Assalaamu Alaikum.Congratulations on your website. We congratulate you on your decision, welcome Alhamdulillah! I hope your work will pay off in the end. I think every one will practice to fulfil their labour. What a wonderful site. Your favorites list is empty. ASSALAMU ALAIKUM. Allah Haifz. this site changed my life that was in danger, & I PRAY ALLAH to bless u & mprotect u. this article is really helpfull so keep it up. to Islam, you may read this article “The Keep on Even the most recent books, the Torah and the Gospel were adulterated and hence Asslaamualaicom.. May god help all of us and the people coming to Islam and show the right path and brotherhood and mutual harmony. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. I suggest that we use and propagate the notion of "revert" to Islam because every human being is born as a Muslim. Copyright © 2006 - 2020 People interested in the teachings of Islam sometimes find that the religion and lifestyle resonate in a way that makes them consider converting to the faith in a formal way. Please keep try to read the holy quran and sunna to deepen our knowledge in islam, my brother and sister. ALLAHUAKBAR! Those people are too close to the truth but they do not want to admit it. Micahel H. Hart has described Muhammad as the most influential human is history because of his activities as a social reformer, diplomat, philosopher, orator, merchant, military leader, philanthropist and legislator. You people ar doing a great job,may the almighty Allah (SWA) bless and reward you abudantly, with the best kind of reward of Aljantul firdausi. I have passed on this website to many Muslim / non-Muslim frients, Jazak Allah. Muhammad Daffa Aulia. Your decision to convert/revert to Islam should be based on knowledge, certainty, acceptance, submission, truthfulness, and sincerity. I wish you would live long, who were involved in making this website so that you can do more & more for the sake of Islam & Muslims. Before embracing Islam, be sure to spend time studying the faith, reading books, and learning from other Muslims. I founded here what i need, i hope to declare Shahaada front of my muslim brothers as soon possible. May Allah Open the hearts of all world nations to the wise and the peace of Islam . I hope and pray that you will continue to spread the good news of Islam in many more languages. Well done guys , well done brothers , Maasha allah , let more people to accept or to understand the Islamic religion , of post again in your blog". But I realized that I'm not a good moslem as I have been doing some mistakes and sins, keep anger and hatred, but I never stop to say "astaghfirullah" and try to find something/someone who can guide me to the right path of life: Islam. Some of them are: •      One I feel hopelessness and sadness and fear- I am searching for inner peace and tranquility. What is Islam? Want to become a Muslim n the way forward to go about it, Assamualaikum I’m under the impression that majority of the world has excepted the chaos that has been created for us to live amongst but yet I feel my search for peace is a never ending journey., to Imraan van Deventer Indeed. Thanks again, One feels this personal relationship and At first I fealt nervous to declare, because in my country, muslims are so hated because of the wars in missle east and several terrorist attacks; but I was approuched by another muslim and they told me that I am actually in one of the best situations to become a muslim. This is the best news that I have come across the whole day. It is very hard due to not knowing any arabic so for now I am saying my surahs in english, but I will be attending university where I will be learning arabic and getting involved with more of my muslim sisters and brothers through school. May Allah grant you his highest reward for creating this sight, that millions of muslims and muslims to be, Alhamdulillah!!!!!!!!! But if you have studied Islam and considered the issue carefully, there are prescribed steps you can follow to formally declare your Muslim faith.Â. ALLAH BLESS YOU ALL FOR DOING GOOD WORK TO SPREAD ALLAH'S CHOOSEN RELIGION. many more non muslim to the religion of ALLAH. Some of the proofs Islam offers are: the Hello, You should please try to include some articles written by some great scholars in your page. (part 1 of 4): The Core of Islam, The Benefits of Converting to Islam Converting to Islam is easy. Assalamo-Aleikum. Thank you so much for this site. I bear witness that this site is helping muslims (islam), may Allah help us all. . If one wants to embrace Islam, he/she can do so after following the procedures of the Ministry of Justice and other local government authorities; which in most cases, is the judicial department or court. i never used to think much about religion but i have reached a stage in my life where i want to decide what is and is not for me and i feel as tho Islam really could be the one for me. Im already a muslim i wanna be complete muslim insha Allah you may help. All rights reserved. Muhammad is the last prophet of the religion Islam who was Allah’s messenger in the spreading of His word. I am hear to find other Muslims for support & friendship in my journey. For this reason, Islam is the true ‘natural religion’, very useful information, habibi. I just used this link, and boy what a WONDERFUL experience it was! If you would like to learn more about these and Masha Allah. Thank you, this will help them understand why we have chose this faith and hopefully they will one day convert as well. i have posted it to my non muslim brother who has get very help from it the article is very helpful to muslim and non muslim to both jazakallah. May Allah help you in your work. mentioned in the Quran that later came to pass, the unmet challenge of the feel distress and turn to God, Prophet Muhammad’s Last Sermon: A Final Admonition, Craig Robertson, Ex-Catholic, Canada (part 2 of 2): Learning Hi, im a non-muslim, but researching islam before i convert. save your souls... believe in allah... Almighty Allah shower his blessings on you for such a wonderful site you have created. Your post will be very helpful to the new Muslim Masha Allah. In this manner he would only buy hatred from his Christian peer. isn’t that great so why don’t we people spread this message all over the world and no doubt all the non believers are going to revert to this glorious religion of god as per the holy Quran. thank you for the useful reading, it really made me understand what i really am . them and they will be pleased with Him. allah hafiz. It seems the more knowledge i consume within i feel a connection so deeply i cannot describe in words! May Allah lead you on the straight path. Paradise (Heaven). I feel so welcomed and loved !!!!!!!! May Allah bless you for the good work being done by u. sent you (O Muhammad) but to all mankind as a giver of good news and as a May Almighty Bless all of us & guide us on the correct path. As_salam_alaikum. May Allah reward you for this site! But no problem for me. The most briliant, gracefull, usefull, prominent and safe & sound way to be rescused and a It is soothing and encouraging... may Allah bless your efforts I wish you all the best, you must add that Abraham is the first Muslem. It requires dedication to learning and practicing an acceptable Islamic lifestyle:Â, If at some point you wish to go for Hajj (pilgrimage), a "certificate of Islam" may be required to prove that you are a Muslim (only Muslims are allowed to visit the city of Mecca.) may Allah with all time. So we should prey god the real god(assuming most of us are following religions (Christianity or Islam ) that we have adopted from our ancestors and not by studying them) that please grant us the right path as we are humans and do not have power to study all the religions and then decide which one is right. You are shining beacons. Some people may postpone their conversion to I use to question Islam because that is what I was taught but after 59 Years I am so ashamed of how my country excepts homosexuality, Abortion, woman disrespecting a man's manhood. Alhamdu lillah this site its the best. Mashallah Maasha Allah May Allah bless you all who is working for the work of Allah on this site. Hope to see more sites of this kind. I hope I will see this type In my opinion, no other religion on earth is more dedicated to God, but a Muslim. I am extremely happy that the people of the present world are becoming aware of the facts about the religion of god and of course the benefits people are able to achieve with the help of this outstanding religion "Islam”. I sincerely commended your effort in propagating Islam to the high esteem, this will help the Muslims world to benefit through, of what was sent on this media. salam alikomwa rahmato allahi wa barakatoho I have decided to take the name Abrar as I embrace my faith and begain serving Allah (praise be onto his name for he is most mercifull). Now that I accept Islam as 1 God , I am very greatful and welcomed!!! Mashallah my brother. It truly brought tears to my eyes while reading these comments. In addition to that, it gives a brief overview of Islam, the faith of 1.7 billion people, and sheds light on the benefits of converting. Islam is not a new religion because ‘submission Likewise same is the case with that Christian boy he might not be able to win your heart by best of his knowledge about Christianity. Read how to convert to Islam in the UAE. Alhamdulillah. Your traditions are beautiful and we must discover the common points between our religions. Any help and advice about it is welcome and information on how to reach out in worship. Asalaam'walaikum..i just started to learn about islam and converted into islam. I like this religion, it is promising and reliable. It shows easy and simple ways to know all about Islaam. Thank you for your information. mabuhay to all my Muslim brothers and sisters!.". A good effort and may ALLAH s.w.t bless all your effort and jihad for the ummah. I'm Christian, and I've got the same, Faith GOD is the ONLY ONE to be WORSHIP by Humankind, I don't believe anyone, just GOD, I think I've been on wrong religion since I born, and I don.t know if is too late, to became a Muslim. I request you please don't convert islam you convert any religious but don't convert Islam religious. the Judgment Day (Resurrection Day) is true and will come. I always try to find the truth of Islam. After reading the Quran, so many question that I yearin to find the answers to for over 43 years of my life were in the Quran. I am looking for more informations regarding daily prayer*. MashAllah Alhamdulillah w AShokruliallah I found this piece worth, thanks for sharing your knowledge. religion that completely appeals to common sense. The I am curious about being Muslim and would like information on the subject . so we may help you in pronouncing it right and to provide you with important I thank Allah (most merciful) for everything in my life everyday the five times im required and occasionally at the middle of the night. December 22, 2002 Alhamdulillah i became a Moslem. Benefits of Converting to Islam (3 parts)”. (4 parts)”. La illaha Illa la, Muhammadan rasullu la. Though non-Muslim consider him a man who was the founder of Islam, Quran teachings imply that he was the restorer of the monotheism faith of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Mosses, Jesus and other prophets. may peace be upon you. Every Muslim knows several, if not dozens, who chose to convert to Islam as a young adult or even later in life. Therefore Whish the best to ALL human beings. Jazzaakallahu khairan, brilliant info, very appealing :) mashallah, may allah reward those who have made this web and also those who have participated in it Ameen :). Thanks for this wonderful message .. May Allah bless the people who have made this site. i think it's very good site .it helps me a lot for spread the letter of islam to some freinds whom want to embrace my allah help you to continue this better work. My Friend introduces me to ISLAM. similarly to all the brothers and sisters who were responsible for establishing this informative website, may allah reward you all for this noble task. May Allah bless you for the good work being done by u. Allah accept your efforts Ameen, regards, s nooruddin. Why do priests convert to Islam? islam is the best and it will remain the best, Ass.Wr.Wb. I found this site thru "TVquran" Allah bless you all. Muslim New articles are added every week. Discovering beauty of islam through this site. Till this day 5 years later I still read it every day and Allah swt blesses me through His holy word. המאמר / הסרטון שביקשת אינו קיים עדיין. We should to be an example. I wish to thank all of those who wrote to say AlHaq and I will be so glad to recieve emails from all of you May Allah Bless You (Ameen)! How to Convert to Islam To enter the fold of Islam, all one needs to do is to pronounce the testimony of faith (shahaadah) with sincere conviction, being fully aware of its meaning. "Convert" is the English word most often used for one who embraces a new religion after practicing another faith. I'm an convert from Christianity to Islam, and let me say, it was a good decision. that there is only One True God and He alone is to be worshipped. I wish you all at this site the best. send before you (O Muhammad) any messenger but We revealed to him: ‘none has I am born in Christian faith, but I found that Islam is the true.. coz I believe in oneness of God and Mohammad(pbuh)is the last prophet of God.. assalam oualikom wa rahmatu allah . I just find this web site. may muslims increase noverrun the earth. May we all brothers n sisters be a part of brighted big moslem family. is Truth”. I have not started to wear my hijab yet but hopefully in the next week I will learn how to wear it. Conversion to a new religion is not a step to be taken lightly, especially if the philosophy greatly differs from what you are familiar with. better to do it with the help of one of our advisors through the “Live Help”, This category is on: How to Convert to Islam. i would like to know more about convert to islam can express their feelings. Then I found this website and so grateful as I can learn more about Islam and hope I can spread my knowledge to other people. MAASSA ALLAH.SHUKRIYA TO THOSE WHO HAVE READ IT . May Allah reward you all for your belief in Islam and your good deeds, including coming forward as Muslims. Share your story to find camaraderie and to inspire others. person realizes the true purpose of his or her life, which is to recognize God Jazakah allah, May Allah bless u and ur family. Praise be to Allah SWT that has guided us and made us of the muslims. Shahada i truely believed in slam mashala Allah. Last year I recited the Shahada and accepted Muhammad (PBUH) as the true messanger of God. – DALIA SABIANO, SARA, PHILIPPINE. mashallah what a brilliant site. am sure that Allah is proud of that work Please continue this site and Allah enter us in Jannah... Aameen. Prophet sent by God to humankind. So the question is who will decide what religion should be followed / adopted. Paul, Masaha allah you are doing noble task which is every muslim duty may allah reward you good health and sucess AMEEN, Mashallah it is very good effort for promoting Islam.we pray for you, I think this website is very instructional and informative and especially for nonmulisms and aone wants to commuicate Islam Iw0uld most grateful if you could more infomtion especially about jesus, Assalamoualaikoum. I have always wanted to become a Muslim from the time I was twelve, and that was for years ago. You have done a great job to convey Islam to people around the world so easy to understand I just wish you all the best and please carry on your mission, May Allah Bless You, Aamen. Its very good to see this and i am very happy that i am learning more in details. Learn more about Zakat and how to calculate it. Good work , May Allah bless you all for thy valuable efforts of 3): Happiness is Found in Sincere Worship, The Search for Inner Peace (part 1 of 4): The Obstacles to Achieving Inner Peace. i have not had the best of lives and i certainly do not not have a very plain and simple and good history but after finishing reading this i do feel as tho this is the religion for me. Thanks for this very informative piece on introducing Islam. May Allah bless you. God will be pleased with for your nice post . A website of the Cooperative Office for Dawah in Rawdah. How to embrace Islam How to embrace Islam. Koran i thought that the article was very well and would like to continue learning more as i am married to a muslim and want to become a muslim. the 7th day of the 7th year of this millenium, that made me laugh. Very good site . I have made up my mind to become a Muslim. Dua (Supplication) (part 1 of 4): What is Dua? Ameen. May Allah be Merciful to those who converted to the only true religion. This site is doing the same job.Only ALLAH can reward you for that.very good work. I wish you all success, and happy. It It is helping people a lot in increasing their Iman…. Allah bless the creator of this site. May God, the Al-Mighty open the hearts of the persons who seek to understand the Divine truth and adopt the straight path in their lives which is the Message of God, the One, the All-Knower and the All-Listener. May Allah SWT guide us all along the Right Path. My dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam, I love you all for the Sake of Allah Subhana wa T'Ala. thanks, I would love Tom convert with my son aswell his 19 months old. I told him to stop doing this. May His choicest blessings be bestowed on His final messenger Muhammad SAW. I have just converted to Muslim and want to know how I get my Islamic name, I feel there is nothing on earth better than peace. After reading from some comments It truly brought tears to my eyes. Strongly considering converting need a little insight. as sallamu aleykom. I trully believe that Islam is the only True religion. i really think this is a wonderful web! Much effort is here on this website. there are two types of convert one is the person doesn’t know anything about islam and converts because of looking rosy picture of Islam but once he or she discovers they most likely leave and second type of convert is the person who knows the real message of Islam and this type of convert are most likely to become radicals This website is for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam and Muslims. Alhamdulillaah to Be A Muslim. The site gives nice information. My friend that was with me asked " are you buying that book"? I have read all about Islam and is really quite interesting and I would love to learn more about islam, im a teenager and i notice most of my friends are muslims and i connect with them more than my chirstain friends only difference between me and them is they wear hijabs and know more about the religion, Ready to become a Muslim,with all my heart,No One to be worshiped but ALLAH ONLY,SALAAM ALKHUM. so Jazakom Allah and wish u all the best,hope to read new things as soon. Shahaadah: Declaration of Faith: Pillar of Islam. I am going threw this informations last few days & I found it is so informative for a beginer. In this case, please leave us your phone May Allah continue to bless you for all of your good work. Salam walaikum...Mashaallah very great article...Ahamdulillah im reverted islam last sept.29,2009 and my faith coming stronger and stronger..Inshaallah he will give me more knowledge and wisdom about Islam...Inshaallah i will make dawah in the future.. This is one of the best sites I've seen. :). I have learned a lot that I haven't known before coming to this site. I read all the guest comments that lot of non-Muslims are converting to Islam in various countries, such shows the preciousness of the website you have developed. converting to Islam, all of one’s previous sins are forgiven, and one starts a I need it. Oct 17, 2020 - From darkness to light. I am pleased to read. Islam claims to be the true way to God. Thank you very much for such information, helped me see the truth about islam as ive converted now. The way to become Muslim: I am happy that i am a moslem, also worshiping only one God, that is Allah and also to know your site, assalam alikum to all brothers and sisters excellent work u have done may ALLAH succeed u in ur all efforts and especially to giving most fabulous information about islam JAZAK ALLAH. its a good effort. Seek support from Muslims if available. I just wondering, i m so fall in love with this website because i finally could learn about islam slowly, i love being moslem even i m still not good as moslem but i'd like learn more and more. May Allah reward you people with Jannatul Firdaus, amin. promised to preserve His last revealed words so that it is a source of guidance eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard, and no mind has ever thought of. Now i still study about Islam. I am thinking of converting to Islam after a lot of thought and prayer. The Five Pillars of Islam is designed very perfectly and emphases on every part of our life like inner faith, physical acceptance, feeling hunger, helping needy and global brotherhood. May Allah SWT reward you for your efforts and through it eradicate much ignorance. im so happy that i now be able to read more about the true religion of ALLAH through this site, ALHAMDULILLAH! Mohammad. Really, such a great site i foiund. Aa wrLL wbrkt. I must say that you have taken excellent efforts to promote ' ISLAM' through this site. dwellers of Paradise will have ten times the like of this world, and they will - Believe that The two girls met their college classmate, … Asalamualaikum! Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh to the will of God’, i.e. Insha allah all unbelievered shall get faith to Allah. The real question is which is the right religion? Subhan allah! Ma sha ALLAH very good article, May ALLAH spread the true religion Islam. Wonderful site. " PROUD TO BE A MUSLIM " my convictions recently led me to recite a Shahada and revert to Islam. to Accept. I was introduce to the Quran about 6 months ago by a childhood friend. amen, Masha'a Allah, so amazing effort I, personally, intend to spread this site to many friends of mine. It's not always easy to explain as much as you can to someone, I am definitely going to read more and pass this on. Alhamdulillah i'm really happy with this type of correct information you are giving to the world i hope with Allah's permission it'll correct the misnomer some people attach to islam. Or maybe it was the feeling that I might one day experience in the heavens forvever. This information has been very useful. Wonderful website. And to ^Lindsey^, if you want to become a muslim, speak to any good well knowing muslim about becoming one, I am glad I made this choice , my dad died recently and I have been very hurt in the inside. It is a wonderful avenue for non muslims and muslims alike to learn about this deen, Al Islaam. Thank you so much for this website. and the prophesies of his coming in previous scriptures, the foretold events Ameen. Also, there are several very good articles which prove Islams truth. is aware that God knows everything and is there to assist him/her. Say the following words with clarity of intention, firm faith, and belief: Take a shower, symbolically cleansing yourself of your past life. JazakAllah. Alhamdulillah! Asalamu-alaikum! forms a personal and direct relationship with God by worshipping Him alone, Continue to learn, study, and grow in your new faith. But I hope that sometime after Christmas, with God willing, I will become a Muslim. The conclusion of the scientific theory was that one day ( no one knows when it is going to be ) the sun will arise in the West. We were three people sitting in the following manner. And Insha Allah it will gain momentum and become a powerful source of spreading message of Allaha through peaceful means. i am very thankful to all who organise this site. Thank you to all those of my brothers and sisters in Islam who have patiently endured that I might be led to committing to the one true faith. I am still learning how to pray the correct way. Abrar, I was amazed when I read the article on the front page from the clarity of language, it touched my heart...Thanks to the management of this site who gave me the opportunity to participate with this article. hope all the world become Muslims, A bit more by way of encouragement to a new Muslim adherent may be helpful. Excellent for information. ALLAHUAKBAR. Thats why i choose Islam and leave Christianity... The article/video you have requested doesn't exist yet. I was born a Muslim, but did not understand the substance until my own family members began to teach one another. barak allah feek....isA u will benefit from this and may you go to ferdous with the accompany of the ppl u have brought and enriched their faith of god back to them. I'm so glad to find this site. which lead the people of (part 1 of 3), Seven Common Questions about Islam (part 1 of 2). Need to read it.. thanks for sharing such an information with us... :), God bless all of you for teaching Islam Very Nice and interesting information for all.. I am sure a divine reward awaits you in paradise. Assalam.o.Alaikum, mashaAllah great post, keep publishing such nice articles. It's clear and precise. Its very good site .Allah bless you all who is working for the work of Allah on this site. The second part means that Muhammad was a true I ever read the book by Jerald F Dirk, which published in usa. See more ideas about islam, light in the dark, muslim converts. Late music composer Wajid Khan's wife, Kamalrukh Khan, has claimed she was subjected to "scare tactics" and was made an "outcast" by her in-laws after she refused to convert to Islam. 24. … an informed decision. There are no intermediaries or created beings to make May Allah bless you. They may think that things like changing their name, knowing May Allah be with you my brothers and sisters. achieves salvation from Hellfire, which all prophets have warned against. Christian laxmi sharma khan, hi just to add a comment i have just converted to islam , im now a proud muslim, im very please with your help, given to help me to convert to islam , thank you sincerly this is a wonderful web site thanks jennifer godbless. May Allah provide you His blessings & Mercy. Masha Allah, to everyone here.. especially the advisor Samy, she told and taught me a lot. I was shocked and felt very bad. I think it is so helpfull detail to know me very closely what is ISLAM, and what quality you may achive if convert to ISLAM. thaks for this website! I thank almighty Allah for showering His mercy on me to be a muslim. I DONT KNOW WHO CREATED THIS SITE BUT I RESPECT THOSE SPECIALS PERSON OF ALLAH SUBHANU WA TAKKADUS FOR THEIR SPLENDID EFFORT .. May Alllah fulfill ur good intentions.... best of luck......... Alhamdulila ya allah What was this Muslim guy trying to achieve here. Mashallah. Thank you for working on this site. thank you for talking the short time in reading this email i hope people have got there own opinions on this but remember that it is not every one's cup of tea and also that you should help each other because it is there own choice. Your faith in Allah and Islam move me to study more of your beautiful religious rights of the Muslim faith life. I am realy very thankfull for the help i got from ur end, MasaALLAH. AMEEN. may ALLAH (SWT) grant all your jayz wishes AMEEN. ,Yours in Islam, I love and my heart is want to love Allah, Totally convinced with the answers which I received and the ones who want to convert into Islam.It will help u in the easiest way it can, Islam has been calling me for yrs Im at peace and need to be with the only truth. Shiya is good but sunny islam is atankwadi religion you don't convert Islam religious is puccy men Mohammed 13 wife Mohammed is big puccy men bastards religions Mohammed is big atankwadi men bastards, I want to convert to a muslim but I have no advicer. •      One Alla Hafiz. If you would like to learn more about Islam and 4.Happiness, tranquillity and inner peace and can be achieved by converting to Islam. finds true happiness, tranquility, and inner peace. I told him that If you are born in a Muslim family it’s not your greatness you were just born in a Muslim Family so you are a Muslim exactly the way this Christian boy is! Thankyou Even the lowest in rank among the My readings here swept-out all the misconceptions about Islam. I hope, this site inform us a good book. Alhamdulillah this website makes it easier for the muslims to guide the interested converts and also for the interest converts to understand Islam. Islam offers overwhelming proofs of its truthfulness and is the only Very nice site it's my home page realy it was very nice Islam has made kindness, through Zakat, binding upon all those who embrace the faith. It does not teach us to force others to convert, nor force our teachings on them. well my notion says that the persons who are new to Islam should immediately perform hajj coz i have noticed that when all Muslims gather in the Arafat a person feels proud of being a Muslim and my strong belief is that after coming back from Makkah and Madina a person automatically realizes that Islam is the best religion and in fact the only religion where there is no caste no color no creed and all of the persons stand in one line to pray to god without having knowledge of the person's nationality or caste standing next to him. When i was christian before i have to much question comes in my mind but i dont know what it is, i want to find the things but i dont knw what kind of things i want, but when i embrace islam, all my hidden questions have found the answer.Alhamdullillah.,,im to much happy now and ""inshaalah""i can spread the word of GOD, and now im encouraging my family and subhanaallah they are entersted. may allah continue to reward you propagate the religion of islam. Thank you so very much. It's a duty of every muslim to understand their faith and practise and give example to non-believers.To my new (convert) sister and brother, May Allah give us strength and guide us to the right path. He told about the difference between bible n quran in detail. religion of Islam has answers to all situations, and one will always know the this is very good work by you. How wonderful to read all the beautiful comments and conversions to Islam. I wole-heartedly pray "May Allah bless you with hightest rewards and a prominent place in Jannath (Paradise)".....Aameen. Hello everyone in the globe who look at this unique site. I know you can never forgive for what they have done and I cannot either but many in America know of your ways and pray with you for peace. Al-Hamdulillah Rabbial-Alamiin Wonderful portal, May Allah reward your great work with Jannah. Christianity I have even adopted Arabic names into my own name, I chose Ahmed for it is a varient of Muhammad(peace be upon the prophet) and Abdullah because it means servant of God. Maintain your existing family relationships to the best of your ability. God bless you. These Alhamdoulillah, thanks to this organisation for this brave dawah we are appraising so much for this great task Insha Allah the organisation shall be rewarded in the Akhirat. He was a man from Makkah who unified Arabia under the religion of Islam. Hereafter he will be one of the losers.” (Quran 3:85). New content will be added above the current area of focus upon selection This leads them to research further about Islam, and eventually convert. I love Islam and I feel that after a lifelong search I have finally found the Truth. 34,000 American entered Islam; American women accepting Islam; FAQ about Islam; How to become a Muslim; The Five Pillars of Islam; The Six Articles of Faith; Understanding conversion to Islam; What drives people to convert to Islam? rasoolu Allah.”. truthfulness. On a scale of 0 (poor) to 4 (excellent), my experience this morning was a 6. i want to become muslim online, i hope to be helpped, to have all near me, to sustain me. I am a muslim and in-sha-allah i will show some of my friends this website or inform them about it.salam a lai kum, ISLAM IS THE TRUE RELIGION THE WAY TO PEACE AND COMPLETE SOOTHNESS AND CALMNESS OF THE MIND AND SOUL INSHA ALLAH ONE DAY EVERY1 CONVERTS TO ISLAM AMEEEEEEEEN, Really my heart filled with sheer happiness when i go through this site. It will be helpful to those who wish to become Muslim and to those, like me, who are seeking a better understanding of your faith. i thank your link for showing me the right way which is the one and the true religion which is islam and geting us closer to allah i thank you. Quran: “We have not ISLAM; is the religion of truth in the sight of God. ALLAH HAFIZ, alhamdulillah and congratulatoin to the one who make this is very great for those who want to fine the truth specially for non muslim.. and its also nice for muslim... it really refresh the belief of every muslim who read this site.. its truly brought tears to my eyes when i read this site... thank u so much, i hope Allah will give you more power to do more good to every one. thank u 4 that graet site Insha Allah ( ISLAM) PEACE, Is a good site, infact i dont know that this type of style is existing. This is a very very informative site, I should say an excellent source of information especially for a non-Muslim like me who's in a process of seeking the truth. It seemed I was reading "histories" aimed at proving a particular agenda or personal bias rather than hearing the Word of God and how to live according to those Words. KHUDA HAFIZ, i must say that the website that has been created for people to convert to islam is absolubtley amazing, i do pass my congratulations to all the teams that have worked on it , Ameen ya Rabb, Ameen! congratulations to my new muslim brothers and sisters for embracing islam, you made all the right choice, may allah guide you and make you steadfast in islam. This is not enough today, every muslim should learn more and practice among themselves and then envite others. Regards. masya allah, amazing and full with good very excited to read it... keep on da'wah!! Jazaakallah. Then I will be able to save up enough money to go on required pilgrims. - Not worship anything But among Muslims, you may hear people who have chosen to adopt Islam refer to themselves as "reverts" instead. My internal and external world are crumbling. I wish activities like this should be carry on further not only for non-muslims but also for muslims too. Khodahafiz. Masha Allah, very nice. Maasha Allah, a great effort to inform people which is the duty of every true muslim, to erdicate the misconceptions and to show the true picture that how pure and simple is Islam and the real satisfaction that a muslim receives after prayers. Thanks for this site....i truly believe that islam religion is fit for me and my beliefs....i too hope to convert soon. Im from a christian background, this page helped me so much :) IT have been only 1 day since I became muslim, & I'm really proud of my self. I am very glad and happy that I have found new faith in Allah. Salah gives immense happiness to mind and body. Thank You. Alhamdolillah. May Allah give a excellent reward in the day of judgement (AKhirah) for this work, this good websites.. Good work.. thanks for information, after having and knowing many in Islam, i am glad i have finally decided to start the faith, thank God for this site. As salaam Alaykum, La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad rasoolu Allah. God says in the Holy Quran: “We did not You can find my conversion story here. Convert to Islam and take advantage of all the benefits Islam offers that will enhance your life. greatest benefit is that a Muslim is promised by God the reward of eternal number and the suitable time to call through our Contact Us form. The word “Muslim” means one who submits to the This is exactly what we need to help others to learn more about Islam. *ALLAHUAKBAR! Jazakalla. I love the Islamic religion and am great full for the above lesson.....I hope Allah will accept a sinner like me. Hasan Akbar, an American engineer from the 101 st Airborne Division, who murdered Captain Christopher Scott Seifert, Major Gregory Stone, and wounded fifteen others in a grenade and small-arms attack in northern Kuwait on March 22, 2003. new life of piety and righteousness. and it is the same eternal message revealed through the ages to all of God’s I know this person is a good person with a genuine interest but the thought of changing their life is frightening for them. I like your ideas, i respect your religion, congratulations for this site. Before embracing Islam, be sure to spend time studying the faith, reading books, and learning from other Muslims. Thank U. Assalamualikum - Excellent effort. I am a new muslim from South America (Colombia) and i wish there were sites like this in spanish. May the good guidance of GOD lead me in seeking more knowledge about Islam. But, u have to choice on your own. be undoubtedly happy to hear your story of conversion to - May we be true to our Deen and to our Beloved, Muhammed, the Messenger of Allah, may he be showered with the Peace and Blessings of Allah, the Creator, the Sustainer, the Benevolent. May ALLAH reward you all both in the present & the future life as you have spent your valuable labor, time & so on for Islam through this site. May Allah help & support this site for more be a better site to help human being who needs know about how beautiful islam... May Almighty Allah Reward you abundantly for this effort that you've done. then they will think: hey..since he became a muslim he gets better..maybe islam is not that bad" May Allah bring us all to the correct way. I have studies the Torah and Christian Bible all my life, but there were many inconsistencies. May Allah (SWT) guide you amin. God bless you Muslims! may u long live. Aameen. Much effort is here on this website. Insha Allah, Ameen. Lilah, greeting. Because most of the muslims are now, only labeled one.They don't know about Islam's main ideas to discuss with a non muslim. Thank you for this site and more power and god bless you all. SubhanAllah very good and nice efffort done by you Great Brother may Allah give his kindness on you fo r your this act of goodness. i am very happy to be a muslim . Stay truly blessed. To become a Muslim, understanding of Quran Karim is the best way. I love Islam n love my Allah n prophets and thank Allah you r doing good job. sending the Prophet Muhammad with His final revelation, the Holy Quran, to all Almithy allah will bless you(JAZA KUNLAI KAIRAN), asalamu aleykum warahmatulahi wabarakatuhu after that specialy my self i send du,a the workers of this website may allah give his jannah and all all his plessing after that i realy want to helb someone who wants to cnvert to islam we dont speak same language and i couldnt make her understand but this website made me easy and i thank for it shukran all of you. Welcome to all the brothers and sisters who converted to Islam and thanks a lot Mohammed for your effort and good work in reflecting the reality of our highly spiritual believes in you written subjects.God bless you and good luck in your truth believe journey. If you do your own independent investigation you to will see why. A common definition of the word "convert" is "to change from one religion or belief to another." He may guide and put His Mercy on good-doers who are participating to promote this knowledge on this earth. i am a muslim sis for three years now and moving forward in my Deen working to increase my imaan/faith this is such a great referance site keep up the good work. Sub-hanallah, how nice a website on Islam. the best religion in all of the world is islam. great religion of Islam which is the futurer's and dominat's religion of the globe. " •      The This site such do a great work speacialy for those who want to know about Islam. islam is better than hinduism. It i now pray 5 times a day and hope one day i will be able to fullfil my dream and go to mekka and madina to do pilgrimage. and looking for some topic about how others (non-muslims) thingking about Islam, and found that one topic "How to convert and become Islam" are interesting features and looks to "User Comments" found that very wonderful commments from who previouslly non-Muslim. Allah Hafiz, i love it and its true and i am a musilm why cant we all be mulims and act the right why lfe is a test that allah sees hears eveyhthing lets all woke up and be better muslim inshalah. I am wanting to convert .and have been through so much discussion with my boyfriend about becoming a Muslim. I am christian, but i am sure you have good ideas and principals. the same faith is shared by 1.7 billion people. May Allah SWT help us to do good righteous deeds that please Him. “Live Help” for immediate assistance by chat. may God bless u . But this has really helped me out ,thankyou ! It's a good media to introduce the purity of islam. It clears up my misconception bout Muslims. Allah bless you all and everyone who converts to Islam. Islamic is atankwadi religion & whery bastards religions Mohammed sw is big atankwadi &bastards. Allah se guzarish hai k hame apne maqsad me kaamyab kare.(Aamin). understanding its meaning, then he/she has become a Muslim. i think u will always update this site so that everybody can get help. show them that islam have change you into a better person. There are many benefits of converting to Islam. And my response was "boy! Ma Salam. I find the article very rich and revealing. The main message of all the prophets has always been asslamu alaikum good content for people who want to join islam because my wife is a muslim and i want to join islam and worship with her. I really appreciate your efforts thanks to Allah,,. I love so much. May Allah bless you.. After a few years of considering becoming a Muslim, MashaAllah, what a introduction this is for a New muslim who is introduced to Islam, we need many more websites like this because Islam is the fastest spreading Religion in this World. May Allah bless the outreach. Lots of Love from your non-Muslim sister but soon to be. But I have broken with my family. truthfulness of Islam, then he/she can further look at the proofs Islam ... Once again , I feel like a new person !!! This article explains how to convert and become a Muslim in a simple way. Thanks for the enlightening but will like to know how to pray and say the right words. Thanks. Islam is the true religion of Allah's eyes. LOVED it.. Now lets get it translated in as many languages as possible. Im glad to have visited this site, im thankful to ma friends Khaleel and Iddi who introduced me to Islam. the prophets that God sent and the books He revealed, and in His angels. This is great site, proud to be Muslim. In addition to that, it gives a brief overview of Islam, the faith of 1.7 billion people, and sheds light on the benefits of converting. Interesting article. Conversion to Islam. Its a nice site. Al-hamdu li-llah. - Believe that I am so grateful that I found. Now I had revert into Islam. Subhaan-Allah Great Work. I would like to say as a Muslim, this has been a very informative and interesting read through the website. I just found this web yerterday, this is what I intend to look for. Have you ever wondered why people actually choose to convert to Islam and become Muslim? world to the way of allah. But while asking God we should also tell him that based on my belief I think I am following the right religion but considering that fact that there might be some hidden information that I do not know please correct it and if there is no need then please grant the right knowledge/faith/path to my brothers who are following other religions. Thanks all. I was a Roman Catholic and in the year 2000, I comverted/ embraced Islam when I was wosrking in Muscat, Oman. Paradise and the visit of the True Lord may come with great pleasures and success! Alternatively, we can call you over the phone to May Allah give you more for the brilliant work that you are doing. For me : Islam good like me to need new life,, I like the rules and regulations. I have now settled in Pakistan, Lahore with my wife and my twin sons, Zohaib Ali, Shoaib Ali, who are 7 yrs, and my beautiful daughter Aamna who is 20 months . Fortunately now there are Quran in Arabic with translation in other different languages. Thank you for your article and guidance. ecellent site well imformed :) thanks eire. The way you make call to Islam is good. misconceptions. written best, narrated in the best way, may Allah give you reward in duniya and akirath jazak Allah. I have searched for a very long time to find meaning. alhamdulillah i m aMUSLIM. After 33 years on this world i have converted to a Muslim from Christianity. Those who are blessed with Paradise, will live eternally in scientific proofs in the Quran, the miracles performed by the Prophet Muhammad You may add articles to this list using the article tools. I decided to go forward some more to get a clear picture about this great religion. The fields below are optional but the E-mail field will be necessary should you forget your password. I also pray to Allah to spare us from the pangs of hunger and poverty, and also, to save us from the torments of the grave and hell fire... Robbana Atina fiduniya hasanattan robi il akhirati hassana wa ki na asana! Thank you, This has not prevented the National Post from claiming that he did, in a December 2014 edition.. Churchill, writes Patrick Sawyer, “was a strong admirer of Islam and the culture of the Orient — such was his regard for the Muslim faith that relatives feared he might convert. All the Best. Christianity or Islam repent to Him sincerely. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart as I feel that Allah guided me to your site for my slavation. may allah bless every one.this site is like a guide for all those who want to become muslim. In fact, in Paradise there are pleasures that no Again thank you. I have seen many people turn in to Muslims from other religions. Before You Convert . Islam, has always been the only acceptable religion •      A Very good site . by the way my wife is a convert. Eversince, I have high respect to our Muslim brothers & sisters but now it elevated more after understanding the very foundation of their religion. the right to be worshipped except I, therefore worship Me.’” (Quran 21:25). I am only getting better through Islam, and I am glad to say that I have convinced many Christians and athiests to stop their slander of our faith. i think it is the best religion ever! I congratulate all of you have who have recently converted to Islam. i pray to allah to accept your efforts to establish islam in the world which is responsibilty of everybody. According to the islamic beliefs the sun will arise in the West before The day of Judgement . Through generations of pastors in her family, researching world religions, and her conversion to Islam, Zan shares finding her passion of multifaith work.