Procedures and processes have already been 1144 134 STANDARD MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT Subject: Blue Signal Protection – Morrisville Number: 398004 Revision: 3 Effective: September 8, 2014 Supersedes #: Rev. : 5 Standard Maintenance Reporting System (SMRS) Effective Date. Besides, the report also showed that there were no standard procedures followed during administration of blood in the clinical ward of different hospitals. 0000370487 00000 n During the peak season our staff focuses on the daily maintenance of the. Amtrak Equipment Maintenance Department Standard Maintenance Procedure SMP 28603 - Mechanical Standard for Operating Privately Page 1 of 38 How to create and submit a work order (PowerPoint) Mission Statement. 1. 1.2 Hazards and Risks 0000351221 00000 n 2.2 Installation procedure Step 1: Bolt the groups together through the tie bolt holes leaving the hardware loose, until all sections are placed using the following procedure . An existing SOP may need to just be modified and updated, or you may be in a scenario where you have to write one from scratch. M`a�$K�AYS���\�(�����S��Yıa�*c3�lnÙ��E��������Kz��y�}����!$C(ʼn�`�"-Zz�H�RW��Fl�. 0000437736 00000 n A Maintenance Program establishes compliance with instructions for continuing airworthiness issued by type Co. Ltd. (IMS) 12 PRE JOB CHECKS. 48.2.1 Maintenance systems. 0000432265 00000 n Standard Maintenance Procedure: SMP-001 Removal of Furnish Pulper Gearbox -Excerpt 0000435381 00000 n Engineering Preventive Maintenance Standard Procedure: The main purpose of the preventive maintenance SOP is to reduce the downtime of all equipment used in the hotel by minimising mechanical failures, breakdown, operation and also its running cost.. xref 0000358490 00000 n 0000433325 00000 n 0000058931 00000 n • On-site technical procedure has to be read and understood. 0000432057 00000 n LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT UL 18. 0000045519 00000 n 0000102610 00000 n 0000052589 00000 n 15. 2. Where applicable, this standard will note components that require a more frequent EPM program to help ensure reliability and operation. To help ensure that Objective :To lay down a procedure for Breakdown Maintenance of the Equipment’s and Machines. 0000376128 00000 n Conveyor Belt Safety Procedure TPSMS/GSP/CONV/002 REV 01 Date of Issue: 30-06-2016 1. 0000093615 00000 n SCOPE This procedure defines the actions and responsibilities of the maintenance manager in maintaining the Machinery & equipment in good working condition. Regular maintenance work is followed by a regular maintenance follow-up list. Standard maintenance procedure pdf The practices and procedures necessary to achieve the standards that are expected. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE PERSON T Gary Osburn a. Equipment Maintenance and Repair Standard Procedure: Read the warranty information supplied with each piece of new equipment to learn what the manufacturer recommends. A job request form is issued for the repair of machines that show malfunction. Benefits are direct and substantial, including: high product quality, long machine life, avoidance of work stoppage, sector. 0000013747 00000 n 8/98) The standard considered describes a process to derive a maintenance strategy for the installations of the electrical power system and what information has to be documented. 0000432161 00000 n 0000058862 00000 n 0000437117 00000 n defined in industry standard ASTM-E1155-96 and industry standard ACI 117-90 may be used to establish the flatness and levelness of the finished foundation . Amtrak Equipment Maintenance Department Standard Maintenance Procedure SMP 28603 - Mechanical Standard for Operating Privately Page 1 of 38 0000433224 00000 n Related: SOP for Intimation of Breakdown of Utilities Services & Equipments in Manufacturing & Packing Department During Working 6.0 ABBREVIATION 6.1 SOP: Standard Operating Procedure 0000004057 00000 n 0000375411 00000 n A total PPM program is absolutely essential to an efficient, reliable and safe production process. OBJECTIVE: To evolve uniform safety procedure in Operation and Maintenance of Coal Conveyors Belts for ensuring the safety in O & M in Coal Handling Plants. 466 0 obj <> endobj 481 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<8D51D62A97BF221BC900493F060AF2D7><50F8FBE8C7234D908A96738EDABC1165>]/Index[466 29]/Info 465 0 R/Length 84/Prev 694167/Root 467 0 R/Size 495/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream 0000372614 00000 n P:\Facilities\Facilities Dept\Maintenance Procedure Manual\Maintenance Procedure Manual - updated 05152012\Section 3\Secton 3 Building Maint. 0000431751 00000 n The Maintenance Policy aims to ensure that all maintenance activities are carried out in a planned manner and consistent with University Standards. 0000373391 00000 n This is preventive maintenance. To protect the health and safety of employees. 0000045097 00000 n 0000375682 00000 n SUBJECT TERMS ... S Standard Form 298 (Rev. <]/Prev 815269/XRefStm 4057>> Types of Maintenance 3. 0000433428 00000 n maintenance organizations to include the process of predictive maintenance in their maintenance programs. 1. Table of Contents - doc. 0000044071 00000 n 0000435578 00000 n ANSI TAPPI TIP 0305-34:2008. 0000372867 00000 n 4.0 CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE: Where relevant, procedures for electrical and optical alignments are provided throughout this manual. 0000436368 00000 n But so long since you have probably been using your resources for your company. 1626 Evans Street, Building 1219 . 0000359125 00000 n Put all literature supplied in a three-ring binder. 0000434089 00000 n Preventive Maintenance is the planned maintenance of plant infrastructure and equipment with the goal of improving equipment life by preventing excess depreciation and impairment. The preventive maintenance program was and still is a focal point of GMP inspection. 0000432571 00000 n : July 20, 2017 Grid Assets CAISO Public Page | 1 3.1 PURPOSE Sections 2.4 and 6.2 of Appendix C, prescribes the need for a Standard Maintenance Report (SMR) format. trailer Assign the binder to managers and require new managers to review it. 0000351463 00000 n In order to ensure that equipment is serviced according to the manufacturer's specifications a repair Log Data Sheet to be completed. STANDARD MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT Subject: Blue Signal Protection – Morrisville Number: 398004 Revision: 3 Effective: September 8, 2014 Supersedes #: Rev. 0 A . 0000043924 00000 n 2)Whenever new machinery / equipment added or old machinery disposed, the list is updated. It should be specific and detailed enough so that a qualified maintenance technician who has never before performed the task can do so successfully by reading and following the instructions contained in it. 0000037974 00000 n The standard operating procedure (SOP) template is an effective tool that is used to write the set of steps that must be followed by the employees to capture the best routine activity of an organization. STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES AND PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE Each type of lift station will be different. 0000359240 00000 n You will discover the power of an ACE 3T maintenance procedure as you read the following example maintenance SOP. 0000372838 00000 n SCOPE: This procedure applies to different types of conveyors used in coal 0000431710 00000 n Detailed information regarding specific subassemblies 0000006622 00000 n SUBJECT TERMS 16. 0000409793 00000 n 0000433124 00000 n 0000373230 00000 n 0000375118 00000 n 0000436170 00000 n 0000434285 00000 n They’re particularly helpful for maintenance crews because they ensure the right work is done no matter which teammate performs … The Concerned Technician shall follow the Breakdown Maintenance Procedure as per this SOP. 0000359161 00000 n 0000005511 00000 n 0000005927 00000 n 0000430397 00000 n Preventive Maintenance Process Preventive Maintenance work orders are generated within FBMS using the Maintenance Schedule created for the Fleet vehicle. hޤ�]h[e�����wSr�%Y�I�9�*N4:�^L R��L�0bG��X��^��&YM�&M�4I�hNb���i� ��лv0p0�R/�b�Q����[u�P8��>�����缼 ��l��{xp#w&����lL^����/6�y*���� Nh������H|h�jz����!��9�I(g�=����.�V�^�8yf��X. maintenance records for schools officers This fact sheet highlights the importance for safe operating procedures (SOPs) and equipment maintenance records (EMRs) for staff working within the role of schools officer (grounds and facilities) or other areas within the school where equipment is used. TELEPHONE NUMBER(include area code) 303-445-2297 SS Standard Form 298 (Rev. 0000007041 00000 n Within the constraints of available resources, University assets will be maintained to the best standard possible while meeting statutory This covers activities from receiving maintenance request up to a turnover of machine & equipment to the concerned unit 2. Responsibility. 0000004264 00000 n processes like blood donor selection, stock maintenance, supply of blood, donor care, pre-donation counselling and other routine serological procedures. 0000512900 00000 n this procedure. University of Embu Maintenance Policy and Procedures Manual UNIVERSITY OF EMBU UNIVERSITY OF EMBU P.O. 0000431854 00000 n Air Handling Unit Number 11 JCP and or Exhaust Fans. Each personnel involved in maintenance should be aware 0000371010 00000 n SCOPE This procedure defines the actions and responsibilities of the maintenance manager in maintaining the Machinery & equipment in good working condition. 0000433734 00000 n Procedure. When dealing with a particular system, component or procedure the understanding of the safety aspects that apply to that task are needed. Each department is dependent on all the others and no single Maximum deferred maintenance funding required to restore buildings that have been maintained at this level. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 19a. A standard maintenance procedure is a detailed list of steps that describes how to perform a maintenance task and is also a documented standard to which the job or task should be performed. Maintenance Programs A Maintenance Program is a document which describes the specific maintenance tasks and their frequency of completion, necessary for the continued safe operation of those aircraft to which it applies. 0000004415 00000 n 15. 0000044210 00000 n h�bbd``b`��@��,�`;$Xk��D ��H���m@�VHp� �5@���}$��1012&��b`$��� � � �J% endstream endobj startxref 0 %%EOF 494 0 obj <>stream PURPOSE To ensure sustenance of machine and equipment capability by periodic preventive maintenance… HSE Standard Operating Procedure 1 SOP-01: Lockout / Tagout 1 Overview 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to provide detailed procedures pertaining to the lockout / tagout program to control safety risks associated with hazardous energy. 0000430438 00000 n A Standard Maintenance Procedure, or SMP, is a written set of instructions that specifies how a maintenance procedure is to be performed. 0000434734 00000 n PURPOSE To ensure sustenance of machine and equipment capability by periodic preventive maintenance… It […] 2.0 Standard Operating Procedure 2.1 Process Description In FBMS, it is important to track all maintenance activities performed on Fleet equipment. • Breakdown maintenance only on all systems. 0000433531 00000 n 0000019894 00000 n %%EOF Benefits are direct and substantial, including: high product quality, long machine life, avoidance of work stoppage, Fort Carson, CO 80913-4362 . 0000226144 00000 n Maintenance and maintenance management should be distinct from Production. 0000005367 00000 n Your SMPs should have a complete list of all … 2.doc 0000351499 00000 n 0000410534 00000 n Key documents that have been developed as part of the implementation of NIMS include the ‘Maintenance Management Standard’, the ‘Maintenance Accounting Framework’, the ‘Maintenance Competency Profiles’ and this ‘Maintenance Planning Guideline for Immovable Assets’. 6.1.8 Isolation and subsequent confirmation test shall be carried out to verify absence of voltage. 0000045260 00000 n All repetitive maintenance tasks should be covered by SMPs, regardless of who performs those tasks, be they craftspeople, contractors or operators. maintenance. 0000226223 00000 n ITS-SOP-0040 Version Date: 20080702 Effective Date: 20080707 Expiration Date: 20110707 2. 0000370892 00000 n 0000376224 00000 n regular preventive maintenance on electrical equipment. 0000458266 00000 n 0000433838 00000 n In business, equipment such as machines, pumps, and electrical wirings have always been the assets of every company. 2.0 Standard Operating Procedure 2.1 Process Description In FBMS, it is important to track all maintenance activities performed on Fleet equipment. 3.0 Scope This Standard Operating Procedure applies to all UOIT owned or leased facilities. 1. Building Maintenance Policy, Standards and Strategy Development Maintenance Management Framework Guideline 3 1.2 Related documents • Maintenance Management Framework (MMF policy document) • Building Condition Assessment (MMF guideline) • Scope of Building Maintenance (MMF policy advice note) • Strategic Asset Management Framework - Best Practice Guidelines for the … U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation Denver, Colorado January 2009 Facilities, Instructions, Standards, and Techniques b. POs can hire consultants to check a part or the whole maintenance procedure manual before appraisal, approval. 0000046107 00000 n Sufficient documentation and information is provided to guide an experienced technician through identification and corrective maintenance procedures. 0000433022 00000 n • Minimal to no inspections on most systems. 0000434986 00000 n maintenance organizations to include the process of predictive maintenance in their maintenance programs. 0000428756 00000 n 1144 0 obj <> endobj 0000359010 00000 n Section 5: Operating Procedures Effective date: Page 219 Title: Maintenance Services 5.40 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 5.40.1 OBJECTIVES To restore the vehicle and equipment to its functioning state based on factory standard. 0000432367 00000 n 1277 0 obj <>stream 0000437385 00000 n 1.2 NATIONAL IMMOVABLE ASSET MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT STANDARD 0000434535 00000 n 0000102689 00000 n • Large sections of entire building without ventilation. Bolt Torque Tightening Procedures Revsion No: 1 Industrial & Marine Services SA. Scope :This Standard Operating Procedure is applicable for the formulation plant of Pharmaceutical company. THE FUNCTION OF A LIFT STATION Lift stations help to move wastewater downstream. 0000435774 00000 n 0000382410 00000 n 0000503906 00000 n Standard Operating Procedure, Preventive Maintenance and Layered Process Audits Date 20.5.17 Pages/Appendices 49/0 Supervisors Jarmo Pyysalo & Kai Kärkkäinen Client Organisation /Partners JELD-WEN Suomi Ltd, Kuopio Abstract This final thesis subject came from JELD-WEN Kuopio which was going through improvements inside the company. Procedure No. 0000031624 00000 n 0000371171 00000 n (ICAO). NUMBER OF PAGES 63 19b. 0000428491 00000 n Box 6 - 60100, EMBU, KENYA Tel: (+254-20) 2444136 0000373299 00000 n • Preventive maintenance constitutes 0-25% of all maintenance activities. 0000006365 00000 n 0000503040 00000 n These materials help in providing efficiency and convenience that would be beneficial for every client. h��ULu�m��e�h����ʍ�a�hw݄�.7)�е�BA�� maintenance activities, maintenance interval, and references. 5.6 Maintenance work required other than the breakdown of process related equipment / instruments shall be communicated through maintenance requisition. 0000358892 00000 n The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure is to outline the requirements for the use, inspection, repair and maintenance of Emergency Eyewash Stations and Safety Showers at UOIT. Employees must follow standard operating procedures when applicable. 1.2 NATIONAL IMMOVABLE ASSET MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT STANDARD Preventive Maintenance Process Preventive Maintenance work orders are generated within FBMS using the Maintenance … 0000007303 00000 n This includes production, administration, maintenance, transportation, shipping/receiving, etc. sample published by 2020 page 2 … 0000351346 00000 n 2 of January 15, 2014 The following approvals were obtained prior to the issuance of this procedure: Director Quality Assurance Director Technical Services of reliability and maintenance data for equipment 1 Scope This International Standard provides a comprehensive basis for the collection of Reliability and Maintenance (RM) data in a standard format in the areas of drilling, production, refining and transport by pipeline of petroleum and natural gas. maintenance of all University assets and buildings. 239-18 . 6.1.7 Checklist should be made available and filled up copies recorded. 0000059025 00000 n 0000052995 00000 n The benefits to be accrued from the implementation of a program of planned maintenance can be found in the efficient and economical operation of the plant and equipment and the utilization of resources (i.e. 0000432468 00000 n 0000437464 00000 n Frequencies stated by this FIST are based on a standard time-based maintenance. maintenance procedure manual (Article 6, 7) a. POs are responsible for receiving maintenance procedure manuals provided by design consultants and equipment suppliers; conducting appraisal and approval before putting facilities into use. maintenance activities, maintenance interval, and references. They’re particularly helpful for maintenance crews because they ensure the right work is done no matter which teammate performs … 0000436567 00000 n Include Lists of Tools, Parts, Supplies, and Experts. 3. To save time when performing a task. ... To lay down the procedure for Preventive Maintenance. Building Maintenance. Contingency Planning Guidance . 0000026076 00000 n 0000383358 00000 n ISO 9001: Our company has an understanding of what the 2015 Maintenance Procedure is … 0000025937 00000 n sector. 0000061969 00000 n This maintenance includes, but is not limited to, adjustments, cleaning, lubrication, repairs, and replacements. C-313 Building and Equipment Maintenance Management Procedure of Operating Rooms Air Handling Units Number 18 through Number 22 and or Exhaust Fans. Maintenance and Production must work together to make the business a complete entity. Standard operating procedure of preventive maintenance and checklist of all equipment and systems as per their frequencies in pharmaceutical industries. 0000007737 00000 n Introduction to Maintenance: Machines, buildings and other service facilities are subject to deterioration due to their use and exposure to environmental conditions. 8/98) P Prescribed by ANSI Std. 4.2 Establish a Routine Maintenance Schedule All vehicles or equipment should receive routine maintenance according to … 0000432823 00000 n 0000431955 00000 n 0000429125 00000 n Standard Operating Procedure. 3T maintenance procedure below and consider what an ACE maintenance SOP format with 3T content can do for maintenance work quality and resulting reliability of your plant and equipment. Individual locations may require more frequent maintenance due to the physical environment or operational nature of the equipment. C-312 Building and Equipment Maintenance Management Procedure of M.R.I. Cooling in air will result in a degree of softness but not equal If this process of deterioration is not checked, it may render them unserviceable. 4. Module 7 Maintenance Practices Issue 1. 0000003040 00000 n 0000006593 00000 n 0000382978 00000 n 5.40.2 SCOPE This procedure defines the actions and responsibilities of General Services Head in maintaining the vehicle & equipment in good working condition. 0000061404 00000 n maintenance policy and procedures second edition how to set up and run your maintenance department by larry bush . The highest standards of orderly work arrangements and cleanliness should be observed during the maintenance of aircraft. A total PPM program is absolutely essential to an efficient, reliable and safe production process. This standard is specified as part of Technical Information Paper … To help ensure that everyone performs a task to the same degree of precision. 0000410044 00000 n 0000053406 00000 n 4.0 Procedures . Aircraft will be operated in an airworthy condition at all times. 0000372330 00000 n Wastewater flows by gravity to a wetwell at the lift station. 0000375653 00000 n The mission of our Building Maintenance department is to create and maintain the best facilities in a physical environment that promotes University excellence. 0000006480 00000 n REPORT UL b. ABSTRACT UL c. THIS PAGE UL 17. PROCEDURE : a)1) List of Machinery / Equipment List of machinery / equipment is prepared and maintained. 4. Key documents that have been developed as part of the implementation of NIMS include the ‘Maintenance Management Standard’, the ‘Maintenance Accounting Framework’, the ‘Maintenance Competency Profiles’ and this ‘Maintenance Planning Guideline for Immovable Assets’. ADVERTISEMENTS: After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. 0000351142 00000 n 4.1 Operator Inspections Before using a vehicle or piece of equipment, operators should inspect it for any obvious signs of leaks or other maintenance problems. 0000382687 00000 n These free standard operating procedure (SOP) templates are designed in Microsoft Word and available in PDF and Google docs. 2.0 SCOPE This SOP shall be applicable for preventive maintenance of all types of equipment and systems. This covers activities from receiving maintenance request up to a turnover of machine & equipment to the concerned unit 2. 5.40.2 SCOPE This procedure defines the actions and responsibilities of General 0000061693 00000 n ii Guide to Best Practice Maintenance & Operation of HVAC Systems for Energy Effi ciency AHU Air Handling Unit AIRAH Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating AMCA Air Conditioning and Mechanical Contractors’ Association of Australia ARC Australian Refrigeration Council AS Australian Standard (AS/NZS – Australian New Zealand Standard) Standard operating procedures, or SOPs, are documents used in business and industry to give a consistent set of information and directions to employees doing a particular job.SOPs are used to describe everything from accounting practices to chemical production. 1. FACILITY MANAGER STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE Fort Carson Directorate of Public Works . Nevertheless, restoration procedure of copper tubing to its soft annealed state by heating it red hot and quenching it in cold water exists. 0000433632 00000 n 0000436999 00000 n 0000358823 00000 n 0000436646 00000 n startxref maintenance. 0000436920 00000 n 6.1.6 All electrical work shall be done in compliance to Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)/ Standard Maintenance Procedure (SMP). 2 of January 15, 2014 The following approvals were obtained prior to the issuance of this procedure: Director Quality Assurance Director Technical Services Standard operating procedures, or SOPs, are documents used in business and industry to give a consistent set of information and directions to employees doing a particular job.SOPs are used to describe everything from accounting practices to chemical production. 0000370823 00000 n A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is a document consisting of step-by-step information on how to execute a task. Standard Operating Procedures – Fixed Wing General Operating Rules - Fixed Wing All aircraft operations will be conducted in accordance with all applicable FAR, local and national laws, manufacturers’ aircraft manuals/limitations and this Manual. 0000371081 00000 n FIST procedures, practices, and schedules that appear in black bold and bracketed text are considered Reclamation standard practice. January 2015 0000435972 00000 n Introduction to Maintenance 2. Safe operating procedures and equipment maintenance records for schools officers This fact sheet highlights the importance for safe operating procedures (SOPs) and equipment maintenance records (EMRs) for staff working within the role of schools officer (grounds and facilities) or other areas within the school where equipment is used. 0000376057 00000 n 0000052179 00000 n New PTOs should develop a final Standard Maintenance 0000044704 00000 n • Scope of the job has to identify. maintenance procedure manual (Article 6, 7) a. POs are responsible for receiving maintenance procedure manuals provided by design consultants and equipment suppliers; conducting appraisal and approval before putting facilities into use. 0000351578 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n b. POs can hire consultants to check a part or the whole maintenance procedure manual before appraisal, approval. 3 Version No. 0000382949 00000 n 0000435183 00000 n b)1)Preventive Maintenance Based on working condition of machinery, the preventive maintenance plan is prepared. %PDF-1.5 %���� %PDF-1.4 %���� This document addresses the characteristics and specifics common to each type of lift station. Title: Maintenance Services 5.40 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 5.40.1 OBJECTIVES To restore the vehicle and equipment to its functioning state based on factory standard.