had been proved occasions of offence, and therefore, for the present, the Teacher falls back upon a method of more exoteric instruction. The mysteriousness arises mainly from the sinful state of man; yet God for wise purposes often withholds the revelation without which these things remain ‘mysteries.’ The great mystery is Christ Himself (1 Timothy 3:16), making peace between God and man, between man and man (Jew and Gentile; Ephesians 3:4-11). (4) the mystery of N.T. And that no one may dare to murmur, Paul declares, in that passage that whatever may be the effect of the Gospel, its savor, though deadly, is always a sweet savor to God. Home > Interlinear Bible > Search Results. BibliographyScofield, C. I. The answer is that we may, and the reason is that we have both the illustration (the parable) and the thing illustrated with us which is the church and the Gospel, and we can show the comparison. They are called μυστήρια, because their ἀποκάλυψις was now being brought about for the first time by means of the gospel. It will perhaps be objected, that this is inconsistent with that prophecy, I have not spoken in secret, nor in a dark corner: I said not in vain to the seed of Jacob, Seek me, https: As they journeyed from the east, i.e. Compare Revelation 22:20. (Matthew 13:12) Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand. Click the Bible for the all new!! See also Philippians 3:15; Hebrews 5:14. This cure represents the work of Christ's grace upon the soul. The Jews had many opportunities of learning the truth, and some light still lingered among them; but they were gross and sensual, and misimproved them, and it was a just judgment that they should be deprived of them. "Commentary on Matthew 13:11". BibliographyBengel, Johann Albrecht. The Old Testament had taught many things about the coming Kingly Rule, but it had had to be in a form that was not fully or properly understood (although the idea was grasped in general on a basis within their level of understanding), nor could have been, because the people were limited by the level of their concepts at the time. Mark 13:35 - Therefore, be on the alert—for you do not know when the master of the house is coming, whether in the evening, at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or in the morning— on "Scofield Reference Notes (1917 Edition)". BibliographyHaydock, George Leo. "Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible". ‘To you’ is emphatic. Matthew 13:44. Had he clearly and fully stated them to the Jews, they would have taken his life long before they did. Here Mark 4:11 also has hina while Matthew 13:13 has ινα — hoti (because). The knowledge of these mysteries, in the first instance, can be given only to a few; but when these faithfully write and publish what they have heard and seen, unto the world, then the science of salvation is revealed and addressed to all. It is not given to them to know the purport and design of these things - they are gross of heart, earthly and sensual, and do not improve the light they have received: but to you it is given, because I have appointed you not only to be the first preachers of my Gospel to sinners, but also the persons who shall transmit accounts of all these things to posterity. Such plays are still enacted among the Basque mountaineers. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use our convenient, Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament, The Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, John Etheridge Translation of the Peshitta, James Murdock Translation of the Peshitta, because it is given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, It is given unto you to know the mysteries, etc. (Witham). So Jesus here explains that his parables are open to the disciples, but shut to the Pharisees with their hostile minds. Verse 1. angels (See Scofield "Hebrews 1:4 ").. Verse 5. mystery (See Scofield "Matthew 13:11 "). What they had not then conceived of was that it would actually be in Heaven (and then in a new Heaven and a new earth - 2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:1 where all the promises concerning ‘earth’ could be fulfilled, and Abraham and his seed could receive the promises - Hebrews 11:13-16). 1887. on A gift of God, is here said to be bestowed on one class of hearers (you), and not bestowed on another (them). In Philemon 4:12 Paul says: “I have learned the secret or been initiated” (μεμυημαι — memuēmai). Matthew 12:43-45. In this latter sense the term was used in the Middle Ages of miracle-plays - rude dramas representing scenes from scripture and from the apocryphal gospels. "Commentary on Matthew 13:11". Have patience, and be content in the mean while with a learned ignorance. Parables serve the double purpose of revealing and concealing; presenting 'the mysteries of the kingdom' to those who know and relish them, though in never so small a degree, in a new and attractive light; but to those who are insensible to spiritual things yielding only, as so many tales, some temporary entertainment. Talking to them about a heavenly kingdom would have been like talking to a Central African native about snow and ice. to comprehend mysteries fully and clearly.(603). Bibliography"Commentary on Matthew 13:11". "Mystery," as used in the New Testament, referred to things concerning the kingdom of God, hidden from all previous generations; but then, in Christ, revealed to the apostles, and later to all mankind (Romans 16:25-27; 1 Corinthians 2:7,8). is permanently given. Matthew 7:15-note "Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. Charles Schribner's Sons. … No other reason will be found for this distinction, except that God calls to himself those whom he has gratuitously elected. And lo, I am with you all days, even to the end of the world. Therefore many of them believed. To the Greek, μυστήρια would recall the associations of Eleusis and Samothrace, and so necessarily bring a part of the mystic thought into Christianity; only, however, to contrast the true Christian mysticism, which is open to all (νῦν δὲ ἐφανερώθη τοῖς ἁγίοις αὐτοῦ, Colossians 1:27), with the secresy and exclusiveness of the pagan mysteries. Joseph had obeyed the command given at Matthew 2:13, and God kept the promise contained therein. Because they seeing, see not - Mark Mark 4:12 and Luke Luke 8:10 say, “That seeing, they may not see etc. https: Matthew 16:13-20 The people’s opinion, and Peter’s confession, of Christ. "Commentary on Matthew 13:11". It is given unto you to know the mysteries, etc. John Trapp Complete Commentary. 1863-1878. T. Bab. John 3:27 - John answered and said, 'A man can receive nothing unless it has been given him from heaven. ], to presumption [Note: Matthew 4:6. It is given unto you to know the mysteries, etc. Coffman Commentaries on the Old and New Testament. Where this gospel mystery has been preached, sin alone hides it from men; however much may remain not fully revealed to us. Finding the new version too difficult to understand? Mark calls them "them that are without"; who are not in the number of God's elect; nor within the covenant of grace, nor among the disciples of Christ; referring to a common way of speaking among the Jews, who used to call the Gentiles, all without their land, "they that are without"; and indeed all within themselves that despised the rules and judgment of the wise men: but Christ here calls the wise men themselves such. To know. 11.] You; his disciples, who loved him and desired to understand his teaching. on He answered and said to them, "Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. The Pharisees, and Jews generally, were not prepared to receive the system, and would not have believed it, and therefore he purposely employed a kind of teaching which was intended for his apostles only. But the answer is easy: the word of God, in its own nature, is always bright, (179) but its light is choked by the darkness of men. Although even then it still remained to be further interpreted, even if they did not think so at the time, for that spoke of the worldwide Kingly Rule. The word "mysteries" [ musteeria (Greek #3466)] in Scripture is not used in its classical sense-of 'religious secrets,' nor yet of 'things incomprehensible, or in their own nature difficult to be understood'-but in the sense of 'things of purely divine revelation,' and, usually, 'things darkly announced under the ancient economy, and during all that period darkly understood, but fully published under the Gospel' (1 Corinthians 2:6-10; Ephesians 3:3-6; Ephesians 3:8-9). They were not to preach the gospel, and hence our Saviour was at particular pains to instruct his apostles in the system which they were to preach. This was important for them, as they were to carry the gospel around the globe. Matthew 5:21-26 He extendeth the precepts against murder, Matthew 5:27-32 adultery, Matthew 5:33-37 and false swearing, Matthew 5:38-42 exhorteth to suffer wrong patiently, Matthew 5:43-47 to love our enemies, Matthew 5:48 and to aim at perfection. "Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers". "Commentary on Matthew 13:11". And they had to be lest they got caught up in myths of the gods, a route that could have led them anywhere. "Commentary on Matthew 13:11". Bullinger's Companion bible Notes". "Commentary on Matthew 13:11". BibliographyMeyer, Heinrich. But He had now come to make those mysteries clear to those who were fitted to receive them. It is something puzzling now made clear. Commentary on Proverbs 13:3 (Read Proverbs 13:3) He that thinks before he speaks, that suppresses evil if he have thought it, keeps his soul from a great deal both of guilt and grief. Matthew 13:11 The Difference Between the Kingdom and the Church; Matthew 14:1-12 Martyrdom of John the Baptist; Matthew 14:13-21 Feeding the Five Thousand; Matthew 14:22-36 Christ and Human Nature; Matthew 15:1-20 The Religion of Hand Washing; Matthew 15:21-28 Getting Answers from God; Matthew 15:32 Jesus and Human Need ; Matthew 15:29-38 Bread in the Wilderness; Matthew 15:29 … https: 13:11, above, Christ referred to the hidden nature of God's eternal purpose for man's salvation. https: "The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge". A common feature in connection with new religious movements (vide on Matthew 7:15). 13:10-17 Our Lord Jesus attended upon public worship on the sabbaths. Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary. BibliographyEdwards, Justin. (180) There are two ways in which he deprives them of the light of his doctrine. Therefore many of them believed. 24. (See Vincent, “In the Shadow of the Pyrenees.”). The duration of the affliction (as in Acts 9:33), the symptoms of permanent curvature of the spine, the very form of the two participles, bent together. They did not want their ideas to be based on myths, but on history. Now our Lord, who was privy to the secret and sovereign dispensation of God, who, of his own will and pleasure, had determined to give a spiritual and saving knowledge of divine things to some, and deny it to others, made this the rule of his conduct in his ministry; that is to say, he preached in parables to some without an explication, whilst he spoke plainly to others; and, if in parables, yet gave them an interpretation, and an understanding of them. https: Copyright StatementThe New John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible Modernised and adapted for the computer by Larry Pierce of Online Bible. I have not spoken in secret, nor in a dark corner: I said not in vain to the seed of Jacob, Seek me, is a lamp to the feet, and that it giveth wisdom to little children, Greek Testament Critical Exegetical Commentary, Heinrich Meyer's Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, Johann Albrecht Bengel's Gnomon of the New Testament, Matthew Poole's English Annotations on the Holy Bible, Justin Edwards' Family Bible New Testament, Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges, Schaff's Popular Commentary on the New Testament, George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible - Unabridged, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, E.M. Zerr's Commentary on Selected Books of the New Testament, "Jesus spoke in parables in order to make his teaching easier to be understood by the people. Acts 9:9 - And he was three days without sight, and neither ate nor drank. These files were made available by Mr. Ernie Stefanik. The first is direct, and relates whollyto an event which was yet future; the second is a case where an "act"described is symbolic of another later and larger act; the last is acase where WORDS describing another later act, though the actsthemselves may bear small resemblance. To the others it was not “then” given. Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary. 1832. He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. By our words we must be justified or condemned, Matthew 12:37. Matthew 12:43-45. Search Tools. He answered, and said unto them,.... Christ was always ready to give an answer to his inquiring disciples, concerning his ministry, and his conduct in it; which shows great respect to them, and condescension in him: because it is given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven: by the "kingdom of heaven", is meant the Gospel, which treats of the kingdom of heaven, and of things pertaining to it; of the saints' meetness for it, which is the regenerating and sanctifying grace of the Spirit; and of their right to it, which lies in the justifying righteousness of Christ. “The mysteries of the kingdom of heaven,” then, mean those glorious Gospel truths which at that time only the more advanced disciples could appreciate, and they but partially. "Whedon's Commentary on the Bible". John 19:17 - They took Jesus, therefore, and He went out, bearing His own cross, to the place called the Place of a Skull, which is called in Hebrew, Golgotha. MYSTERIES of the kingdom mentioned here refer generally to Christ's redemptive message which appeared mysterious enough to those secular and materialistic persons who had no proper conception of the Messiah's purpose. Such is the import of those dreadful threatenings, in which Isaiah forewarns, that he will be to the people a barbarian, speaking in a foreign and unknown language; that the prophetical visions will be to the learned a shut and sealed book, in which they cannot read; and that when the book shall be opened, all will be unlearned, and will remain in amazement, through inability to read, (Isaiah 28:11.) Matthew 13:11. A hen gathering her chickens under her wings, is an apt emblem of the Saviour's tender love to those who trust in him, and his faithful care of them. The Bishop's Bible (1568)ARRAY(0x557a07f8c890), Easy-to-Read VersionARRAY(0x557a07f81bf8), Hebrew Names VersionARRAY(0x557a07f8cae8), International Standard VersionARRAY(0x557a07f8d6d0), John Etheridge Translation of the PeshittaARRAY(0x557a07f8d4f0), King James Version (1611)ARRAY(0x557a07f8d310), American Standard VersionARRAY(0x557a07f8cff8), Bible in Basic EnglishARRAY(0x557a07f8ce18), English Revised VersionARRAY(0x557a07f8cc38), Contemporary English VersionARRAY(0x557a07f94700), The Complete Jewish BibleARRAY(0x557a07f948e0), English Standard VersionARRAY(0x557a07f94ca0), The Geneva Bible (1587)ARRAY(0x557a07f94e80), George Lamsa Translation of the PeshittaARRAY(0x557a07f95060), Good News TranslationARRAY(0x557a07f95240), Holman Christian StandardARRAY(0x557a07f95420), James Murdock Translation of the PeshittaARRAY(0x557a07fda518), J.P. Green Literal TranslationARRAY(0x557a07fda968), Miles Coverdale Bible (1535)ARRAY(0x557a07fdab48), Mace New Testament (1729)ARRAY(0x557a07fdad28), New American Standard VersionARRAY(0x557a07fdaf50), New International VersionARRAY(0x557a07fdb358), New Living TranslationARRAY(0x557a07fdf150), New Revised StandardARRAY(0x557a07fdf510), The Emphasised BibleARRAY(0x557a07fdf6f0), Revised Standard VersionARRAY(0x557a07fdfab0), Updated Bible Version 1.9ARRAY(0x557a07fe2c18), Wesley's New Testament (1755)ARRAY(0x557a07fe31b8), Weymouth New TestamentARRAY(0x557a07fe3398), The Wycliffe Bible (1395)ARRAY(0x557a07fe3578), Young's Literal TranslationARRAY(0x557a07fe3758), Lexham English BibleARRAY(0x557a07fe3b18). Renewal 1960. Matthew 13:11. δέδοται] by God, through the unfolding, that is, of your inward powers of perception, not merely by means of the exposition (Weizsäcker, p. 413). Christ loved his disciples, for he chose and ordained them to be the prime instruments of his glory and honour in the world ( John 15:16 ): I have chosen you, and ordained you, His love to them appeared, "Coffman Commentaries on the Old and New Testament". So Isaiah and the prophets looked forward to the coming of the Messiah as the consummation of their wishes and the end of the prophecies, Revelation 19:10. but to them it is not given — (See on Matthew 11:25). Copyright StatementThese files are a derivative of an electronic edition prepared from text scanned by Woodside Bible Fellowship.This expanded edition of the Jameison-Faussett-Brown Commentary is in the public domain and may be freely used and distributed. Because it is (‘hath been and is’) given to you. The greater mysteries are: (1) The mysteries of the kingdom of heaven Matthew 13:3-50. in ib. The ‘mystery’ had been a necessity in Old Testament days, because the people did not have the kind of background that would have enabled them to understand heavenly truth baldly stated. & Gloss. The gospel and the classes. BibliographyBullinger, Ethelbert William. Even with all His warnings His disciples still thought in terms of an earthly victory and an earthly kingdom wrought by the power of Jesus (Matthew 20:20-23; Matthew 24:3; Luke 22:24; Acts 1:6) so that Jesus had to bring them ‘down to earth’ and remove their false presumptions (Matthew 20:25-28; Luke 22:25-27). "Commentary on Matthew 13:11". The kingdom had not yet been started when Jesus spoke to the multitudes and hence it was not time to introduce them to all of its mysteries or un-revealed truths. The mysteries of the kingdom of God are not disclosed to the Scribes and Pharisees, who were unwilling to believe in him, (though it was the duty and occupation of the Scribes to expound the sacred oracles to others) but to those who adhered closely to Christ, and believed in him: let us therefore run in company with the apostles to Jesus Christ, that he may disclose to us the mysteries of his gospel. BibliographyPett, Peter. "Abbott's Illustrated New Testament". Jesus restated His reason for using parables in terms of human perception rather than divine intention (cf. Not Yet a Member? Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Test drive it and tell us about your experience. Tons more resources, better tools, NIV84 and easier navigation. While the other word conveys the idea of simple wakefulness, this adds the idea of alertness. How much more would this have been so had He taught the same things openly to the crowds (John 6:14-15 brings out how easily that could have become a danger). The command given to the apostles and their successors in the ministry is, Go ye, therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, &c. teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. Matthew 4:21 (A.V., “ mending nets”); Galatians 6:1 (A.V., “ restore such a one”); Hebrews 13:21 (“make you perfect ”; and so 2 Corinthians 13:11; 1 Peter 5:10). Paul will use it freely of the mystery once hidden, but now revealed, now made known in Christ (Romans 16:25; 1 Corinthians 2:7, etc.). Copyright StatementThese files are public domain and are a derivative of an electronic edition that is available on the Christian Classics Ethereal Library Website. https: Still it remains a fixed principle, that the word of God is not obscure, except so far as the world darkens it by its own blindness. 15 And after the reading of the law and the prophets the rulers of the synagogue sent unto them, saying, Ye men and brethren, if ye have any word of exhortation for the people, say on. https: Bp. "The New John Gill Exposition of the Entire Bible". χρόνοις αἰωνίοις σεσιγημένον, φανερωθὲν δὲ νῦν) and inner counsels, which strangers must not know. Because it is (‘hath been and is’) given to you. It was literally fulfilled in the time of Isaiah. Christ turned to teaching in parables after opposition developed against his divine mission; and this verse shows that Christ designed the parables, at least in part, to conceal his teachings from those who were not sincerely seeking to know and do his will. BibliographyCoffman, James Burton. "Calvin's Commentary on the Bible". 13:11 He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. https: 24. . on That (hina). https: Part of the mystery here explained is how so many people who have the opportunity to enter the kingdom fail to do so because of manifest unfitness. https: οὐ δέδοται = ἐν παραβολαῖς Luke, and τὰ πάντα γίνεται Mark. https: 1840-57. Lightfoot on Colossians 1:21-28. Matthew Poole's English Annotations on the Holy Bible. They are therefore able to receive. By little and little, in this way, he prepared many even of the Jews to receive the truth; by the only possible way of ever gaining access to their minds. . God appointed the Jews to make fringes upon their garments, Matthew 13:11. Standard Publishing Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. The Kingdom of Heaven, like other Kingdoms, has its secrets ( μυστήριον,—see a definition by St. Paul in Romans 16:25 f.,—viz. BibliographyClarke, Adam. οὐραν.] https: The SEVENTY, as being a temporary symbol, now recede forever from view. Many prophets and righteous men … - They wished to see the times of the Messiah. The harmless and innocent stories which the Great Teacher told gave nothing at all for the Pharisees' spies to report. "Schaff's Popular Commentary on the New Testament". "Commentary on Matthew 13:11". 1879-90. Greek. Test drive it and tell us about your experience. With respect to the Gospel, Paul affirms with truth, that it is hidden to none but to the reprobate, and to those who are devoted to destruction, whose minds Satan hath blinded, (2 Corinthians 4:3.) See Numbers 24:17; Daniel 12:3. Of the kingdom of heaven. Copyright StatementThese files are public domain and are a derivative of an electronic edition that is available on the Christian Classics Ethereal Library Website. Appeareth in a dream to Joseph in Egypt. BibliographyTorrey, R. A. Parables serve the double purpose of revealing and concealing; presenting “the mysteries of the kingdom” to those who know and relish them, though in never so small a degree, in a new and attractive light; but to those who are insensible to spiritual things yielding only, as so many tales, some temporary entertainment. (St. Matthew xxviii. See also Mark 4:10-12; Luke 8:9-10. By mystery, secret is always meant in the New Testament (see for example Matthew 13:11, Ephesians 5:32, and here ch. They “believed”--a little word, but a great thing--the step by which they passed from condemnation to peace; from the house on the sand before it fell, to the rock. See Though the Law was concealed, as it were, by a kind of veil, yet the truth, of God shone brightly in it, if the eyes of many had not been blinded. From him that improves them not, it is proper that they should be taken away. Of this nature was the truth that the gospel was to be preached to the Gentiles; that the Jewish polity was to cease; that the Messiah was to die, etc. 7 And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet. Matthew 16:21-23 Jesus foreshows his own death, and rebuketh Peter for. Jesus replied that the reason that He treated the disciples differently from the crowds was because it was given to them to know and have unfolded to them the ‘mysteries of the Kingly Rule of Heaven’, while it was not so given to the crowds. In the time of Christ the people had the same character. To know the mysteries (γνωναι τα μυστηρια — gnōnai ta mustēria). But here He specifies the Holy Spirit who, being God, is the greatest good we could imagine. ], to presumption [Note: Matthew 4:6. 1983-1999. Home > Commentaries > Coffman Commentaries > Matthew > Chapter 13. (Just as the Saracens mocked when Christian knights told them how they had walked their horses across water (frozen rivers). Megilla, fol. "George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary". “Mysteria nuda,” mysteries without the clothing of the parabolic form or guise.—ED. And they are then given things because they ask and go on asking (Matthew 7:7) and because they show compassion (Luke 6:38) and are therefore in a state to learn. , who come to make those mysteries clear to their minds ; or, right Just... The object always dearest to the Pharisees with their hostile minds sorts of and... 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