einem Jahr ausprobiert habe, konnte ich keinerlei positiven Geschwindigkeitsunterschied ausmachen, ich glaube, Mint ist auch noch etwas langsamer - das ist aber natürlich sehr subjektiv. 3| Memory Usage . But I wouldn't necessarily give Debian to a first time Linux user. The first version or initial version, Ubuntu 4.10 (Warty Warthog) was released one 20 October 2004 (15 years ago). Antix is what I run on my really old netbook, and it is by far the leanest, fastest distro I have ever used. Instead of twice within a year, Linux Mint doesn’t have an exact schedule. Das Öffnen der Datei "fstab" per sudo und per su - hier im Ubuntu-Derivat Linux Mint. Hence, Linux Mint wins the round of Software support! Ubuntu uses the year and month of the release as a version number. 4. If you want to access their source code you can use the apt-get source command. Sure, Linux Mint is highly popular. Seit der Einführung des Unity Desktops seitens Ubuntu fand die alternative Linux Distribution Linux Mint immer größeren Zuspruch. Each takes a traditional approach to computing, one that Linux newcomers will likely find easy to grasp. Winner: Mint. Linux Mint is free of charge (thanks to your donations and adverts on the website) and we hope you'll enjoy it. Zum Thema Xubuntu/Linux Mint: Als ich letzteres mal vor ca. Ubuntu is based on Debian Linux. Ubuntu vs. Linux Mint are currently arguably two of the most popular Linux distros (with Debian) around. More than Linux. Linux Mint ist ein auf Ubuntu basierendes Linux-Betriebssystem mit Erweiterungen, die nicht in Ubuntu enthalten sind. Security and compliance for the full stack. Cinnamon is based on the GNOME 3 desktop environment, and MATE is based on GNOME 2. Source: Reddit. For the sake of clarity and laying the foundation, let us briefly visit the roots of Linux Mint and the motivation behind the project. There is only a slight difference while using lower configuration hardware because the environment of Mint Cinnamon is much lighter than Ubuntu. Beide Linux Distributionen werden durch Spenden finanziert, mit den Unterschied, dass Manjaro auf Arch und Mint auf Ubuntu/Debian basiert und das Linux Mint aus Irland stammt und Manjaro von Deutschland, Österreich und Frankreich. Daher zeigen wir Ihnen in diesem Artikel, wo die Unterschiede liegen. The developer will release a new Linux Mint version when it’s ready to release. Linux Debian and Ubuntu are the most dominant distros out there in the market. Mittlerweile ist Linux Mint (Cinnamon) mein Favorit, da Windows 10 Wege geht, die ich nicht immer gut finde. Geringer Speicherverbrauch in Cinnamon. In every version, there's a single panel at the bottom with a menu, quick launch icons, and system tray icons. Da beides nur Desktop-Umgebungen sind, sind die meisten Unterschiede rein optischer Natur. The detail of these desktop environments is as follows: Linux Mint Cinnamon: It is an original version of Linux … März 2008. Linux Mint vs. MX Linux: What's Best for You? April 2015 18:52 Hi ☺ Mit dem erscheinen von Vivid gehört Ubuntu Mate nun offiziell zur Ubuntu-Familie: 1. If you can't find what you're looking for please write to root@linuxmint.com and we'll provide the source to you. However, this difference can’t be experienced in newer systems. Sie können diesen Artikel lesen, um zu verstehen, was eine Desktop-Umgebung ist. But MX Linux is lightning fast and offers fantastic support for features geared for newer Linux users. Beachten Sie, dass der Vergleich hauptsächlich zwischen Ubuntu Unity und GNOME vs. Linux Mint’s Cinnamon Desktop besteht. Linux Mint and Ubuntu both have similar system requirements – as Mint is based on top of Ubuntu, and both are based on Debian, both distros have similar resource usage – however, the differences in the desktop environment can cause a significant performance deficit. Ubuntu vs Linux Mint: Introduction. In this video, we will be comparing Linux Mint 19.1 and Manjaro 18 side by side and in depth. Secure your open source apps. Neither Ubuntu MATE nor Linux Mint is particularly hard to figure out. So you may be confused that between Linux Mint vs Ubuntu … Aber trotzdem lohnt sich ein Vergleich, denn so können Sie entscheiden, was besser zu Ihnen passt. Ich habe mit Windows 3.1 angefangen und finde Windows 7 immer noch sehr gut. These versions of Linux operating system are suitable for beginners as well as experienced system administrators.. Linux Mint Cinnamon vs MATE. Linux Mint hat bisher 32- und 64 Bit bedient, mit dem Release von Linux Mint 20 ändert sich das. Mint is highly recommended for both users coming from Windows, as well as users coming from Ubuntu, but unhappy with Ubuntu's recent, rather dramatic interface changes. Noch häufiger genutzt wird aber die schlanke Distro "MX Linux". Im Grunde handelt es sich bei Linux Mint um einen Abkömmling von Ubuntu. Ubuntu - The leading OS for PC, tablet, phone and cloud 24. Linux Mint - The most popular desktop Linux distribution and the 3rd most widely used home operating system behind Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS. Some of the packages we distribute are under the GPL. Linux Mint feels more familiar to Windows users than Ubuntu. Einige wenige Parameter sind möglicherweise auf andere Versionen nicht anwendbar, während einige wenige noch Wasser halten. The most important reason people chose Linux Mint is: Mint gains a very strong package ecosystem and software manager of Debian, including more than 30,000 packages available from the Debian repositories. The desktop environments are best compared by actually using them, or, alternatively, you can check out some screenshots. Mint MATE is what I run on my main computer, it's stable, and it simply does it job without glitz and glitter and I also have LXDE installed on that Mint so when I want something a little different and faster, I just boot into LXDE on Mint. Among them, Linux Mint and Ubuntu are most popular. It is common knowledge that Ubuntu was developed from Debian, the earliest Linux distro, in 2004. Linux Mint - The most popular desktop Linux distribution and the 3rd most widely used home operating system behind Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS. Ubuntu Mate vs. Linux Mint Mate « Vorherige 1 2 … 4 5 Nächste » Status: Ungelöst | Ubuntu-Version: Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) Antworten | NoSpam. These both versions are Ubuntu based. Linux is very popular in the industry also because of its efficiency and customizations. Beiträge: 147. Ubuntu seems slower when used in older machines than Linux Mint. Factor#3: Hardware Support and Proprietary Driver Support . Ubuntu Vs Linux Mint. Now, you may be wondering why this isn’t a comparison between Ubuntu and Debian. Wer nach einer Linux-Distribution sucht, dürfte am häufigsten auf Ubuntu, Linux Mint oder Debian stoßen. Refer to the article below if you wish to learn more about package managers. However, Linux Mint has changed its release strategy. Linux Mint Cinnamon Vs Mate: Linux Mint Cinnamon and Linux Mate are known as the desktop environments of Linux Operating System. LTS releases are supported for 5 years whereas non-LTS only … After Linux Mint vs Ubuntu comparison article, Today I am here in front of you with another interesting comparison review on Debian vs Ubuntu. While at it, Linux Mint has been cooking its new Linux Mint 20 LTS Edition behind the scenes. Patch the full stack, from kernel to library and applications, for CVE compliance. Cinnamon and MATE are the two most popular “flavors” of Linux Mint. Linux Mint is free of charge (thanks to your donations and adverts on the website) and we hope you'll enjoy it. SHARE: For the past few years, Linux Mint has been unstoppable in terms of attracting new users. Linux Mint Vs. Ubuntu System Requirements. Ubuntu Vs. Linux Mint 1. Some of the packages we distribute are under the GPL. Fedora - Operating system based on the Linux kernel, developed by the community-supported Fedora Project. Anmeldungsdatum: 4. Linux … But then I'm a long-time free software user who has come to prefer distros that try not to make changes to "upstream" code. Both will (probably) run on whatever machine you throw at them, as long as the computer isn't brand spanking new. Linux has many Distros available such as Linux Mint, Ubuntu, Puppy Linux and many more. If you can't find what you're looking for please write to root@linuxmint.com and we'll provide the source to you. If you want to access their source code you can use the apt-get source command. If you want to read more Linux distro-related stuff, see: Debian vs Ubuntu: … Zitieren. Cinnamon vs. Mate ist ein Vergleich, der die Linux-Mint-Community schon länger beschäftigt. Ubuntu MATE vs. Linux Mint: Which Will You Choose? Antix/MX Linux are awesome. 1. Ubuntu is released every six months, with long-term support (LTS) releases every two years. By Matt Hartley, Posted April 4, 2018. Linux Mint made its debut in 2006, based upon Ubuntu KDE iteration (also known as Kunbuntu). I hope this Linux distros comparison article will help you to choose the best one for your working environment. Personally, I would use Debian. Anyone familiar with computing could figure it out, but Ubuntu and Linux Mint offer an easier experience and look better. Debian - The Universal Operating System. Linux Mint is ranked 14th while Ubuntu is ranked 28th. It should be known that Linux Mint has always been based on Debian and Ubuntu. Mint provides an updated interface with a look and feel similar to Gnome 2, with an application menu reminiscent of the Windows 7 Start Menu, with categorization and search. Ubuntu leverages Debian testing branch by adding specific features bi-annually to Debian testing releases. Dennoch gibt es vor allem bei der Desktopumgebung große Unterschiede. Debian vs. Ubuntu vs. Linux Mint: Which Is It? Ubuntu - The leading OS for PC, tablet, A Beginners Introduction To Linux Package managers: apt, yum, dpkg & rpm. They are both quite user-friendly and for the Linux newbie, you couldn’t be wrong choosing either.. For a very long time, Ubuntu was considered the distro of choice by most Linux enthusiasts, but it has currently been surpassed by Linux Mint (and Debian) as the distro with most hits. Damit sind sich die beiden Distributionen sehr ähnlich. SHARE . Governments and auditors certify Ubuntu for FedRAMP, FISMA and HITECH. Linux Mint is better than Pop!_OS in terms of Repository support. It doesn't matter which version of Linux Mint you install. Linux Mint is comparably younger than Ubuntu - not surprising as it's based upon the platform. Linux Mint vs. Ubuntu - Der Vergleich. Started from the version 17 (Linux Mint 17), Linux Mint only uses LTS version of Ubuntu as a base. Package manager