-2 Geist of Saint Traft Evolución del meta MODERN parte I: ESPER STONEBLADE & ESPER CONTROL Julio Bejarano 2019-11-23T08:49:08-05:00 Un saludo lectores, soy Julio Bejarano y esta es la primera nota que escribo para esta columna, deseo iniciar comentando como la evolución del meta MODERN ha afectado la configuración y versiones de las barajas de control. Zach's favorite format is Standard, although my favorite deck to play is Legacy U/W Stoneblade. Feeds | Top Modern Esper Stoneblade Decks. +1 Inquisition of Kozilek Avg. I cannot find much information or gameplay notes around anymore through my searches on esper stoneblade in the past year or so, at least not as frequent as other decks. Feel free to follow me on Facebook! Stoneblade Esper Stoneblade for Modern. -1 Cataclysmic Gearhulk WUB (Esper). Decklists Decklists [decklist] Title: martyr1207 (5-0) Subtitle: Format: Modern League 4 Ancient Ziggurat 4 Cavern of Souls 3 Horizon Canopy 1 Island 1 Plains 1 Silent Clearing 4 Unclaimed Territory 1 Waterlogged Grove 4 Champion of the Parish 2 Deputy of Detention 3 Kitesail Freebooter 4 Mantis Rider 4 Meddling Mage 4 Noble Hierarch [Legacy] Esper Stoneblade. Your mana base is way better. Modern “No Banned List” Stoneblade. Privacy statement | We discuss the ins and outs of the deck, along with some other builds. Esper Stoneblade is a midrange deck that tries to abuse Stoneforge Mystic and some of the most powerful equipment printed, like Batterskull and Umezawa’s Jitte. Attention! Latest Set: Return to Ravnica. We have collected the top Esper Stoneblade Modern … Theros: Beyond Death Singles Sealed Product. I am looking into buying into Legacy, I have been playing EDH for a while now after I left the game for 15 years. -1 Dusk Tom Martell tests some Legacy on Magic Online with Esper Stoneblade! Creatures [9] 2 Jace, the Mind Sculptor. Login. ... Modern Esper Stoneblade MTGO Play - 3 for 1 - Duration: 1:31:37. Rare Board Games, mtg, Magic: the Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh, rpg, Role Playing Games, Dungeons and Dragons, and many more games and supplies for sale. Hello everybody, this is the followup of the previous article where I explained how to build a Esper Stoneblade Deck.. Legacy Guide Part VIII: Control Decks. 132th KMC 12月26日(Sat) 受付:12:30 開始:13:00 参加費:1000円 フォーマット Top Modern Esper Stoneblade Decks. -1 Thoughtseize Posted October 14, 2015 by Editor & filed under Articles.. It's a Legacy double feature as Ben explores the brewer's paradise that is the post-Top metagame! -2 Serum Visions Recent Posts See All. Esper Blade Guilherme Canuto Legacy RS 2020 3-Etapa 15/03/2020 10 of 47 Blade Control Decoutan MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 14/03/2020 38 UW Stoneblade Lucas Glavin Open @ ELD´s Time Vault Games Ascension. +4 Thieves' Guild Enforcer -1 Stony Silence This site © 2020 TappedOut.net, LLC Creature 9 4 Snapcaster Mage 4 Stoneforge Mystic 1 Vendilion Clique. Don’t forget to Like/Follow/Subscribe to all the stuff that we do. This website is not produced, endorsed, supported, or affiliated with Wizards of the Coast. But its really Duals which are the main ones left. 関西で開催しているマジックザギャザリング、レガシーフォーマットの大会です。KMC is MTG's Legacy event which is held in Japan. Fast shipping and friendly customer service. His PT debut was PT Guilds of Ravnica, where he placed 13th. Jerry, Pat, and Ben discuss the ins and outs of Esper Stoneblade, along with some other builds. Esper Stoneblade – Angus McKay. Esper Stoneblade Legacy | Channel Martell. I would really appreciate your opinion on the list: 2 Jace the Mind Esper Stoneblade for Modern. Esper Stoneblade by mtg_margarita. Complete Comment Tutorial! This website is not produced, endorsed, supported, or affiliated with Wizards of the Coast. Contact | I miss 1v1 games in eternal format. Commander 2019 Singles Sealed Product. Esper Stoneblade Legacy. 検索. Post n°1 [Legacy] Esper Stoneblade. I was just looking through some recent events when I noticed that the 13/12 Player's Championship had 7 decks featuring 4 Okos (all main) in the top 8. Discord Server | Esper Stoneblade 0.13% 31 $868 $304 Esper Control 0.13% 31 $841 $354 Bant Stoneblade 0.12% 30 $988 $520 Thopter Foundry 0.12% 29 $573 $190 Temur Snow Control 0.12% 29 $1106 $675 Charge Tron 0.11% 27 $318 $236 +1 Engineered Explosives Format: Legacy - RTR. (Esper Stoneblade is also known as Esper Stoneblade, Esper Control or WUB Control). -1 Engineered Explosives Midrange Attention! Feel free to follow me on Facebook! A bit of a work in progress, particularly the sideboard. This time we are going to take a look at the Legacy format and one of my favorite decks for it: Esper Stoneblade. By Angus McKay August 4, 2017 Category: Legacy Decklists Tags: Decklists, Legacy, MTG. 6. フォーマット レガシー デッキ名 Esper Stoneblade 使用色 オリジナル率 13.8% メイン / サイド 60 / 0 平均マナコスト 2.4 作成日 2013/12/12 更新日 2013/12/12 週間ランキング 258位 レガシー部門(5976位中) 2006位 総合部門(51108位中) This week Jerry and Patrick talk Esper Stoneblade with Ben Borodawka. Its current875$. Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. KMCIT5th SF Sekimoto Tatsuo(Miracle) vs Omonishi Kojiro(Esper Stoneblade) By Dome KMCIT5thも Updated Oct 03, 2019 by jaymc1130 using our MTG Deck Builder. Last Modified On: 1/6/2013 Market Median Low $1,173.90 $1,349.18 $1,026.43 Buy This Deck! By continuing to browse this site, you agree to this use as described in our Privacy Policy in detail. -1 Spell Snare #modern #MTG #esper #Mentor #MTGMentor #Stoneblade #Stoneforge #Mystic #Jace. The information presented on this site about Magic: The Gathering, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. +1 Teferi, Hero of Dominaria Planeswalkers [2] 1 Batterskull 4 Brainstorm 1 Counterspell 3 Force of Will 4 Inquisition of Kozilek 3 Lingering Souls +1 Disenchant. Copied to clipboard. Stoneblade Mtgplay Discord Tournament 2 07/11/20 Stoneblade Azuma Yuki Kansai Fighting Party (Team Event) 3-4 18/10/20 Stoneblade Yamada Taichiro Known Magicians Clan - 130th 5-8 10/10/20 Stoneblade Bonezzz 5 2 MTG Modern: Competitive UWx Control, Stoneblade, & Midrange Community has 7,517 members. This will require TappedOut.js included in your blog. Primer & Guides; 1,453 views. Deck Price: MAIN DECK. Format: Legacy. MTG - An Advanced Guide To Legacy Death and Taxes for Magic: The Gathering - Duration: 9:52. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. Dae of Judgment. I will be updating it as I get more … I usually tend to … +1 Disenchant, From v5 to v6 I did the following changes: -2 Cryptic Command Tom Martell tests some Legacy on Magic Online with Esper Stoneblade! Esper Blade Guilherme Canuto Legacy RS 2020 3-Etapa: 15/03/2020 10 of 47 Blade Control: Decoutan: MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks: 14/03/2020 38 UW Stoneblade: Lucas Glavin: Open @ ELD´s Time Vault Games (Bellingham MA) 07/03/2020 8 of 21 Bant Stoneblade: Diego Silva A few weeks ago, Wizards decided to shake up legacy by banning Deathrite Shaman and Gitaxian Probe.Although Grixis Delver and 4c Czech Pile have been my go-to legacy decks for the past year, I was stoked about the announcement, as it meant I now had the opportunity to play my favorite deck again – Esper Stoneblade! You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. A bit of a work in progress, particularly the sideboard. Magic The Gathering, magic cards, singles, decks, card lists, deck ideas, wizard of the coast, all of the cards you need at great prices are available at Cardkingdom. By Tom Martell / August 5, 2018 October 10, 2019. -1 Fatal Push Complete Comment Tutorial! Latest Sets. -1 Fatal Push (60 cards, 24 distinct) - Sword of Fire and Ice, Snapcaster Mage, Sword of Light and Shadow, Stoneforge Mystic, Polluted Delta, Flooded Strand, Cryptic Command -4 Opt DMCA requests | Feeds | Updated Aug 26, 2020 by Crujiff using our MTG Deck Builder. Loading... Unsubscribe from Meryn MTG? +2 Teferi, Time Raveler Anyways I need 3 more duals to complete the mana base for esper stoneblade, I can Welcome to our Modern Competitive: UWx Midrange & Control Community! Stoneblade +1 Unearth SHOP. This site is unaffiliated. WUB (Esper). +1 Brazen Borrower Low. -1 Spell Snare Well compared to esper i actually have a few points. +1 Liliana, the Last Hope, From v3 to v4 I did the following changes: Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. Help | (60 cards, 28 distinct) - Underground Sea, Tropical Island, Bayou, Tundra, Force of Will, Jace, the Mind Sculptor, Verdant Catacombs This will require TappedOut.js included in your blog. Terms of Use | VOD. This one's berm on the burner for a while. The Deck The Original BW StoneBlade evolved in the MM-era as a deck that had, simultaneously, good 石鍛冶とは、ワールドウェイクの白のクリーチャーである 《石鍛冶の神秘家》 を指しており、 青白石鍛冶は、通常青白2色か、赤または黒を加えた3色で組まれる、ビートダウンの要素を持った、コントロールデッキです。 このデッキの主要素となるのは以下の3点です。 You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. +1 Kaya, Orzhov Usurper MTG Arena Tabletop Commander Legends Zendikar Rising Commander Collection Green Double Masters Core 2021 Jumpstart Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths Secret Lair Drop Series All Sets Digital MTG Arena Magic Online All Copied to clipboard. The last deck having only two copies of the elkifyer. 4 Flooded Strand 3 Polluted Delta 3 Underground Sea 2 Tundra 2 Wasteland 1 Creeping Tar Pit 1 Marsh Flats 1 Scrubland 1 Karakas This annoying message will go away once you do! Maindeck 60. Discord Server | Image Export (Instagram, Twitter) In TappedOut's comments/forums In TappedOut's comments/forums with pie-chart With Top banned, control decks have suffered. Throne of Eldraine Singles Sealed Product. Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. Terms of Use | Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. +1 Dusk, From v2 to v3 I did the following changes: It tries to disrupt the opponent using counterspells in combination with discard spells. -1 Surgical Extraction In this article I will explain how to play this deck and sideboard plan against a variety of the deck in the meta, starting from the previous list, and the odds from my experiece. control. +2 Fulminator Mage ... You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. Hello everybody, Not only do they act as early beaters (and can also be equipped), but they interfere with both UWx Yorion and Neobrand game plans, both decks that I face in my local meta. We have collected the top Esper Stoneblade Modern decks from the latest tournaments. This is my attempt at an Esper EDH deck that tries to play similarly to Stoneblade. Stoneblade Yamada Taichiro Known Magicians Clan - 130th 5-8 10/10/20 Stoneblade Bonezzz MTGO Legacy League 5 03/10/20 Uw Delver Bobofraggles Community League 10.01 2 30/09/20 Stoneblade Miguel Ángel Marín 3-4 Ascension is a deck-building game in which players spend Runes to acquire more powerful cards for their deck.It offers a dynamic play experience where players have to react and adjust their strategy accordingly. Esper Stoneblade. I've constructed an esper delver-stoneblade hybrid List(my LGS's meta is mostly fair deck based, permitting for the inclusion of the stoneforge package). +3 Spell Queller Some interesting combo for you here, Reanimator Depths, a combo of Reanimator and Turbo Depths, vs the well known Esper Stoneblade. Evolución del meta MODERN parte I: ESPER STONEBLADE & ESPER CONTROL Julio Bejarano 2019-11-23T08:49:08-05:00 Un saludo lectores, soy Julio Bejarano y esta es la primera nota que escribo para esta columna, deseo iniciar comentando como la evolución del meta MODERN ha afectado la configuración y versiones de las barajas de control. Feel free to follow me on Facebook! You can find him on Twitter @A22en where he's always happy to talk about MTG … This site is unaffiliated. Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. By Reid Duke / June 14, 2017 February 19, 2020. Tolarian Community College 98,201 views 9:52 Channel Mengucci - Legacy Esper Delver (Deck Tech … TCGのことならDigへ!各大会で優良な成績を残したデッキが見つかります。コラム、大会で結果を残したデッキの検索、ショップの検索、大会の検索などのコンテンツを用意しております。 He's most known for his ability to play blue control decks. TappedOut.js Blog Widget. Edit: Here you can find the guide where I explain how to play it. This site uses cookies for analytics, ads and personalized content. Control -1 Spell Queller ランダム表示; Esper Stoneblade(Legacy) I placed 5th in the first one they held, and took 1st their second time hosting it. With UWr you are not getting wasted or mooned out of the game. Tweet. Ok folks, I've got a small bit of time today, so I'm back with another deck tech for you. #modern #MTG #esper #Mentor #MTGMentor #Stoneblade #Stoneforge #Mystic #Jace P.s. +1 Tasigur, the Golden Fang 4 Snapcaster Mage 4 Stoneforge Mystic 1 Vendilion Clique. (The top 16 had a total of 47 +1 Vendilion Clique Mono … The article where I write about: https://crujiff14.wixsite.com/website/post/esper-stoneblade-primer-modern, From v1 to v2 I did the following changes: Esper Stoneblade constructed deck list and prices for the Magic the Gathering TCG. Dae of Judgment Elite Member Posts: 1792 Rep: 22 Join date: 2012-04-04 Age: 23. Mengu09 vs kanister $1 000 000 Grand Final Mythic Invitational MTG Arena Tournament 2019 - Duration: 29:04. The competitive meter wont acknowledge awesomeness. Temur Delver (Ricky Sidher) vs Esper Stoneblade (William Miller) [2013-12-07] DMCA requests | TappedOut.js Blog Widget. ⚔️ ESPER STONEBLADE IN MODERN? +2 Drown in the Loch +1 Stoneforge Mystic, From v6 to v7 I did the following changes: Updated Sep 02, 2019 by thehybridkid using our MTG Deck Builder. -1 Stony Silence You can find the Stoneblade Facebook group here. EDIT: To anyone who finds this post on either this sub or r/Stoneblade where I x-posted it, I am going to be running 2x Containment Priest for the time being in … Modern KMC(Known Magician's Clan) 【デッキ紹介】第5回KMCデッキ紹介 ~第20回KMC優勝・Esper Stoneblade~ KMC(Known Magician's Clan) -2 Unearth +1 Opt Contact | Modern -1 Fae of Wishes by Dae of Judgment on Thu May 02, 2013 3:33 am. Esper (W U B) builds can be discussed in either thread, although most Esper builds tend to favor one style or the other. Help | -1 Engineered Explosives 132th KMC 12月26日(Sat) 受付:12:30 開始:13:00 参加費:1000円 フォーマット P.s. EDIT: To anyone who finds this post on either this sub or r/Stoneblade where I x-posted it, I am going to be running 2x Containment Priest for the time being in the side. Privacy statement | Wisdom Guild / Astral Guild / MTG Wiki. +1 Supreme Verdict, From v4 to v5 I did the following changes: this is my version of esper stoneblade. KMC(Known Magician's Clan) 関西で開催しているマジックザギャザリング、レガシーフォーマットの大会です。KMC is MTG's Legacy event in Japan. Competitive 6+ Removal mean Deathrite is actually In fact you can Moon people yourself. High. -1 Logic Knot MTG Gameplay Meryn MTG. Advanced Search. #modern #MTG #esper #Mentor #MTGMentor #Stoneblade #Stoneforge #Mystic #Jace P.s. Esper Stoneblade Primer (Main Deck) Hello everybody! I've constructed an esper delver-stoneblade hybrid List(my LGS's meta is mostly fair deck based, permitting for the inclusion of the stoneforge package). Updated Feb 15, 2019 by Canuck25 using our MTG Deck Builder. I would really appreciate your opinion on the list: 2 Jace the Mind Sculptor 2 Jace, Vryn's prodigy 4 Delver of Secrets 2 True-Name Nemesis 2 Gurmag Angler 2 Stoneforge Mystic 1 Batterskull Modern Mayhem: Esper Hate-Ninjas (Modern, Magic Online), Sep 11, 2019 Modern Mayhem: Esper Stoneblade(Modern, Magic Online) (current), Sep 3, 2019 Modern Mayhem: CrimJitsu (Modern, Magic Online), Aug 20, 2019 Modern Mayhem: Weird Phoenix (Modern, Magic Online), Aug 13, 2019 Modern Mayhem: Boros SupaFrandz (Modern, Magic Online), Aug 7, 2019 Recently Gamer’s Gauntlet began hosting Modern “No Banned List” tournaments. Esper Stoneblade by mtg_margarita. KMC is MTG's Legacy event which is held in Japan. II. フォーマット レガシー デッキ名 Esper StoneBlade 使用色 オリジナル率 22.2% メイン / サイド 60 / 3 平均マナコスト 2.2 作成日 2012/05/16 更新日 2012/05/16 週間ランキング 966位 レガシー部門(5642位中) 9775位 総合部門(51113位中) Anyways I need 3 more duals to complete the mana base for esper stoneblade, I can get most of the other stuff. Stone forge is unbanned so I immediately put this list together. 0 Item. This site © 2020 TappedOut.net, LLC KMC(Known Magician's Clan) 関西で開催しているマジックザギャザリング、レガシーフォーマットの大会です。KMC is MTG's Legacy event in Japan. The information presented on this site about Magic: The Gathering, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. -1 Tasigur, the Golden Fang Hello everybody, this is my version of esper stoneblade. This annoying message will go away once you do.