Hi Tony, How did you get to $100 million? “The revised logomark for msnbc, while not really expressing the acronym in a technically, … In honor of the U.S. Open's 50th Anniversary, the professional tennis association had New York-based design firm Chermayeff & Geismar & Haviv revamp their logo. The agency's recent vote made the important call. It was so strong and recognisable, and honestly, it’s been diluted away. You might agree or disagree with the company rebranding examples I’ve featured here, but what can we learn from all of this? No just doing it for the sake of doing it. Somehow the Consignia is the worst. I still can’t believe the gap logo, I personally think it is the worst rebrand in history. It was at this point, the logo began to be referred to as the Pepsi Globe. Pepsi spent $1 million dollars for its new logo. © 2020 Galvanized Media. Its 2013 logo redesign, which confusingly turned its M sideways, was considerably less of a hit. I didn’t even realize that Royal Mail rebranded. I certainly agree that Kraft has such a solid mark that durastic changes to it make no sense and would be a waste because of the familiarity it has achieved among consumers. Microsoft was middling, at best. Kraft's original logo was simple and easily recognizable, making this smiley butterfly redesign in 2009 all the more perplexing. Hi Logo Guts, thank you for commenting and adding to the figures! Cardiff had the right idea to drop the silly bluebird shield and go with a more aggressive red dragon, but did not follow through with a nickname change. A dreadful decision. I hope they didn’t pay too much for this. You can’t, so they had to omit their brand from announcements at their stations until they rebranded again to the clunky National Express East Anglia (NXEA) a few years later, then lost this franchise as punishment for NX defaulting on the larger East Coast one. More than half of these look like absolutely amazing rebrands! In 1926, Pepsi received its first logo redesign since the original design of 1905. save. 20 comments. 4. Required fields are marked *. They should have ditched (NPI) Continental altogether. Right? In 2009, Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, and Pepsi Max began using all lower-case fonts for name brands. For the windows logo one, the flat one is actually the Microsoft logo, not the Windows logo. Are they now nicknamed the Red Dragons? During the busy Christmas period of 2010, Gap launched a new logo design and rebranded their company to suit. Thank you for the comment! At first glance, Pepsi's 2008 redesign may not look like a significant transformation, but it didn't take long for it to become a hot topic. Estimated CostSapient Nitro are the agency that provided branding services for Kraft’s rebrand, however, no facts and figures are available. However, when it boils down to to it, there’s nothing green about drilling oil and it seems as though BP are trying to pull the wool over people’s eyes. The SciFi Channel, now known as the SyFy Channel, is a satellite TV channel that broadcasts science fiction, drama, supernatural, fantasy, reality, paranormal, wrestling, and horror programming. report. Logo. Thanks for reading and thanks for the comments. That said, here’s how the Pepsi logo has still stayed recognizable despite the frequent drastic redesigns. The Mountain Dew rebrand didn’t end up looking as bad as the rest and has escaped the clutches of this post, the Tropicana rebrand however, is a different story altogether. BP used to have a concise logo with a small footprint, when they rebranded, the footprint increased and the logo lost it’s timeless appeal. The design team that spearheaded the campaign explains that they’re supposed to be “smiles,” but we don’t really see it.” – Forbes Magazine. A lot of these designs happened and then, mercifully, somebody pressed [CMD]+[Z] (or [CTRL] + [Z] for all of you Windows users) and reversed the whole process. In 1926, Pepsi had its first logo redesign since the original design in 1905, and only three years later, the logo was changed again. With the largest marine oil spill of all time associated with BP, they’ll be looking to reduce the fallout from the spill and make some positive PR moves as soon as possible. While I felt the rebrand looked a lot cleaner, it lost it’s identity somewhat. The amount of Apple users is on the rise, Xbox One messed up their launch campaign to Playstation 4 and Bing will never ever be a serious threat to Google. The product was renamed Pepsi-Cola Made With Real Sugar in 2014, and uses the 1950s-era script logo in addition to the modern globe logo. Best to spend a few more years working with real clients making real things, then share your opinion. Others pointed out the Kiss's resemblance to one recognizable emoji. We might just have to write that article in the near future! Pepsi are a brand that are always going to struggle with their identity. And Leeds United, who we were too shocked to feature on the blog! The redesign pursued two goals – to stand out from Coca Cola and show support for the United States during World War II (red, white, and blue are the three colors of the US national flag). Now, we’re going to look at one of the other brands they own, Tropicana, another rebranding example gone wrong. Earlier in this post we talked about PepsiCo’s failure with the Pepsi brand. “The white stripe on the new logo varies across Pepsi products, getting wider or thinner depending on product. Created and developed in 1893 and introduced as Brad's Drink, it was renamed as Pepsi-Cola on 28 August 1898. Although the aesthetic may be flashier, the new bottle also was redesigned to make it easier for soda drinkers to use, executives said. It was a puzzling ordeal, as it came to pass under ex-CEO Ron Johnson, then best known as a branding genius who was responsible for his work on Apple's retail stores. Fair enough, he was playing up to the Welsh flag, but it just didn’t make sense. Thanks for sharing. I’d like to have seen more of an improvement than what they got. It’s not surprising… whenever you start messing around with one of the world’s most … The text found its place atop the globe and a bold red line that adds emphasis to the symbol. Inside a sphere-like shape, there is a white swirl dividing it in two parts: blue and red. By footprint, I mean the size that the logo occupies in the space it sits. Microsoft are known the world over. Maybe the Holiday Inn rebrand wasn’t all that bad! Pepsi wanted to show its support for the troops by including these two colours into its logo design.. ... Northrop Grumman logo redesign. Soon, the internet was alive with activity and it was clear that people didn’t like the new design. When Mr Tan took over, he decided to change the kit from blue to red, along with replacing the blue bird on the logo to a red dragon. The upper arched curved Tropicana typeface is gone and overall, their packaging design just looks rather bland and generic. Wow. The star burst logo was entirely lost in the split, so at least one good thing came from all of the confusion. Branding any company is a huge challenge. Coca-Cola was the first name he ever suggested, supposing that two C’s would look great together. 70. Also your website quite a Impactful websites that enable you to grow online. Holiday Inn, personally I don’t like, but like I say “only time will tell if it’s a failure.” Microsoft, I regret including as my opinion on this piece has shifted. Close. By changing the name to Syfy, which remains phonetically identical, the new brand broadens perceptions and embraces a wider and more diverse range of imagination-based entertainment including fantasy, paranormal, reality, mystery, action and adventure, as well as science fiction. OpenTable's original logo concept was simple: open tables. The Pepsi ethos has evolved over time. level 2. Windows 8 brought the “Metro” look to Windows machines. And if you're a regular retail shopper, make sure you know the 30 Best Ways to Always Save Money on Clothes. In fact, if they were going to rebrand anyway, they could have reverted even further back to the Saul Bass branding. It was widely reported that Vincent Tan spent £100 million on the club when he came in. Can I The one I disagree with is the holiday inn, I thought that the positive typography, the simplicity of the mark and the more friendly green palette worked really well. The redesign was made in 2008 by The Arnell Group, which was said to have received $1,000,000 for the job. I could see why the Microsoft rebrand was added initially as it disconnects the company from its former software only company but I think that was the point as Microsoft is no longer just a software company as they are trying to sell a platform and digital lifestyle which the simplified typeface and cleaner brand mark communicates well. Genius! That was a total disaster. The 1940’s version of the Pepsi logo is great, and I wish they’d stuck with it. On the revelation of the figures, PepsiCo reversed their decision to rebrand and reverted the carton design to what they had originally. To cut a long story short, Gap performed possibly one of the fastest branding turnarounds of all time when they reverted to their original design, just six days after putting their new logo out into the public. And they’ll never change back, so you’ll win this one! It's no wonder that retro-inspired shoes bearing the original market are so popular online right now. When did they rebrand? So what was so bad about their new choice of logo? They’re much fore than that now. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. They accompanied this with a revolting looking typeface, leaving this designer with a less than sweet taste in his mouth. Pepsi was a mildly confused rebrand. Neither did Coca Cola. In 1886, after the focus shifted to a soda drink, Pemberton’s friend – Frank Robinson, a bookkeeper – developed the first logo that looked like a plain text. When a company rebrands, you would expect the new image to be fresh looking and forward thinking, however, they’re two concepts that the Holiday Inn brand managed to overlook altogether. To deliver (merchandise, for example) for custody or sale. Great story! Consignia – failure, it just didn’t work. Effective content that engages your audience. You’ve got to think that his proposal caused shock waves in the Microsoft office and eventually, Microsoft hired him. This is a great comment, thank you very much! A howling waste of money.”. I fear the glamour of jet travel has left the gate for good. Pepsi-Cola Company out-of-pocket. They were replaced by Greater Anglia who basically just use parent Nederlandse Spoorwagen’s logo and style. Anything but. You make a valid point in stating that it’s not opinion based and without seeing the foundation and the statistics, something can’t be deemed a failure. In 1931, at the depth of the Great Depression , the Pepsi-Cola Company entered bankruptcy—in large part due to financial losses incurred by speculating on the wildly fluctuating sugar prices as a result of World War I . Firstly – your brand strategy and approach to rebranding needs to be well thought out and planned meticulously. From the early 1930’s, Pepsi-Cola’s most used slogan was “Pepsi-Cola Hits the Spot” – which was used again for over 20 years. Keep your eyes peeled for an updated post coming soon! Your email address will not be published. WE ARE KRAFT” whereas the new logo says “We’re a food and drinks giant without any true identity, we’re quite bland and very generic, we’re Kraft, ish.”. And for more on your favorite brands, here are the 50 Designer Brand Names You're Probably Mispronouncing. Over it’s 122 year history, the logo has seen 12 redesigns. Also, repeatedly using “it’s” instead of “its” makes me cringe. Nike spent only $35 for its logo in 1971 Twitter paid only $15 for its original design IHOP's original logo was simple and had a nostalgic feel to it. “The Premier League football team once known as the Bluebirds, always had blue kits and a blue logo, featuring a blue logo.” A blue logo featuring a blue logo? | Created by Canny, The Step by Step Guide to Business Rebranding, 10 Rebranding Failures and How Much They Cost. The new BP identity is always going to fetch criticism after Deepwater Horizon. Very interesting and informative post. 3. A little over a year later, it cost the company £1 million to rebrand themselves again as Royal Mail. How do you distinguish “the eight twenty ONE service to Norwich” from “the eight twenty-one service to Norwich” (by Central Trains who competed on a route) in station announcements? So the Bluebirds are now playing in red, with their kit logo being a red Welsh dragon. It was too long, too fussy and it hardly rolls off the tongue. Never screw up "Moschino" and "Givenchy" again. The present Pepsi logo was created in 2008, when the company started revamping its brand as part of its global re-branding strategies. Maybe they should have looked at this post when considering rebranding their company. I think that the title of the article was what makes the list seem so abrasive in that this is an opinion piece where I was expecting something set in a more “clinical” manner. Reebok's vector logo, a mark often emblazoned on the brand's athletic attire, got replaced with this generic-looking triangle in 2014 after 28 years. Estimated CostThe cost of the “Helios logo design” and it’s rollout was rumoured to be $211,000,000. Rebranding can be a game-changer for businesses. It may be one of the most ridiculous things ever perpetrated by somebody calling himself a designer. Their new logo looks great and carries good symbolism for how the brand wishes to project itself. Monster.com is all about getting you the job you want, which was why this sloppy, wrinkled-looking 2014 logo redesign by Siegel+Gale was such a confusing choice. Pepsi The price tag for some of the most iconic logos of all time vary drastically. Great weblog here! They’re well worth visiting! Of course you can’t blame a logo for Deepwater Horizon, that would be senseless. Unfortunately, the asymmetrical sun they rolled out in 2015, which the company described as "a symbol of optimism" and "perfectly imperfect," seemed to entirely miss the mark. In theory, the name fits the description of the company perfectly. Everyone figured they had just ripped off the Obama logo. this post when considering rebranding their company, why you shouldn’t crowd source your design projects. They then split the company in two, forming a new company called Mondelez, a story for a different article altogether, and the Kraft Foods Group who adopted an refreshed logo of the initial Kraft brand. Hershey's original logo was brilliant in its simplicity, clearly stating the brand's name while … And then does something really, really dumb. All Rights Reserved. And thankfully, Kraft hadn’t entirely updated their food packaging design range before they made that decision. PayPal traded in their clear and concise branding for this shadowy mess in 2014. There are many things that can be learned from Gap’s branding disaster and the agency that provided their branding and web design services. Strong and powerful, American Airlines seemed to be doing fine with the logo it had for 45 years until 2013. What does it even mean? The Premier League football team once known as the Bluebirds, always had blue kits and a blue logo. These celebrity wax figures are utterly terrifying. What do you think about these rebranding efforts? Pepsi reportedly spent $1 million on this logo redesign in 2008. Thanks for your comment. Free templates, ebooks, guides, and more, to help drive results through design. Only change is the middle part, where swirling shape used to be running straight across, but now it geometrically changed. Crazy times for Cardiff City. Thanks for a great article! The classic Best Western logo once had a decidedly Western feel. Some of these on your list is a bit of a stretch. 25 Most Commonly Misspelled Words in America. Those same activists could very easily have done silly things with the old logo. Research leads me to believe that the identity was developed by an inhouse team and only time will tell if they’ve made the right move for the international hotel chain. Pepsi logo hi… The Pepsi logo of 2008, cost $1,000,000 The BBC logo, designed in 1997, cost $1,800,00 The BP’s redesigned logo of 2008 cost $211,000,000. The Windows operating system and Windows phone are built around the Metro style, interactive tiles and bright colours.