The Health Factory production process allows us to produce pure marine phytoplankton, without any airborne or seaborne contamination but with full access to … - Suitable for Vegetarians & Vegans Health Factory Marine Phytoplankton is a marine (salt water) micro-algae, rich in the Omega 3 long chain fatty acid EPA and is packed with over 65 vital nutritional properties including: Range of vitamins including B12, trace elements, unique anti-oxidants, electrolytes, enzymes, co-enzymes and phyto-nutrients. Face care is very important to incorporate into the daily routine, as our skin is ever changing from exposure to different environments, such as pollution, seasonal changes from hot to cold, wet to dry, and skin allergies. We could supply a long list of chronic diseases that THF MF may help but until we have scientific proof we are unable to list them. Online vendors of phytoplankton supplements describe it as containing every nutrient that human bodies need. Our capsules are from food grade plant based cellulose material and are 100% vegetarian and vegan approved. It is not produced in open ponds. Marine phytoplankton was one of the major keys to his health journey. Plankton for Health is a website extolling the virtues of marine phytoplankton for human health. Thanks to groundbreaking science and production advances – along with the research of a dedicated health enthusiast — the most potent, whole raw form of marine phytoplankton is now available to humans. Add to your basket at will with our new shopping features. Ascended Health Marine Phytoplankton contains nearly 50% pure vegetable protein, omega-3 and 6 EFA's, and all ten amino acids considered essential in maintaining health and wellbeing for children and adults. 1 drop daily. The Health Factory is a wholesaler of natural health products, including our world-famous Nano Minerals, Okinawa Coral Calcium, O3 (Ozone) products and many more. It seems to works at a deep cellular level for a wide variety of diseases and imbalances including chronic illness. VAT. Health Factory Marine PhytoPlankton – 90 Capsules. No plant sources e.g. It contains almost everything necessary to sustain life and build healthy new cells. The Health Factory production process allows us to produce pure marine phytoplankton, without any airborne or seaborne contamination but with full access to the sun’s powerful light and energy. Fish oil is not easy for everyone to digest, micro- algae in its “nano” form does not need digesting, slipping directly into the blood stream on entering your body. QUASIMEME, HELCOM-Phytoplankton-Expert Group). High consumptions of the microalgae also leads to newly generated healthy cells. Phospholipids are needed to transport all nutrients into your cells and through the blood brain barrier. However EPA in THF MP is present in the phospholipid form, this is easily assimilated lipid and is vital in transporting fats and other nutrients across the cell walls. Nano Minerals. Marine phytoplankton plays a central role in the global carbon cycle: approximately half of Earth's primary production is carried out by marine phytoplankton (Field et al., 1998). From everyday minimal to full on glamour, find your favourite brands in our catalogue. It is important to understand that Marine Phytoplankton is a whole super food, not a health supplement.Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA/RDI) is an outdated guide for specific amounts and types of foods certain groups of people should consume.You are unique and your dietary needs are not the same as other peoples. We're a pioneering British health company, focussed on the amazing power of marine phytoplankton. The EPA available in The Health Factory Marine Phytoplankton is in much higher concentration than in other phytoplankton and is in bio-available polar lipid form which allows your body to absorb the EPA Omega 3 as and when it is needed – on demand. The brands selected have gone through extensive tests to protect you from the harmful burning rays of the sun (UVB), a high PPD score (Persistent Pigment Darkening). The Health Factory phytoplankton has it’s very own unique antioxidants to protect the fragile Omega 3’s zeaxanthin. Composition: Demineralized water containing 20mg/l (20ppm) monatomic, diatomic and nano-clusters of zinc (Zincum) and 2mg/l (2ppm) of copper (Cuprum). The Health Factory’s unique marine phytoplankton, which is grown in a specially developed facility, isolated in pristine natural marine environments, has been a revolution for vegans and vegetarians and those concerned for the environment! He believes this is because the body needs all the raw materials and critical components at the same time. There are various skin problems encountered in Portmans Pharmacy, we understand that the market is a mine field, so on Portmansonline we have designed a Special Skincare Section to help our customers decide easier with problematic skin. We also have available an aromatherapy section for those keen on making soaps, and various items with our pure essential oils. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Marine phytoplankton does not rely on the liver or digestive system as it is absorbed on a cellular level. Is it not more sensible to let the intelligence of your own body determine what’s best? If required, add a little organic fruit or vegetable juice to enhance the taste. About The Health Factory Marine Phytoplankton Capsules. They are also proven to be anti-inflammatory. The Health Factory package this product in the highest quality dark violet glass bottles which allow only positive infrared and ultraviolet light to pass through, resulting in longer shelf life. It is not produced in open ponds. Dr J.Tennant founder and director of the Tennant Institute of Integrative Medicine. “The problem is that we need ALL of them at the same time for things to work.”. Containing over 65 vital nutritional properties to build and support your body, including all the amino acids (protein), essential fatty acids omega-3 DHA/EPA, vitamins (B 12 and folic acid) minerals, trace elements, unique anti-oxidants, electrolytes, nucleic acid, enzymes and co-enzymes. The supplement is also rich in minerals that are not available in freshwater algae such as spirulina and chlorella. The highest PURITY with over 65 essential vitamins, amino acids, minerals and phyto-nutrients. It was surprisingly difficult to get a definitive answer to this, but after some time I can say with a high degree of confidence that it is a type of phytoplankton called Nannochloropsis. Like all microalgae that grow in the ocean, this particular strain of marine phytoplankton (there are more than 40,000 strains of microalgae, but this one was chosen for its potent health benefits) is rich in chlorophyll, trace minerals (from the ocean water) and carotenoids. Marine Phytoplankton makes up one quarter of all vegetation (land and sea) providing up to 90% of the oxygen in the air we breathe. See more ideas about Marine, Alive, Natural health magazine. Nurture your skin with our carefully selected dermatological brands to suit the most sensitive of skins. Immediate Benefits for a Variety of Health Conditions. What is not commonly understood is that Omega 3 (EPA/DHA) in fish oils is in the triglyceride form making it less available to the human cells. All the Scientific evidence indicates that Marine Phytoplankton may be the most important food on Planet Earth. The Health Factory Marine Phytoplankton supplement provides your body with a new and complete food source, giving it almost every raw material it needs to build healthy new cells and enhance healing. Fish based sources of omega-3 are highly susceptible to contamination with heavy metals and other toxic substances due to the condition of our oceans. The existing phytoplankton data bank is mainly based on monitoring cruises that are conducted regularly since 1979. We are an independent, family run business, we in still a personal service ethos through our staff to provide customer satisfaction to the highest level. For our labelling requirements, we give a standard dosage measure of 1gram per day. By a soft drying process.This conservation process maintains cell structure without any degradation. Health Factory Phytoplankton is what you might call an ‘ultra premium’ plankton supplement, the crème de la crème. Cellular Regeneration. A Vegetarian Source of Long Chain Omega 3 Fatty Acids. Marine Phytoplankton for psoriasis and eczema? Search for you favourite lipstick, nail varnish, mascara and much more. We sell the world's finest high EPA phytoplankton. Keeping our body's healthy, whether to lose weight or boost your immune system to stave of cough and colds, Portmansonline have a select brands of vitamins & minerals that are market leaders for nutritional health and are committed to quality, integrity and innovation. Essential fatty acids are very susceptible to rancidity and needs to be consumed with good quantities of antioxidants to prevent it from oxidation. Shop by Brand and find your favourite products! Consumers don’t get the same benefit from fish oils as the body only absorbs what it needs at the time of consumption and the rest is flushed away. Research has proven that these sources do contain analogues of B12 ( look a likes) – but do not act the same as real B12 in your body. The Health Factory phytoplankton however has not been processed in any way, it is softly dried to preserve all the natural properties. Whereas other products took months to see significant results, results were being noticed within days of taking marine phytoplankton. Science has now proven that this forms of essential fatty acids are crucial for the health of our brain, heart and nervous system. While phytoplankton are single … The key factor when consuming THF MP is that your body will be consistently absorbing small amounts of vital nutrients at each meal time. Potential Anti-Cancer Effects. well it’s got high … From floral notes to perfume free, why not make the wise choice and trawl to this section for a lifetime of supple skin. The sea mineral solution also comes with its own list of health benefits, such as delivering more oxygen to your cells, promoting healthy blood pH balance and nerve impulse regulation. The photo-bioreactors are produced from high quality heat resistant glass tubes. The marine phytoplankton health supplement is rich in various nutrients, including the omega-3 fatty acids and COQ9. Oils obtained from sea fish have been found to contain many toxins and the removal of these in turn produces more contaminates – making most traditionally manufactured fish oils not the best quality for human consumption. Another very important reason that makes marine phytoplankton unique and very effective is that it is composed of single cells that bypass the liver and digestive system. For three billion years Marine Phytoplankton has supported virtually all creatures in the ocean. People are now well aware that Omega 3 Fatty Acids are good for their health science is now proving EPA is highly beneficial for our brain and heart function. Yet science has proven that this form of essential fatty acids is crucial for the health of our brain, heart and nervous system. Every gram of The Health Factory Marine Phytoplankton contains 180mg EPA Omega 3 rich essential fatty acids. Affiliate Login Customer Login. For many years, the only viable form of these Omega-3 fatty acids available in the western world was fish oil or krill oil which require refinement. Jul 24, 2020 - Explore Activation Products's board "Oceans Alive Marine Phytoplankton", followed by 3491 people on Pinterest. In contrast, undue heat used in flash or conventional spray drying can damage the fragile and complex nutrients contained in this unique organism. Marine Phytoplankton – Potent SuperFood – All-in-one Health/Nutritional Supplement –Rich in Vegan Omega 3 EPA– Boosts Energy and Improves Overall Health – Comes in a Pack of 90 Capsules. It seems to works at a deep cellular level for a wide variety of … Add to cart. Healthy Cells. Consult your practitioner on the use of Indium. No, very few species have good volumes of EPA. Clinical trials do not support any alleged benefits of phytoplankton supplements. Health Factory Marine PhytoPlankton - 90 Capsules quantity. The Health Factory’s Marine Phytoplankton offers you: Pure Omega 3 EPA directly from nature’s source. Those who use Marine Phytoplankton have stated that they enjoy enhanced brain function, better eyesight, improved immune function, antiviral/antibacterial/antifungal effects, improved circulation and heart function, cellular repair, radiation protection, suppression of symptoms stemming from degenerative disease and general wellbeing. The best BIO-AVAILABLE quality for the human body based on Polar Lipid  content, due to the  unique strain we cultivate. Personal Protective Masks and COVID-19 swab test kits. The best Vegetarian or Vegan Source of Omega 3 Oil, Guide to the Health Factory Phytoplankton Supplement. Keep out of reach of children. Only small amounts are required to enjoy and feel the benefits. The Health Factory’s Marine Phytoplankton offers you; Marine Phytoplankton contains trace amounts of the majority of known minerals and amino acids, as well as an array of anti-oxidants, vitamins and an abundance of Omega-3 fatty acids including the long chain EPA and polar lipids, which the human body needs for proper functioning. Many ‘experts’ earn their living by calculating to the last milligram how many vitamins, minerals and other nutrients we should all be consuming. How to Store the Capsules. Nurture your skin with our carefully selected dermatological brands to suit the most sensitive of skins. The Health Factory. According to Dr Mark Hyman, MD and proponent of Holistic Medicine, 99% of the population is deficient in Omega 3 fatty acids. If you feed the body with a broad spectrum of natural/organic, non- processed foods, then the body will take what it needs and reject what it doesn’t need. It is unquestionably the highest grade, most carefully produced premium phytoplankton product on the market. Is Marine Phytoplankton the Same as Spirulina. It is a high standard growing system which allows for optimal cleaning and sterilisation, allowing for the highest quality and purest marine phytoplankton possible. However, servings can vary depending on individual requirements – either for general maintenance or as part of a balanced diet, higher levels may be required for those needing extra nutrition. Stress, allergy problems such as asthma, eczema, hay fever, diabetes, lack of supporting nutrients (Vitamins & Minerals), incorrect balance of omega 3 to omega 6, excess saturated fats and sugar in the diet, excess vitamin A and copper, drugs, alcohol, viruses and illness. 54 ($0.33/Count) Get it as soon as Tue, Oct 27. Just keep them in a cool, dry place. It aids the liver enabling it to restore its health. £55.00 £49.50. Or more specifically, Nutrition is an emerging science with the relationship between components in our food still coming to light. Alternatively blend the powder with a fruit/veggie “smoothie” or add to your breakfast cereal. It supports your heart: Marine phytoplankton can do wonders for your heart. 3. The Health Factory Based in Holland, The Health Factory is most well known for their nano minerals. The highest purity with over 65 essential vitamins, amino acids, minerals and phytonutrients . Portman’s Pharmacy was established in 1987, in Barbican, the heart of the City of London. The amount of oils/fats in marine phytoplankton is small if comparing it to extracted fish oil. This has been highlighted by recent court cases against fish oil processors in the USA. Home / The Health Factory. Marine phytoplankton is not a formulation – nature has created it…a perfect formula feeding all sea-life indirectly or directly. It is also a cellular re-generator. Mr Ros manufactures the phytoplankton supplement. The Health Factory Marine Phytoplankton product is produced in closed photo-bioreactors. The Health Factory Marine Phytoplankton product is produced in closed photo-bioreactors. The highest purity with over 65 essential vitamins, amino acids, minerals and phytonutrients . Showing all 14 results. 10ml Indium Sulfate. Why Should You Consume Marine Phytoplankton? Most in fact only supply Omega 3 ALA, which the body needs to convert into EPA. Try some and “Feel the Difference”. If you are looking for an invigorating body wash or a cream to nourish your skin, all the products are proven for efficacy, with a number patented to their brand. The best bio-available quality for the human body based on polar … How? However, these oils are not from a sustainable source, nor are they vegan. A key benefit of the closed glass growing system is that there is no possibility of plastic chemicals being released, as could be the case with lower quality plastic tube systems used by other manufacturers of marine phytoplankton. According to the 2007 University of Maryland Medical Center Alternative Medicine Review article, out of the recommended daily consumption of EPA and DHA, at least 220 milligrams should consist of EPA. Marine Phytoplankton has evolved over three billion years and has never been exposed to temperatures higher than those found in the Ocean. Nano Gold £ 28.00 – £ 79.00 Incl. The Health Factory Marine Phytoplankton supplement  provides your body with a new and complete food source, giving it almost every raw material it needs to build healthy new cells and enhance healing. Our product is from a SUSTAINABLE source suitable for VEGANS and VEGETARIANS. Perhaps one of the most important benefits of marine phytoplankton is its … PURE Omega 3 EPA directly from nature’s source. Right after it’s harvested, our marine phytoplankton is put into a sea mineral solution, which stabilizes it in a fresh, raw state. The Health Factory packages this Indium Sulfate in the highest quality dark violet bottles which allow only the positive infrared and ultraviolet light to pass through, resulting in longer shelf life. In a U.S. Food and Drug Administration publication titled “Drugs of the … THF marine phytoplankton is a highly concentrated bio-available natural food, this means that only a relatively small quantity is required in order to achieve useful health benefits. Educated at Harvard University, he has over 15 years practice in energetic medicine, treating thousands of terminally ill patients. This is highly significant and is one reason Dr JT believes results have been seen so quickly, particularly with critical and chronically ill patients who’s livers were in poor condition. 2 talking about this. Dr JT notes that many products work for some people but not others. The Health Factory Marine Phytoplankton 15g, Copyright © According to Dr Jerry Tennant, founder and director of the Tennant Institute of Integrative Medicine, who has treated thousands of people with chronic diseases, "Because these marine phytoplankton are so microscopically tiny, they immediately enter a sickened digestive system or liver, and are able to begin restoring neurochemicals and minerals immediately ... often producing significant results within days.". It contains a unique combination of life sustaining nutrients including; Omega 3 essential fatty acids, protein, chlorophyll, vitamins, enzymes, minerals and trace elements. There are no fillers, preservatives or nasties, just pure plankton goodness. Our Omega 3 EPA are best bio available for the human body when they are present in this phospholipid form of fat – that are found in our marine phytoplankton. In the mean time we offer you a green healthy sea based food that contains many nutrients that we believe are missing in our diets today. Phytoplankton feeds your cells’ mitochondria directly, helping to produce sustained cellular energy. Marine Phytoplankton is a marine (salt water) micro-algae rich in OMEGA 3 a long chain fatty acid called Eicosapentaenoic Acid commonly known as "EPA". Product Bottle Size. Description Marine Phytoplankton biomass, dried powder Product Intended use Nannochloropsis 200 Premium Series Food Grade Quality Batch Number EH141003 Typical Analysis Result Physical properties Dry weight 95.7% Bulk density 541 g/L Biochemical composition (g/ 100g) Total protein 45-48% Total fat 17-21% Carbohydrates 15-25% Marine algae are rich in antioxidants, including carotenoids. The Health Factory production plant utilises the best quality German designed and installed photo-bioreactor technology available worldwide. However THF MP was especially selected for its high levels of bioavailable EPA. In this phospholipid form, it is ready for immediate use in the body, Omega 3 Essential fatty acids are needed especially by the brain and heart but must be in this form to reach the brain. The best bio-available quality for the human body based on polar … This is why THF MP the microscopic algae full of omega 3 is simply the safest and quickest way to be sure you are getting these superior fats into your cells not just your body. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. $29.54 $ 29. 100 milligrams of phytoplankton is delivered through each serving, allowing you to gain the benefits of this nutrient rich … The smallest particles, the purest water, the best results. Formulated from plankton harvested in Nanaimo by marine farmer Tom Harper, Alpha CMP3 Marine Phytoplankton available through Island Healthworks apply a patented process that makes the nutrients in Alpha CMP3 Marine Phytoplankton bioavailable to humans. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Carotenoids have been found to support liver health, with implications for the prevention and treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. When you give the body everything it needs to produce trillions of healthy new cells then you get well. Fish get their Omega 3 from the algae they consume, and with our product you are getting your Omega 3 straight from that very same source! It is more powerful, more palatable, more concentrated, and significantly purer, in our opinion. spirulina, chlorella, barley grass, seaweeds including algae – show a reliable source of B12 when put through a scientific test. Though he didn’t set out to start a health products company, Ian found a unique way to preserve phytoplankton in its pure and raw form and wanted to share with others. The Health Factory packages their products in the highest quality dark violet glass bottles which allow only positive infrared and ultraviolet light to pass through, resulting in longer shelf life. Very few species of marine phytoplankton have high percentages of EPA. The phytoplankton is analysed qualitatively and quantitatively by experienced members of this working group, who are involved in regular quality assurance measures (e.g. The Health Factory’s Marine Phytoplankton offers you: Pure Omega 3 EPA directly from nature’s source. 2020 All Rights Reserved - Portmans Pharmacy, Face care is very important to incorporate into the daily routine, as our skin is ever changing from exposure to different environments, such as pollution, seasonal changes from hot to cold, wet to dry, and skin allergies. When eating a healthy diet it is still possible to lose vitamins if only a few minerals are not available at that meal consuming phytoplankton may well cover those missing minerals. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Of all the products he had come across he had this to say of marine phytoplankton: “This is the most exciting product I have come across”. In addition to this, the particular strain has an advanced range of natural complex minerals and nutrients. 4.4 out of 5 stars 239. Composition : Demineralised water containing 20mg/l (20ppm) monatomic, diatomic … If you are eating real food, it is almost impossible to ‘overdose’. As a guide, use between 500mg to 2 grams daily or if using the powder, simply add a measured quantity (1/2 a level teaspoon full) suggested 2 times per day to a bottle of purified/mineral water and shake for a few seconds before consuming. This determines how guarded you are from UVA rays, which staves off photo-ageing and cancerous cell build up. However THF MP contains a micro phospholipid form of these essential fatty acids with all the supporting nutrients required, a little goes a long way, your body is able to use every little bit, nothing is wasted. Ultana Phytoplankton; Mycell Inside; Contact Us £ 0.00 (0) Basket. It is also packed with over 65 nutrients, enzymes, vitamins including B12, unique antioxidants electrolytes phytonutrients and chlorophyll. Marine Phytoplankton – Potent SuperFood – All-in-one Health/Nutritional Supplement –Rich in Vegan Omega 3 EPA– Boosts Energy and Improves Overall Health – Comes in a Pack of 90 Capsules 4.4 out of 5 stars 229 $29.54 UMAC-Core Marine Phytoplankton Liquid, 2 Ounce Enthusiasts tout marine phytoplankton as the next important superfood. As with many studies it can take years before results can be published. It is the result of years of lab testing in order to select a strain which is exceptionally high in Omega 3 EPA Phospholipids ( ref ). Phytoplankton is an ancient single celled algae that floats in the ocean. This opens in a new window. The Health Factory Marine Phytoplankton has been produced to strict EU Food Grade Standards with FSSC 22000 Certification. 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