Other species of apples will not lay under water, and there is no gelatin protecting it. As long as a snail is wet it’s able to survive. Reply Delete. They usually burrow a hole underneath to lay and hide the eggs safely. The "more clutches" statement by /u/gastropoid is a little misleading, although probably literal. I've noticed one of two things happening - they either get tired and go dormant and eventually die or they start having problems with air in their shells and can't expel it. One female can produce as many as 600 eggs in one clutch. How often do your snails lay eggs? Some states also ban sale of them.And since I use Reddit mostly on my phone, I frequently cheat - I've typed the Latin enough times answering questions that my auto suggestions knows it now. They fertilise each another and then lay eggs. Mystery snails & Cuttlebone... My snails seem to be fine with new shell gro... Do aquatic snails die after laying eggs? Do you have any data from your original three regarding this? Cookies help us deliver our Services. A few weeks ago I had a nice clutch that hatched. A flashlight is a good tool for snail egg identification. I have to girls that are the same size and s... Why? The eggs will be laid in large clutches of up to 200. I'm ...k. Do mystery snails lay eggs out of the water cos I have a few and I spotted ... What do mystery snail eggs look like and where do they lay them should I mo... How often female betta lay eggs? In their natural habitat, freshwater snails found in temperate regions lay eggs from spring to fall. Mine has laid her eggs and ... What to do with a clutch of mystery snail eggs. The eggs are light pink in color and are laid in a sort of cocoon, which looks like large, frothy clump. The eggs hatch in about three weeks, or sooner if the … Thanx for all your help! When I was shipping mine, every single report I got back was of them snailing out of the box and onto each other. Humidity plays a huge role in … Nerite Snails Eggs – Nerite snails are found in deep sea, brackish water and also freshwater. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Due to human interference, Mystery Snails can be found both in South and North America. Look for brownish-gray, slimy bundles when identifying eggs of slugs or snails. Mystery Snails are gonochoristic which means a male and female must be present for reproduction. I have 5 mystery snails, 2 of them are thumbnail sized 2 other are about an inch 1/2 and one is 2 inches. Things like this i tend to let nature take its course, unless i need to do somthing special. One recipient wanted to know if they were fighting :). You should be able to tell if you look up a picture of each. The eggs are white and 1/8 inch in diameter. They have a big appetite. My breeding group went about a month and a half to two months constantly breeding. Though the goldfish eat them I think. What differentiates these snails from other types of snails is their unique breathing and breedi… well sometimes mystery snails can hold there eggs in her body for weeks so there no specific time.But then Again some lay there eggs the same day after breeding.but make sure there in 4 inch above the water line so your snail can lay her eggs there hope this helps Do they need to mate a lot in order for the female snail to lay fertilized eggs. Snails that lay their eggs in aquarium's tend to give birth from 200 to 300 eggs. The mystery and apple snails reproduce sexually, meaning that you need a male and female snail to make babies. As for the eggs themselves - provided they are fertile (of course) and kept warm and very humid, they should hatch in around 21 days. Most land snails and slugs are hermaphrodites which means they have both male and female reproductive organs. Their secret is that they actually lay eggs above water, and hope they stay moist enough to hatch. Eggs laid above water. Selling them here on Reddit is always an option, but very few people want more than 3, or so I've found. Breeding. Finally: After breeding, mystery snails lay their eggs above the waterline so they have direct access to oxygen (they will DROWN if left underwater!). These snails are very common tank mates with betta fish and goldfish. What do you do with the eggs? (I know its harder when you have three bajillion) The thing is before this summer the snails did have relations, but they didn't lay until now. Sometimes not all of the eggs are fertilized so they don't all hatch. it really was sad.From now on i will let her do her own thing, she and the other one was mating again last night so hopefully will have new babies soon. I had one clutch laid on the glass top right underneath the light on my tank that never moves (2-48" fixtures, the front one moves all the time to raise the lid of the tank, etc.) At first, the eggs are enclosed together in a jelly-like sac before the snail brings all the eggs … Some snails go out of the water to eat or lay eggs, but quickly return afterwards. Caring for Baby Apple/Mystery Snails. Since June 18th my 4 mystery snails have laid 6 clutches of eggs. Those that do are looking for new breeding stock. These snails will lay their eggs above the water in the tank. Mystery snails need consistency in their habitat in order to thrive and avoid illness. They are coated with a slimy substance that is slightly gummy. I don’t know genders but have 3 batches of eggs. It’s impressive that they can lay about 75 eggs at a time. If dead it should look lifeless and smell awful. Today I found a very fresh batch of eggs. Malaysian Trumpet Snails are smaller species and will often not exceed 1/2" in length. Get cuttle bone, like the stuff for birds, and burry it in your gravel. About 2 weeks ago my Mystery Snail laid eggs, Now i have 4 lots of Eggs cases.. Tonight the first egg sack hatched, I counted 9 little Mystery snails so far.. Is there anything i should do for the babies or do i just leave them alone to do there thing. from there many baby snails will go into the parents shell for protection. u/jickeydo has hatched more clutches than I have, honestly, so he can give you a better idea of the timing, but from what I've read temp plays a part. SUCCESS IS MEASURED BY YEARS, NOT MONTHS!!! Many animals change sex at some point in their lives, often after reaching a certain size. . Follow the development on Mystery snails from the eggs being laid to two months of age. In order to develop properly, the eggs need an environment that is not dry and has a heat source. Atop this free space always leave a hood or some cover, since they often sneak out of the tank and the fell from the aquarium to the floor could be fatal. OH well great then! Take your snail out of the tank and inspect its body under the shell. In fact ALL my fish seem to be in a breeding frenzy (lucky I separated the guppies) The black skirts I temporarily moved into my goldfish tank (which is warmer than my tropical tank because its not as close to an air conditioner) have too been laying egg blobs. Hatching Apple Snail (Mystery Snail) Eggs in Your Aquarium June 23, 2018 July 16, 2019 Melody McKinnon 9 There are several types of “Apple Snails” available for aquariums. They spend m… However, it’s important to remember that just because it’s simple it doesn’t mean it’s hands-off. My clutch (the first one) isnt having a high survival rate due to food competition from "pest snails" the ones that survived has doubled in size to about 3mm big. Come here to enjoy pictures, videos, articles and discussion. Females are often slightly larger than males, but sexing is difficult. They also have a big waste output, so you need to be partially changing 30% of water, with conditioner, weekly. With finding that I thought it was time to do a species profile on mystery snails. I find that hatchlings do much better in a small tank/container with a bare bottom & air stone for the first month of life. How often do mystery snails lay eggs? I've got Mystery Snail Eggs. Oh yea and believe me i know now that i accidently murdered them! Malaysian Trumpet Snails are avid consumers of debris, especially debris that has fallen on the gravel surface. Freshwater snails in warmer environments may lay eggs year round. How often should Mystery Snails be fed? In fact, there’s just a few who do. This may take close to a year for them to attain this size, depending upon quality of care and their particular growth rates. Most apple snails lay their eggs above the water line. How fast do baby mystery snails grow? Snails are often hermaphrodites, but apple snails are not. The most recognisable eggs are laid by Apple snails and Mystery snails. I've only seen my snails get stuck once for about a half hour. In North America, they are known as an invasive species. These snails can also be sold as a Gold Mystery Snail, a Golden Mystery Snail, a Golden Inca Snail, a Golden Snail, a Yellow Snail, an Inca Snail or by some other name. How often do Mystery Snails lay eggs? The eggs are small and poor in yolk. It depends on the species. They work hard to clean algae off of glass, plants, and decorations, they eat hair algae, and they keep your substrate clean and the correct color. Oddly enough, they do best in … Unfortunately most of them didn't survive as the little guys couldn't get out and when I had noticed it was "ripe" it was too late and noone inside was alive. Mystery snails will lay atleast 4 clutches of eggs.It will be a least 3-4 weeks before the eggs hatch.Even though there might be 400 egs only about 30-70 will hatch if you have the setup right.Be sure not to put a puffer,and loches in the tank if you do the snails will gat eaten. Different species of apple snails (spixi, pomacea diffusa, canaliculata, etc) have different coloured eggs, and different ways of laying. When the snails are sexually mature, and you should have male and female with 5 of them, you will see one that seems to ride the other and stay there. After fertilization, the eggs go through a process of growth inside the snail, until they are ready to be delivered. If they lay their eggs above the water the air surrounding the cocoon must be moist enough and eggs should hatch within a month. The mating and self-fertilizing take around two weeks before the snail starts to lay their eggs. They usually do this on the aquarium glass. Eggs laid above water. The eggs are white and 1/8 inch in diameter. Hi everyone! Hermaphroditic snails lay about 80 eggs 6 times a year. I walked in this morning to feed the tank and saw my largest one laying the sixth. They normally lay their eggs in the dark (at night) so catching them is rare. The Chinese mystery snail, member of the Viviparidae species of snails, does not lay eggs but gives birth directly to young ones. Ramshorn snails lay eggs in small brownish clusters. This does not mean they are challenging to breed, since they will lay 200-600 eggs at a time! I'm not sure if it's the constant coitus or the stress of laying so many eggs, but a few of my females do get stressed out. I got 3 Helix Aspersa about 6 weeks ago, but my little guys sure do seem to be having a lot of snex and laying eggs. It depends on the snails. At first, the eggs are enclosed together in a jelly-like sac before the snail brings all the eggs … It originates in South America with the highest density being in Peru, Paraguay, Brazil, and Bolivia. There's not a ton of facts out there regarding mystery snails, but www.applesnail.net has the best that I've seen. That's right, you will not get more mystery snails in your tank under water. Mystery snail eggs can take anywhere from 10 days to 4 weeks to hatch. Finally, keep in mind that Mystery Snails can be kept in stores with tank mates that may bite off their tentacles, eye stalks and siphon. The eggs hatch in approximately a month and begin to feed immediately, reaching adulthood in three to five months. It is not just because some snails lay their eggs above water, with these you need about 15 cm (5.91 inch) space, but also for the possibility that they would want to go to the surface and breathe in some atmospheric air. 220 Tank build + 62 other tanks. 27.9 KB Views: 10. Sometimes not all of the eggs are fertilized so they don't all hatch. The eggs take 2–4 weeks to hatch. They are also quite temperamental in regards to the condition in which they lay their eggs. Please find a yellow/orange tab that says Ask a Question and start a new thread. The eggs are normally light pink. Mystery and Inca snails lay their eggs above the water, usually on the underside of the aquarium cover, so if you want to breed them, leave an air space for them between the water surface and tank lid. Mooo Member. They often stick their eggs to exposed glass. Blue mystery snails are a type of apple snail, and they DEFINITELY lay eggs. I've thought I'd caught them once or twice, but the female will actually spend a bit of time scouting out potential spots to leave her eggs. I attribute the air/shell issue to mantle problems since I've seen them violently try to shake a persistent male off and contort past the extents of what I think is safe for them. The mating and self-fertilizing take around two weeks before the snail starts to lay their eggs. One female can produce as many as 600 eggs in one clutch. They should eat any lettuce; ramshorn snails do but I forgot about mystery snails. What is the difference between Mystery and Apple snails? The mystery snail (Pomacea bridgesii) is an extremely popular type of freshwater snail. This couldn't be further from what my experiences have shown me. The maximum number of clutches I've taken down at once was eight in my 120 gallon tank. About 100 eggs. After the month or so of constant breeding, do they do it again or do you not have the original trio? LOTS of them... you wouldn't be able to miss it. Mystery snails will lay atleast 4 clutches of eggs.It will be a least 3-4 weeks before the eggs hatch.Even though there might be 400 egs only about 30-70 will hatch if you have the setup right.Be sure not to put a puffer,and loches in the tank if you do the snails will gat eaten. I guess that is a great indication of the level of heat my lights put out...in case the math wasn't clear, it was around the 10 day mark. Higher temps will result in faster hatching. You’ll sometimes see it referred to as the spike-topped apple snail or common apple snail. I am very sad that I missed the laying as I would've recorded it. Any advice ? They're a heckuva hit on a tank's bioload, and 200+ ping-pong-balls snailing around a tank takes up a lot of space :). Locked because poster not taking advice to start their own question. How many times a year does your mystery snail lay eggs? The snails can produce as many as two-hundred offspring from one egg-laying event. After mating which may take several hours, they lay their eggs in depressions under logs or debris. My mystery snail is suspected to be female and her recent escapes may have been failed attempts to lay eggs. Copper is lethal to snails in general, since they are found to be very sensitive to this element. In captivity, mystery snails eat the same thing (if they have to) but prefer fish food – a much more nutritious menu. My current "floater" is still active, just can't stay down for any length of time - the strength required to hold her onto something with the constant buoyancy tires her out too much. The snails can produce as many as two-hundred offspring from one egg-laying event. If these snails are kept alone, a quite small tank will be enough for them – about 10 gallons capacity. Snails do lay eggs in a variety of different ways from under the soil to nestled in plant life in the water. She could lay eggs right away or in a few days. After collecting all the eggs, move to the next step to incubate the snail eggs. It depends on conditions. Some snails will lay eggs for a while and then stop completely. (Its funny though the female is the biggest one and the males aren't really growing bigger). ) . In the wild, Nerite snails are located around the Pacific and Caribbean Oceans. ( I would suggest washing the gravel first. Breeding & raising Mystery snails (Pomacea diffusa). To answer your implied query: Pomacea caniculata is the big one on the Lacey Act interstate transport ban, along with the rest of the Ampullariidae with the exception of Pomacea diffusa. And as with all aquarium purchases, avoid buying Inca Snails from a tank with dead or dying inhabitants. Bottom, but females will go to the surface of the water so they can lay eggs above the water line. And I suspect higher temps in the water prompt more mating, though they do seem to go in cycles. I'm worried this might be abnormal and the males might be stressing the female out by constant coitus. Bad water stresses snails and discourages breeding. In the wild, mystery snails eat algae, plant leaves, and anything else they find on the bottom. Replies . Unknown July 21, 2013 at 11:47 AM. Breeding. Each ball of eggs will contain around ten to twelve eggs, though it tends to vary from snail to snail. my female had laid eggs week back and all ... My mystery snails mysteriously laid a ton of eggs on the und... Is my danio ready to lay eggs? SpixI lay their in a clutch, just like others, but theirs are encased in a gelatinous mass, under the water. I think the beginning of summer coincided with my group getting really sexually mature, which led to a frenzy of x-rated snail shenanigans. I've hatched 3 clutches :) I've just had exceedingly good luck with them. Our Mystery snails do not grow to the tremendous size that Apple snails do (often as big as an apple!). Snail outbreaks are usually a response to available food such as uneaten fish food, dead plant matter and other organic debris. The apple snail can lay fertile eggs for up to four months. If Mystery Snails are laying still on the bottom of the tank, laying upside down or floating on the surface of the water, it may indicate the Mystery Snails are dead or dying. I've got Mystery Snail Eggs. Snail and slug eggs in gardens are often laid on the surface of the soil and usually covered by leaf litter or other organic debris. It is always advised to make a new question instead of bringing up old threads which push more recent questions down. FAQs About Mystery Snails #1— How Do I Tell if My Mystery Snail is Dead. There are also a few species that can be found in China as well. I have read in one of the guides that Nerite snails start breeding rapidly to get an optimal number of species in the population. Snails that lay their eggs in aquarium's tend to give birth from 200 to 300 eggs. In the wild, these freshwater snails feed on dead and decaying plant matter and algae. Since they eat a lot of feed and there are a lot of leftovers, it’d be wise to give not less than 2-2,5 gallons of tank volume for each snail. Others seem to lay in cycles while still others never lay eggs at all. Others prefer to self-fertilize, so they do not need another individual to lay eggs. If a water snail is placed on land, it would survive just a couple of hours. The eggs that Mystery Snails lay are mostly grape-like structures and can be found in clusters. Snails need to eat more than scraps and more than once or twice a week. When the snails begin to hatch, you can gently swish the clutch through the water to help the newborns along. These bright-pink eggs are generally 1/8 inch around and come in clusters of 100 to 1,000. You will want to lower the waterline by at least 2″ so the females have a place to deposit their eggs. 12 thoughts on “What does an infertile mystery snail egg clutch look like?” Taylor Clayton says: October 12, 2018 at 1:14 am. Do golden mystery snails die after laying eggs? You can feed them a cut piece of Zucchini, or a piece of Spinach leaf.. Can snails feel love? I am just wondering I killed my this morning accidently. How often do mystery snails lay eggs? A few weeks ago I had a nice clutch that hatched. Mystery snails are completely peaceful, and therefore safe to keep with any fish, shrimp, or plants. These snails are thus a good choice for an aquarium. Food. Considering how fast they grow, their food requirements, and the resulting bioload, and people end up with very overstocked tanks in a hurry. Thanks you. Unfortunately most of them didn't survive as the little guys couldn't get out and when I had noticed it was "ripe" it was too late and noone inside was alive. Step 2: Prepare an incubator for hatching the snail eggs. Although most think of aquatic fish tanks when they hear the name Nerite snail, lots of varieties succeed in fresh and also brackish water as well. If you can spot the tiny egg clusters, you will be able to see the snails develop through the translucent eggs. SpixI lay their in a clutch, just like others, but theirs are encased in a gelatinous mass, under the water. ... breed, we suggest lowering the water level in your aquarium 3 or 4 inches, as the female will crawl out of the water to lay her eggs an inch or so above the water line. The eggs take 2–4 weeks to hatch. I usually get about 2-3 clutches a week and the eggs are only taking about 5 days to hatch (only one has hatched, I had been getting rid of the rest), is this normal? Note this… Once your snails start laying eggs, you have to come back weekly or bi-weekly to check for new eggs. It’s a little hard to tell when a mystery snail is sick but dead, that’s fairly easy. How often do they lay ? Rabbit snails are of breeding age and size when they approach 1.5 inches (3.8 cm). My guess is your babies are either pond snails, ramshorn or Malaysian trumpet snails. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Gill Considerations: Mystery snails have both gills and lungs. Snails can only lay 2 at a time. – blacksmith37 Oct 18 '17 at 13:07 add a comment | Your Answer Here's what I've learned in my research and through my experiences. The snails usually lay the eggs on the side of the aquarium or on the cover of the tank. Next Post Mystery Snail Egg Development. Most apple snails lay their eggs above the water line. They are dioecious (male and female) and sexually monomorphic, male and female are identical. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Hermaphroditic snails lay about 80 eggs 6 times a year. It makes it easier for them to find food and move about in general. Mystery snail egg clutch can contain between 50 – 200 eggs, depending mainly on female size. My mortality rate is very low - like 1-3% at the most. Other species of apples will not lay under water, and there is no gelatin protecting it. Then a week prior there was a clutch on the back of my tank wall that I missed. The eggs are slightly gelatinous and of no perfect shape. The thread is 4 years old. Many species will lay their eggs above the water level. Female freshwater snails lay eggs in clutches usually above the water line or on the underside of leaves. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Fertilization requires eggs from the female, and sperm from the male. Snails lay between 30 and 120 eggs at one time, the average nest containing 86 eggs. It’s impressive that they can lay about 75 eggs at a time. Malaysian Trumpet Snails do not consume live plants and will not compete with aquarium shrimp for food. This, of course, varies - temperature has the biggest thing to do with it. They usually burrow a hole underneath to lay and hide the eggs safely. Also how many more will she lay and is it a seasonal thing for Mystery Snails or do they Just lay eggs randomly ? Mystery snails do not show any interest in any of the aquatic plants as a food source and can even starve if no other food is provided. The eggs are normally light pink. Oddly enough, they do best in planted aquaria. Is it normal for them to lay so frequently and will this continue throughout the year, or is this just spawning season and they'll be doing this only for the summer, or do they normally just lay a few clutches a year? or sometimes on top of the shell. Has anyone here reared them ? It seems to have tapered off, and I've only found one clutch in the past 3-4 weeks, although I have one ivory male and one wild male who didn't get the memo and still bother the girls. They will lay eggs at the water line or in the hood of your aquarium. All I'm saying is that you should have a plan. I know that reptiles can suffer from egg binding but is that a worry with snails? Why my flowerhorn lay eggs without mating? My aquarium is filled to within 1/2" of the rI'm and they apparently need 3" to do so. Apple snails lay their egg clusters on secure vegetation. Then a week prior there was a clutch on the back of my tank wall that I missed. Was wondering do snails mate very often. I've got Mystery Snail Eggs. My female is about 3"5 and ... How do neon glo fish lay their eggs and how long befor hatch. They do nevertheless need brackish water to reproduce. Press J to jump to the feed. Those two (a smaller one and a "normal" sized one) are currently growing up (VERY RAPIDLY) in their own 10 gallon tank. If the eggs do not have access to open-air, they will rot in the water and no longer be viable. Different species of apple snails (spixi, pomacea diffusa, canaliculata, etc) have different coloured eggs, and different ways of laying. I am just wondering I ... By entering this site you declare In the wild, mystery snails eat algae, plant leaves, and anything else they find on the bottom. The last response was a year ago and was accurate as to not to reply to old threads unless you're adding something positive to it. These snails will lay their eggs above the water in the tank. The mystery in mystery snails is that they will not reproduce under water! For the few I've decided to keep I've removed them from their location and placed them on top of a square cut out of styrofoam and floated them in a quiet corner of the tank in a breeders net, near the lights. You should keep them from being submerged or the eggs will die. The eggs need to remain between 65- and 82-degrees Fahrenheit. It will be 10 days … Mystery snail care is fairly simple and something that anyone can do. That clutch surprised me - because of the location I decided to wait until weekly water change time to remove it, and about 3 days after I put it on the raft it was ready to hatch. Humidity plays a huge role in determining if Mystery snail eggs will hatch. Attachments. The eggs need to remain between 65- and 82-degrees Fahrenheit. My experience with them confirmed my research - higher temps produce a higher level of reproductive activity. Aug 11, 2010 1,876 1 36 Jervis Bay, NSW, Au. Mystery snails lay their eggs above the water's surface. one large on the front of the tank and two small near the back. About 100 eggs. I am still wondering how often in a month should one single snail lay eggs since sex sometimes doesnt result in eggs? Freshwater snails in warmer environments may lay eggs year round. We're also here to help you if you need advice. Mystery snail eggs hatching and my learning curve on how I want to hatch them! Mine laid eggs about once a week or so, and she still lays them after a year, even though they aren't fertilized. Pic is from internet but spit image of the eggs. What if your clutch has a smell but is not turning the damp paper towel pink at all? With aquatic snails, they lay their eggs on plants, in the gravel and VERY often in the filter. A couple of factors that influence development time are moisture levels and temperature. Caution. Sometimes if you look closely you will see the male part inside the female, under the shell. The subreddit for anything related to aquariums! Food. In conclusion, snails are fascinating creatures with bizarre mating practices, that still hold an element of mystery. These snails lay large clumps of eggs above the water level, so out of the water! Mystery snails do grow fairly quickly in the right conditions.. Can snails change gender? Not all snails like to explore beyond the surface of the water. you read and agreed to the. This makes it very important to lower the water down a couple of inches, to give the female room to lay her eggs. Luckily, the guy I take mine to knows that I'm not totally clueless (not TOTALLY, anyway...) and trusted me. Low humidity will dry out the eggs. I had to do some convincing to get my LFS to take some - "apple snails" of some species (I'm too lazy to look at the moment, but I know /u/gastropoid knows off the top of his head) are illegal to sell in some (most?) I really thought all snails would lay eggs inside of the water, so yesterday morning i couldnt find her i pulled open the lid and there she was laying eggs in the hood i should have known better to know that she knew what she was doing but instead I put her and the babies back in the tank.I thought she was going to die. Mystery snails eat algae on aquarium glass, sand, and rocks, which grows on it. Their gills will remain healthy in both slow and fast moving water. How to Care for Mystery Snail Eggs. As with all eggs, the warmer it is the quicker they hatch (but max about 30C or so probably). Breeding Mystery Snails hatching mystery snail eggs Mystery Snail Egg Development Mystery Snail Eggs Post navigation. Within 2 to 3 weeks, the eggs start developing cracks, which pave way for tiny snails to come out. You should keep them from being submerged or the eggs will die. You might get better responses if you start your own thread. Sometimes they are laid on vegetation but usually are harder to spot when laid on soil. I have some snails that have grown slowly, and some that have grown amazingly fast. There's a lady named Donya who has put out a lot of good info. How often do Nerite snail lay egg capsules? These dont take long to hatch (and again, warmer = quicker), maybe a week or two, and out will come a million little snails. states since they are an invasive species. Mystery snails lay their eggs out of the water and need to be kept moist but not wet. With finding that I thought it was time to do a species profile on mystery snails. Baby snails will then fall to the bottom of the tank and begin their lives, eating the same food as their parents. The two egg clutches below were incubated at exactly the same time, in the same container and at the same temperature. Snails lay between 30 and 120 eggs at one time, the average nest containing 86 eggs. In their natural habitat, freshwater snails found in temperate regions lay eggs from spring to fall. After that, both snails lay their eggs and bury them in separate places inside a small hole made in the topsoil in a cool place. She does go about 2-3 months in between her egg laying episodes. This is an old thread. This makes sense, this summer has been VERY hot and some days the AC was not turned on. In the wild, mystery snails can be found scavenging for plant matter in various bodies of water with rivers, swamps, and ponds being the most common. Dormancy is typical from what I've read, but the not coming back from dormancy is what bothers me a bit. No, the eggs are layed above water and when the baby snails hatch they fall in. I have 3 adult snails, 2 male and 1 female from what it seems since one of the snails get mounted and the other two do mountings. Argh...had it all typed out and had to reboot my router. Female freshwater snails lay eggs in clutches usually above the water line or on the underside of leaves. In captivity, mystery snails eat the same thing (if they have to) but prefer fish food – a much more nutritious menu. There are several color varieties as well including gold, blue, pink, and ivory. Mystery snails are extremely popular for their stunning colors as well as their practical benefits. Help. Snails can only lay 2 at a time. Luckily, I've figured out everywhere to look and haven't had one sneak past me yet :) Edit: One thing I've noticed is a high willingness to let clutches hatch due to an unsubstantiated myth that nature will intervene in some way and a lot of the babies won't make it. Here is a picture of a clump of eggs, novice fishkeepers are often surprised and confused whenever they find their first clump of snail eggs. Mystery Snails are gonochoristic which means a male and female must be present for reproduction. I started with two females and a male, hatched one clutch "Tom Sawyer" style (on a raft in a breeders net) and then that clutch grew into a breeding herd and I hatched two clutches the same way from them. Well, this is another mystery. All of those species are considered a pest species and will quickly overpopulate your tank. 2947_snail_eggs_001_1[1].jpg. Does this mean i will have babies often? Eggs will hatch in 4 to…