- View energy production by month, day, or hour. Enlighten has been certified by the BMW Group for safe in-car use. Delivering at-a-glance verification, Enlighten gives you the assurance that your Enphase System is performing as expected. The app uses the BMW Group’s A4A (Apps for Automotive) technology. “The most challenging aspect was to integrate the EnLighten app in a safe manner. It then uses Connected Signals' proprietary technology to predict when that light will change. EnLighten allows BMW owners to know for sure when the next light will turn red, and it offers advice on how heavy (or light) to hit the pedal. Using EnLighten means being less stressed during driving. Users with the app on their iOS device will be able to make use of the BMW Apps system to display EnLighten on the native infotainment screen over their BMW’s center console. - Analyze performance against historical weather data. - Easily verify system health and performance. The company says that this app will come in handy to drivers as it shows them the current status of the traffic light in front of the car in real time. The driving dream is to have a car that does almost everything for you – and BMW understands this. Using real-time signal information and position information from GPS and cell signals, EnLighten notices when drivers stop at a red light. The EnLighten app allows BMW drivers – or anyone else – to know how long green or red lights will last. Availability EnLighten 4.5 for iOS and Android is available with many new features! Connected Signals has made some tweaks to the app interface to better support this integration, and they’ve even improved EnLighten with additional functionality. BMW has now made the light-timing process a whole lot easier, courtesy of its EnLighten app. BMW. BMW claims to be the first automaker to introduce the EnLighten app for connected traffic signals. Drivers may connect their iOS devices—iPhones—to the car through the USB socket or snap-in adapter. BMW is integrating the iOS version of the EnLighten app into its cars through the navigation display. If it … BMW introduces EnLighten App, a traffic light aid. The BMW Group announced today that it is the first manufacturer to bring the EnLighten App, by Connected Signals, into the car. Enlighten is the monitoring experience built specifically for the system owner. EnLighten 4 brings many performance enhancements as well as several user-experience improvements, including Green Light Assist, better in-coverage detection, and indications of no connection and off-system lights.. Green Light Assist sounds distinctive tones when you will make or miss the upcoming light. In BMW, Cars, International News, Technology / By Graham Chin / 29 July 2015 5:42 pm / 4 comments. Drivers of BMW … BMW has now made the light-timing process a whole lot easier, courtesy of its EnLighten app.