His Hyper Blight Grenade is actually somewhat useful, and he even explodes on death, with a potential to throw out mortal wounds to everyone nearby. Which you take is matchup dependent, and you’ll typically bring one Terminator at most anyway. Yeah. An all-around solid choice that competes with the plasma gun. – Poxwalkers are cheap, but they’re not really good at anything other than having a 1/3 chance to shrug off any incoming damage. At first glance, Death Guard seem to be a team that relies on out-killing their opponents to win, but the ability to take Poxwalkers makes you a credible threat for board control, especially against low-model-count lists like Marines. Elites updates this to affect your Terminators as well as your Plague Marines. – With the release of Elites, your models ignore penalties to hit for moving and shooting Heavy weapons or advancing and shooting Assault weapons. Each other friendly model that is shaken or is, Each other friendly model (other than shaken models) within 2" of the model. However, keep in mind that this does not affect your charge distance – Plague Marines are just as eager to get stuck in as anyone else (all the better to spread Grandfather Nurgle’s blessings). Each is equipped with a plaguespurt gauntlet, which is a hand flamer that re-rolls 1s to wound, and a manreaper, which is a giant scythe that will destroy anything you point it at, hitting at S8 and re-rolling 1s to wound. CSM will use massive amounts of cultists to deal with the flies. Adeptus Mechanicus. Plasma guns are stronger than the blight launcher when overcharged, but risky. Player: Thomas P. Reidy III – Goatboy. https://www.goonhammer.com/nurgley-bois-death-guard-tactics-in-kill-team who doesn’t want… Comment on the article's talk page. • A Plague Champion may replace their boltgun with a bolt pistol, plasma pistol or plasma gun. This is a trap choice. However, those strengths will change based on the matchup. It performs decently against T4 and will absolutely shred T3. At 14 points, they bring an extra point of Toughness and a 5+ to ignore wounds over other Marines, making them difficult to dislodge compared to their loyalist brethren. This model is armed with a plague knife, boltgun, blight grenades and krak grenades. A d6-damage power fist that re-rolls wounds of 1. They lack the Aura of Rust rule, but don’t need it as much since their melee attacks are resolving at AP -3 anyway. When choosing your options from this list, think about how the various specialist and wargear options will help you against a given enemy, and choose accordingly. This model is armed with an improvised weapon. When it comes to Kill Team, Death Guard bring a combination of solid weaponry and an utter refusal to care about the number of limbs you’ve shot off of them, letting them slog through oppressive amounts of oncoming fire and dish it back out just as readily. It’s hard to recommend taking these due to the huge points cost, but if you do, it’s a serious threat – assuming it can make it across the board. The new Terminator choices with Elites are some of the hardest units to shift in the entire game, and back that up with some absolutely terrifying weapon choices. Not bad. is a good choice into T3 lists – you’re going to be absolutely loaded with S6 and better weapons, so it’s not unreasonable to expect you’ll have a few rounds where you pick up multiple kills. If you’ve got any questions or comments, or want to share your Death Guard Kill Team with us to feature on the site, drop us a line in the comments below or shoot us an email at contact@goonhammer.com. The emperor’s finest are here to deal out death and justice to traitors, as the armored might of their most ancient warriors make their way onto the field. Plague Marines are strong, durable, and capable of taking on almost any threat using their specialist weaponry. A second Flail is always a good choice, but consider also taking a Great Plague Cleaver or a Mace of Contagion. Genestealer Cults. Their gre… In addition to the plague spewer and blight launcher, you can also bring a reaper autocannon for 5 points. If the result is 7, the Command Points spent to use that Tactic are immediately refunded. Starting at 80 points makes this guy one of the more expensive choices for a Death Guard Commander, but, tactic will take away their ability to fight in the Hammer of Wrath phase. September 2020 5. The combi-plasma is good value here at 3 points – if you’re already putting this many points into one model, another 3 points to make it deal out damage as well as it can take it are likely well-spent. Generally speaking, you’ll want at least one Flail of Corruption along with another option depending on the matchup. Orks. Each Terminator can also take a combi-plasma or combi-melta instead of its combi-bolter. The plaguesword is effective against targets with Toughness 3 and lower, especially those models that don’t have great saves, and also saves you a couple points into the bargain. Rapid Fire weapons are capable of single aimed shots at long range and controlled bursts at close quarters. It also means that you have 1” lower effective threat range on your ranged weapons. – Your Tactics choices are unimpressive. Infuriatingly tough to kill, these jerks add a 2+/4++ and a second wound to the already excellent Plague Marine statline. This weapon automatically hits its target. The Annual gave Death Guard a new set of Stratagems to play with, giving them a lot more versatility. Odds are your opponent has more models than you do – at least if you don’t count the Poxwalkers. rule, but don’t need it as much since their melee attacks are resolving at AP -3 anyway. We hope to help players into Kill Team with our Kill Team Guide. Use this with Poxwalkers to keep your flail of corruption safe until it can close in for the charge. The Seven-fold Chant: If your kill team is Battle-forged, and you have a Tallyman on the battlefield that is not shaken, roll 2D6 each time you spend Command Points to use a Death Guard Tactic. Krak grenade used in following datasheets: Bubotic axe used in following datasheets: Flail of corruption used in following datasheets: Plague knife used in following datasheets: The CHAOS keyword is used in following Death Guard datasheets: The NURGLE keyword is used in following Death Guard datasheets: The HERETIC ASTARTES keyword is used in following Death Guard datasheets: The INFANTRY keyword is used in following Death Guard datasheets: The COMMANDER keyword is used in following Death Guard datasheets: Combi-bolter used in following datasheets: Combi-flamer used in following datasheets: Combi-melta used in following datasheets: Combi-plasma used in following datasheets: Hyper blight grenade used in following datasheets: Injector pistol used in following datasheets: Plague belcher used in following datasheets: Plague sprayer used in following datasheets: Plaguespurt gauntlet used in following datasheets: Plasma gun used in following datasheets: Reaper autocannon used in following datasheets: Great plague cleaver used in following datasheets: Improvised weapon used in following datasheets: Mace of contagion used in following datasheets: Plaguereaper used in following datasheets: Plaguesword used in following datasheets: Power fist used in following datasheets: Icon of Despair used in following datasheets: Use this Tactic when a model from your kill team loses a wound in the, Use this Tactic at the start of the first battle round. These are the core of any Death Guard list, and for good reason. bird's eye view of the carnage. As ever, play to your strengths when choosing Arena Objectives. They’re not strong, and they’re not very tough (though Disgustingly Resilient means they’re tougher than you’re probably thinking), but they’re annoying as hell and you can take a lot of them. Not to be out done, a Death Guard Kill Team can bring the hurt with those 3 point Pox Walkers. Expect every model in your opponent’s kill team to shoot at him from turn 1, but with 6 wounds and the same 2+/4++/5+++ as other Death Guard Terminators, he has a decent chance of making it across the board, and once he gets there, he’ll do work. Get your players here: The typical Kill team “meta” Death Guard list I usually see is: -champ leader with plasma gun/plague sword. This model is armed with a plague sprayer, blight grenades and krak grenades. 40k Condit Death Guard featured Kill Team Tactics thechirurgeon, ©  2020 Goonhammer. You will only bring one of these in your list, but they’re scary. You’re going to have one of the best melee units on the table. Here, you’ll find a link to every Kill Team Focus so far. To top it off, his (somewhat confusingly-worded). This makes certain scenarios (Terror Tactics, etc) particularly tough. save. Plasma Guard Kill Team shows that rule writing still isn’t GW’s forte. By changing your delivery country you will lose everything in your Cart and any Gift Lists created during this visit. Riddled with Nurgle’s revolting boons, the Death Guard are amongst the most revolting and resilient warriors in the galaxy. It costs 2CP, but if you can force a scrum with multiple enemies and have the CP to spare, it could help turn the tide of a match. Its advantage over the plasma gun is that you can fire it after advancing, which extends your initial threat range slightly. Your chaff choice. This article is bad and may or may not require deleting. Build based on your opponent’s list, and default to the axe if you’re not sure. This was my list I used in my first Kill Team game: Plague Marine Champion - Leader - Power Fist, Plague Sword, Plasma Gun; Plague Marine Fighter - Combat- Flail of Corruption; Plague Marine Fighter - Zealot - Bubotic Axe and Mace of Contagion; Plague Marine Gunner - Demolitions - Plague Belcher; Plague Marine Gunner - Blight Launcher; Poxwalker – After you take a model out of action with a Poxwalker, add another Poxwalker to the board within 1” on a 4+. His Seven-fold Chant ability is interesting, giving you a 1-in-6 chance of refunding CP spent on Tactics. Use your dangerous combat units to create space for your Poxwalkers to hold objectives and score. 4.7 out of 5 stars Is Discontinued By Manufacturer No Hobby. He’s also one of only two options you have for a, This guy is interesting, if not particularly good – his weaponry is not inspiring, and his unique datasheet ability only kicks in against Adeptus Astartes, but that’s not why you’d consider taking him. These start at 50 points, or 55 points for a Champion. He’s more useful now that the Death Guard have more 1 CP tactics worth using thanks to the Annual. As the de facto “bad guy” half of the 8th edition starter kits and a major fixture in the Conquest releases, Death Gu… Your only option here is the flail of corruption. Name Class Pattern Era Notes Source(s) Argonaut: Fell victim to the Gellerpox virus and joined the Plague Fleet. You can re-roll. This gives you the opportunity to play aggressive and take risks in ways other factions can’t. Between Disgustingly Resilient and the injury roll, there’s a decent choice a model that fails this roll will still survive, but in either case giving up command re-roll and other tricks for an entire battle round is risky. The Plague Marines are accompanied by Poxwalkers, whose stats aren’t impressive, but let you take control of objectives and threaten to tie up your opponent’s units with models they’d really prefer not to have to shoot at. Death Guard are tougher than the GI, and with better choices. Skip it unless you have 3 points and literally nothing else to do with them – a single point of Ld penalty usually won’t matter until late in the game, and in the interim you’ll probably get more out of a weapon upgrade or even another Poxwalker. Warhammer 40K Kill Team - Killzone: Death World Forest Product information Product Dimensions 1.5 x 9 x 6 inches Item Weight 3.47 pounds ASIN B07GSPVTP2 Item model number SG_B07GSPVTP2_US Customer Reviews: 4.7 out of 5 stars 9 ratings. The Tallyman is somewhat uninspiring, essentially being a Death Guard Chaplain with a plasma pistol and no crozius. Poxwalkers are none of those, but they’re only 3 points, so who cares? Freed from Codex: Chaos Space Marines, the Nurgle boys got a full book with tons of characters, new vehicles, and an absolutely sick new Primarch. • One Plague Marine in your kill team may take an Icon of Despair. Astra Militarum. This weapon can be supercharged by the bearer before firing. Which Plague weapon you take will depend on the matchup and personal taste. You’re also probably going to be harder to kill than the other person. The downside is that you can’t advance and fire this one. Most of the Champion’s options aren’t great, with the exception of the plasma pistol or plasma gun – take one of those (favoring the plasma gun unless you don’t have the points). – Every model in the faction has this ability, which allows them to ignore unsaved wounds on a D6 roll of 5+. Just as good here as in other lists. You can unsubscribe at any time. Here is the list in the ITC format (which I didn’t get an email saying there was an issue with it – so win for me). The highlight here is the Tainted Narthecium tactic, which allows you to re-roll 1s on Disgustingly Resilient rolls. Despite their somewhat limited options at list construction, Death Guard kill teams provide a strong core of capable all-rounders that can take on any opponent while still threatening board control with their cheap and plentiful Poxwalkers. At a starting cost of 114 points, this guy is expensive, but scary. Kill Team: Commanders is an expansion for Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team, introducing elite war leaders and experts in the art of battle – Commanders. Roll to determine the Strength of this weapon after selecting its target(s). Play the odds and work to remove as many models as you can. • A Blightlord Gunner may replace their combi-bolter with a plague spewer, reaper autocannon or blight launcher. Next day & Free delivery available. Adding a few to your list on missions where you need to control objectives or areas of the map (or doors) can make your Kill Team deceptively strong at scoring those objectives. Tyranids. of the new death guard). The Tabletop Titans team brings us a 9th ed 40k video bat rep featuring Custodes vs. Death Guard!. Competitive Death Guard Kill Team 100pts. This is because they are my favourite faction in Killl team and i also think they are one of the better kill teams in … Possibly worth considering into T3 if you’ve got the points to spend, but you’re probably better off just taking a second flail. Against lists with higher model counts, lean into the objectives that give you points for killing models and leave most of the Poxwalkers in the case – at T3 with no save but a 5+ to ignore wounds, they’re almost as likely to go down to a stray lasgun round or shuriken catapult as they are most specialist weaponry. One of the best things about the Death Guard, especially if you aren’t playing Elites, is how forgiving they are. I want to run a WYSIWYG group. – Poxwalkers may be weak, but they’re super cheap and you can bring a ton of them. • A Blightlord Fighter may replace their weapons with a flail of corruption. some of the table terrain, Death Guard deployment. “ A fantastic death guard kill team, two plague flails, one blight launcher, plasma gunner, plague spewer and great plague cleaver. Since release, it has added a multitude of options and rules that can be overwhelming for new players. tactic lets him deal a mortal wound to each enemy model in close combat with any friendly models near him on a 4+. Most competitive games don’t involve Commanders, so you probably won’t be bringing these guys out that often. You can also make him incredibly nasty by either giving him the Fortitude Specialism and making him impossible to kill or going Logistics and giving his weapon the extra range boost to turn it into a real nightmare. Build based on your opponent’s list, and default to the axe if you’re not sure. Harliquin advancing, bouncing off walls and being dancing elves. -blight launcher marine x2 (usually demo or heavy spec on one or both) -flail of corruption or great plague cleaver marine x2 (usually zealot or combat on one or both) … This model is armed with a manreaper and plaguespurt gauntlet. Expect every model in your opponent’s kill team to shoot at him from turn 1, but with 6 wounds and the same 2+/4++/5+++ as other Death Guard Terminators, he has a decent chance of making it across the board, and once he gets there, he’ll do work. Adeptus Astartes. 0. Which you take is matchup dependent, and you’ll typically bring one Terminator at most anyway. Once you close to within 18”, overcharged plasma is stronger against all targets, but the blight launcher is a stronger choice at long range and is nearly as effective all-around with less risk. You can field them with a balesword or a bubotic axe, which are a power sword and power axe respectively that each re-roll 1s to wound. Don’t rely on them to do anything other than mill around objectives, operate doors, and potentially tie up your opponent’s shooting if you get lucky with positioning. You’re going to have one of the best shooting models on the table. The following is a list of known spacecraft belonging to the Death Guard. Death Guard kill teams poison worlds from within, acting as initial vectors of contagion that can engulf entire planets in raging plagues. The Death Guard are known for their brutal grinding assaults, wearing their foes down with wave after wave of indomitable Plague Marines and lurching poxwalkers – but they’re no strangers to skirmish warfare either. If you’re playing a Commanders game, these guys get even better – commanders within 3” of a Deathshroud gain an extra attack and can offload any hits against them onto their bodyguard on a 2+. If you choose both, subtract 1 from all. Just don’t rely on them to pick up a kill. requirements when building your Kill Team: 1 Team Leader model 1-20 Core models 0-3 Special models LEGION TRAITS All Infantry models in a Death Guard Kill Team gain the Legion Trait Inexorable Advance, so long as every unit in that Kill Team is from the same Legion. To top it off, his (somewhat confusingly-worded) Vector of Contagion tactic lets him deal a mortal wound to each enemy model in close combat with any friendly models near him on a 4+. You can field them with a balesword or a bubotic axe, which are a power sword and power axe respectively that each re-roll 1s to wound. An expensive 50/50 chance of taking a wound that requires you to commit your Leader. In #25, we bring you the return of both the Deep Blue Plague (Death Guard) and the Sons of Sanguinius (Blood Angels), this time with Commanders by their side. Kill Team is a Warhammer 40,000 (or 40K) skirmish game. With kill team being released a few weeks ago, ive been spending alot of time (until recently) making Kill team lists. – Use at the end of the movement phase to make a model untargetable in the shooting phase unless it’s the closest target visible to the shooting model. Keep your Poxwalkers protected and you’ll score this regularly. 356. 297. Bringing even one of these will cost you a minimum of 40 points, but they’re incredibly durable and have access to some terrifying weaponry. You’re likely to have a low model-count list, so plan accordingly. They also double-tap with Rapid Fire weapons against targets within 18” instead of half range. Enter your email to get the very latest - news, promotions, hobby tips and more from Games Workshop. It’s hard to recommend taking these due to the huge points cost, but if you do, it’s a serious threat – assuming it can make it across the board. If they do so, increase the Strength and Damage of the weapon by 1 this turn. You’ll find that your models will survive attacks that you might otherwise expect to remove them from the game. However, you’re likely to have to commit him anyway, so having this in your back pocket is useful. When attacking with this weapon, choose one or both of the profiles below. Models are supplied unpainted and unassembled. So my LGS is running a league soon and I want to play some kill team, Bough a box of death guard and poxwalkers to build up and paint up (a bit disappointed in the lack of posability(?) Starting at 80 points makes this guy one of the more expensive choices for a Death Guard Commander, but he’s worth it. Chew on that one for a bit. A horde of 19 Pox Walkers is 57 points (3 points per). You can also make him, The Tallyman is somewhat uninspiring, essentially being a Death Guard Chaplain with a plasma pistol and no crozius. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Army Showcase: TheChirurgeon’s Death Guard, Dark Angels at the Bartlesville Iron Halo ITC Major, Day 1: A Gunum Tournament Report, incredibly official Goonhammer store on RebBubble. • A Plague Marine Gunner may replace their boltgun with a plague spewer, plague belcher, blight launcher, meltagun or plasma gun. The core of your roster will probably wind up looking something like this, so take the opportunity to find the specific twists that work for you and make it your own. A flamer that has +1” more range and re-rolls 1s to wound. This is a trade worth making – moving from S6 to S7 isn’t a breakpoint against most targets you’ll run across, and reliable 3 damage attacks at AP-3 will absolutely chew through most enemy kill teams. 20% OFF Death Guard - Warhammer 40k Kill Team - Games Workshop. It took a nerf in the most recent update and only deals one damage per hit, but it generates a lot of hit rolls. In the channels first Kill Team 2018 Battle Report, Adam's Skitarii take on Owen's Nurgle Death Guard. Assault weapons fire so rapidly or indiscriminately that they can be shot from the hip as warriors dash forwards into combat. On average, it takes about 2 attacks to force an injury roll against T3, and 3-5 attacks to force an injury roll against T4 (depending on Sv). This helps offset your low Movement characteristics and let you get your models where you need them to be without sacrificing shooting. The flail is just as deadly here as on a Plague Marine but will need to pick up several kills to make the model’s points back. ... Pre-Heresy World Eaters Destroyer, counts as Kill Team Heavy Gunner. The highlight here is the. The PLAGUE MARINE keyword is used in following Death Guard datasheets: The TERMINATOR keyword is used in following Death Guard datasheets: The POXWALKER keyword is used in following Death Guard datasheets: The FOUL BLIGHTSPAWN keyword is used in following Death Guard datasheets: The TALLYMAN keyword is used in following Death Guard datasheets: The BIOLOGUS PUTRIFIER keyword is used in following Death Guard datasheets: The PLAGUE SURGEON keyword is used in following Death Guard datasheets: The LORD OF CONTAGION keyword is used in following Death Guard datasheets: Bolt pistol used in following datasheets: Plasma pistol used in following datasheets: Blight launcher used in following datasheets: Plague spewer used in following datasheets: Blight grenade used in following datasheets: Grenades are handheld explosive devices that a warrior throws at the enemy while their squad mates provide covering fire. This is a trade worth making – moving from S6 to S7 isn’t a breakpoint against most targets you’ll run across, and reliable 3 damage attacks at AP-3 will absolutely chew through most enemy kill teams. By subscribing you confirm that you are over the age of 16 or have consent from your parent or guardian to subscribe. – Your models move about 1” slower than average, which can add up over the course of the game. They lack the. This weapon automatically hits its target. Unlike in 40k, taking two knives doesn’t net you an extra attack. However, there are a few standout choices should you choose to – specifically, the Foul Blightspawn and Lord of Contagion are both solid choices, though each is fairly expensive. [Rate My List] Competitive Death Guard List. report. Pick a model from your kill team and roll a D6. We’ll be posting a new one every day for the next couple of weeks – so check back each day to learn more when your faction goes live. On a 1, that model is found unworthy and suffers D3, Use this Tactic at the start of the battle round, when you control exactly three, Use this Tactic when a model from your kill team suffers a, Use this Tactic at the start of the battle round, if your kill team includes a. With the launch of Warhammer 40,000 8th edition’s Dark Imperium boxed set, it was clear that Mortarion’s boys were finally getting some love with a Codex and units all their own. There can be way more cultists than flies, after all. And with everything except Poxwalkers benefitting from Transhuman Physiology, you’ll be able to stay in the thick of it even if you take a flesh wound. In the Unification Wars the XIVth Legion quickly developed the use of tactics and methods of warfare that their ironside fore-bearers would have found familiar. He can take the same manreaper as the Deathshrouds, or swap it for free for a plaguereaper, which trades a point of strength for a flat 3 damage. Death Guard don’t get great tactics choices, and the useful ones they have are situational. It costs 2CP, but if you can force a scrum with multiple enemies and have the CP to spare, it could help turn the tide of a match. Start or expand your collection. Latest US news, world news, sports, business, opinion, analysis and reviews from the Guardian, the world's leading liberal voice Each is equipped with a plaguespurt gauntlet, which is a hand flamer that re-rolls 1s to wound, and a manreaper, which is a giant scythe that will destroy anything you point it at, hitting at S8 and re-rolling 1s to wound. – Outside of Poxwalkers, Death Guard are expensive. is another one worth looking into since your slow movement speed will make it easier for your opponent to keep you at long range if they want to, and your ability to rapid fire out to 18” lets you achieve this objective while still double-tapping with boltguns and plasma guns. This is an interesting choice that could be worth considering despite the penalty to hit – re-rolling 1s to wound very nearly makes up for it, and the consistent 3 damage if it gets through is great. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. As always, we’re interested in your feedback. If your country is not shown and you are in the EU, please select ''Rest of EU'', otherwise select ''Rest of World''. On any unmodified. Listen along to the battle as it plays out, and hear the insight and tactics as the teams face off in a 100 point, competitive play match. These start at 50 points, or 55 points for a Champion. Posted by 5 days ago. – Deep strike a Terminator that you set up in reserve. Their relatively limited pool of options to draw from means that most combat rosters will wind up looking similar, but if you want a Kill Team with strong core options that can dish it out as well as they can take it, you could do worse than the Death Guard. This model is armed with a plague knife, injector pistol, hyper blight grenades and krak grenades. rule, which gives all their melee weapons an additional -1 AP on a roll of 6 to wound and can add some additional offensive punch. Each Terminator can also take a combi-plasma or combi-melta instead of its combi-bolter. If you’re playing a Commanders game, these guys get even better – commanders within 3” of a Deathshroud gain an extra attack and can offload any hits against them onto their bodyguard on a 2+. They also have the Aura of Rust rule, which gives all their melee weapons an additional -1 AP on a roll of 6 to wound and can add some additional offensive punch. A Plague Marine with plasma should be enough to deal with the hulks, while regular plage marines deal with the flies. The Plague Sprayer is an incredible gun that is likely to kill whatever you point it at, and if an enemy somehow manages to make it through to engage him in melee, his Revolting Stench tactic will take away their ability to fight in the Hammer of Wrath phase. This box contains an 8-page Dolorous Strain booklet, 7 Death Guard Tactics cards, 1 Exclusive Death Guard Tactics card, 2 Mission Cards, 1 Death Guard Kill Team tokens sheet, 5 Blightlord Terminator datacards, 5 Death Guard Blightlord Terminator models, and the Sector Sanctoris terrain set. The power fist lets you wound T4 on a 2+ and brings solid AP to the table. the Harliquin kill team. If you’re bringing one, make sure to save the CP for the re-roll. They may only move 4”, but with no ranged weapons, you can advance them to move at something approximating a reasonable speed. They also have the. The combi-plasma is good value here at 3 points – if you’re already putting this many points into one model, another 3 points to make it deal out damage as well as it can take it are likely well-spent. is a solid choice into lists with about 8 or more models – your low model count and solid defensive stats mean that, with some smart play and a little target priority, you likely won’t lose a model every turn, and your relatively high density of specialist weaponry will let you dish out wounds at a decent clip. Posted by 1 year ago. Death Guard kill teams poison worlds from within, acting as initial vectors of contagion that can engulf entire planets in raging plagues. • A Plague Champion may replace their plague knife with a plaguesword. If you’ve got 3 points and an open slot in your list, fill it with one of these. share. In this article, we’re going to look at the products that are available, what they are and what they do, and also list the products that you need to make them work. 1/3. Poxwalkers aren’t very good at killing things so you’re not likely to have the chance to use this, but if you do and it works, it can be very useful. More expensive and more situational than its 40k cousin, and doesn’t affect Poxwalkers. On a Combat or Zealot specialist, it averages 6 hit rolls and can spike as high as 9. His, ability is interesting, giving you a 1-in-6 chance of refunding CP spent on Tactics. This is the good shit. my Death Guard kill team. Plasma is your go-to weapon here against most targets, although the plague spewer and plague belcher are both useful both in Arena and on boards that have a lot of cover. – Gives a model +1 to Wound against IMPERIUM units in either one Shooting or Fight phase. Trades a point of AP for the ability to re-roll 1s to wound and deal multiple damage without overcharging. Expect this guy to draw a lot of hate, and do what you can to keep him alive until he makes it to combat. If you’re playing a Commanders game and don’t know which Commander to pick, this is the Goonhammer-Approved default choice. This guy is interesting, if not particularly good – his weaponry is not inspiring, and his unique datasheet ability only kicks in against Adeptus Astartes, but that’s not why you’d consider taking him. This is a competitive Death Guard list that entered the NOVA Open this year, and is a solid starting point for your own roster. On a non-Arena board, the autocannon is worth considering, but a Terminator with plague spewer is a solid choice anywhere, whether you deep strike it into your opponent’s backline, or simply use it to discourage chargers in an Arena game. Archive 2020 62. Close. With a simple entry, The Plasma Guard Team kinda breaks the game, making everyone not stocking up on the plasma guns feel like they’re not taking The Right Choice, and wastes the opportunity to use the conceptually cool and much more fitting for KT action Veterans. It’s a bit too all-in to be reliable, so you’re probably better off taking flails on Plague Marines where losing one won’t completely kneecap you. This will also trigger if you pick up a kill at range with one of your auto-hitting weapons, letting you pick up points even on Arena’s more tightly packed boards. The Mace is a 3-damage power maul that subtracts 1 from the hit roll and re-rolls 1s to wound. He can take the same manreaper as the Deathshrouds, or swap it for free for a plaguereaper, which trades a point of strength for a flat 3 damage. • A Deathshroud Champion may take a second plaguespurt gauntlet. 14 comments. On a 1, they suffer D3 mortal wounds instead. The Death Guard are known for their brutal grinding assaults, wearing their foes down with wave after wave of indomitable Plague Marines and lurching poxwalkers – but they’re no strangers to skirmish warfare either. And sometimes, you want to show him that in a way that is as disgusting as humanly possible – maybe even a little more. Lean on your units’ refusal to die and use tactics when they’re relevant. Luckily, you’ve probably got amazing models on the table to start, so you won’t need to be constantly looking through your tactics in order to stay competitive. Please select your country from the list below. Expensive, situational, and unlikely to do anything. 1 Death Guard Champ is 15 points base. Don’t take it. Unfortunately, his longest ranged weapon is 6”, and his grenade-buffing aura isn’t great since only one model can throw a grenade per phase, and he can’t benefit from his own aura. The meltagun sounds good in theory but is slightly harder to use for Death Guard due to your 5” Movement characteristic making it that much harder to get within 12” (or 6″ to avoid the distance penalty). tactic, which allows you to re-roll 1s on Disgustingly Resilient rolls. – Roll a D6 when one of your models loses a wound in the fight phase for each enemy within 1” of that model. You lose all ranged firepower but gain the ability to draw the attention of every single model in your opponent’s kill team until you’re finally put down, and that might take a while. In particular, Grasping Tentacles can be a big help protecting a model stuck in combat while the rest include a lot of situational abilities that can come in handy if you remember to use them. Each Death Guard Commander has an Aura Tactic they can use. If you wanted to make some changes, you could swap one or both of the Blight Launchers for Plasma if you want to play a little riskier, and could change one or two of the Poxwalkers out for Terminators, especially if you want to take advantage of their ability to deep strike or have them hold down a hallway on an Arena board. On a 6, that enemy suffers a mortal wound after all of its attacks have been resolved. Strategy. If you’re bringing both Fighters, which you usually should, this is worth considering. Interesting on a great plague cleaver or mace of contagion fighter, but very all-in. Plague Marines start at 14 points and only go up from there, and your Elites choices range from 40 to 55 points. Your only new choices in Elites are two flavors of Terminators, and they’re both doozies. This model is armed with a bolt pistol, balesword, blight grenades and krak grenades. Kill Team ITC Calendar of Events; Warhammer Underwolrds ITC Calendar of Events; 40K ITC 2020 Rankings; 40k ITC Hobby Track 2020 Rankings; AoS ITC 2020 Rankings; AoS ITC 2020 Hobby Track Rankings; Kill Team 2020 ITC Rankings; Shadespire 2020 ITC Rankings; ITC Terrain Series; 2019 ITC Results. partial deployment of the Harliquins, other half where either in the other building in the background or already on my back. Use that to your advantage. Your tactics aren’t anything amazing, so take advantage of the tactics available to everyone. He’s also one of only two options you have for a Strategist specialist, and by far the cheaper of the two. You’ll want to decide on your specialists and weapon choices for your Plague Marines based on the matchup. Also pay close attention to the new Tactics from the Annual. Ultimately, this is counterbalanced by the faction’s lack of useful Tactics and slow movement across the board. – Death Guard don’t have quite as many options as loyalist Adeptus Astartes lists, but the ones they do have are pretty good. Sometimes, like Rocky Balboa, you just want to show the other guy that no matter how much he’s got, it’s not enough to take you down. The DEATH GUARD keyword is used in following Death Guard datasheets: Heavy weapons are the biggest and deadliest guns on the battlefield, but require reloading, careful set-up or bracing to fire at full effect. Decisive Strike and Decisive Shot can provide a huge momentum shift for a price that’s easier to pay when you aren’t saving CP for something else. Thankfully, you don’t need them to get mileage out of the faction, but keep in mind that you don’t have as many tricks up your sleeve if you get caught out. Unfortunately, it’s held back by its low AP value and the fact that you can’t take the Mace without the companion Axe, so you’re paying a total of 5 points. hide. Archived [Rate My List] Competitive Death Guard List. Goatboy’s LVO 2019 List. Australia - English; Belgique - English; Belgique - Français Their points cost makes them hard to recommend, but their large base size and formidable weaponry mean bringing one to an Arena board could pose a difficult question for your opponent to answer. Reason: separate pages have been made for Imperium, Chaos, and Xenos factions, this one is now redundant There are very few “trap” choices available to you, and many of the options that seem less useful have niche uses that make them worth considering into certain lists. • A Plague Champion may take a power fist. Split fire, split fire, split fire. Instead, focus on removing your opponent’s threatening models with your Plague Marines. When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the. However, they’re even more expensive than other Terminators, starting at 40 points and going up to 41 for Gunners, Fighters, or Champions. Battalion Detachment 5CP (Death Guard) [ 82PL, 1259pts]-HQ- Useful when it’s relevant, pointless when it’s not. His greatest mortal champions are the Death Guard, one of the original Traitor Legions who betrayed the Emperor during the Horus Heresy. Infuriatingly tough to kill, these jerks add a 2+/4++ and a second wound to the already excellent Plague Marine statline. Once you’ve taken those four or five models, fill out with whatever else you need based on the points you have available, and bring a handful of poxwalkers to clog up the board and help control objectives or board sections. but havent played much since 3rd edition only until now with 40k Kill Team and of course the first faction is my Death Guard. 40k ITC 2018 Events and Results; 2018 AoS ITC Results You could also play around with specialist choices to find the one that works for you – taking a Zealot with Flail of Corruption gives you a second model that benefits from the additional d3 attacks rather than just 1 on the charge, which could be a nasty surprise. Subtract 1 from the Leadership characteristic of enemy models within 6" of any models equipped with an Icon of Despair. KILL TEAM news, resources and reviews. That means that for Death Guard, failing a save isn’t the end of the world. Drukhari Skip it and go with another choice instead. • This model may replace its combi-bolter with a combi-flamer, combi-melta or combi-plasma. It’s an Assault weapon, so you can fire it after advancing, letting you bring it into play more reliably. If you’ve got CP to burn, you might as well. Death Guard have everything they need to dominate close-quarters engagements in Arena games – plague spewers and plague belchers are terrifying weapons in close, and your Marines and Terminators get re-rolls to wound in the Fight phase. Their core units are expensive – even moreso than other Marines – but they’re tough as nails and can manage the heaviest weapons with ease. Barbaros' Sting: Strike Cruiser: Heresy: Took part in the Battle of Isstvan III. If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result. Built using WordPress. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for (4626) Plague Marines Squad Death Guard Chaos Space Marines 40k 30k Warhammer at the … This model is armed with a plasma pistol, blight grenades and krak grenades. At a starting cost of 114 points, this guy is expensive, but scary. flamer that has +1” more range and re-rolls 1s to wound. – Give up your first round of CP to add +1 to hit and wound rolls for a chosen model for the rest of the game on a 2+. • A Plague Marine Fighter may replace their boltgun with one of the following: - a bubotic axe, great plague cleaver or flail of corruption.