This doesn’t necessarily mean liking all the same things, but it does mean sharing the same values. These 16 names were selected by our users that were looking for other names like Taurus. The color green nurtures the spirit of Taurus and strengthens its connection to growth and nature. Taurus men revealed 1. His voice and manner are generally calm, soothing, and even healing. A Taurus man wants a woman who is feminine but is a sophisticated and natural way. Taurus men are notoriously consistent. They repeat daily patterns ad infinitum. A Taurus man loves to be in control and his inability to control you can lead to jealousy. The Taurus man lives in the present and tenaciously plods … In other words, we like to investigate all the physical parts of a person (up close and personal) before turning on the heat. They are paying more attention to what their date is saying than what they look like. For some, that rising sign is Taurus, an earth sign and the second sign of the Zodiac.Astrologers believe that Taurus rising individuals are usually reserved, matter-of-fact, slow to act, … They have an uncomplicated, quiet, gentle nature and a special connection to the land. In astrology, the sign that was rising over the eastern horizon at the time of your birth is your rising sign (or ascendant). Just like the lush greens that the Bull inhabits, the color green represents growth and progress. You can rely on your man to keep his composure. When he alters from his usual routine, you will know things have truly changed. ... 16 names similar to Taurus. There are many Taurus male traits to appreciate, as these patient, kind, warm-hearted, and steadfast men radiate calm and fortitude and revel in all the sensual pleasures of life. Luckily, it's not all bad. This has its high and low points. This kind of Taurus guy may want to control every aspect of your life, even where you go and who you socialize with. but then, a month in of talking – he tell me has a girlfriend of 7 years! our conversations were great. Taurus men are attracted to partners with whom they share genuine compatibility. Taurus is a boy's name of Latin origin meaning "bull". we started talking on whatsapp and i was very attracted to him. One of the first things you need to know about the men is our inquisitive nature. Attracting a Taurus Man. We’re curious in bed. So, you've fallen in love with a Taurus man. He doesn't need a woman to act like someone she isn't just to be who he wants her to be, as this will turn him away. The biggest complaint about Taurus men is that they are boring. Your jealous Taurus fella may frequently want to know where you are and perhaps even monitor who you talk to. This is precisely why this willingness to equate outward appearances with deep personal truth is what gets the Taurus man in all sorts of trouble. It is also a problem for Taurus and Gemini compatibility in 2014 … this taurus man came into my life after i had just gotten out of an 8 year relationship. The Color Of The Taurus Birthstone And Its Meaning. Well, you have your hands full, that's for sure. While they like to be … A Taurus man looks for a woman who has consistent behavior. i was crushed….but i like him so much that i kept talking to him. The Taurus man is an affectionate and sensual individual who enjoys the romantic pleasures of courting, but practices a great deal of patience before entering into a relationship. The Taurus man does not have a problem equating appearances with things that truly matter, like character. Her attitude, moods, expectation, and overall …