It is the first main realm other than Midgard that you can explore in the game, and part of your main Journey.. We want to help you with the game. With the help of this guide, you will be able to collect all hidden collectibles in the location and aim for that 100% completion mark. Let's see if we can discover what else is hidden and solve these mysteries once and for all! For God of War on the PlayStation 4, Guide and Walkthrough by Mogg 13-42. This occurs normally during the course of the story when a new area is opened after the scene with Mimir and the World Serpent, so if you don't have it yet, just continue the main story quest. You will not be able to complete it in 100% the first time around. How to Unlock God of War's Valkyries . The realm of Niflheim is an optional realm in God of War that can only be accessed after you gain the 4 Niflheim Language Ciphers.Once they are collected, you can travel to … A place to discuss all secrets in God of War, discovered and undiscovered! God of War is full of surprises, and that makes guides particularly tricky to write. Lucky for you, our God of War Alfheim Collectible Locations Guide details all collectibles in the Alfheim realm of God of War. A note on God of War spoilers. God of War, for all its trolls, magic and inter-dimensional travel, is a small story at heart. Before accessing any of the God of War's Valkyries, you need to first obtain the Magic Chisel. Cory Barlog, director of GoW, has said that there are secrets we have not yet discovered. In here, you can find: 5x Artifacts; 1x Mystic Gateway; 6x Odin's Ravens; 1x Valkyries; 3x Legendary Chests; In Helheim - another map in God of War, you can unlock many secrets. The Realm of Alfheim is one of the main Regions in God of War. Brok and Sindri's Hidden Collector's Edition Treasure We don’t want to spoil it. This page contains known cheats and or secrets that you can find or enable in God of War. God of War guide: Spoils of War artifact locations (Alfheim) The locations of all Spoils of War artifacts in Alfheim By Jeffrey Parkin May 7, 2018, 12:43pm EDT In God of War, you will visit this realm several times. Part of God of War guide and walkthrough After a lot of truly impressive detective work, fans of God of War decoded a puzzle on the cloth map included in the Stone Mason Edition of the game.