Using compositional elements like this is simply a matter of seeing them and recognizing them, then framing them in the appropriate manner. I love the atmosphere of anticipation, the feeling in the air that events have happened, or will happen soon…” – Michael Kenna, “Perhaps most intriguing of all is that it is possible to photograph what is impossible for the human eye to see – cumulative time.” – Michael Kenna, “Nothing is ever the same twice because everything is always gone forever, and yet each moment has infinite photographic possibilities.” – Michael Kenna. Wind, rain, mist, etc., all have effects on the eventual image. I love the journey as much as the destination. The blurry white water, shot with a long exposure, adds mystery to the end of the slipway, and the viewer can see a bit of darkness near the end of the slipway where it has been wet by the water. //. MK: It’s called Easter Island and is published by Nazraeli Press. In the distance, there is a dark, cloudy sky that attracts the eye, but the diagonal line of the pier pulls the viewer back down toward the bottom of the photo.