Metagame. 4.0 copies average in 100.0% of the decks . Pioneer / Midrange MTG Decks Visit Pioneer forum Card search Deck Search. Main Deck. A high singularity means that the deck is running cards that are less common in that archetype. The best decks in Pioneer. This site provides accurate and independent information on more than 500.000 Magic the Gathering Decks, tournaments and magic singles prices. Creatures 4 x Monastery Swiftspear 3 x Soul-Scar Mage 3 x Bomat Courier 3 x Abbot of Keral Keep 4 x Eidolon of the Great Revel. Bant Spirits Azorius Spirits. ©2009-2020. If you want to find "singular" or "roguish" decks, take a look at the ones with high singularity. Boros Wizards (Lurrus) Boros Wizards (Lurrus) Share. Sorceries € 0,01. € 13,71. Detalhes do deck mono-green-devotion. Rotation never feels that great because you know that splashy five-drop you love (The Scarab God) will never make it’s way to Modern. This Thursday, October 24, Aaron Forsythe and Max McCall will be on Weekly MTG on at 2 p.m. PT to answer any and all questions about Pioneer. a deck that uses the interaction between two or more cards as a win condition. Azorius Spirits. Go back to the complete MTG Pioneer decks What is here may change, but it has been the longest lasting of the lists and the first one to bring pandemic trapped man to a sweet exhale of Card Database; Rules; Banned & Restricted List; STORY; NEWS; Accounts; Card Database; Locator; 2019 Magic Online Championship – Pioneer Decklists. PNR 1 / 0 . Combos. i-am-bad-at-mtg 32 tix $ 112 - Azorius Keyword Azorius Keyword Azorius Keyword: Twosweetrjh 104 tix $ 566 - B Artifacts B Artifacts B Artifacts: ben109481 68 tix $ 166 - becks jodah deck 2.0 becks jodah deck 2.0 becks jodah deck 2.0: Anonymous 166 tix $ 998 - belbe belbe belbe: bluebird 168 tix $ 1,276 - Belbe Belbe Belbe: MrBroC 50 tix $ 135 - A high singularity means that the deck is running cards that are less common in that archetype. 1.0 copies average in 21.4% of the decks. The Revival / Revenge of Sanguine Bond by ThisIsMyAccount. Popular Standard Magic: the Gathering decks with prices from the latest tournament results. Watch the live broadcast November 13-15 beginning at 9 a.m. PDT (09:00 ) / 5 … Metagame. 1.3 copies average in 100.0% of the decks. Magic’s myriad different cards can be overwhelming, and Wildcards are a precious resource that you can’t always afford to waste on the wrong decks, no matter how enticing! The best and latest MTG deck lists. ReddIt . Pioneer—a new nonrotating format featuring cards from Return to Ravnica and forward . a strategy that tries to exert early control before applying pressure with efficient creatures. Articles. Every Day I'm Pummelin' by Pabs4444. Pioneer / Combo MTG Decks Visit Pioneer forum Card search Deck Search. Midrange Nexus Midrange Nexus. It’s lower to the ground than most red decks, and I am confident that is the way to go in the current Pioneer format. Detalhes do deck mono-red-midrange. 3.0 copies average in 33.3% of the decks. I tend to fall in love with some of my favourite Standard cards. Articles. Facebook. € 0,25. Magic Online Championship. Instants € 0,08. Companion decks are EVERYWHERE in the competitive Pioneer Metagame! 2.0 copies average in 66.7% of the decks . Recent Threads. If you want to find "singular" or "roguish" decks, take a look at the ones with high singularity. 3.0 copies average in 33.3% of the decks . Recent Threads. Twitter. Budget Pioneer Decks Jegantha, the Wellspring. If you're looking for a standard build, go for the ones with a lower one. If they win on turn 5, then we have to win on turn 4. In the meantime, read on to learn a bit more about the format and the ideas behind it. Butts and Taxes Butts and Taxes. Dimir Inverter was the deck to beat in both events, and things didn’t go spectacularly well for those attempting to do so — Inverter took six of the sixteen potential Top 8 slots between both events. Specialists s o m s o c. Latest decks. € 0,32. Decks. The latest banned and restricted announcement from wotc was HUGE for Pioneer! But as of this past week, we’re being offered a new format to explore. Pioneer is a constructed format that allows expansion sets and core sets from Return to Ravnica forward, save for the Pioneer ban list.1 It is legal for tabletop Magic: The Gathering and Magic Online. Combos. This material is provided "as is", with absolutely no warranty expressed or implied. You can learn more about our database at our Google Dataset. Burn - pioneer - Magic: the Gathering MTG. Mono-Red Midrange - pioneer - Magic: the Gathering MTG. This website is not produced, endorsed, supported, or affiliated with Wizards of the Coast. Updated Oct 21, 2019 by ashiok_nightmare_beaver using our MTG Deck Builder. Login. by SaffronOlive Assault Formation; Arboreal Grazer; Bygone Bishop; Tabletop $ 89 MTGO 18 tix Worldspine Wurm. Combos. Cards Realm. Decklist Stats Sample Hand. The latest tier one meta decks from MTG Arena and Major Events, updated daily. Specialists d o o z y. Tournament. Dubious Challenge Dubious Challenge. PNR 8 / 19 . If you want to find "singular" or "roguish" decks, take a look at the ones with high singularity. I’m quite surprised nobody has been playing Pack Rats in Monoblack in Pioneer. The Recycling Plant [Mono-Green Artifact Combo] by C o r r o s i v e _ C a t. PNR 20 / 18 . Decks. € 0,01. 4.0 copies average in 33.3% of the decks. PNR 24 / 34 . Decklists Decklists [decklist] Title: shotpt (5-0) Subtitle: Format: Pioneer League 4 Aether Hub 1 Blood Crypt 2 Breeding Pool 4 Fabled Passage 1 Forest 1 Godless Shrine 1 Hallowed Fountain 1 Island 2 Mana Confluence 1 Mountain 1 Plains 2 Stomping Ground 1 Swamp 1 Temple Garden 1 Watery Grave 2 Felidar Guardian 4 Gilded Goose If you're looking for a standard build, go for the ones with a lower one. Main Deck. Cycling Gift Cycling Gift. If you're looking for a standard build, go for the ones with a lower one. If you want to find "singular" or "roguish" decks, take a look at the ones with high singularity. A high singularity means that the deck is running cards that are less common in that archetype. Login. UW Gift UW Gift. Pioneer Challenge. by Antaria Jegantha, the Wellspring; Thoughtseize; Karn, the Great Creator; Tabletop $ 380 MTGO 239 tix Ugin, the Spirit Dragon. Last winning deck. Go back to the complete MTG Pioneer decks To race the combo decks, you need to go fast. This deck is the product of a man stuck indoors for months on end trying to use his trade binder effectively inside a deck. Discard into Pack Rat has historically been one of the strongest openings in Standard and even though I keep comparing Pioneer to Modern, I think it’s still quite good here. Magic Online Challenge. Pioneer Deck Ideas for a New Format Burn. Editor’s Note: Inverter of Truth has been banned in Pioneer effective August 3, 2020. Sort by: Sorceries € 8,44. … 2.0 copies average in 33.3% of the decks. Claw Pact **Primer** by Kelvin-escesare. 4.0 copies average in 33.3% of the decks … Drowned Sanity by silentone2k. Articles. PNR 16 / 20 . Mono-Black Aggro - pioneer - Magic: the Gathering MTG. If you're looking for a standard build, go for the ones with a lower one. Latest decks. The deck has gone through many iterations, mostly nonsensical (Gonti's Machinations + Lurrus, excuse me?). Decks. Forum. Ascendancy Storm by TheVarcster. The best and latest MTG deck lists. 11/10/2020. the scapeshift/field sb plan is tentative. L3D91 (18th Place) _Tia93_ (7th Place) Mono-Black Aggro. Forum. Pioneer User Submitted Decks Jegantha, the Wellspring. Popular Magic The Gathering Traditional Standard decks. A high singularity means that the deck is running cards that are less common in that archetype. 0. Mono-Red Ramp Mono-Red Ramp. Keep in mind that you also have Mutavault as an additional Rat, which is quite relevant. Mono-Green Devotion - pioneer - Magic: the Gathering MTG. Forum. strong sad (2nd Place) Pioneer PTQ #12006968 on 11/01/2019 . Detalhes do deck mono-black-aggro. Popular Magic The Gathering Pioneer decks. Lands 4 x Sacred Foundry 4 x Inspiring Vantage 4 x Battlefield Forge 5 x Mountain (343) 3 x Ramunap Ruins. Since MTG Arena has its own Historic format, it doesn't support Pioneer, but will be building up to supporting Pioneer with "Remastered" formats as time goes on. The story of Pioneer starts with Modern. Go back to the complete MTG Pioneer decks Metagame. The first sign of a healthy format: aggressive red decks of various flavors are flourishing in the emergent metagame and are among the best decks in Pioneer. Sealed Deck; Standard; Commander; Brawl; Modern; All Formats; Resources. Mono-Green Devotion. 22/11/2020. by SaffronOlive Jegantha, the Wellspring; Hollow One; Flourishing Fox; Tabletop $ 79 MTGO 24 tix Assault Formation . Baker Neenan - 10.27.2019. Main Deck. My list has ten 1-drops and eight 2-drops, which matches Kiihne’s mana curve. This is my own version of Monoblack. Go back to the complete MTG Pioneer decks Tournament. Fortunately, we’re just past rotation so there are far fewer cards to collect and the opportunity to catch up is yours right now. Cards Realm. By. Magic Online Challenge. Cards Realm. € 8,38. Popular Pioneer Magic: the Gathering decks with prices from tournament results. The information presented on this site about Magic: The Gathering, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. Mono-Red Midrange. turbofog, with sideboard hate for teferi, needle/spyglass. by Felix S Ugin, the Spirit Dragon; Karn, the Great Creator; Thought-Knot Seer; Tabletop $ 292 MTGO 239 tix Skyclave Apparition. Summary of the metagame from every competitive format in addition to a detailed summary of all Commander and Brawl Decks. Tournament. Login. These are 24 players' Pioneer format decklists for the 2019 Magic Online Championship. Sorceries € 10,09. Red decks are among the most represented in the format (and that includes CopyCat data) and thus sets the pace of … Last winning deck. Last winning deck. Last weekend, we saw the first round of Regional Players Tour events in Brussels and Nagoya. Instants €