Ein Tischspiegel mit mehreren Funktionen: FLIP lässt sich um 360° Grad drehen und kann nach oben oder unten gekippt werden. 노만코펜하겐의 플립미러입니다. (Normann copenhagen - Flip mirror). Das Javier Moreno Studio hat einen schlichten Tischspiegel für Normann Copenhagen entworfen. Description. The base is a nice tray, very useful to place your watch, jewellery or keys. The mirror can be tilted up and down and rotated 360 degrees. De ovalen voet van de Flip heeft een opstaande rand en ideaal om kleine dingetjes op te verzamelen zoals lippenstift of parfum. Made with functionality and minimalistic beauty in mind, the Flip Mirror by Normann Copenhagen was designed by Spanish designer Javier Moreno who cleverly came up with a dual function for a mirror. Online shop: shop@normann-copenhagen.com. Flip is a simple table mirror that includes several functions and has a delightfully organic mode of expression. Normann Copenhagen's Flip is a minimalistic table mirror, designed by Javier Moreno Studio. 요. The shaping is organic. We love to challenge the conventional design rules. Place it on the side board or in your bedroom as a make up mirror. Inspired by the traditional dressing table where you can check yourself in the mirror and keep jewellery, make up or whatever you like in the handy little tray. Normann Copenhagen's Flip is a minimalistic table mirror, designed by Javier Moreno Studio. 탁상거울이 뭐라고, 그리 갖고싶었는지.. 블랙이랑 The body of the mirror is made from powder-coated steel and its tray-shaped base can be used as storage … Normann Copenhagen - Flip mirror . Flip is inspired by the traditional dressing table where one can check ones appearance in the mirror and at the same time keep all … The mirror is made of coated steel with a glass mirror and the smart design makes it possible to turn it up, down and rotate 360 degrees. An expression of character and good taste in a minimalist object. The base in form of a tray makes Flip an object of practical storage space for small things. We’ve come together and are prepared so we can continue to … This is why you will find traditional materials put into untraditional use such as a Stone Hook made of Icelandic stones, a vase made out of silicon and last but not least a dog made out of plastic. The simple Flip table mirror is designed by Javier Moreno for Normann Copenhagen. Flip's design was inspired by traditional dressing tables, featuring a mirror and drawers for storing small things. Normann Copenhagen ApS Østerbrogade 70 2100 Copenhagen Denmark Phone: +45 35 55 44 59 VAT Number DK10008824 ㅅNormann CPH - Flip Mirror, grey Flip Mirror는 심플한 디자인의 테이블 미러입니다 부드러운 라인과 모던한 디자인으로 어느곳에서 잘 어울리며 거울 밑에 수납공간을 가지고 있어 외출 시 필요한 아이템이나 잊지 말아야할 아이템들을 두고 효과적으로 사용할 수 있는 제품입니다. General inquiries: normann@normann-copenhagen.com. Flip Mirror Normann Copenhagen Adult- A large selection of Design on Smallable, the Family Concept Store - More than 600 brands. Contact Us. Flip is designed with a smart tray which creates storage utility for items such as jewelry, make-up and keys. Flip Mirror er et speil som er inspirert av det tradisjonelle sminkebordet, der man kan se seg i speilet, pynte seg og ha alt man trenger for hånden. 전형적인 거울 역할에 추가 기능을 더해 실용성을 높이고자 하였습니다. SKU: Normann-Copenhagen-Flip-Mirror: Weight: 1.512 kg: Technical Information: The mirror can be turned up, down and rotated 360 degrees. Normann Copenhagen Jan Andersen and Poul Madsen have joined together in 1999 and founded the brand Normann Copenhagen. 노만 코펜하겐의 심플함은. Not only is the flip Mirror something that you look into before you leave the house, it is a perfect s Alltid snabb levering, 100 dagars returrätt och prisgaranti! De spiegel Flip Mirror van Normann Copenhagen is ontworpen door Javier Moreno. The base functions as a tray where you can keep items such as jewellery, make-up and keys. SE´s största utbud av designlampor. Javier Moreno has commented the design: ”Typically, a mirror has only one function, but I wanted to make a mirror that could offer more. Flip Mirror er et speil som er inspirert av det tradisjonelle sminkebordet, der man kan se seg i speilet, pynte seg og ha alt man trenger for hånden. Your goal is to be different from the current design industry. To the top, downwards and once around itself: Flip is rotatable. 정말..... 박스만봐도, 엄지척이 절로 나오네. Mirror dimensions: 19,5 x 28 cm. Köp Flip Mirror Black - Normann Copenhagen här. Javier Moreno created an elegant table mirror with several functions for Normann Copenhagen. 검색. The tray design of the base means that Flip is both a traditional mirror and an easy and simple storage utility for … Normann Copenhagen Flip Mirror . Normann Copenhagen Flip Mirror, Rustfritt stål Speil Designet av Javier Moreno Studio Å designe et speil i minimalistisk design, og som samtidig tilbyr litt mer, var ambisjonen til det spanske design studioet, Javier Moreno. Flip's design was inspired by traditional dressing tables, featuring a mirror and drawers for storing small things. Normann Copenhagen is a way of living - a mindset. Flip Mirror: Creating a simple mirror that offers a little bit more, was the ambition of the Spanish design studio, Javier Moreno Studio, creators of Flip. Javier Moreno has commented the design: ”Typically, a mirror has only one function, but I wanted to make a mirror that could offer more. Flip can be turned up, down and rotated 360 degrees. Flip is a simple yet refined table mirror, matching every style. Normann Copenhagen Flip Mirror Messing, Messing Speil Designet av Javier Moreno Studio Å designe et speil i minimalistisk design, og som samtidig tilbyr litt mer, var ambisjonen til det spanske design studioet, Javier Moreno. Made with functionality and minimalistic beauty in mind, the Flip Mirror by Normann Copenhagen was designed by Spanish designer Javier Moreno who cleverly came up with a dual function for a mirror. 거울 밑에는 트레이로 외출 전 필요한 아이템을 두고 효과적으로 사용할 수 있습니다. Hot Keyword # 올레옌센머그 # 장우철작가 # 크로우캐년 # 세타고 # 오시영 # HAY # &tradition &tradition Flip Mirror 는 기하학적인 모양이 아닌 유기적인 디자인으로 부드러운 실루엣과 차가운 소재의 대조를 이루고 있습니다. Normann Copenhagen presents exciting bold and daring designs. 거울 밑에는 트레이로 외출 전 필요한 아이템을 두고 효과적으로 사용할 수 있습니다. 노만 코펜하겐 - 플립 미러. 노만코펜하겐 플립 미러. I’m happy to announce that I’m teaming up with Normann Copenhagen in hosting a giveaway of the beautiful flip mirror.This super cool mirror, designed by Javier Moreno, is beautifully minimal and simplistic. Flip is a beautifully simple table-top mirror designed by Javier Moreno for Normann Copenhagen. Flip is geïnspireerd door de traditionele kaptafel en heeft een prachtig ovalen spiegel die je alle kanten op kan draaien. FLIP Kosmetikspiegel von Normann Copenhagen.