Is a degree from a second rate university worth the paper it’s written on? A typical starting salary for a chemical engineer fresh out of school with a bachelor's degree was $57,000 as of 2015, according to Forbes.An engineer can double his or her salary with experience and additional training. Hi i have bachelor's degree , CERAMIC ENGINEERING, and look for an university to study my MD. A levels – To get on to an engineering-related degree, you will usually require a minimum of two A levels, with three A levels and A/B grades required for the most popular courses. Engineers Get Top Pay. In the OP's complaint, he only compares it to the top earners within one other career path: finance. Upper middle-class women do not marry lower-middle class engineers. As an electrical engineer myself, I would of course have to answer, "yes"! Among the science and engineering majors, it seemed that being part of the Honors program was much more common among somewhat-above-average students than it was among exceptional students. I have not heard any of my engineering pals complain of being misled by recruiters (though I'll ask them that). Most engineering programs in the United States offer a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering. One thing worth bearing in mind is that many people get stuck in their chosen country when they discover house prices in the UK have risen much faster than in their chosen work country. Engineering Is One of the Top Paid Professions . 0. However, any high-quality engineering degree is rigorous. And is there anything else you can do with this degree? Reply (1) Share. It might be difficult to go through all the math and science involved, and you may wonder if it's worth the amount of work involved (especially when seeing students in … posted 2015-Aug-19, 1:13 am AEST ref: His worth is $71.2 billion and he owns the conglomerate Grupo Carso, which has interests in the fields of communication, technology, retailing, and finance. Sabrina C 3 years ago. But everyone want's them, so its hard to compete for those jobs. Slim is … 0. User #431950 490 posts. I've now corrected the text. 1. It is the most common degree offered by engineering schools, and is also a staple to work as an FE (Functional Engineer certification) in the field to ultimately pursue your PE (Professional Engineer Certification).. It’s worth every single second. Social scientists stake out the middle ground, … A degree in chemical engineering will give you the talent and opportunity to make a real difference in the world, and get paid a handsome fee for doing so. Researching new technologies is not far behind at 35%. A mechanical engineering technology program is unlike a traditional engineering degree, as this program will provide you with opportunities for a more hands-on educational experience. I can generally tell whether you're above … If you like working on the computer or building new things, a career in aerospace will keep you happy. In your courses, you will focus less on math and more on the application of the concepts you learn. It's definitely worth getting, although in my experience it doesn't matter which school. Chemical engineering graduates are hot prospects for organisations all around the world, ranging from the biggest private sector companies like BP, to national government departments and research facilities. To join aerospace as an engineer or scientist, you will have to study the subject for four to seven years after high school. No. Dividing respondents by type of degree held, we see similar amounts of satisfaction across all degree types—specifically, that most engineers and technical professionals at any level of education are satisfied or highly satisfied with their job: 78.2% of bachelor’s degree holders are satisfied (52.8%) or highly satisfied (25.4%) Report . posted 2015-Aug-19, 1:13 am … I am a software engineer, and all jobs I have ever had or applied to require a BS degree. The basic requirement for an electrical engineer is a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering. Jobs near major cities that are not Houston(Chicago, New York suburbs) exist. I agree! Many electrical engineers also have master's degrees or even Ph.D. degrees. Mechanical engineering branched off from Civil engineering. From 2010 to 2013, Slim was ranked as the richest person in the world. The major influence on engineers’ jobs today is being current with new and emerging technologies at 45%. Read on to learn about what the coursework is actually like. Make sure you understand that most positions are in west bumble fuck, Louisiana(seriously fuck Louisiana). I think the first problem of being an engineer is that it is a lower middle-class profession. And even though the classes are rigorous a dedicated student can make it through. Job Outlook . Is a Master’s in Engineering Management Worth it? David S 3 years ago. Yes, depending on what your aspirations are. The bachelor's requires a full program of physics, math and laboratory science classes, plus specialized courses such as circuits, linear systems and control systems. FINISH the engineering degree. It’s important to keep up with all requirements and focus on doing well. Business majors do slightly worse than STEM majors, with a lifetime earnings premium of $1.4 million. Your first job will likely be close to your degree subject. If you haven’t yet received an engineering education, it is recommended that you earn a bachelor’s degree before pursuing employment. Starting salaries for engineers are among the highest for any college degree. I know many other programmers that got an EE degree to start. I then switched my finance major to a math major, so now I am studying 2 areas that I really enjoy. Computer engineering is learning how to design and maintain the hardware the keeps computer system working. While a masters is very helpful if you want to go into work as a true electrical engineer, a EE degree opens a huge array of doors by itself. Hi David, my mistake! When I enrolled in my bachelor in Industrial Design, I resigned from being a Publicist, Marketer, Doctor, Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. As far as those who were in engineering, my experience was that the vast majority of the top science and engineering students were not in the Honors program. Is there disciplines that being chartered doesn't really mean much and there is not much point getting like: i&c, computer, environmental and chemical? I've worked with people with degrees from a wide variety of schools, as you know you'll get most of your training on the job. Entry requirements range from CCC to AAA, with the universities and colleges most commonly asking for ABB. Additionally, computer science degrees offer a great deal of flexibility, meaning that students in these programs can take coursework that will allow them to work in their careers of choice. By all means, neglect the solid data showing that engineering majors still tend to out-earn all other business majors on average, even if the odds of striking gold as a finance major are higher. Clalexan . But what exactly does that mean? Being able to work cooperatively and successfully with a team is also a critical skill for an engineer to have. The maths on that course was pure electronics and I think being able to do that level of maths is a key part of being an engineer. With all these issues being commented on and discussed regularly in the media and around you, you could well be feeling that the payoff of going to university just isn’t worth it any more. You said you also have an electrical engineering degree. Mechanical engineering is not the oldest discipline! Are you trying to decide whether to study engineering in college? Finishing an engineering degree on the 3-2 track does take discipline. There are typically two kinds of Chemical Engineering degree – Bachelors of Engineering and Masters of Engineering – the MEng will typically last 1-2 years longer, so is the more in-depth degree. I am not saying you should realized you were destined to be an engineer and have no other recourse. Year after year, engineering jobs are paid the highest average starting salary.According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) engineers have a median annual wage of $91,010 and the engineering field projects to have employment growth of nearly 140,000 new jobs over the next decade. Reply; Share. You might be happier in sociology because, well, it is fluff compared to that really moves the world – medicine, engineering, law. My degree is from a small community school, not a 'name brand' university. If you want to be a specific profession like a doctor, lawyer, engineer, etc then you do need the education, but in general college isn't worth it for most people and there are a lot of trade jobs that are fulfilling and pay well that need workers. Civil is by far the oldest. All that being said, chemical engineering is a hard major that won't guarantee much. If I had been doing a pure mechanical or electrical degree I would have got through it, but it would have been much harder. Report . In fact, you could start at a major university and easily have a four-year engineering degree become five years anyway! Engineering majors have the reputation for being very demanding, sometimes taking five years to complete. My BS is in Computer Engineering, MS in Computer Science, and PhD in Electrical Engineering. A Bachelor’s degree in Aerospace is an ideal choice if you love science and math. A career as an electrical engineer. "I don't think [the degree] is worth that much, but I don't know, we'll have to see what happens after this." But some engineering majors are more difficult than others. I decided to do a double major in finance and economics (economics being a big interest of mine) in hopes of improving my chances for a job at an IB. Two semesters went by until I finally realized what I really want to do, and what has been at the back of my mind forever: trading. If you do not like the job of being in an ordinary engineering job ... Now, what you are saying is worth telling to freshman engineering wannabes and high schoolers, but it should be emphasized that the types of grunt jobs you are talking about are intro level jobs. And that is to answer your direct question about the value of a pure math degree. But the engineering degree would be like starting at the top. That's one of the major strengths of engineering. Whether you’re studying a BEng or a MEng, you’ll start your degree with core chemical engineering courses such as pure and applied mathematics, computing and physics. A Mexican business magnate, investor and philanthropist, Carlos Slim, has a Civil Engineering degree from Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. So I’ll answer this question from my experience in all three fields, and I’ll assume this is for choosing an undergraduate major at a US college. What discipline of engineering is it worth being chartered for? Or want to know if the course load is worth getting an engineering job? Graduates of Bachelor's in Engineering degree programs can have multiple opportunities. In the penalty box reference: What is an engineering degree worth? It’s common knowledge that with this degree, you can become an electrical engineer.