The rule here is: Let it rip. When free speech is curtailed at Speakers’ Corner, there is little hope for the rest of the country. Hatun was physically assaulted at Speakers’ Corner in July. A major problem with this is that Christianity is all but non existent in the UK. A great many historical figures have spoken at Speakers' Corner including George Orwell, Karl Marx and Vladmir Lenin. Goodness knows Sadiq Khan will do exactly nothing to remedy this. Sacrificing the Truth and the freedom to speak, for the sake of not having to send these thugs home or arrest them all. Exactly. craig, I take your point, but there are still many more Christians than Muslims in Britain. Oct 4, 2020 at 4:10 pm. It appears the police believe it is no longer safe for Christians to critique Islam there. Speakers Corner on the Nile. Muslims in Speakers’ Corner are effectively enforcing a ‘heckler’s veto’ – threats of violence to silence arguments they can’t deal with. I’m an old Brit of 80 yrs old, living in the US since 1979, and I have not been to Speaker’s Corner since I was a teen. ... telling him that he is all wrong about Islam and that theirs is a religion of peace. Hugh Fitzgerald Content copyright Jihad Watch, Jihad Watch claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Jay Smith typically speaks at the corner alongside Sid Cordle. Several hundred men and women join in a pre-walk Muslim prayer. Where next for free speech in this world-famous location? Just look at her, she probably didn’t take Shower For month. Two of her Christian friends were punched trying to recover it. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. First John 2:22,23. He appeared quite concerned at the large crowd that was present outside the Old Bailey and at being spotted. It can’t be long before they try it. Thank you for your faithfulness in serving the God of love Hatun. With this clearly stated, three things should be known. islamic apologists and ‘scholars’ are doing a great job {on their own }demolishing and exposing their cult. Speakers' Corner was still thriving in the 1960s as a mass rallying point for anti-Vietnam and anti-nuclear causes. Unfortunately, violence against “blasphemy” in Islam much predates censorious Leftists in the West. Let the Muslims(Islam) with the collaboration of the police prevent Hatum from preaching the King’s message, they all will answer, in absolute awe, to their misdoings one day, when they will bow before the same God they so detest. Perhaps that should read ‘back to the country they recognise’. The list of those known to have spoken there includes Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, George Orwell, George Bernard Shaw, Winston Churchill, Billy Graham, Lord Soper, and Tony Benn. This Speakers Corner was a Safe Space where all political voices could be heard. You will receive a daily mailing containing links to the stories posted at Jihad Watch in the last 24 hours. Speakers. This continual quest to find meaning to life eventually led him to Islam. This incident simply shows that these muslims do not, and are quite incapable of, ever complying with the standards of being ‘English’ since islam has obviously never been a part of ‘Englishness’; so we see anywhere that’s been ‘enriched’ being dragged down to the level of the ‘enrichers’ – like Speaker’s Corner. And what is God doing to protect this woman? Rather “we demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God.” (2 Cor 10:5). Robert Spencer That is the nature of the place. You’re free to make a difference Jimmy dear…. John 3:16-18, 36. Our motivation is love for Muslims to bring them to repentance and faith in Christ for eternal life. As in comparing Romans 14:12. with John 5:22. will show Jesus to be God. A Speakers' Corner is an area where open-air public speaking, debate, and discussion are allowed.The original and best known is in the northeast corner of Hyde Park in London, England.Historically there were a number of other areas designated as Speakers' Corners in other parks in London, such as Lincoln's Inn Fields, Finsbury Park, Clapham Common, Kennington Park, and Victoria Park. They acted to protect Islam from criticism. I keep wondering what he would think of England today. To reply to the many apologists for Islam with their many claims to support Islam there’ the Christian site Guest Article by Steve Chan Speakers Corner in Hyde Park, London, has been the place for public oratory and free speech since the mid 1800's. The Royal Navy will not even stop muslim migrant invasion boats coming from France – crossing the English Channel. Even by comparing the News Testament books together will show that Jesus is God. You’re right it is grotesque, but Christians in the UK have no political clout to protect them from the PC police state. My own mother and aunt served in the British Army, both going through the London Blitz. It is shameful and grotesque. That Jesus is God the Son and that Jesus is God. For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Today the park is used by the public… Now I am also not at all surprised to learn of this problem with Muslims since the number of mosques in London was already getting very numerous back when I was still a young woman. Both have been mobbed by Muslims to intimidate and chase out dissent. Supporting their violence and arrogant yelling and intimidation only makes it easier for the moslim creeps to take over next time. To be quite honest, if you are not provocative at Speakers’ Corner, then no one will bother listening to you. As seen in ,for example Matthew 3:16,17. He is a convert to Islam. Second, that Islam denies that Jesus is God the Son is in strong contradiction to the Bible. You will receive immediate notification. And in islam,according to the koran,a woman is in islamic law,worth only HALF the value of a man{koran 2:282} and that is due to what muhammed said was ‘the deficiency of the woman’s mind” My dad was on destroyers and minesweepers, terrible time. I’m so sorry to say that she does not qualify for speaker corners because her English is VERY WEAK, also have a FUNNY accent. That post is informative as to the condition of christianity Hatun Tash did neither. }, And to add insult to injury,it was a JEWISH woman{Sahih Bukhari 4428,Sunan Abu Dawud 4498}who exposed him. In addition, Islam denies that Jesus is God. Enter your email address to subscribe. Your email address will not be published. No group … even Muslims … attempting to administer a self-made law which vetoes the freedom of expression of others should be tolerated. She has seen many Muslims convert to Christianity through her remarkable ministry. Christine Douglass-Williams Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). So what’s the point of the UK having a Royal Navy? By threatening Christian preachers{and indeed ex-muslims,the ‘murtads’ they call them}they show how intolerant their cult is. The heckler’s veto is an attempt to overthrow free speech which is the law of the land, and in its place to set up mob law, lynch law, and to substitute lawlessness for the law enforcement which obtains in civilized countries. Confirmation of the fact that Muslims are a protected class in Britain, not to be questioned, criticized, or challenged in any way, is coming in abundance these days, as British officials frog-march their nation toward capitulation and Sharia. He frequently engages in debates at Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park, London. Muslims are routinely provocative in their criticism of Christianity at Speakers’ Corner, as is their right…. Together they give apologetics for their christian faith and make attacks on Islam. 3. As in the Son of God Who is God the Father. A Speakers' Corner is an area where open-air public speaking, debate, and discussion are allowed. The police remove a woman peacefully exercising her freedom of speech, rather than arresting those who assault her and try to impose the HECKLER’S VETO upon her. Now. The truly great Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill would not only find today’s UK unrecognizable, he would be ostracized, charged with “breach of the peace”, etc. why are you so full of hate – because you follow the devil. As for how he would have reacted, I think he would have done everything possible to alert his fellow Britons to the threat of Islam, just as he did with the threat of Fascism eighty years ago. But, it is so unfortunate, that in the Queen’s land, Islam can so lay claims, as if no one matters, even the blessed Queen! Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Since 1872, people have gathered at Speakers Corner in Hyde Park to exercise their rights to free speech in all its forms. Stop one, many more fearless would rise in their stead. The inability of the police to protect her? To the Met, I say, PLEASE UPHOLD THE LAW OF UK WHICH GUARANTEES THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH, ESPECIALLY AT SPEAKERS’ CORNER. TRUTH can never be silenced, killed nor tamed, so I have heard and learnt since I was small, no matter how hard they try. Hatun Tash I believe is Turkish and ex-muslim:an ex-muslim who is now Christian woman preaching at Speaker’s corner to muslim males{..who let’s face it..} are not as smart or as wise as she is. This does not bode well for the future of Christian preaching at Speakers’ Corner. A BBC article describes it as ‘the home of free speech.’ The history of the place stretches back to an Act of Parliament in 1872 which sets aside this part of Hyde Park for public speaking. with First Corinthians 10:4. shows the Deity of Jesus. One of the bravest of the Christian preachers is Hatun Tash. muhammed the misogynistic chauvinist ‘genius’ would not of course have seen THAT coming: a courageous woman and surely a Jewish martyr {Zaynab Bint Al Harith} exposes him as a false prophet{koran 69:43-46}via her culinary ingenuity:’my AORTA is cut’ wails muhammed, a statement that according to the koran can come ONLY from someone who knows or suspects he is a FALSE PROPHET. All that matters these days – apparently – is that Muslims, non-whites and LGBT aren’t offended, and that “The Economy” is not adversely affected… you know, that thing Boris has been steadily wrecking with great efficiency since the spring of this year coz virus. Hatun Tash. Islam churns out self important boys who think the rudest, loudest and most threatening person always “wins”. Ex-muslims who become Christians most likely will have a sincere faith:and they seem to make really good Christians. When speaking out against Islam at Speakers’ Corner, one immediately finds oneself surrounded by Muslims in a circle formation. Imran Hussein (Islam) Patrick McEvoy (Globalisation) Heiko Knoo (Socialism) Brian (Men’s Rights) Ishmahil Blagrove (Human Rights) Patrick (Christianity, Intelligent Design) Jay Smith (Christianity, Anti-Islam) Sid Cordle MBE (Christianity, Anti-Islam) Ted Wheatley (One World) Information for attending Speakers’ Corner, Hyde Park. As mo said ”Jesus is love and freedom” – a stark contrast to ”islam’s hate and control.” May God bless , encourage and protect you. Christians can be dismissed as cranks, and holdovers from a bygone age, while Muslims must be kowtowed to. Thank you for signing up! Can some one put Giant Carrot In Her Virgina. You can watch the full video footage here. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Much like their allies on the left, they know they can not win on the merits of their argument so they fall back on plan B. Speakers Corner (London) Ltd, Unit 31, Highbury Studios, 10 Hornsey Street, London, N7 8EL. Historic figures such as Karl Marx, Lenin, George Orwell, Marcus Garvey and Lord Soper have all spoken at the Corner. Abdurraheem spent many years at ‘Speakers Corner’ in Hyde park, where he made his name as an inspirational orator. Indeed, it is reputed to be the most famous location for free speech in the world. I’m impressed by anyone who leaves islam.But ex-muslims who become Christians{or persecuted Christians in islamic countries}are seriously impressive. Andrew, I take your point. So all dear Muslims are thus invited to leave the false religion of Islam and come the and receive the Jesus of the Bible who is the only way to heaven, John 14:6. and the True Light of the world. Speakers’ Corner: Freedom of Speech; Tommy Robinson; Arrest, Taking a Deep Dive Into the River Nile; Dr Yasir Qadhi; Holes in the Narrative, Meet Ultra & UltraCrepidarian Shaykh Dr Yasir Qadhi; The Maths Has Holes, Muslim Missionary & His False Qurans; Islam Non-Defender. Box 55089, Sherman Oaks, CA 91499-1964. Video footage will show that it is a highly combative environment with accusations and insults being thrown all over the place, and where strength of voice can be almost as important as strength of argument. It is one of the least religious nations on earth. CONTROVERSIAL Anti-Islam activist Tommy Robinson has been arrested in London. This means that the powers that be are going to favor the former over the latter, Most people don’t care about Christians, after all in the leftist mind Christianity is a tool of western white male oppression. – what’s left of it! Since 1866 Speakers' Corner has been a place of public debate, dialogue and arguments galore. In a video posted online Mr Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley Lennon is heard shouting: “I’ve been arrested for an offensive weapon, I’ve got nothing on me”. As for women having a deficiency of mind,let it be remembered that the great ‘prophet’ died after eating poisoned meat cooked by a cunning Jewish woman whose family he had massacred. She wants Muslims to hear what she has to say. Nevertheless, when I went, I was impressed with the high quality of debate between Christians and Muslims that goes on there. Speakers' Corner, as it became known, rapidly developed into an open-air forum for the exchange of ideas and opinions and it continues to be so today. 22 December 2019 Speakers Corner London Topics: Muhammad's marriage with Aisha; Jihad; peaceful Islam; life in Saudi Arabia (and many misleading comments from followers of Islam) I picked a helluva year to start reading Churchill’s books on WWII (I’m halfway thru the 2nd book, “Their Finest Hour”). In the process they trample over good faith, valuable traditions, and their own reputation. Anyone can turn up unannounced and speak on almost any topic they like, though they may well have to cope with heckling. Also by comparing Psalm 89:8,9. with Mathew 8:23-27. will reveal that Jesus is God. Robert Spencer in FrontPageMag When Islam was Synonymous with Knowledge and Erudition ... We created it for only one thing in mind; to create a peaceful corner that features just inspiring and uplifting material, focused around Universal Values to … So Islam with its strong contradictions to the Bible is a false religion, Proverbs 14:12. He would probably disown it. This time, the censorship was enforced. Throughout her time at the Corner, Hatun has suffered … The police may have “removed” her for her safety’s sake, but the moslims took it as a victory for them and their filth. Speakers Corner, London, UK, 4th Nov 2018. Ostensibly they were merely acting to protect a brave, but vulnerable woman – but their actions also served to silence her. Only Jehovah, though the Holy Spirit can give one such courage. Tim Dieppe, Head of Public Policy at Christian Concern, said: “The police actions effectively enforced sharia law in Speakers’ Corner. I always had a picture of it as the place you could say just about anything, and as long as you didn’t resort to violence you were protected. The poice intended to protect her from the relgion of peace! The ‘heckler’s veto’ is nothing but VIGILANTE LAW or LYNCH LAW or the LAW imposed by a MOB. Speakers' Corner stands as a noisy counterpoint to arguments like that. Shortly after this, the police intervened. In fact, she was the *victim* of threats–and yet, police arrested the victim. Quick History Speakers' Corner is a designated section of Hyde Park in London, UK. Not every woman has a massive pussy unlike your whore mother. Seems that Western Civilization just can’t surrender fast enough. You have to wonder – how long before they build a mosque on Speaker’s Corner??? Daniel Greenfield, Jihad Watch® is a registered trademark of Robert Spencer in the United States and/or other countries - Site Developed and Managed by Free Speech Defense. About Subboor Ahmad. 4. Even if you regard Christians as cranks, the idea that they should be silenced and arrested while Muslims are free to threaten them is grotesque. Likewise, by comparing Psalm 62:5-7 . Third, Islam’s denial that Jesus is God is in great contrast to the doctrine and teaching of the Bible. I’m so sorry to say that she does not qualify for speaker corners because her English is VERY WEAK, also have a FUNNY accent. He was reportedly arrested in Speakers Corner for allegedly having an offensive weapon. A follow up would be nice you have anymore info. May 21, 2018 1:21 pm By Joshua Winston. Give any criminal enough rope, and he’ll eventually hang himself; and one way or another, because no-one has stopped this situation, we certainly have some kind of demise is happening here. That Jesus is God may be found in ,for example, John 1:1;3. 2:9. Hitler was *enraged* that Churchill and the British did not roll over in the face of the Blitz. Yes Andrew, said the same thing to my sIster. Furthermore, Islam denies the Jesus is God the Son. Feeding, encouraging, emboldening evil. The heckler’s veto is a crime against the majesty of the law which is the supreme, dominant authority controlling the conduct of everyone, however exalted or high his power. “I thought it was Speaker’s Corner, not Violent Bully’s Corner.”. Absolutely nothing, apparently. She is 40+ years old yet until now she wasn’t able to sale her Virgina to anyone. John 8:12. In a YouTube discussion with David Wood, she revealed that in August, police warned her that they believe some Muslims intend to kill her and that therefore it is dangerous for her to go to Speakers’ Corner. Now we have submitted after a beheading, several bombs and multiple stabbings. There is no doubt that Hatun was being provocative. Required fields are marked *. I have been there for a Sunday afternoon and seen how the place is now dominated by Muslims, but with some brave Christians holding forth. Jamie Glazov Sharia UK: Muslims threaten Christian at Speakers Corner, cops remove Christian My take is a bit different from yours, though–I think we have an example of British bravery, within living memory (if just barely, at this point). They are often characterised as attacking radical Islam but typically it appears to be Islam en masse. May He also protect her always! we can clearly see from Muslim’s and their prophets speech that their heart is full of wickedness and depravity. Paul Williams is a British debater. Later a third individual appeared who has also been a regular at Speakers Corner, is believed to hold radical Islamic beliefs and has previously been reported to the police due to concerns regarding his beliefs. They also have to deal with foolish namby-pamby Dhimmi Christians who think that being critical of islam is not the way{these silly dhimmis should read the Gospel.Jesus Christ,St John the Baptist,St Peter,St Paul were no pushovers.They were not afraid to confront others}. God has given us FREE WILL whether we/you know it or not. For if that prophet or teachers and teachers doctrines that are in contradiction to the Bible then that prophet is a false prophet and that religious teacher is a false teacher and thus in doctrinal error and darkness. {Sahih Bukhari 2658}, Hatun Tash is a Gospel preacher- since she is now a Christian of course{Christians are CURSED by the koran k9:30 for believing in Jesus Christ} -and thus defined as one of ‘the WORST of created beings’ koran 98:6{along with ALL non-muslims}. >This time, the censorship was enforced. Luke 1:35. The list can go on but this should be enough, for all who are willing to see the truth, that Jesus is, indeed, the Son of God. The terrible thing is, Mortimer, your words will not even enter the consciousness of the Metropolitan Police today. He holds an MA in Islamic Studies… Glancing through my fathers` war record , served in Royal Navy August 1939 to November 1945 , can`t help thinking what was the point. Insulting islam – a religious/political totalitarian ideology? In spite of being a relatively short woman, she commands a strong presence and is not intimidated by crowds of mostly men who heckle her and surround her. “To the law of the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” [K.J.V.] Your Jesus God so Crushes On His Human That Jesus God had no choice but have to Come out from Women’s Virgina. Muslims at Speakers’ Corner are effectively imposing a ‘heckler’s veto’ – threats of violence to silence arguments they can’t deal with…. Meaning that Islam denies that Jesus is the Son of God. I’m waiting for them to turn St Paul’s into a mosque. Look at how cowardly ,deceitful and disgraceful muslim apologists are. The whole system is contrary to Western ideals, and with the base belief that some of them follow that they must kill humans who refuse to accept this cult, we are all in danger from it. Reply. But now the latter are willing to enforce the former, even in their own lands. I stand behind you sister Hatun . Your email address will not be published. I have always had a thoroughly disgusted view of Islam since my Dad spent 3 years in Kuwait when I was young & reported his findings on male behavior & attitudes there when he returned…he sure scared me on the subject of Muslim males, which I’m sure was his intention, and I have had no reason to change my feelings on that subject over the years – stay away from them ! That is her style. Here is the truth one more time: Britain is finished. Before going over these three denials of Islam it first should the stated the Bible instructs the way to tell if a prophet or religious teacher is really from and of God or not is do the teachings and doctrines of that prophet of teacher really fit in accord what is found in the Bible ? Jan 6, 2016 - Speakers corner 2015, rasta man vs muslims,(RASTA vs ISLAM) debate on heaven, Islamic colonial mentality Muslims there now know that if they get angry enough and start threatening a Christian preacher then the police will step in and remove the preacher. {See Deuteronomy 18:20 for the fate of a false prophet.muhammed mass-murdered the Children of Israel (Abu Dawud 4390) thus making him an enemy of YHWH,the actual God.YHWH always will have the last laugh and ‘allah’ cannot protect his muslims.Not even their ‘prophet’ could avoid being eliminated}. Thank you for your faithfulness in serving the God of love Hatun. I thought it was Speaker’s Corner, not Violent Bully’s Corner. I doubt if any of them would recognise the country they fought, and in too many cases, died for. You need to be very well-informed to be able to hold your own in the discussions. This raises many questions about the home of free speech. God can never be short of messengers. “The Mecca of Speakers Corner Equal beliefs can share the time Muslims bring their Holy Warner To Police another Shrine.” The first Mekah was a Safe Space for all religions to be equal. Jesus is love and freedom and salvation , islam is hate and control and hell. If you are forwarding to a friend, please remove the unsubscribe buttons first, as they my accidentally click it. This will not lead to less disturbing of the peace as these fools believe, but instead much, much more. DavidR says. How could anyone fail to be impressed by Hatun Tash? If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and you do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed. But they are not loud and whining and threatening and violent as are Muslims. Islam is growing in the UK, Christianity is shrinking. At Speakers’ Corner, as sunset approached, a Muslim snatched Hatun’s holey Qur’an from her and ran off with it. DCCI (Defend Christ Critique Islam) Ministries seeks to preach the Gospel to Muslims using apologetics and polemics. And Turkish ex-muslims {Christians like Hatun Tash or Atheists like the Apostate Prophet}seem to be fantastic at exposing islam. They don’t want to offend the Muslims, and there aren’t enough practicing Christians to ensure that there is actual equal protection before the law. Note: This may be up to 15 emails a day. As in comparing Isaiah 45:22,23. with Philippians 2:5-11. Let the gate of hell be set loose, the kingdom of Heaven will always prevail. On 11 February at Speakers Corner, Hatun and Godwin show how Islamic tradition disagrees with Muslims. 13 thoughts on “Speakers’ Corner: How Islam practices its freedom of speech” Shuvo says: 9 November 2020 at 10:10 am . Images on this blog are copyright to their respective owners. Those who go there expect provocative things to be said and done. The history of Speakers' Corner goes back to the mid-19th century when Hyde Park was an assembly point for different workers' movements, and occasionally riots occurred. Islam churns out self important boys who think the rudest, loudest and most threatening person always “wins”. Boris has had to step in a number of times now to put right Sadiq’s failures and shortcomings, let’s hope he will again. She was told that if she returned there she would be arrested. But Hatun is not intimidated. The result was that a Christian preacher was silenced by police in the home of free speech…. She believes Muslims are making threats in order to get the police to stop her from preaching because she is so effective. A long line of treacherous, quisling politicians have spent decades making a total mockery of the service and sacrifice these brave men and women made for this country. The BBC article notes that ‘at least half the speakers are preachers’, but also comments that in recent years ‘at least as many of the preachers are Muslim as Christian’. I am *heartened* by this, and think it should be used to inspire people to stand up against the threat of Islam now, as their parents and grandparents did against the threat of Hitler and the Nazis. We had a very informative conversation with a supervising Police Officer about the concept of speakers corner, the symbol of free speech. If the current trajectory continues, you are correct…. U K And, if they have any sense, they certainly wouldn’t go anywhere near Speaker’s Corner ever again. Robert Spencer in PJ Media, Articles at Jihad Watch by It should have been those making threats who were removed, not Hatun. …………. Subboor Ahmad (also sometimes spelled Subboor Ahmed) is a speaker for the Islamic Education and Research Academy (iERA), who, like many speakers of the iERA, made a name for himself at Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park, London. They acted to protect Islam from criticism. Insiden itu terjadi di Hyde Park di London yang disebut 'Speakers' Corner ', sebuah area di mana berbicara di depan umum, debat, dan diskusi diperbolehkan. WHAT A PUSSY LOVING JESUS GOD. Because no one buying Her Filthy pussy. Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts, Oct 4, 2020 3:00 pm By Robert Spencer 49 Comments. The Walk in Peace Muslim rally starts with a prayer and assembly at Speakers Corner, Marble Arch, before a silent walk along Park Lane and Hyde Park in London. Andrew Harrod Mouth Diarrhea. As found in Hebrews 1:6-8. Allah is not Like Your So-called Jesus God. First, that Islam denial that Jesus is the Son of God is in great contradiction to the teaching of the Bible . That must be like a red rag to the bull that is the ignorant fanatical muslim male. This is *grotesque*. I wondered then how the future would be with these people that believe killing is fine if it is in the name of their ‘God’ . ISLAM AND HOMOSEXUALITY LECTURE By Paul Williams Sickening crushing of freedom of speech–and this just emboldens aggressive Muslims, and teaches them threats and violence *work*. This is as much a fifing time as any define what Islam really is Islam may be defined as a religion of denial. 5:12,13. Don’t stoop to their level . Fuck off back to drinking camel piss you son of a pedo. Several hundred men and women join for the prayer. WHY is my auto login via Google disallowed? Debates and dialogues on this channel is the expression of freedom of speech by all parties in their debates and discussions. Like the Apostle Paul, “we do not use deception, nor do we distort the Word of God” (2 Cor 4:2). It’s akin to red Indians circling a cowboy wagon. Speakers’ Corner – Islam’s Fiercest Critics. Likewise if a religion had teachings and doctrines that are in contradiction that is religion is in error also part of the world of darkness and is therefore a false religion. This lady is the bravest I have seen. Which reveals the Jesus is the Son of God? Learn how your comment data is processed. Romans 9:5. 250 years ago Speakers’ Corner … As the Bible instructs in Isaiah 8:20. Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park is listed in every guide book to London, a living landmark to a historical tradition. The *only* reason anyone should be arrested at Speaker’s Corner is for violence or for inciting violence. 16:15,16. "Speakers Corner: You Have The Right To Remain Vocal" is a documentary film that serves as a modern commentary on the origins and fragility of freedoms of speech and assembly. Paul Williams . Jesus is love and freedom, islam is hate and control. Speaker’s Corner was a uniquely English invention and always depended on the inherent civility of the English people for it to work at all. This claim, very much, underestimate the Power of God to protect and preserve His Word ,through time , and to keep in intact and away from the corruption of men. . Let them expose themselves for who they really are . Her pussy isn’t for sale unlike your fat hairy smelly prostitute of a mother. Jay Smith has a combative tone and will engage the crowd. God bless and protect Hatun Tash, and the other brave speakers courageous enough to confront Muslims with the truth of Islam at Speakers Corner! The Met should defend freedom, not the bullies. He has been delivering talks nationwide including universities during this time, and also on international platforms, such as the Peace Conference in Mumbai. If you are forwarding to a friend, please remove the unsubscribe buttons first, as they my accidentally click it. Ted, no better time to read Churchill than now. Ahmad attended City University London for engineering, though it cannot be confirmed if, or when, he graduated. He was very positive and supportive of the Hyde Park/Speaker's Corner experience, however he has the very unenviable job of having to monitor the very fine line between free speech, and hate speech, and to step in if required. As much as the hammer tries, the wins, eventually. Third, the imams and mullahs as well as the other apologists for Islam will try to “explain’ this all away by making the claim that the Bible had been corrupted by Christians ,through time, and that’s way the Bible reads as it does. This is also evident in places like London’s City Hall because London as it used to be has been disappearing fast ever since the current occupant of the Mayor’s office has been there; and that no doubt also explains the behaviour of the Metropolitan Police here. For certain, there is little real intelligence to be found in either group. Enter your email address to subscribe. Author admin Posted on May 27, 2018 May 27, 2018 Categories Uncategorized Tags democracy, downing street, free speech, islam, speakers corner, Tommy Robinson, whitehall 2 Comments on Tommy Robinson supporters climb gates of Downing Street after his arrest and imprisonment – Media silent {See on You Tube acts17apologetics who killed muhammed? So far no one Wants her filthy PUSSY. “Sharia law at Speakers’ Corner as Christian critic of Muslims is removed by police,” by Tim Dieppe, The Conservative Woman, September 29, 2020 (thanks to Henry): SPEAKERS’ Corner in Hyde Park has long been a bastion of free speech in the UK. -“A heckler’s veto is an IMPERMISSIBLE content-based RESTRICTION on speech where the speech is prohibited due to an ANTICIPATED DISORDERLY or VIOLENT reaction of the audience.” – Justice Dolores Sloviter. “Islamic group blocked from building ‘megamosque three times bigger than St Paul’s Cathedral’ in London”, Hatun Tash will be forced to hire private armed security guards because the Met refuses to defend her civil liberties. We do not have this problem with ANY other religious group – none, there are those that are pushing to convert us, but no other cult has the ideas espoused by that rabid man in the 600’s in Saudi Arabia who managed to persuade a bunch of people that he was God’s messenger – makes me shudder – so many fools in this world just follow such a person ! Colossians 1:15-17. Speaker’s Corner has long been a favourite location for street preachers. In the. Therefore your question should read: +What am I/we doing about it ?+, So off you go… God-given rights are trampled on by the UK authorities. JJF *Disclaimer- Speakers Corner, London UK, is a unique place in the world for freedom of Speech. Author Hatun Tash Posted on 11 February 2018 30 April 2020 Categories Hadith , Islam , Salvation , Sin 1 Comment on Allah’s Unjust Judgement Muslims at Speakers’ Corner are effectively imposing a ‘heckler’s veto’ – threats of violence to silence arguments they can’t deal with…. Daily Beast Features Psychic Who Says Biden’s Dogs Told Her He Would Be a Great President, France: Muslim with knife, screwdriver and Qur’an screams ‘You will see in 2021, Islam, we will kill you all’, Norway: After murder of French teacher over Muhammad cartoons, teachers fear showing them in classes on free speech.