If you think it’s safe, banish a second Nephthys to get the additional search. DLM Pro members will also gain access to exclusive features. The new Invoked engine the deck incorporates is easy to out with the standard core plays: banish with Metaphys Daedalus only when a fusion is summoned that is bigger than Tyrant and special summon a Metaphys monster off of Metaphys Dimension to block an attack from Invoked Magellanica if necessary. I ultimately prefer Sphere Kuriboh as a defensive option because you really just need to delay threats, not remove them, as Daedalus is already the most powerful removal effect in the game, just with inconvenient timing required to set it up. When they begin their combos, only special summon off of Metaphys Dimension if it can block against the Ritual Beast Ulti-Apelio they summon at the end of a potential aggressive push that can break through Grit otherwise. A synchro-heavy deck with Fortune Lady Every as the star: she can reach colossal ATK values with the help of Time Passage and Fortune Lady Past. Secondly, its reactive nature to what the opponent commits is also a strength, if used in the optimal manner. Duel Challenges Articles News Card Database Deck Builder Misc. Getting Asymmetaphys and Metaphys Dimension face-up and activated before they can be shut down by Dark Bribe or Rebirth of Parsath is crucial, opening the opportunity for Dimension to pick off your opponent’s cards one by one. Metaphys Daedalus board clearing and overall low commitment make this deck’s looping one of Crystrons’ primary weaknesses. In the first case, it will largely depend on the opening hand. Fortune Vision is a one-of that plays off of your own extensions of banishing Metaphys cards, as well as whenever you banish their cards with Metaphys Dimension. If you manage to set up Metaphys Dimension uninterrupted, using Daedalus to banish during your opponent’s SP and trigger Dimension is an effective way of removing any normal-summoned magnets on the field to prevent them from tagging out into Delta during your turn. If you are going second, you will have to play into the counter traps or risk being behind anyway. Also, never use Dimension to target and banish unless two of them are set up or the one Dimension plus a tech is established to bait the Slash negate as it will destroy Dimension and may not allow for a block from an otherwise lethal attack. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts A matchup heavily dependant on who has the best and earliest setup. And if absolutely needed to live, use Metaphys Dimension to special summon the banished Tyrant that was originally set up for your turn to block an otherwise lethal move on board. Pulse can easily pick off your Asymmetaphys and Metaphys Dimension, and most of their monsters are normal summoned–making them impervious to Metaphys Daedalus. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features The deck’s strength lies in its ability to banish your opponent’s cards during either player’s turn, primarily through the use of Metaphys Dimension. Learn its effect, usage and how to obtain in YuGiOh! With Legendary Six Samurai - Enishi on board, it can be handled in a very similar manner as it is usually special summoned. However, you cannot run extra monsters such as Aloof Lupine or Sphere Kuriboh as they disrupt the Balance ratios. Duel Links! Use Snipe Hunter and/or Cosmo Brain to rush early. See below for the most recent available decklists. This delays your potential Daedalus summons, but better safe than sorry. Because this deck has been out of the meta for a while, we do not have enough statistics on the deck to generate an up-to-date breakdown. As usual, summoning Metaphys Daedalus off Tyrant is crucial to bypassing Every’s revival capabilities and clearing the board of other special-summoned monsters. In addition, the continuous backrow of Metaphys gives Spider a free target to destroy then summon Desperado from the hand. The major threat facing the deck is Lava Golem and, in particular, Destiny HERO - Plasma with Draw Sense: High-Level giving access to preventing a Metaphys Daedalus mass banish. Guarantees having a Metaphys monster in hand with Asymetaphys or another spell-based starter, such as Gold Sarcophagus or Metaphys Factor. Duel Links I think Metaphys should be banned completely User Info: DRUIT DRUIT 11 months ago #1 Because it's just so hard to accsess removals for face up spell/trap cards. Amano-Iwato shuts down all of your monster effects, even from the hand or Banish pile. Metaphys Tyrant Dragon being special summoned with the double attack and Trap immunity to your side of the field will be your best friend in this matchup alongside Asymm flipping up the special summoned Subterrors for Daed to clear away on their SP if the opponent has 2 more or special summoned Subterrors. Furthermore, drawing a card on your turn will allow you add something that may compliment what you drew and lessen the chance of any duplicate cards in hand or add the last component for the soft loop setup. With the release of the Blazing Rose main box came the first Wyrm-based archetype in Duel Links: Metaphys. Er, uh… Cup of Ace. [Skill] Light and Dark [Monster] 2x Metaphys Daedalus 3x Tyrant 3x Nephthys 3x Aloof Lupine 3x Voltic Kong [Spell] 3x Assymetaphys 1x Metaphys Factor [Trap] 1x … Metaphys Factor x2 Traps Infinite Impermanence x3 Metaphys Ascension x3 Trap Trick x2 Metaphys Dimension x2 Extra Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon x1 Borreload Savage Dragon x1 PSY-Framelord Omega x1 Cyberse Quantum x1 Possibly the easiest matchup for this deck due to the core having free reign to commit to its offensive plays without the risk of getting punished heavily due to its only defenses remaining in the form of Silent Magician and Spellbook of Fate. Given the nerf to Light and Dark and its reliance on losing 1000 LP, Heavy Starter is the first of two consistency-boosting skills. As their name suggests, Metaphys monsters thrive off of being banished before shuffling themselves back into the deck to gain momentum. This lets you banish any card on your opponent’s field during their turn. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! This page notes details of Metaphys Daedalus (LIGHT/Wyrm/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. If going for a double banish with Lupine that will lead to a potential double search (2x neph or 1-2x dae), prioritize using one Metaphys Daedalus and one Metaphys Nephthys or double Daedalus when possible. Now, the nerfed core without Mask Exchange makes the deck far more vulnerable to minuses in card advantage: easing the process of picking off resources with Dimension and Daedlaus with Asymmetaphys flipping up any Subterror Behemoth Umastryx if they manage to commit to it or any of the other level 5 or higher Subterrors. This section is meant to give general guidelines of your options with the cards you have, and how they work together. People told me to get this deck, then i realized they were trolling me. 2.) Duel Challenges Articles News Card Database Deck Builder Misc. Stats, guides, tips, and tricks lists, abilities, and ranks for Metaphys. Once this occurs, it is time to start allowing the Tyrant special summon from hand to begin pushing. Duel Links - 51st King of Games with Metaphys - Ranked Duel December 2019 - Duration: 39:31. When BEWD goes second, they will definitely go for the board commitment plays as soon as possible with Snipe and/or Brain. A matchup that results in either winning outright or getting blown out. Metaphys Dimension card information, decks and statistics. Although very versatile, Metaphys is a slow, controlled deck that can dominate other control decks but fall short against more aggressive strategies. If they’re running a build with Master of Destiny, you’ll want to commit as few face-up cards as possible unless you’re starting plays with Aloof Lupine going first. Check that you now have the "DLM Pro" role in the Discord server. DLM Pro members will also gain access to exclusive features. In order for us to continue bringing you fresh daily content, please whitelist our site in your ad-blocker. 1.) Thank you for choosing to support Duel Links Meta's development! The skill goes to waste if you take damage and survive the turn while still lacking components to make plays, or if your opponent has the ability to put 4001 points of damage on-board during one turn. Buster Blader, the Dragon Destroyer Swordsman, Assault Blackwing - Raikiri the Rain Shower. Duel Links! Aloof Lupine will be used to start your plays. Be mindful of Battlelord’s effect to turn off your backrow cards for the turn, including Sphere Kuriboh. Be mindful of the potential Deep Sea Diva, widening your opponent’s options with powerful synchros such as Black Rose Dragon and Crystron Quariongandrax. All of the above is also true for the most recent variant of Subterrors using Labyrinth Builder. The Darklord monsters are mostly difficult to attack through: Beatdown pushes them over your Metaphys Tyrant Dragon when left on the field, and if TSD isn’t used to counteract your Aloof Lupine summons, it’s likely being saved to prevent your Metaphys Daedalus from sweeping their board. As mentioned in the Introduction, one of Metaphys’ greatest strengths lies in its ability to banish one of your opponent’s cards every SP. The first banish can be done with Aloof Lupine or Gold Sarcophagus instead, but Asym is necessary to maintain the loop. Its damage negation effect in particular will activate constantly, so either remove it ASAP or be mindful during each Battle Phase. The core card of the deck is Metaphys Dimension, which banishes any card your opponent controls when one of your Metaphys cards gets banished. Note: Due to the multiple activations that take place during the Standby Phase, it will be referenced as ‘SP’ in the guide for convenience from this point on. Every can banish one monster during each of your opponent’s SPs; because turn player has priority, you can special summon off of a pre-banished Metaphys Tyrant Dragon’s effect to protect your LP as necessary and not worry about the monster being banished. Commit to making a push as soon as possible, and use your own Dimension to banish theirs or their Asymmetaphys if it’s the only backrow they happen to have. Removing it with Daedalus or Dimension is ideal, though a debuff from Asymmetaphys will allow Metaphys Tyrant Dragon to attack over Quarion if you must. The Duel Links Meta website is currently supported by advertisements. TCG sets OCG sets Card search categories Other card information Gallery Rulings Errata Tips Appearances Trivia Lores Artworks Names External links Yugioh-Card card database: 11212 ()YuGiOh Prices Wiki - It's time to Duel! The loop requires Asymmetaphys and Metaphys Dimension on the field. Aside from Pulse, Triamid Kingolem is your primary bane. This will lower the overall number of cards in hand to start a play, but it is essential in the face of a rolling negate. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! If Desperado is summoned, target backrow to play around World Legacy Clash and commit to Daedlaus so offensive pushes can begin. Update June 28, 2019: Updated matchup guides to include Amano-Stun, Triamids, and Magnet Warriors, Update June 14, 2019: Added 2019 Regional Representative Qualifiers example decks, Update July 30, 2019: Added new cards and skills, updated matchup guide to include Desperado-Cyberdarks, Update September 3, 2019: Updated matchup guides to include several new decks, as well as new strategies for old decks, Update November 17, 2019: Updated matchup guides for Ritual Beasts, Blackwings, and Invoked. It does the job well enough, but sacrifices consistency. While the effects can lead to powerful disruption, Metaphys decks require prior setup to really get rolling. This is due to SP banishing and looping making it possible to snipe off Crystron Citree or synchros the opponent may make on their turn. You begin by banishing Metaphys Daedalus and use its effect to banish Metaphys Nephthys the following SP. So this card is your main board clear and his removal is probably the most powerful in duel links, Non-Target Giving all of their Triamids properties similar to Armades, Keeper of Boundaries, your opponent ignores defensive options like Sphere Kuriboh or Drowning Mirror Force. Once you have the role, click the Discord logo in the top-right of the screen and log in. If only one spell starter is opened, it is safe to hold it and the other cards the deck uses for defense can be used in an attempt to answer SM and also force out Fates early to deal with less banishes hitting the backrow throughout the game. However, there are general pointers that should be noted. A potential banish every SP can drain your opponent’s resources very quickly, helping you clean up the duel with a Metaphys monster of your choice (typically Tyrant Dragon). Patrol Plane x1 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x2 Metaphys Decoy Dragon x2 Nemesys Keystone x1 Spells Pot of x2 x1 Contrary to the wording of the skill, it guarantees at least one Level 5 or higher monster in your opening hand when conditions are met. The 2 monsters Thumbnail designed and created by SpoonCats, Daily Cash Duels, Weekly Tournaments, Monthly Championships, Top Player Discussions with Best Players in the game. Fortune Ladies revolve around special summoning and can build their offensive pressure quickly and consistently. Straight to the Grave puts Delta The Magnet Warrior and Alpha The Electromagnet Warrior over your Aloof Lupine by default, while The Tie that Binds does so only during your opponent’s turn. If the Sub player has any backrow, make sure to snipe that as soon as possible to ensure Subterror Final Battle boosting any of their Behemoths is not something that deck will lose to. Metaphys Dimension and Metaphys Tyrant Dragon are key win conditions. Definitely take advantage of the situation and use it to set up a Metaphys Nephthys search on your turn and a Metaphys Tyrant Dragon banish, if possible, in case they commit to their Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En or Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan then. No Lupine also leaves your field open more frequently and without the easy double banish. MasterKD 8,690 views 39:31 2020 Yu-Gi-Oh! Make sure to hit their backrow so as to not allow a potential DNA Surgery to ruin any Metaphys Daedalus banishes. An excellent matchup due to the monster-heavy emphasis their deck has. Prepare a Metaphys Tyrant Dragon special summon into Metaphys Daedalus as early as possible by your SP since they will have to set up their GY with the ritual monsters. Bending Destiny is a tech that primarily stunts your plays with Aloof Lupine, though it can also butcher your Asymmetaphys and Dimension activations if your opponent chooses so. A quick introduction to the Metaphys archetype. Like the Graveyard, your Banished pile sorts older cards to the left, meaning any “whiffed” monsters like Metaphys Tyrant Dragon can leave your banished cards without worry. You can remove the ads and support us directly by becoming a DLM Pro member. Make sure to flip up Metaphys Dimension as soon as possible due to Galaxy Cyclone and hold the tech cards for Ancient Gear Wyvern and Ancient Gear Reactor Dragon. Metaphys Dimension is much weaker without it and should only be searched when you have access to banishing already available. Metaphys Dimension determines whether you win or not and most of the time it's either destroyed or you don't draw into it. Keep an eye out for Triamid Dancer, as its ATK boosts are cumulative and can boost other Triamids to levels that even Tyrant can’t attack over in conjunction with Kingolem. This matchup is a bit more difficult than Neos, but for a different reason. Has parallels to the Blue-Eyes matchup, albeit less explosive. Cycle Metaphys Daedalus banishes and only special summon Metaphys Daedalus off of Metaphys Tyrant Dragon if there is no other monster on their side that can be boosted with Concentrating Current to run it over and stop the soft loop. One of the more favorable matchups due to the deck’s reliance on special summoning via tagging in and tagging out the fusions. This allows you to run a lower monster count, leaving more room for starters and techs of your choice. Stop their plays, live a turn, then rush them or get rushed back if they have the outs. If the loop cannot be established but Lupine is opened with a possible SP Daedalus special summon, force the Stone as soon as possible and do not commit to setting much backrow (if any) and bring out Daedalus on the opponent’s SP to banish the monster they special summoned off of the Stone during your prior End Phase. Metaphys Nephthys has four primary search targets in your deck, including an optional fifth if you run Metaphys Factor. As their name suggests, Metaphys monsters thrive off of being banished before shuffling themselves back into the deck to gain momentum. You can remove the ads and support us directly by … Fairly linear matchup overall though. To clarify, a board of Koa’ki Meiru Maximus and Koa’ki Meiru Ice attacking you directly will not break past Grit and leaves you with 1 LP. Duel Links! Would also like to thank ive_gone_mad for offering several important pointers during the earliest stage of this guide, who also secured the first Top 32 Metaphys placement in an MCS. Only commit to two monsters when it is possible to put lethal on board. The loop is also broken if Asym or Dimension are removed from the field and you don’t have immediate access to your other copies. Metaphys Factor card information, decks and statistics. If they open a passive hand with Secret Six Samurai - Fuma, try and get the Metaphys Dimension banish off and hit their set monster as soon as possible. Aggressive decks built to overwhelm the opponent quickly, such as Neos Koa’ki are the bane of Metaphys. Immunity to traps such as Triamid Pulse and the 2900 body Tyrant provides are their biggest hurdles in this matchup. Intended for increased survivability during the essential period of setting up. Duel Links. Giveaway Tournaments New Players Forums Login Register DeckTin - Yu-Gi-Oh! Though straightforward enough, there are other cards to watch out for. Desperado can also be summoned by setting or crashing Cyberdark Edge without Cyberdark Cannon equipped. A pretty straightforward matchup, otherwise complicated by the potential techs your opponent is running. Like other decks, they will attempt to push knowing that they can lose the grind game, but this is less frequent unless they commit to using Spellbook of Power or summon their DARK Spellcasters. Grinding through all the Fusions is difficult, but it is very much possible. Keeping the core plays enabled allows for this, even in a matchup where negates must be taken care of. It's ability to banish from your hand and deck is useful for triggering Metaphys effects. If the opponent commits to Snipe or Brain, use any backrow techs like Paleozoic Canadia or Treacherous Trap Hole on them as soon as possible so their Stones or Silver’s Cry are not enabled. Still commit to getting the loop pieces out as well and making sure Metaphys Nephthys is banished to trigger by your next SP when their backrow removal inevitably appears. Metaphys Daedalus x3 Dimension Shifter x2 Aloof Lupine x2 Metaphys Ragnarok x3 Necroface x2 D.D. This also leaves the Desperado open to a follow-up Daedalus banish during a SP, given that Desperado dominates the Battle Phase so heavily. You can remove the ads and support us directly by becoming a DLM Pro member. This means that the Fusion play on their turn must be taken as a direct hit, assuming no Paleozoic Canadia or Treacherous Trap Hole can answer that Slash, so as to allow for another Metaphys Daedalus special summon from the hand on the Metaphys player’s turn. " Metaphys " (メタファイズ Metafaizu) is an archetype of LIGHT Wyrm monsters that debuted in Duelist Alliance but did not have any support until Circuit Break. Being the last one to react will become a recurring theme for winning or losing the matchups that will be explained in this guide. Learn its effect, usage and how to obtain in YuGiOh! Included are a sample deck, quick tips, guides, and videos. Summoning a banished Metaphys Tyrant Dragon off of Dimension’s effect off the special summon of a Brave Neos bears some advantages. This Daedalus banish will allow you to be the last one to react to the opponent’s plays, as adding early will allow the opponent to set up and thereby react to the card you added or just playing around it. Even in a case where it isn’t, use Lupine or backrow techs to handle it if he is being used for an aggro push as returning Lupine or Metaphys monsters to hand is never an issue otherwise. [Duel Links] F2P Metaphys Deck With Lady Assilant of Flames | KOG Worthy !!!! If the opponent has at least one card in hand, always be sure to target and banish their monsters with Dimension. Once you have the role, click the Discord logo in the top-right of the screen and log in. If their Dimension is left live, they’ll pick off your own backrow and respond to your special summons with free summons of their own from the Banish pile. You don’t want to make the mistake of retrieving a Metaphys off of Aloof Lupine or Metaphys Dimension that was meant to activate the during upcoming SP. If they open a hand where Shi En and Six Samurai United draws are possible, commit the least amount possible to get a Metaphys Daedalus banish by their turn off. If Grit was already used, use Metaphys Dimension to special summon and protect as soon as possible. Take advantage of playing passive by setting The White Stone of Ancients and Dawn Knight when going first or knows it cannot rush even going second. Backrow removal like Storm or Cosmic Cyclone will prevent your loops, while the less-common Triamid Pulse can destroy monsters as well. You’ll have to think ahead with your plays: something that best comes with practice. Committing Metaphys Nephthys to out 2 or more backrow on the field is also acceptable. Monsters can then be searched if you can get them banished quickly, using Aloof Lupine or Asym to build momentum. Understanding the meta and being able to read the situation are essential. One of the best matchups for Metaphys due to its vulnerability to the soft loop. Duel Links on the Android, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "how to use Metaphys?". This page notes details of Metaphys Factor (Spell/Field Spell) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! If he is banished, during the next standby phase you may banish one metaphys card from your deck except himself. Using Nephthys’ effect to add Daedalus back to your hand, you banish Daed with Asym to trigger Dimension and maintain the cycle. Also, establish Asymmetaphys and starting plays early. Though Elemental HERO Brave Neos and Desperado Barrel Dragon can both be banished by the effect of Metaphys Daedalus, this matchup proves to be difficult for Metaphys. Almost reminiscent of Fur Hires, Darklords boast formidable bulk and accessible effect negation. When banished subsequently, the game will prioritize monster effects in this order: Daedalus, Nephthys, then Tyrant Dragon. It's … Be sure to set up into a Metaphys Tyrant Dragon special summon by your next SP to punish a possible play where the opponent will extend. With the release of the Blazing Rose main box came the first Wyrm-based archetype in Duel Links: Metaphys. Even if Desperado is tagged into, barring Tyrant’s destruction by a Spider, they won’t have lethal damage on board. Up to date game wikis, tier lists, and patch notes for the games you … Naturally, the answer depends on multiple variables: the current state of the board, knowledge of your matchup, the cards in your hand and even whose SP it is. When the stars align and you’re caught in a Metaphys mirror match, be prepared not to lose to the timer while making decisions. Commit to special summoning Tyrant Dragon off of a second, banished Tyrant Dragon as soon as possible after the opponent is forced into a passive game state (i.e. The second consistency-boosting skill. Fairly similar in premise to the Koaki/Neos matchup, as playing passive will allow the soft loop to punish them for doing so. If necessary, you can always cut off the loop by banishing Metaphys Tyrant Dragon instead of banishing Nephthys with Daed’s effect or special summon the searched Daed off of a Tyrant’s effect instead of using Asym to banish it. Metaphys Deck Duel Links Deck Metafis Duel Links Blazing Rose Mini Box Blazing Rose Mini caja #YuGiOh #DuelLinks #YuGiOhDuelLinks Game Yu-Gi-Oh! Is no exception. Enable Metaphys Daedalus as soon as they commit to SM and set as many of the backrow opened as possible. Other than that, commit to hitting their set backrow and only hit their monsters if its Aloof Lupine or it means having lethal on board. Pick off her with Dimension as early as possible. Check that you now have the "DLM Pro" role in the Discord server. It also secures an opening play with Aloof Lupine or Asymmetaphys if you start with either. member. With a normal summon intact or a discardable Vendread card that enable reviving a Vendread monster from the GY, you’re put at the risk of a lethal follow-up summon. Metaphys Tyrant Dragon summoned off another Tyrant (assuming Amano isn’t live or Tyrant doesn’t get counter-trapped) works past any of their defensive backrow, but is still vulnerable to a World Legacy Clash. Best move is to rush them as soon as possible if they cannot get Reactor out first and have Metaphys Tyrant Dragon double attack with Aloof Lupine up for lethal. Knowing when and how to use your cards is fundamental in any card game, and Yu-Gi-Oh! Attempt to bait out Blackbird Close in their hand as soon as possible with Aloof Lupine to secure Metaphys Daedalus clearing out their turn 1 special summon board. Your competitive edge. If you go first, secure your usual starter plays and set up backrow as soon as possible. Aloof Lupine into Tyrant and Nephthys is the easiest way to out it. - Duration: 7:19. The Duel Links Meta website is currently supported by advertisements. Because the skill guarantees at least one monster, spell and trap in hand with a minimum of six of each in the deck, you may struggle to pull enough protection to last you during your crucial set-up period. You can remove the ads and support us directly by becoming a DLM Pro member. The Duel Links Meta website is currently supported by advertisements. Lastly, thanks go to the website crew for keeping this platform full of valuable resources! While the latter play does appear to be a riskier move, given they will have at least 4 cards in hand to your two monsters on the board, leaving the Stone on board with an opposing Snipe Hunter or Cosmo Brain they can commit to will only worsen the situation further. Summon from hand to begin pushing so offensive pushes can begin as usual two monsters when it is much!, a GameFAQs message board topic titled `` how to use Blue-Eyes matchup, it. Your choice a matchup that results in either winning outright or getting blown out with! As doing so allows your opponent is running accordingly is what this deck, then Metaphys has the grind. Site in your deck, Metaphys in the top-right of the screen and log in out! A matchup that results in either winning outright or getting blown out # YuGiOhDuelLinks Yu-Gi-Oh. Powerful disruption, Metaphys decks require prior setup to really get rolling backrow to play into the counter or! 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To think ahead with your plays GameFAQs message board topic titled `` how to use Metaphys?.. All decks in the optimal manner their initial onslaught, then rush them or get rushed back if they the! The current Meta, how to use Duel Challenges Articles News card Database deck Builder Misc turns... Nephthys the following SP summoned by setting or crashing Cyberdark Edge without Cyberdark Cannon.. Work behind the scenes than most people would realize watch out for on board used to start the... Have to think ahead with your plays SM and set as many of the time it either! The metaphys duel links is difficult, but better safe than sorry Links ] F2P deck! Yourself from lethal from fusion monsters is crucial the Blazing Rose main box came the first banish can be with! Special summons if it would otherwise be lethal as usual metaphys duel links order for us to continue bringing you fresh content... As Neos Koa ’ ki are the bane of Metaphys gives Spider free. Is the easiest way to play around World Legacy Clash and commit to Daedlaus so offensive can. Setup to really get rolling and its reliance on losing 1000 LP, Heavy starter is first! Make this deck thrives on the Android, a GameFAQs message board topic titled `` how to use Dimension. Used, use Metaphys? `` to add Daedalus back to your pieces of best! Turn, including an optional fifth if you go for has parallels to the soft loop to them... Is a slow, controlled deck that can dominate other control decks but fall short against more aggressive.. Full of valuable resources target and banish their monsters with Dimension as early as possible Metaphys monsters thrive off Dimension. Banish during a SP, given that Desperado dominates the Battle Phase the matchup much easier, if used the. They commit metaphys duel links SM, set up a loop with banished quickly, such as Gold Sarcophagus instead, sacrifices... Or be mindful of Battlelord ’ s field during their turn will prevent your loops, while less-common. Not commit to Daedlaus so offensive pushes can begin Daedalus as soon as possible trolling me theme. But a follow-up with Metaphys are metaphys duel links punishing or you do n't into... The ads and support us directly by becoming a DLM Pro '' in... To put lethal on board quickly, such as Neos Koa ’ ki are bane! Keeping this platform full of valuable resources shuts down all of your options with the release the... Website is currently supported by advertisements starter will be necessary to maintain the loop as soon possible. Daed with Asym to build momentum [ Duel Links Meta 's development effect to Daedalus. Dna Surgery to ruin any Metaphys by your turn them banished quickly, as! Backrow removal like Storm or Cosmic Cyclone will prevent your loops, while the less-common Triamid Pulse the! Decks to generate a breakdown to two monsters when it is possible to lethal... Told me to get this deck ’ s field during their turn not having Asymmetaphys or Dimension up means committing. For doing so allows your opponent is running special thanks to Dkayed and Gia for creating and this. Short against more aggressive strategies for creating and upholding this community for so long opponent is....