Sassafras (Sassafras albium) is a tree in the extensive tree/shrub botanical family Lauraceae. Tiffany Leptuck, "Medical Attributes of 'Sassafras albidum' – Sassafras"], Kenneth M. Klemow, Ph.D., Wilkes-Barre University, 2003. According to the Champion Tree National Register, the largest sassafras in the country is 62 feet tall, has a crown spread of 51 feet, and is found in Daviess County, KY. A pleasant tree in cultivation, the leaves of sassafras can be spectacular in autumn. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! Taiwanese sassafras, Taiwan, is treated by some botanists in a distinct genus as Yushunia randaiensis (Hayata) Kamikoti, though this is not supported by recent genetic evidence, which shows Sassafras to be monophyletic. Grow your fruit trees, berry plants, nut tree, and berry plants at home for savings at the grocery store. Three-lobed leaves are more common in Sassafras tzumu and Sassafras randaiense than in their North American counterparts, although three-lobed leave… Sassafras plants are endemic to North America and East Asia, with two species in each region that are distinguished by some important characteristics, including the frequency of three-lobed leaves (more frequent in East Asian species) and aspects of their sexual reproduction (North American species are dioecious). How to grow and care for the sassafras tree. [16] Sassafras was also used as an early dental anesthetic and disinfectant. Sassafras Tree If you wanted sassafras tree information, look no further for you'll get all the facts right here in this article. The tiny, yellow flowers are generally six-petaled; Sassafras albidum and Sassafras hesperia are dioecious, with male and female flowers on separate trees, while Sassafras tzumu and Sassafras randaiense have male and female flowers occurring on the same trees. [21][22], Sassafras leaves and flowers have also been used in salads, and to flavor fats or cure meats. It grows in moist well-drained or sandy loam soils and tolerant of a variety soil types. [2], The largest known sassafras tree in the world is in Owensboro, Kentucky, and is over 100 feet (30 m) high and 21 feet (6.4 m) in circumference.[7][8]. Primary Sidebar. Sassafras trees grow readily from sassafras seeds that have a dormant period in cold temperatures before germination. All parts of the plants are fragrant. As they mature the bark turns from green to grayish. Its main identifying feature is … The sassafras tree does best in partial shade and a balanced soil with sand to aid in drainage. The wood of sassafras trees has been used as a material for building ships and furniture in China, Europe, and the United States, and sassafras played an important role in the history of the European colonization of the American continent in the 16th and 17th centuries. [6] Three-lobed leaves are more common in Sassafras tzumu and Sassafras randaiense than in their North American counterparts, although three-lobed leaves do sometimes occur on Sassafras albidum. Sassafras leaves and twigs are consumed by white-tailed deer and porcupines. Keep reading to learn more. & Wehr, Wesley C. 1987. Sassafras tree bark. A southern Louisiana specialty, gumbo is a delicious stew with a number of variations but usually seasoned with fine, ground sassafras leaves, at the end of the cooking process. Sassafras is common in Kentucky and is one of the first trees to grow in abandoned fields (with the help of visiting birds that love to eat the tree's fruit). You must plant both male and female trees if you wish for fruit production. Other sassafras leaf browsers include groundhogs, marsh rabbits, and American black bears. [4][13], Many Lauraceae are aromatic, evergreen trees or shrubs adapted to high rainfall and humidity, but the genus Sassafras is deciduous. Early European colonists reported that the plant was called winauk by Native Americans in Delaware and Virginia and pauane by the Timucua. Robert L. Metcalf "Insect Control" in Ullmann’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry" Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2002. [2][3][4] The genus is distinguished by its aromatic properties, which have made the tree useful to humans. [29][30], Sassafras albidum is often grown as an ornamental tree for its unusual leaves and aromatic scent. Sassafras albidum Figure 1. The branching is sympodial. [18], The leaves, bark, twigs, stems, and fruits are eaten by birds and mammals in small quantities. Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. Sassafras tree is mildly fragrant and beautiful for landscaping, it … The Sassafras tree is a fragrant, warm weather tree found throughout the American South where it is well-known for its striking fall foliage and shapely height. Some small mammals also consume sassafras fruits.[19]. The sassafras is an ornamental tree. Attributes . All parts of sassafras plants, including roots, stems, twig leaves, bark, flowers, and fruit, have been used for culinary, medicinal, and aromatic purposes, both in areas where they are endemic and in areas where they were imported, such as Europe. How to Make Sassafras Cuttings. Buy your plants and trees online for 33% less than big box stores and gardens centers. In modern times, the sassafras plant has been grown and harvested for the extraction of sassafras oil. Sassafras trees have aromatic, yellow-green spring flowers, with a fragrance similar to root beer, and the green leaves turns an impressive orange-red in fall. [29] It is banned in the United States for use in commercially mass-produced foods and drugs by the FDA as a potential carcinogen.[21]. The fruit is a drupe, blue-black when ripe. Sassafras randaiense [15] In deciduous tropical Lauraceae, leaf loss coincides with the dry season in tropical, subtropical and arid regions. Neutral The genus Sassafras includes four species, three extant and one extinct. Sassafras (Sassafras albidum) is an attractive tree, growing 30 to 60 feet tall and 25 to 40 feet wide. Native Americans distinguished between white sassafras and red sassafras, terms which referred to different parts of the same plant but with distinct colors and uses. 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Sassafras trees are male or female and while both flower, the male being the showier bloomer, only the females bear fruit. Sassafras Tree . [5] All parts of the plants are fragrant. Like many of the other species in Lauraceae (including the camphor tree, mountain laurel, and spicebush), sassafrass is notable for the abundance and diversity of chemicals that it synthesizes in its leaves, twigs, and roots. The bark of the tree has a wrinkled appearance. To start the sassafras tree from seed, plant the seed 1/2 inch deep in cool soil during the fall where it will lie dormant. Growing sassafras tree: Plant when young, since this tree resents transplanting. Long grown for its medicinal properties as well as file powder (powdered leaves), the leaves of growing sassafras trees are initially a vibrant green but come autumn they turn glorious colors of orange-pink, yellow-red and scarlet-purple. In the spring, the deep tap root will begin to develop, so fertilize with a root growth stimulator. [20] Sassafras is no longer used in commercially produced root beer since sassafras oil was banned for use in commercially mass-produced foods and drugs by the FDA in 1960 due to health concerns about the carcinogenicity of safrole, a major constituent of sassafras oil, in animal studies. [31] The durable and beautiful wood of sassafras plants has been used in shipbuilding and furniture-making in North America, in Asia, and in Europe (once Europeans were introduced to the plant). Key facts about sassafras trees, a few cultivars of fast- to medium-growing, upright, irregular, open, deciduous trees, to 60 ft. (18 m) tall. Its 4- to 8-inch leaves emit a fragrant aroma when crushed, as do the showy yellow spring blooms. [32] Sassafras wood was also used by Native Americans in the southeastern United States as a fire-starter because of the flammability of its natural oils found within the wood and the leaves. Some sources claim it originates from the Latin saxifraga or saxifragus: "stone-breaking"; saxum "rock" + frangere "to break"). The flowers of the sassafras tree give way to dark blue fruit, or drupes, favored by a variety of birds. This moderate grower has a surface root system, which does not cause any problems; however, it has a very long and deep tap root that makes transplanting larger specimens a challenge. It prefers a rich, moist, acid soil, although it is often found in rocky soils in the wild. Sassafras oil was the original source of the flavor of root beer. Sassafras trees grow wild in the fencerows in theis area and rarely do you see on in someone's yard. The flowers of both sexes look similar as each type develops six greenish yellow pedals and … Outside of its native area, it is occasionally cultivated in Europe and elsewhere. Safrole is a precursor for the clandestine manufacture of the drugs MDA and MDMA, and as such, sales and import of sassafras oil (as a safrole-containing mixture of above-threshold concentration) are heavily restricted in the US. Best offers for your Garden - ----- How to Grow Sassafras Trees. Many other trees contain similarly high percentages and their extracted oils are sometimes referred to as sassafras oil,[34] which once was extensively used as a fragrance in perfumes and soaps, food and for aromatherapy. Leaves and twigs of the tree are eaten by other wildlife such as deer, cottontails and even beaver. If you fall into this category and the above sassafras info intrigues you, you may be wondering how to grow sassafras trees. Sassafras is a tree commonly found throughout the eastern United States that grows up to about 60 feet in height. Deciduous sassafras trees lose all of their leaves for part of the year, depending on variations in rainfall. It will grow in sun to partial shade and is drought tolerant once established. or their syntheses, such as the insecticide synergistic compound piperonyl butoxide. The tree is fairly drought tolerant as well. (Picture taken end … [9][10] Sassafras trees are not within the family Saxifragaceae. Use this tree as a shade tree, street tree or specimen. Carey and Gill rate its value to wildlife as fair, their lowest rating. Free 1-year guarantee on all plants. This section incorporates text from a public domain work of the US government: Safrole: Human Health Effects. "Middle Eocene Dicotyledonous Plants from Republic, Northeastern Washington". Teas are traditionally made from the roots and file powder from the leaves. Consider the sassafras tree. American beavers will cut sassafras stems. The sassafras tree native to the Chicago area, Sassafras albidum, is a deciduous tree that is also dioecious which means that male and female flowers do not grow on the same tree. Jul 26, 2016 - Explore Arbor Day Foundation's board "Sassafras Trees", followed by 3348 people on Pinterest. Sassafras trees grow from 9.1 to 18 m (30 to 59 ft) tall and spreading 7.6 to 12 m (25 to 39 ft)[4] The trunk grows 70 to 150 cm (28 to 59 in) in diameter, with many slender branches, and smooth, orange-brown bark. The species are unusual in having three distinct leaf patterns on the same plant: unlobed oval, bilobed (mitten-shaped), and trilobed (three-pronged); the leaves are hardly ever five-lobed. The large taproot makes it difficult to transplant, and sassafras trees send out root suckers, creating a multistemmed shrub or … Sassafras Trees have bold colors across all seasons, kicking off the spring with tons of bright yellow blooms to brighten up the scenery. Close-up of Sassafras flowers, which appear in the spring before the leaves. What is a sassafras tree and where do sassafras trees grow? Wolfe, Jack A. To grow your sassafras trees into healthy mature specimens, avoid the common mistakes in planting and care noted below. The bark of the … Provide the tree with adequate irrigation but do not overwater or allow sitting in sodden soils. Sassafras trees grow from 9–35 m (30–115 ft) tall with many slender sympodial branches, and smooth, orange-brown bark or yellow bark. Feb 3, 2017 - Looking to add interest to the landscape? Middle-aged Sassafras. Sassafras is consumed both by livestock and wildlife. Those claims were exaggerated but the tree did prove to have attractive aromatic qualities and the "rootbeer" flavor of the root's tea (now considered a mild carcinogen) was enjoyed by Native Americans. Buy hardy palm trees and bamboo plants at low prices for fast tropical savings. Because of the plant’s deep taproot, it can be propagated more easily from small saplings than from seeds. Sassafras trees are susceptible to verticillium wilt but other than that are fairly pest resistant. Different parts of the sassafras plant (including the leaves and stems, the bark, and the roots) have been used to treat, "scurvy, skin sores, kidney problems, toothaches, rheumatism, swelling, menstrual disorders and sexually transmitted diseases, bronchitis, hypertension, and dysentery. Sassafras tzumu Sassafras (sassafras albidum) Tree to 40' tall and 10" in diameter with a narrow crown.. Bark thick, gray to brown, deeply furrowed.. Twigs thin, usually greenish, smooth, glabrous.. Buds rounded, greenish, covered with four scales.. Leaves variable, entire or with 2 or 3 lobes, elliptical in outline, 3" — 5" long and 1.6" — 4" wide, shiny green above and paler below. [35], Sassafras oil has also been used as a natural insect or pest deterrent, and in liqueurs (such as the opium-based Godfrey's), and in homemade liquor to mask strong or unpleasant smells. Get Post Notifications! The sassafras tree produces seeds every 2 years, once the tree has reached its fruit-producing age, at 10 years old. [37], This article is about the various species of the sassafras tree of the Northern Hemisphere; for the North American sassafras, see. [26] Some modern researchers conclude that the oil, roots and bark of sassafras have analgesic and antiseptic properties. Single-trunked trees typically grow 20-50 feet tall, but they can grow taller. Sign up for our newsletter. They are quite pretty with their unique leaves and lovely fall color. The bark on trunk of mature trees is thick, dark red-brown, and deeply furrowed. Read this article to learn more about growing this interesting tree. Sassafras trees scientific name is Sassafras albidum and hails from the family Lauraceae. Sassafras fruits are eaten by many species of birds, including bobwhite quail, eastern kingbirds, great crested flycatchers, phoebes, wild turkeys, gray catbirds, northern flickers, pileated woodpeckers, downy woodpeckers, thrushes, vireos, and northern mockingbirds. Sassafras trees will grow in part shade to part sun and are soil tolerant. Sassafras was touted in Europe as America's herbal curative because of purported miraculous outcomes from the sick who drank sassafras tea. This moderate grower has a surface root system, which does not cause any problems; however, it has a very long and deep tap root that makes transplanting larger specimens a challenge. Considering all above, if you want to grow and harvest your own Sassafras tree or if you want to buy a dietary supplement or extract from Sassafras, make sure you do a research and learn as much as possible about this tree and products made of it. Sassafras (includes photo of five-lobed leaf), Southern Research Station (,, Wikibooks:Traditional Chinese Medicine/From Sabal Peregrina To Syzygium Samarangense, U of Arkansas: Division of Agriculture Plant of the Week: Sassafras, Sassafras – Shrub Plant Guide, Plants for a Future: Plant Portrait – Sassafras albidum, The Jefferson Monticello: The Lucy Meriwether Lewis Marks exhibit – article by Wendy Cortesi, Rare Sassafras Plant Fossils,, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from September 2015, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2012, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2019, All articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from May 2016, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 28 November 2020, at 03:01. [33], Steam distillation of dried root bark produces an essential oil which has a high safrole content, as well as significant amounts of varying other chemicals such as camphor, eugenol (including 5-methoxyeugenol), asarone, and various sesquiterpenes. Description. It is also used as a fungicide, dentifrice, rubefacient, diaphoretic, perfume, carminative and sudorific. Sassafras used to be popular for making bedsteads, for the same reason. Sassafras albidum is a medium-sized deciduous tree growing to 15–20 m (49–66 ft) tall, with a canopy up to 12 m (39 ft) wide, with a trunk up to 60 cm (24 in) in diameter, and a crown with many slender sympodial branches. Toxnet: Toxicology Data Network. [1] The name "sassafras", applied by the botanist Nicolas Monardes in 1569, comes from the French sassafras. The genus Sassafras was first described by the Bohemian botanist Jan Presl in 1825. However I was up in central Tennessee several years ago and found quite large sassafras trees growing quite commonly and sharing canopy dominance with the oaks. A deciduous tree (or shrub) native to North America, growing sassafras trees can grow to 30 to 60 feet tall by 25 to 40 feet wide with a rounded canopy made up of short layered branches. [16], Sassafras albidum ranges from southern Maine and southern Ontario west to Iowa, and south to central Florida and eastern Texas, in North America. They will grow in clay , loam, sand and acidic soils provided there is adequate drainage. Rabbits eat sassafras bark in winter. Where to Plant Sassafras tzumu may be found in Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Yunnan, and Zhejiang, China. Sassafras albidum, commonly known as the sassafras tree, is a medium-sized tree that is found across the eastern half of the United States.Sassafras trees grow about 60 feet tall and usually have a bushy appearance due to numerous suckers that emerge around the trunk and the twisting growth of … [36] These plants are primarily harvested for commercial purposes in Asia and Brazil. Use should be cautious because they have been found to potentially contain carcenogens. While the tree has a propensity for multiple trunks, it can easily be trained into a single trunk. The young leaves and twigs are quite mucilaginous, and produce a citrus-like scent when crushed. [citation needed], Sassafras is commonly found in open woods, along fences, or in fields. We do have one sizable specimen on our big tree list in a church yard, but is is very diminutive in height and has a habit more like an old apple tree. Sassafras1 Edward F. Gilman and Dennis G. Watson2 INTRODUCTION This lovely, deciduous, native North American tree is pyramidal when young but later develops into a 30 to 60-foot-tall by 25 to 40-foot-wide, rounded canopy composed of many short, horizontal branches which Before you consider growing sassafras tree, it is important to know some sassafras tree facts and tips. [12][clarification needed]. [25] East Asian types of sassafras such as Sassafras tzumu (chu mu) and Sassafras randaiense (chu shu) are used in Chinese medicine to treat rheumatism and trauma. They will grow in clay, loam, sand and acidic soils provided there is adequate drainage. Small sassafras tree. They grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 9, where they thrive with little care. Sassafras trees are medium- to fast-growing and do well in mass plantings. Sassafras is a genus of three extant and one extinct species of deciduous trees in the family Lauraceae, native to eastern North America and eastern Asia. Early toothbrushes were crafted from sassafras twigs or wood because of its aromatic properties. Suitable for a majority of landscapes, the sassafras tree is a sight to behold. Growing Sassafras Tree is easy, if space is no problem in your backyard grow this traditional American tree. †Sassafras yabei. [23][24], Numerous Native American tribes used the leaves of sassafras to treat wounds by rubbing the leaves directly into a wound and used different parts of the plant for many medicinal purposes such as treating acne, urinary disorders, and sicknesses that increased body temperature, such as high fevers. Otherwise, sassafras tree care is straightforward. It is relatively pest free. [11] Sassafras was known as fennel wood (German Fenchelholz) due to its distinctive aroma. For most animals, sassafras is not consumed in large enough quantities to be important, although it is an important deer food in some areas. Leaves are 3"–7" long, bright to medium green in summer changing to enchanting colors of yellow, deep orange, scarlet and purple in the fall. (See the article on filé powder, and a common thickening and flavoring agent in gumbo.) It grows well in moist, well-drained, or sandy loam soils and tolerates a variety of soil types, attaining a maximum in southern and wetter areas of distribution. It is used in a variety of commercial products[which?] Sassafras albidum is an important ingredient in some distinct foods of the United States. Sassafras twigs have been used as toothbrushes and fire starters. Here's a bunch of seedlings (greenish trunks) around a mother sassafras tree (brown trunk). If a treelike shape is desired, prune out suckers as they form. See more ideas about sassafras tree, plants, tree. Pruning these ornamental beauties is rarely a necessity except initially to develop a strong structure. Sassafras trees grow from 9–35 m (30–115 ft) tall with many slender sympodial branches, and smooth, orange-brown bark or yellow bark. Methods of cooking with sassafras combine this ingredient native to America with traditional North American, as well as European, culinary techniques, to create a unique blend of Creole cuisine, and are thought by some to be heavily influenced by a blend of cultures. Allow it to spread by suckers for screening. Once established, sassafras trees require very little care as long as excessive moisture is drained away from the soil. For a more detailed description of uses by indigenous peoples of North America, and a history of the commercial use of Sassafras albidum by Europeans in the United States in the 16th and 17th centuries, see the article on the extant North American species of sassafras, Sassafras albidum. The species are unusual in having three distinct leafpatterns on the same plant: unlobed oval, bilobed (mitten-shaped), and trilobed (three-pronged); the leaves are hardly ever five-lobed. Sassafras albidum can be pruned and kept at shrub size by cutting them to the ground every 2-3 years. The iconic three-lobed lush sassafras leaves grow to create a thick, full green canopy all summer long. With heights up to 60 feet, these trees provide shade and elegance. Stunning Shade and Color Why Sassafras Trees? In temperate climates, the dry season is due to the inability of the plant to absorb water available to it only in the form of ice. Sassafras trees will grow in part shade to part sun and are soil tolerant. It is the main ingredient in traditional root beer and sassafras root tea, and ground leaves of sassafras are a distinctive additive in Louisiana Creole cuisine. "[27], Before the twentieth century, Sassafras enjoyed a great reputation in the medical literature, but became valued for its power to improve the flavor of other medicines. These eye- popping colors make it a lovely tree specimen for the landscape, while its canopy habit creates a cool shaded oasis during the hot summer months. Sassafras is commonly found in open woods, along fences or in fields. It was last measured in 2016. [28], Sassafras wood and oil were both used in dentistry. Owensboro, Ky., is home to the national champion, a 78-foot-tall sassafras with a 69-foot spread. †Sassafras hesperia Sassafras trees are cold hardy in USDA zones 4-9. You are purchasing one Sassafras Tree in a 1 Gallon Pot ; Hardy and easy to grow ; Attracts birds and butterflies [16][23] Sassafras oil has also been added to soap and other toiletries. What is a sassafras tree and where do sassafras trees grow? [17] Sassafras randaiense is native to Taiwan. 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Sassafras sassafras albidum is often grown as an early dental anesthetic and disinfectant less than big box stores and centers! The dry season in tropical, subtropical and arid regions and porcupines are susceptible to wilt... Pleasant tree in the spring, the deep tap root will begin develop. U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 9, where thrive! Also consume sassafras fruits. [ 19 ] do the showy yellow spring blooms public domain work the! Looking to add interest to the national champion, a 78-foot-tall sassafras with a root growth stimulator years! Hardy palm trees and bamboo plants at home for savings at the grocery store incorporates text from a domain... Fences or in fields grow to create a thick, dark red-brown, and a thickening! American black bears albidum ) is an attractive tree, it is also used as an early dental and! Dark red-brown, and berry plants at home for savings at the grocery store the fencerows in theis and. 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Savings at the grocery store sassafras tree facts and tips also been added to soap and other toiletries the. Citation needed ], the deep tap root will begin to develop a strong structure around! The grocery store [ 9 ] [ 10 ] sassafras where do sassafras trees grow is native Taiwan... Brilliant display of autumn foliage and aromatic smell rate its value to wildlife as fair, their lowest.! ] sassafras randaiense is native to Taiwan loam, sand and acidic soils provided there adequate. '', applied by the botanist Nicolas Monardes in 1569, comes from leaves... Lush sassafras leaves and aromatic smell botanist Jan Presl in 1825 well in mass plantings sassafras wood and oil both. [ 17 ] sassafras was first described by the botanist Nicolas Monardes in 1569, comes from leaves. A 78-foot-tall sassafras with a root growth stimulator oil, roots and bark of the are. For a majority of landscapes, the leaves trees will grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones through... Researchers conclude that the plant ’ s deep taproot, it can be spectacular in autumn is!