Selected seeds should be treated appropriately. Native to Asia, this tender annual requires full sun, well-draining, slightly acidic, fertile soil and a long growing season. Division of Vegetable Crops The most common genetically engineered crops around the world are cotton, soybean and corn. Drop 3-4 eggplant seeds in each cup of the tray. The average world productivity of brinjal, reported by the Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, stands at 25 tonnes per hectare. Eggplant is best grown transplanted. Improving Planting Value of Vegetable Seeds by Physical and Physiological Methods V K Pandita 38-47 5. Breeder/foundation seed – 200 m . But environmental experts are warning that unbridled and unplanned growth could set Bt brinjal on the same trajectory as Bt cotton, whose commercialisation has been marked by poorly regulated field trials, inadequate safeguards and lack of transparency, and replaced other varieties by covering over 93% of all cotton acreage in India. No public clipboards found for this slide. Brinjal seed production for gkvk 31 10-18 1. Brinjal seed treatment procedure: Treat the brinjal seeds with Trichoderma viride @ 4 g / kg or Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 10 g / kg of seed. This illegal cultivation occurred in parts of Gujarat in the late 1990s. Looks like youâve clipped this slide to already. âThe traits should not be allowed to escape into the environment as was the case with Bt cotton,â said Indra Shekhar Singh, director of policy and outreach at National Seed Association of India, while supporting the field trials of Bt brinjal. State governments would do well to avoid a repeat of the Bt cotton experience. For the Indian market, it developed hybrid seed varieties, which farmers would have to buy afresh. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. In 1993, the Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Co (Mahyco), an agricultural company based in Mumbai, partnered with Monsanto, an American agrochemical company (acquired by Bayer in 2018) to bring the Bt cotton technology to India. Water the tray very lightly so that the soil mix is not disturbed. Tomato. Meanwhile, the National Institute of Plant Biotechnology, under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, developed a new Bt brinjal seed. Round Green Eggplant. Irrigate with a rose can. At Mayasandra village in South Bengaluru, a seed plot maintained by farmer Kantharaj has as many as 15 heirloom varieties of brinjal. 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Email:Singh .H / 2. Field trials led to illegal cultivation and this promoted and hastened the process of commercialisation, noted Ian Scones, co-director, STEPS Centre at Institute of Development Studies, Sussex. While Indiaâs cotton acreage and yield increased between 2005 and 2017, Studies indicate that without the use of pesticides and other chemicals, productivity reduced. Advances in Variety Maintenance and Seed Production of Vegetable Crops The Karnataka Biodiversity Board waited to take any action in the case till 2015 and thereafter passed the case to National Biodiversity Authority. The India-based Maharashtra Hybrid Seed Company (Mahyco) used a Bacillus thuringiensis cry1Ac gene to transform brinjal to be resistant to EFSB (Shelton et al., 2017). Toxins in the form of Cry1Ac claimed to have the ability to kill bollworms, the biggest pestilence for cotton crops. This means that they become resistant to the protein that is toxic for them. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. It is estimated that quality of seed accounts for 20-25% of productivity. Age of seedling 30 - 35 days This has been the experience with Bt cotton already. However, brinjal does not need the push cotton did. Now cover the tray with a polythene sheet and keep the tray in a warm place. Production of Bt-Brinjal: India is the second largest producer of vegetables and brinjal in the world after China. • Production : China ranked first with share 64% production of entire world. Farmer can expect a yield of 30 to 35 tonnes per hectare in 140 to 150 days after planting. Eggplant seeds germinate at temps between 60-95 degrees F. (15-35 C.) and seedlings will emerge in seven to 10 days. (VEPAM) 15 days before sowing for controlling the nematodes and after 7 days of sowing , drench with Fytolan @ 2.5 g/lit of water against damping off disease. In 2015, Nagpur-based Central Institute of Cotton Research found that the bollworm had developed resistance to the second-generation BT cotton seeds as well. Phone:080-28466420 extn 284; Mob;09449658713 The trials are to be held in seven states with the approval of state agricultural departments between 2020 and 2023. At 11.6%, Bt cotton in India already accounts for the fifth largest acreage of GM crops in the world. If they do, state authorities are responsible for submitting a biosafety report and a no-objection certificate to allow commercial farming of GM crops. âThe bigger problem that farmers face is of price rather than productivity,â noted Ramanjaneyulu. To encourage pollination, it is advisable to plant Mimosa pudica in the vicinity of brinjal plot. Cover the seeds with more seed tray mix so that the seeds are just covered with 2-3 mm of the mix. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. In sandy soils, however, sowing can be taken up in flat beds. Seed Production B. SINGH, PROJECT COORDINATOR ALL INDIA COORDINATED RESEARCH PROJECT ON VEGETABLE CROPS, ... Brinjal 250 2500 Okra 3800 19000 Hot pepper 403 3224 Tomato 300 4285 Cauliflower 400 … After a decade of moratorium on Bt brinjal, India allowed field trials to start in September, marking the first step towards the commercial marketing of what will be Indiaâs second GM or genetically modified crop â after Bt cotton â and very first GM food crop. A strong, vegetative growth habit makes eggplant fairly adaptable to a range of growing conditions. Seed production based on the type of seed used for multiplication .The difference between Well rotten farm yard manure is then mixed in nursery bed. Solanum melongena is grown worldwide for its edible fruit.. Indiaâs seed policies and laws such as the Protection of Plant Variety and Farmers Rights Act, 2001 give farmers the freedom to sow, save, exchange and sell seeds and give private investors less motivation to introduce open-pollinated seeds in India. Farmers in India started to cultivate Bt cotton much before its legal commercialisation. India’s share of global vegetable production is 9.2% compared to 36.6% of China. You can change your ad preferences anytime. 1. This article first appeared on IndiaSpend, a data-driven and public-interest journalism non-profit. Seed Production of Brinjal: Isolation Distance: 1. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Globe eggplants are traditional large purple or… Nursery preparation Nursery is drenched with Metham sodium @ 28ml/sq.m. Water before and after sowing. The vegetable fruit is long (lengthy oblong) in shape and pale green in color. It has been cultivated in India for 4,000 years, in 2,500 varieties, as per this 2010 Ministry of Environment and Forests note that argued that native crops should not be exposed to GM technology. The ministry, instead of destroying the illegal crops and compensating farmers for the destruction, allowed the commercialisation of Bt cotton in March 2002. 2. Treat the seeds with Azospirillum @ 40 g / 400 g of seeds using rice gruel as adhesive. Brinjal seed production for gkvk 31 10-18. Eggplant Seed Production N.C. Chen Introduction The eggplant originates from India and is now gen-erally grown as a vegetable throughout the tropi-cal, sub-tropical and warm temperate areas of the world. In all cases, Cry1Ac has a long hi… Bt technology could increase the production of brinjal and create a surplus in the market, leading to a price crash. In 2005, Mahyco, along with University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad and Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, began developing Bt brinjal in India. Line sow 200-250g of seeds/ha in seedbed with one part animal manure and ½ part carbonated rice hull. Therefore, to sustain the characteristics, farmers must buy seeds for each sowing cycle. The seeds in the fruits are soft seeded and less and bittler less. In May, the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee approved the new Bt brinjal seed and in September, it approved the field trials of two varieties produced by a lesser-known Jalna-based private firm, Beejsheetal Research Private Ltd. You have many more options open to you when you start from seed: tender Asian varieties, pretty little egg-shaped eggplants, and a range of colors, from white to green to purple, including some very pretty striped varieties. For the seed production, it is essential to produce healthy crop & plant should be true to … Advances in Hybrids Seed Production of Vegetable Crops B S Tomar, G S Jat, and Jogendra Singh 19-37 4. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. In May, the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee approved the new Bt brinjal seed and in September, it approved the field trials of two varieties produced by a … Eggplant is a highly diverse crop widely cultivated around the globe. Advances in Quality Seed Production of Onion A K Sharma 7-18 3. To avoid unwanted pollination, precautions and regulations have to be observed during field trials and cultivation of Bt crops. However, in 2010, the then environmental minister, Jairam Ramesh, put a moratorium on the commercialisation of Bt brinjal amid public outcry and debate on health and biodiversity issues. Hence, while the new GM technology increased production, it also increased the farmersâ expenditure. Brinjal seeds are sown on nursery beds to raise seedlings for transplanting in the field. While Monsanto could sue farmers in the US for reusing, exchanging or saving the seeds, strong Indian legislations like Protection of Plant Variety and Farmers Rights Act 2001 did not allow it to do so in India. • India ranked second in brinjal production. India produces 26% of the total 32 million tons of world brinjal production … Bt cotton was launched as open-pollinated seeds in countries such as the United States and China. This approach is âboth responsible to science and responsive to societyâ, he said in a statement. This is quite natural as eggplant originated in India. There have already been news reports about illegal cultivation of Bt brinjal in Haryana. Seed technology of any Details such as the parental gene used should be made public through government notifications, she argued, adding that information regarding the biosafety of the crop that she had sought through the Right to Information was denied â on the basis that it would violate the commercial interests of the parties concerned. Dr. T.H.Singh, Principal Scientist Division of Vegetable Crops IIHR, Hessaraghatta Lake Post; Bangalore-560 089 Phone:080-28466420 extn 284; Mob;09449658713 Email:Singh .H / ADVANCES IN SEED & HYBRID PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES IN EGGPLANT The borer cannot digest the artificial protein, which kills it. This technology thus needs to be constantly upgraded, said Cotton Association of India, Maharashtra, in a 2019 report. In 2019, Haryana farmers were reported to be growing Bt brinjal illegally with seeds that were suspected to be trafficked from Bangladesh. Eggplant varieties differ in size, shape, color, and maturation time. Cross pollination is mainly through honey bees and bumble bees. The nod from the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee is only the first step towards the commercialisation of Bt Brinjal. Introduction: • Annual herbaceous, self pollinated crop • Brinjal also known as eggplant. The brinjal, on the other hand, is already grown in such abundance that India accounts for 27% of the worldâs supply, second only to China. India ranked at 70 in the global cotton productivity list but ranked eighth in brinjal productivity with 17.5 tonnes per hectare. Seed production techniques for brinjal Application of 200 kg N/ha recorded the highest seed yield of 7.32q/ha.Application in only 2 splits ie., 50% at the time of transplanting and the remaining 50% at 30 days later recorded higher seed yield with better quality. IIHR, Hessaraghatta Lake Post; Bangalore-560 089 ADVANCES IN SEED & HYBRID PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES IN EGGPLANT. If you wish to opt out, please close your SlideShare account. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. In 2002, about 10,000 ha of Bt cotton was reported to be planted in Gujarat alone, with other areas in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka reporting significant areas under illegal Bt cotton too. Scribd will begin operating the SlideShare business on December 1, 2020 Learn more. The trials are to be held in seven states with the approval of state agricultural departments between 2020 and 2023. Brinjal is one of the potentially important export vegetables and the export volume and the export value during the 1994-1996 period is presented in the Table. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Seed production Though brinjal is considered a self pollinated crop, varying amount of cross pollination takes place because of heterostyly. The need to preserve indigenous crop varieties and seeds is also well established. If you're looking for something a little different than the standard dark purple eggplant, your best option may be to start your own eggplant from seed. The search for new technologies or even technological modifications in the seed production system has been constant in seed research, resulting in changes in the various stages of the seed production process and leading to their improvement. âThe new variety has not been brought in the public domain and has been quietly given approval when the country was in lockdown due to the pandemic,â said Kavitha Kuruganti, the national convenor of Alliance for Sustainable & Holistic Agriculture. In 2009, biosafety research level, BRL-I, trials were initiated by BSSPL at three locations with two Bt Brinjal hybrids — Janak Bt and BSS 793 Bt — in Jalna, Varanasi and Guntur. The lines should be 10-15 cm apart. Water regularly. The Environment Support Group, a Bengaluru-based trust, accused Mahyco of using brinjal varieties from Karnataka and Tamil Nadu without giving credit or taking permission from the state biodiversity board. Fill the seedling trays with soil loosely. Supporters of the technology like the Alliance for Agriculture Innovation, an agri-tech industry body, sent a letter to the central government along with eight other state governments asking that commercialisation of Bt brinjal be allowed. The cry1Ac gene is widely used in Bt cotton and the protein is a component of many organic biopesticides. The following outline is based on George (1999). The new GM technology seeds are more expensive and have to be bought afresh for every planting season since reusing them reduces their productivity. Meanwhile, the Bt brinjal developed by Mayhco faced biopiracy allegations in 2010. Once the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee approved the transgenic seeds, Bt brinjal underwent field trials between 2002 and 2006. However, sustainable agriculture activists point to how fast technology turns obsolete. Growing Brinjal in Pots from seed To grow eggplants from seeds, you need a seedling tray, or you can directly sow the seeds. The moratorium would be lifted after satisfactory independent scientific studies had been conducted. Seeds of brinjal are sown in nursery beds which are 3 meter long, 1 meter wide and15 cm high. National Average Yield, Unite Cost of production and Net return of Brinjal during 1998-2001 (Assuming Cost of Production is Rs. • Production … Certified seed – 100 m . The new Bt brinjal variety is different from the one released in 2002, as per the Indian Council of Agricultural Research and uses indigenous transgenic varieties of brinjal hybrids Janak and BSS-793. • India share 22% production of the world. In raised nursery beds, sow the seeds in lines at 10 cm apart and cover with sand. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. In recent years, it has increased in im-portance as a protected crop in Northern Europe. Cultivar Description for Seed Production: There are open-pollinated and F 1 hybrid cultivars. vegetables like tomato, cabbage, brinjal, chilli, okra and cu curbits where the seed production of OPVs and hybrids is comparatively easy and more profitable. Even supporters of Bt brinjal agree that the risk of unwanted pollination must be mitigated. 34,600 / ha and Average Producer Price of Rs. You can start planting your brinjal plants indoors when April month starts. Transplant the seedlings 30 – 35 days after sowing at 60 cm apart … In May 2020, the GEAC approved the new Bt brinjal seed and in September 2020, it approved the field trials of two varieties produced by a lesser known Jalna-based private firm, Beejsheetal Research Private Ltd. Besides these dominant geographical types, there are some other types as well in small pockets. In case of summer crop, the seeds … This will benefit consumers far more than the farmers, noted the National Institute of Agricultural Economics and Policy Research. States have the power to decide whether or not to allow field trials. Limited seed production of Bt Brinjal hybrids for BRL-II trials was approved by the GEAC in 2010. 4.00/kg) Mulch with rice hull or straw and provide partial shading. Supporters of GM science claim this technology can increase the productivity and profits of brinjal farmers by reducing pesticide use. Seed is a key component among all inputs for sustainable crop production. The moratorium was driven by several factors â the lack of consensus on Bt technology in the scientific community, the absence of independent biosafety studies, public mistrust and opposition from the 10 major brinjal producing states, mentioned Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change in a report. The transgenic brinjal was developed to resist the fruit and shoot borer, a pest that can reduce the plantâs productivity by 70%. Seed rate is 3 – 4 kg/acre (8 – 10 kg/ha) for kharif crop and 4 – 6 kg/acre (10 – 15 kg/ha) for summer crop. Concerns over safety, and hence the need for proper regulation, safeguards and transparency, are even more pressing since Bt brinjal is a food crop, which Bt cotton is not. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. One week before transplanting, expose to full sunlight. These varieties were developed by inserting a protein gene (Cry1Fa1) from a soil bacteria, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), into the brinjalâs DNA. Place the soil in a loose manner into your pot, but make sure that it is not getting compressed. Eggplant is a popular greenhouse crop due to the high yield potential, rapid growth, and improved quality possible over a longer season. It is an important vegetable in India, China and Japan. There’s no particular eggplant seed preparation necessary prior to sowing. Greenhouse growing maximizes production by growing the crop fast at a high temperature and high planting density. Plantation of seeds for growing brinjal in pots: Brinjal plants will need a temperature of minimum 13°C or more, which will be tough to provide in the outdoor location at the time of spring. Bt cotton catered to the need to increase the production of and income from cotton farming by protecting the crop from the bollworm that laid waste to vast swathes of cotton crop. âThe technology has a limit of about five years,â said GV Ramanjaneyulu, executive director, Centre for Sustainable Agriculture, an independent research organisation in Hyderabad. Selection of fields for brinjal seed production is very important for maintaining produce quality and quantity. Raised beds are necessary to avoid problem of water logging in heavy soils. Dr. T.H.Singh, Principal Scientist Ideal temperature needed for seeds to germinate is 20°C. The name brinjal is popular in Indian subcontinents and is derived from Arabic and Sanskrit whereas the name eggplant has been derived from the shape of the fruit of some varieties, which are white and resemble in shape to chicken eggs. Remove the broken, coloured seeds and use uniformly graded seeds. Open-pollinated seeds consistently reproduce with the same characteristics in every generation, whereas the progeny of hybrids do not ensure consistency of characteristics. As of this date, Scribd will manage your SlideShare account and any content you may have on SlideShare, and Scribd's General Terms of Use and Privacy Policy will apply. Such regulations could not be implemented in countries like India and China because of the small size of farms. While eggplant generally grows best in dependably warm and settled weather, we trial eggplant varieties for performance in less favorable conditions, as well as for superior flavor and appearance. Eight years after the deployment of Bt cotton, India became the number one producer of cotton globally and the second-largest cotton exporter in the world. However, experts point out that brinjal is not in need of GM intervention in India. the quality of eggplant seed are not ensured at the grower’s level. The Genetic Engineering Approval Committee of the environment ministry has allowed the field testing of two indigenous varieties of Bt brinjal developed by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research in eight states â Bihar, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha and Tamil Nadu. GM crops, as we said, are developed by infusing into plants foreign genes that carry characteristics that are not natural to the plant genome. Brinjal or eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) is an important solanaceous crop of sub-tropics and tropics. The United States Environmental Protection Agency suggests 0.8 km of non-Bt fields around cotton fields. Seed rate 450 g/ha. The first generation, Bt cotton, Bollgard I was introduced in 2002, and soon after Monsanto launched Bollgard II in 2004, which started to show resistance in 2009 in India to bollworms. Raised beds of size 7.2 x 1.2 m and 10-15 cm in height are prepared. The pests that feed on cotton and brinjal are monophagous â that is, they eat only one kind of food. Eggplant (US, Australia, New Zealand, anglophone Canada), aubergine (UK, Ireland, Quebec) or brinjal (South Asia, South Africa) is a plant species in the nightshade family Solanaceae. The unregulated use of GM technology could kill this abundance of local varieties, farm activists argue. Nursery bed is then drenched with Captan solution two days before sowing to avoid the attack of damping off disease in brinjal nursery. By controlling fruit and shoot borer with Bt technology, âwe can save farmersâ income, reduce pesticide load on the environment and provide pesticide- and insect-free brinjals to consumersâ, said Ram Kaundinya, director general of Alliance for Agriculture Innovation, in a press release dated August 6. These characteristics could be pest resistance (cotton), additional nutrition (Golden Rice) or herbicide tolerance (cotton, soybean, etc). , Haryana farmers were reported seed production of brinjal be held in seven to 10 days in South Bengaluru, a and. The small size of farms 4.00/kg ) the quality of eggplant seed preparation necessary prior sowing... Water the tray with a polythene sheet and keep the tray very lightly so that seeds., developed a new Bt brinjal agree that the seeds with Azospirillum @ g! If they do, state authorities are responsible for submitting a biosafety report and a long season. Name of a clipboard to store your clips to kill bollworms, the biggest pestilence for cotton crops and.... Ability to kill bollworms, the National Institute of plant Biotechnology, under the Indian Institute of agricultural Research developed..., please close your slideshare account, leading to a price crash not in need GM. 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